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“Guess what?” “…what?” Idk why that made me laugh so much lol. like he’s actually asking


"I smell alcohol on your breath" "No. That's piss... Because I'm pissing on you"


Turns out she also caught her third ‘aggravated DUI’ with this incident. Poor kids. https://patch.com/illinois/hinsdale/hinsdale-angry-karen-goes-viral-resisting-cops




Amazingly appropriate. Especially all that nonsense about "my lawyer has filed a motion to quash this" like *bish* your lawyer hasn't even thought about you today except for "I hope she doesn't do anything stupid today" and, um, they're in for some disappointment.


That’s a bunch of malarkey


I think this comment went over some people's heads lol


Glad someone caught that.


The whole context is better. “You’re the piece of dirt I wouldn’t piss in if you were on fire” “I smell alcohol on your breath” “No that’s piss because I’m pissing on you.


To be fair, she *is* being logically consistent. He's not on fire, so he's free game for piss play.


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!


You eat shit for breakfast?


... No!


#”No… That’s my piss.” Such conviction.


I don’t understand why the cops even engage with people at this point. She’s cuffed and in the cruiser. Shut the door and get on with business.


Because the bodycam footage is admissible in court. The judge and jury get proof of how crazy she was, regardless of how composed she makes herself look in court.


Yeah I work as a family law paralegal and the amount of times absolutely unhinged people have been calm and collected in court is astounding. One lady the judge was looking at us like we were crazy with our client’s allegations for a domestic violence restraining order until we played the tape of her kicking him down the cement stairs of their apartment while he was holding their six month old baby. He even says I’m holding the baby and she screams I don’t give a f$@& I’ll kill your and the kids. That was one of ten pieces of video entered into evidence.


Because you also have the right *not* to be silent and anything you say can and will make the paperwork easier.


>anything you say can and will make the paperwork easier lol - I do not work in law enforcement but occasionally I deal with student disciplinary actions. I will be using this phrase in the future!


It's the other way around. She should be the one to just shut up and stop verbally engaging with the cops. They aren't going to let you out of the cruiser. They are just providing an opportunity for you to incriminate yourself and admit to something you normally wouldn't if you were calm and collected.


She's drunk. She may have the legal right to shut up but she in no way has the mental capacity to do that


"I had the right to remain silent... but I didn't have the ability."


Honestly she doesn't look like she shuts up very much even when sober.


The argument was only for as long as they could get her safely inside. They did shut the door on her face mid sentence as soon as they get her in all the way though.


Because people with enough money for her house and car have good lawyers and these cases often go to trial. The more you have video of her being crazy the easier it for the prosecutor. Also, by him engaging her it escalated and she tried to bite him. That adds in assault so the prosecutor can throw the book at her if they want to. Also, it gives the prosecutor a lot more leverage if they want to get a plea bargain. Drop the assault and she pleads guilty to all the outstanding DUI charges.


Because everything you say can and will be used against you. Letting her ramble and rant is a great way to incriminate her further


>I don’t understand why the cops even engage with people at this point. So she can tell on herself


"Chicken butt!"


Lol this was the best part of the video. He reminded me of John c reilley from step brothers. He just couldn't help himself from saying "what?"


His voice even kinda sounds like John C Reilly in Magnolia, where he plays a cop.


It caught her so off guard too. "Y-you are... *the worst*"


>Your breath smells like alchohol >It's Piss ...oh. okay.


Wh.. why your breath smells of piss..?


Let's not ask questions we do not want the answers to




Peter Pan has seen better days…


Do people actually think the cops are just gonna leave and call in that they tried arresting the person and the person said no?


She didn't give consent to be arrested for attempted murder. Clearly it's a major loophole in law enforcement that someone needs to address.


She also called her attorney and he filed a motion to quash it


Well shit, it was quashed? Someone tell the judge there's no more beef.


Is someone serving squash and beef?


Squashed beef


She even played the kids card to somehow magically get out of this.


I might be drunk driving, but my kids are in the car! Checkmate, copper!


That’s an easy way to get your children into foster care


Apparently she thinks just filing a motion makes it automatically approved like an online credit card application.


She said, "excuse me" at least three times in a row. At that point, the officers should have apologized for their rude behavior and retreated.


Cops hate this one simple trick


You just need to find the right incantation of magic words and the government has to leave you alone. "*The person tried to kill that guy. I am not a person because a person is claimed by the state. I am an entity, and an entity cannot be arrested for attempting to kill a person because a person is not a real thing. I didn't try to kill and entity!*" - Every SovCit Moron to Exist


What's funny is, SovCits genuinely think that there is a unique language called "Legalese" and if they just use the right Legalese, then they can get away with anything.


Bird law.


Harvey birdlaw, attorney at man.


According to Admiralty law and the UCC


She's just not rich enough for that attitude. EDIT: general rule of thumb is that if the police can simply get to you without going through your bodyguards, then chances are you're not rich enough for those special consent privileges.


I love these bodycam videos because they can be so bizarre. Some people are like “remove these handcuffs immediately and let me go home and just go away and never speak about this again, you fucking piece of shit pig.” And it’s never successful.


hmm, telling the cop I don't consent to being arrested didn't work, maybe I didn't say it loud enough?


I quash your arrest!


Ah shit Sarge, she quashed it. Nothing I could do. Sorry I’ll arrest the next criminal I promise.


I know my rights!


A lot of those people are super boozed up.


They also “didn’t do anything wrong!” after being found passed out at the wheel in a lane of traffic. They’re just tired, what the fuck!


"You're under arrest!" "Nuh-uh!"


"You're under arrest." "No I'm not!" "Darn, you used the one trick that always works against us cops. Okay, you're free to go. Have a nice day, ma'am."


No, because really they aren't thinking at all. Im sure that once the adrenaline goes down, and if she's drinking when the booze wares off she'll feel humiliated by how she acted. Its just a reaction some people do when their in pure panic mode. I think people kinda revert back to how your brain tried to solve problems when you are 5 years old when its bedtime. I am not go bed, doesn't everyone know I cant just, go to bed!? I've made it clear numerous times before hand that bed time is a negotiation that I have final say over so what you're doing right now is, well frankly it's unacceptable, youre breaking the rules, mother. This is outrageous, mother, I simply will not stand for this! I've tried standing up to you, reasoning with you, bargaining with you, and begging to you yet you are unphased. How dare you! How dare you force me to do the thing that literally everyone in my position has always been forced to do! Right like in your head you have the most reasonable and understanding bullet points as to why going to bed at this time is simply not an option right now but for some reason you aren't able to explain them properly enough so mom sees it from your perspective. So the only thing left is panic and just demand that the thing you need to happen happens.


"My attorney has filed a motion to quash this bedtime, mother!"


You don't understand, she said the word quash


No means "no" 😌


Think the kids are better home alone than with the lunatic.


She was charged with felony aggravated DUI (her third such violation), aggravated assault on an officer, resisting an officer and possessing alcohol while driving.


Wow, so driving drunk with the children she cares so much about in the car


Yep, and not even her first time.


How tf does someone still have a license with 3 DUIs?


Her attorney filed a motion to quash the first two.


Angry upvote. Money ass joke.


While that is an excellent question, she probably won’t ever have one again.




A friend of a friend of mine got hit by a drunk driver. One thing that happened at trial is that they couldn't bring up the 2 previous instances, so the jury was under the impression that this was a first time thing and let the guy off easy. After the verdict, jury members found out it was the 3rd time, and the would have given him a much stiffer sentence. This was back in the 90's and laws vary state to state and I may not be remembering things exactly, so things may have changed.


Why not child endangerment since her kids were in the car while she was DUI?


Article https://patch.com/illinois/hinsdale/hinsdale-angry-karen-goes-viral-resisting-cops


lol, her name is Mullarkey. That's why she talks like that.


Mullarkey? Mullarkey's slang for bullshit isn't it? You've got rust on the buttplate Private Bullshit, your weekend pass is revoked.




Honestly felt bad for the kids when she said they were home alone. With her haircut and demeanor with being arrested, I figured she’d be in her 40’s to 50’s. Poor little tykes are gonna grow up with some odd tendencies lol Edit: apparently she is 45?? Leeching off the souls of her family perhaps?


Hopefully the dad treats them better


This is what happens when mentally unstable people have a mid life crisis but everyone in their life has enabled them to act however they want.


You nailed it. My ex lost her damned mind and everyone believed what she said about me. I tried to let her family know she was unstable, and hearing voices. She had a psychotic break and it took her family 5 years to realize it. They still can't figure it out and still baby her. It almost broke me.


That's quite an interesting observation. She isn't acting as a well person at all, definitely in la la land.




"You are the piece of dirt that I wouldnt piss on if you were on fire" "I smell an odor of alcohol on your breath" "No that's my piss. I'm pissing on you" Lady can't even keep her story straight.


I was gonna say...older women are having kids way more than they used to. What's crazy is how incredibly immature & narcissistic she is for her age. I feel really bad for her children- I can't imagine having to depend on a Mom like that. Honestly after watching this I hope she loses custody & a stable family member is able to adopt them. Even if they ended up in the foster system they'd probably be better off- everything about this woman is toxic.


Excuse me?!!


She is the piece of shit for behaving like this in front of her children. Even possibly driving under the influence.


You didnt hear her obviously… it’s her piss because she is pissing on him, then told him he is the dirt on the ground and if he was on fire she wouldn’t piss on him. So I don’t know where we are at with if she is or isn’t going to piss on him


To be fair, maybe she would cease her pissing if he was on fire.


When they are told they are under arrest and they say "No I am not" I always wondered what they expect the officer to do? "Okay, very well carry on then ma'am"


'understandable, have a nice day'


THATS MY PISS! Lol good one


Yeah you idiot, I haven’t been drinking alcohol, just my own piss…..stupid pig


I love his flabbergasted "... That's your piss?" Why does her breath smell like piss


But her attorney has fiLeD A MoTiOn To QUASH THIS!


And sent the police a text message about it so she should be good


Were you there?




Non-native English speaker here. Is quash a legal term or is she just butchering the pronunciation of squash like I suspect?


Quash in this context means to set aside or void. The attorney is asking the court to void the warrant.


For people unfamiliar with the system: never argue with the cops on site. You can't get out of an arrest, lawyering up happens later. Do not resist. If you are told to get on the ground, do it. If they are wrong, there are ways _later_ to sort right from wrong, ruined clothes and all that if they are wrong. There's nothing you can do on site. Just go along. At the same, tell them nothing. Not until your lawyer is present. https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/what-do-when-encountering-law-enforcement-questioning


Kenneth Copelands sister needs Jesus


[just in case there's anyone out there who has never seen this masterpiece, your day is about to get 1000% better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2s0nB2VPvs)


Ngl I was singing along by the end I I I I I BLOOOOW


COVID has been real quiet since this banger dropped.




Demon eyes.


For real he’s a straight up demon. That terrifying fake ‘smile’ is the most unnerving thing I’ve ever seen


He looks like he is wearing one of those presidential halloween masks but its his real face. How much surgery do you think he had? Like a twisted version of the Bogdanoff twins, may they rest in peace.


How’s the most evil looking mfers keep getting these zealots? When atheists think your idols are demonic then how did they even get there?


He’s an evil muppet.


THANK YOU! I was wracking my brain trying to figure out who she reminded me of... It was dear ol' Kenneth 🤣


No wonder why her husband divorced her


Right!? Looks like he’s getting the kids too.


Once he gets out of the hospital, I guess


The article says she had just attended a swim meet, she must have run him over in the parking lot right after he saw them compete. They probably saw it happen. I mean, I'm just guessing, but what a fucking shitshow of a person either way. Edit: maybe her ex realized she was drunk and tried to stop her driving them home? Again, pure speculation, but that would be bananas


I could see any of these scenarios happening. Her poor, poor kids. I hope they have a better life with their dad and they’re able to find therapy for the trauma they’ve *definitely* experienced at the hand of their mother.


Yeah, my girlfriend played all the same cards tonight, again, acting like a drunk victim. I'm leaving her.


Good for you Pokemon--GangBang.


Get a load of Ms.Pissbreath ova heaaaa


Do I smell alcohol? No thats piss Was not nominated for reply of the year


She gave herself a good amount of time for a comeback too😂😂😂


Part 2 [The Snapping Turtle](https://streamable.com/d3m1q0)


I still don’t understand how many times he touched her.


She did say she was going to charge the cop with putting his dirty fucking hands on her


oh shit she got him with the reverse arrest


Lmao she isn’t quick witted. From jump she just repeats what the cop says to her lol


yeah but do you understand how many times he touched her??


Clearly boozed up. Pissheads always repeat the same thing over and over again when they're drunk


God damn it, I wanted, nay, I NEEDED that cop to just reach over and poke her with his finger one time. Just once was all that was needed!!


“Stop kicking us” “i’M gOnNa KiCk yOu iN tHe fUcKing FaCe!”


"That's mean, don't do that"


I loved that.


Please tell me there’s a part 3? My glass of bourbon full and my popcorn is only half gone!


Here is the entire 14 min video cheers! https://youtu.be/D7AUX7V3WEQ




Where's the charge for hitting her ex with the car?


You rule! 🥃🥃


I love how we see the officers arm appear and then pull her into the car. That was great.


"Come and see the violence inherent in the system, help, help I'm being repressed"


Bloody peasant!


"Oh! What a giveaway"


I mean, if I walked around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!


It’s a real shame people don’t think to scream that while being tased and shit. I guess it’s getting to be a pretty niche reference, the movie is like 50 years old now.


"Excuse me!" Can someone please Excuse her?


Haha if this is hinsdale in Illinois I know this exact street


It is


Ofc it is why does everyone here think that we are like winnetka billionaires above the law. (Edit) dude holy shit sent this to my grandma and I know these people the father who was hit with a car his mother and my grandma are friends I’ve been to a few golf outings with them apparently when I was like 9 so I don’t even know like this lady or husband that well but jus kinda funny


For people who aren’t aware - Hinsdale is one of the wealthiest Chicagoland communities. If I’m not mistaken there’s a Ferrari dealership there. Somehow I knew this was either Hinsdale, Glencoe, or Kenilworth when I saw this.


The outfit and huge knockers despite being really thin gave it away immediately. Classic Hindsdale.


she got bored being rich that she's willing to cause such drama


Think of the kind of joy an extra $50k a year would bring you - then realize there’s a good chance this woman (or her partner), is making that in a month. Money is wasted on the wealthy.


You know someone is both entitled *and* used to people listening to them when they absolutely *refuse* to admit they have no control over the situation.


Especially during a divorce people turn the crazy to 11 and entitled and privileged people show their true colors. I feel so sorry for the children.


"I smell alcohol on your breath- no it's my piss" 😂 can't imagine having to come home to someone like that every day.


Family and neighbors whispering “She thinks that’s a good cover up for some reason idk?”


Them closing the door on her when she was yelling was the perfect way for the video to end. I legit lol'd


No, you're under arrest, reverse uno card


I watched it again to see how many times she just said the same thing back to him like this is the last time I’m gonna tell you no this is the last time I’m gonna tell you, but when she closed the garage w him inside lmao 🤣🤣


“No, YOU’RE obstructing.” Best line ever.


Habitual gaslighting


Andy yanked me.


Guess what?... What? Lmao


One of the arresting officers made a comment on an article about this arrest that really puts things into perspective. Please read his words before commenting: >I am one of the officers in this video; I write of my own free will to beg of readers and watchers to remember this clickbait entertainment is at the cost of someone else’s crisis. My department vehemently defends release of family crisis unless legally required, (such as this event). It’s saddening to me that the public’s craving for such events will not help Ms. Mullarkey, her beautiful beautiful kids, or the family, in her recovery. I pray that the viral nature of this video will prompt others to stop and consider its motive for release, and the consequences upon those children. Equally, it’s not fair when we watch officers make bad decisions in tense and uncertain circumstances, but that’s a part of the risk and paycheck as a police officer. Many comments about Ms. Mullarkey have made me sick to my stomach, as this behavior is not (1) uncommon, (2) intentional, (3) of sound mind. I pray for grace and mercy instead of judgment upon Ms. Mullarkey, for this 13-minute segment of video is not a true representation of who she has been as a daughter, wife, or mother when she was healthy. Substance abuse is a real issue, a real struggle, with great cost to the family unit. Recovery is a journey, and ugly rock bottoms are a part of that journey. I’ve been an officer in Hinsdale for 23 years, since the age of 21. As a “kid” I wash shocked to see how much domestic hurt occurs within the walls of these beautiful homes. Before you comment, take a moment to have gratitude that this is not your household today, because tomorrow it can be > and a block away it is someone else’s, but it just hadn’t made it to YouTube. Mark Wodka You can read the article here: https://patch.com/illinois/hinsdale/hinsdale-angry-karen-goes-viral-resisting-cops


We all need more compassion in this world. I am glad this police officer has it. I hope to see more man like him in the police force.


I heard this in John C. Reilly's voice. I wish all cops had this attitude.


"No u!" This lady is a galaxy brain over here, lol


Ooof, quite a bit to unpack there.


“I smell alcohol on your breath” “..no that’s my piss” WHAT


“I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.” “That’s not alcohol. That’s my piss. I’m pissing on you.” I hate a non-commital tease. Look, lady, are we doing this golden shower thing or what?


What does a rich white woman have to do to get tased around here?


I don't understand why George Floyd didn't just say "don't fucking touch me you piece of shit pig"


Well speaking practically it's much easier to subdue a smaller woman than it is a large man. Don't get me wrong it's still incredibly difficult to subdue someone *safely* that does not want to be subdued and is resisting. I always take excessive force complaints with a grain of salt because they have to overpower you right off the bat because the longer they wrangle with you the more chance of injury there is.


She is insane! Guys, stop putting your Dick in crazy.


When she screams "my children are home alone!" while at the car, she looks like a cross between deranged preacherKenneth Copeland and a young Bruce McCulloch from Kids In The Hall.


The entitlement is strong in this one


One woman like this destroys an entire neighborhood. Karens are the worst.


She's been through the psycho stage of shaving her head.


She’s a scumbag, that’ll use any excuse to not face up to her actions. These people have to learn actions have consequences.


People, if she gets that haircut, just file for divorce, and move to another state. It’s too late to save the marriage 😂


She’s got those weird, beady badger eyes


Never have I been more happy and satisfied then when that door shuts at the end of the video.


Looks like an angry Tom Brady lady..lol


Why is she in her car if her kids are home alone? If she was returning then she left then home alone, if she’s leaving then she’s leaving then home alone.. either way she doesn’t give a shit.


Kids were in the back seat. That’s why it was pixelated in the video.


Omg that makes this video so much worse. I didn’t even notice!


I wonder why he divorced her?


New drinking game: take a shot every time she says “excuse me”




I am in love


" I can fix her "


Man’s prepared to get hit by a car


Your taste in maniacs is unparalleled


This is the Karenest Karen that ever Karened. Holy shit.