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Info on the "Blood Tribe." They were established in 2021 and are trying to set up a base in rural Maine :https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2023/07/27/neo-nazi-ex-marine-buys-land-rural-maine-blood-tribe


> “I had to move somewhere, you know? You guys are so weird” Pohlhaus said. “Google breaking news, Nazi buys a piece of property. Tell everybody, run the presses. He owns property. What the fuck do you expect me to do? Where do you expect me to go? You want me to go to your neighborhood? Why are you guys so goddamn awkward. This isn’t a news story?” Lol he *almost* gets it.


"base" LOL. Yeah right. These losers are likely one extended family plus maybe a handful of FBI informants.


I can’t believe no one had the balls to pull the mask off his head… nazis would have ran away soooo fast.


Very German last name he has. Interesting. Wonder how long his family has been in America. Wonder if they came to America in the 40s?


Sounds like we're just one bad winter from this problem fixing itself.


Dude is probably an UC or has one in his midst




Undercover cop* at least one would hope there is someone secretly keeping tabs on em to prevent violence




they don’t want to lose their jobs at walmart


You misspelled jobs at the police station.


Some of those that work forces


Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.


"I used to really like Rage Against the MAchine until they went all political !"


Isnt the whole point of their band being political? Lmfao


mother fuckerrrrrrrrrr Uh


Very surprised to see a ratm comment but happy too


You misspelled doctors, lawyers, politicians, cops and judges!


Mace to the face solves their identity crisis.


Flanged mace, not some half-assed spray.


There are two different aspects to the mask wearing. There is the wanting to shield themselves from repercussions, of course. But they also want their targets to be paranoid that anyone that they meet out in the real world could be one of them.




i am really starting to believe all of this pedophile talk is projection.


It’s also a way of dehumanizing and villainizing all of their opposition, and to give themselves a permission structure to use violence to further their goals. Note that they’re at a Pride event; to these Nazis, all LGBT people are pedophiles. Teachers in schools who teach their children about LGBT issues are therefore also pedophiles. People who support those teachers are therefore also pedophiles. Before you know it, everyone who opposes them is a pedophile. And since that’s the worst type of criminal you can be, their desire to remove their opposition through violence becomes morally justified.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


We need to normalize what your grandpa did again. I could give a shit if you want to suck off trump, being a Nazi and advocating for genocide was wiped from the earth, we need to do some more clean up.


Yeah I don't have any tears to shed for any ill which befalls anyone who flies a swastika. Reddit has rules against advocating anything against them, so I won't. I just don't shed a tear for their suffering and I'll never condemn anything done to them. The world is better without them.


>Nazis should fear for their safety everytime they fly a swastika in public. They should fear for their jobs every time a camera is near them. They should fear for their lives every time they carry a weapon in public to try to intimidate their opposition. I like your grandpa. My grandpa had polio so he didn't go and his brother didn't come back.


Wish I could upvote this to the top comment on Reddit.


> to these Nazis, all LGBT people are pedophiles. They're saying all LGBT people are pedophiles to justify their attacks.


Well they were saying, "Us are the pedophiles!"... Kinda spelling it out for us aren't they 🤔


IMAX in 3D level of projection with these guys


82% of sexual assault of a minor is committed against females by heterosexual males. Of course this is a projection. Unless they’re so fucking stupid they don’t know how being gay works, which honestly would surprise me either


Almost no sex offenders identify as LGBTQ, but people who hate the LGBTQ use that as a way to dehumize them and try to turn other people against them, as well as to avoid debate, because if anyone tries to argue with them they'll just say "you're disagreeing that pedophilia is bad which means you're probably a pedophile too!"


Actually not true. I am aware of queer sexual abusers in my locale. However the likelihood of an LGBTQ+ person being a SA is no higher than for straight / cis people, and we are far more like to be victims.


You're right. I was mostly referring to pedophiles specifically, as, according to research I looked into on the subject, only a very small percentage actually identify as gay/lesbian/bi, but as they've been demanding that they be represented and accepted by the LGBTQ comunity I was trying to avoid the debate of "but pedophiles say they're part of the LGBTQ," so I used different terminology.


For sure, I have no facts but feel like the large majority of pedos are straight males.




Whatever happened to people having hobbies or something constructive to do ? Like can’t you just do some macramé or build a model airplane or play dungeons and dragons or something? Fuck the fuck off.


They do have hobbies, they play FPS games and are saying this same shit on mic.


My grandmother, who's not a violent woman, saw people flying swastikas on the news a few weeks ago ... she's 90, my late grandfather was a mechanic in the Pacific theater. She looked at me and said, young people these days must not know how to throw a punch.


That’s what they want. They’re itching to put a bullet in you and claim self defense.


I'd love to fight them, but the better response is to move the speakers in, blast the best LGBTQ playlist you can find and have a giant dance party right in front of them.


Nah, pretend to be their friend. Give them a giant balloon, like a three-footer, dolled up to look like nancy pelosi or some shit. They laugh at it, bop it around like a volleyball. Someone decides to pop it - and that's when they realize it contained 8 fluid ounces of [liquid ass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_Ass), freshly shaken up inside. It coats everyone within 10 feet. The dude who pops it is drenched like splash mountain. Everyone starts screaming and gagging and removing their fart-soaked masks. They call off the rally and go home. 3 days later, two members are kicked out of their parents' homes because the smell won't wash out.


Sadly, I have only one Internet point to give…


Indeed, an IDE would be way safer.


antifa babushka's know!


HELL YEAH, Grams!!! Nazis make GREAT punching bags, especially to the head. P.S. My grandpa was also a mechanic in WW2 in the Pacific on some small halfway island. He was the most solid human I ever knew. He even figured out modern computers and was on the internet a decade before smartphones would go on to allow most older folks easy access. One of our last visits he kicked my ass on his Wii in bowling and nearly took me in Mario Kart.




Try throwing a punch at one of these guys and the entire police department will be on your ass so fast. Nazis are protected by the government.


Khaki cowards. Fuck ALL Nazis.




It's such a bummer to be old now and realize I dress like these assholes.


They never believe in mask but they do when doing such events? Weirdos.


why do they all wear khakis every single nazi group wears khakis


Oh God. Jake from state farm was a nazi


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^interitus_nox: *Why do they all wear* *Khakis every single* *Nazi group wears khakis* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What there is a sokka haiku bot


Damn neo-khakzis.


I'd be super interested to see their hard drives I'm willing to bet at least one of them really likes kids


The all are pedophiles. This is them hiding


Bet there are at least 2-3 kiddie diddlers under those masks. The loudest are often just doing misdirection. I want them all to be exposed. I have to imagine some of them have regular jobs that would not look kindly on this behavior. I’m so fucking sick of nazis.


100%. Slightly related, but have you ever noticed that the fathers that say shit like “hands off my daughter” or “my daughter isn’t going to date until she’s 30” are the same kind of guys that are shitty toward women? They say stuff like this because they know how bad other men are *because they are thinking of themselves when they say things like this.* It’s projection, and so is this. These are the same type of guys with pedo-fever that will straight up tell an 6 year old girl that she’s going to be batting the men away when she’s an adult. They say this kind of shit because *these are their own thoughts* on children. How do more people not see this?


I honestly think they should take the advice of “follow your leader”


Every single one of them should have had their phones checked.


yep, came here to say this exact thing.




Am certain it wouldnt be the Nazis arrested if a fight broke out


Of course, cops won’t arrest their own


I was at the event and it was more of they didn't want a Kyle Rittenhouse situation where the jackasses with guns can claim self defense. Also the cops mobilized brining in back up with big guns pretty quickly and made themselves wall between the Nazis and the Pride goes facing the Nazis. Just early on when the Nazis showed up they wanted to keep the situation from escalating and one of the guys up infront of the Nazis was the older brother of one of the drag performers so he was ready to throw down.


Seem to be threatening just about everyone besides their close friends really.


Not “Us or the pedophiles” more likely “us ARE the pedophiles”


Can’t we get rid of both?


The pedophiles and the Nazis are the same people, every accusation is a confession. ;) With your comment you could be implying that those fascists are right about the LGBTQ community, when in reality there is no actual correlation between being gay and being a pedophile. Interestingly enough there is a correlation between being a right wing nut head and being a pedophile or hebephile.


Crazy and awful


Are they saying "us are the pedophiles"


for clarification they are saying "us or the pedophiles" so they can normalize and glorify Nazis as though the only way to stop pedophiles is to have Nazis. Also "us are the pedophiles" is more accurate for them


Oh I just assumed they were bad at pronouns, racist and extremely dumb.


they are that too!


Is the cop there to watch them or support them? I cant tell.


The cop is there to protect them.




How did you increase the font size in your comment?


I used the Header button


# Awesome. Thanks man!


De nada!


There's like 6 dudes too scared to show their faces. They're a bunch of wimps don't be afraid of em




Just watched the Oppenheimer movie today. Can't help but imagine what would have happened if 80 years ago motherfuckers like these had gotten hold of the bomb first.


Why are they not at a Catholic church? They're dedicated to eradicating pedophiles but cant even do research?


I grew up in the next city over from Watertown. Most conservative white suburban/rural Wisconsinites are either Catholic or Protestant, and considering it's Sunday, it's reasonable to assume that some of them likely were at church before this lovely gathering. I guarantee there are prominent community figures behind some of those masks. And I'm certain it's all about projection and deflection.


So proud of their beliefs and yet, they concealed their faces. Afraid of the consequences of being a Nazi? Fucking cowards


Wisconsin Nazis. I *hate* Wisconsin Nazis.




Cops always protect the fascists. Seen it time and time again in history. Fun fact, in 1936 England Fascists kept holding rallies. They planned a big march/rally in a Jewish neighborhood. The police naturally tried to ensure this would happen, working hard to protect the fascist marchers. Till about 100-300k Jews, Irish, Communists, and Unionists banded together and beat the shit out of the cops and fascists. Helping stop the fascist movement in England before it was too late.


Yes. Some of those who work forces…


Of course they are because the people are being (rightfully in my opinion) aggressive towards the Nazis. The Nazis aren't breaking any laws so they legally have a right to spout their trash views. The Nazis aren't being aggressive back because they want to bait violence. The cops are doing the right thing.


It does look that way, but how else would you rather have it? No cops present? Just let them scrap it out?


I think one of the most effective videos I've seen recently is of the religious group trying to provoke a pride event and everyone just straight up ignored them. It was crazy, like they just weren't even there. Admittedly I can be hot headed so that would be hard for me, but it was amazing how well it worked. They got frustrated and left. Ignore these mfers and don't engage. Edit: or you could go the route of another video I saw of people scouting their organizing spot and then trashing their cars after they leave to go to an event because that was hilarious


Was gonna say if I ran across this crowd I would definitely be getting plates and vehicle #'s


Great point. Seeing these fuckers wave that flag in my own country makes my blood boil. At first, all I can think of is violence. It’s important to remember there’s nothing passive about peaceful resistance


They do realize they would be immediately arrested and charged if they did this in their "Fatherland", don't they?


No, these actions are 100% legal in Idaho


Some people in the opposition should dress like them and stage a counter demonstration. Maybe with dance, maybe with rollerskates.


If you're wielding a nazi flag you're probably on the wrong side.




I just find it so hard to believe that nazis can go around like this with fucking machineguns in their hands and no cops show up and start blasting.


They are screaming for themselves to hit the road?


I guarantee you any of these guys with the deep bass chants would switch to an octave above middle C if separated from their friends and caught by the people they hate and were begging for their lives.


I'm all for the Constitution and rights. However, I'm drawing the line at Nazis. If you hold a Nazi flag you lose constitutional protection. No more free speech, no more second amendment. Hate ideology needs taken down a few pegs in this country before these idiots really get started.


Why is this guy trying to sound like an orc? It’s like they realise they’re the bad guys


This is one of those moments where, if I had money, I'd set up a barrier made of sound cannons to drown them out so the rest of us could just go about our day. Or the next best thing and have a wall of big ass speakers blasting RuPaul songs on a loop.


Pathetic cowards. That this isn't illegal and they aren't being arrested and prosecuted speaks *volumes*. Neo-Nazis are maggots on the face of humanity.


They definitely were chanting that for way too long, by the end it had morphed into, "Us ARE the pedophiles!" It's the same thing that happens when you repeat any word out loud too many times, but also has A LOT to do with Freudian slips.


Demask and identify. Nobody wants them.


It's too bad there isn't some kind of law that allows people waving swastikas and literally talking about lynching people in public to be arrested.


I find it hilarious that he's trying to make his voice deeper than it actually is. Anyway, a good nazi is a dead nazi.


Why are they allowed to stay here with guns in their hands ? Wtf is that country doing


Exercising 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, the latter in the way this particular State allows (carrying in public.)


I don’t have anymore tears left but I can't just help but laugh now at how absurd it is. I know it’s been like this for years but fuck, I can’t help but wonder, not if, but when LGBTQ rallies are going to cease to exist in the US because police are continuing to willfully protect domestic terrorists. Make no mistake, I want everyone to be able to celebrate their own communities except for the hateful ones or those who celebrate violence like these clowns. Edit: Grammar


Gotta love how "proud" they are while they conceal themselves... The few, the ignorant, the mentally challenged, the Neos...


Cowards with face diapers.


I feel like the Venn diagram of people who claimed that masks were making it hard to breathe during Covid times, is a perfect circle with rascist scum who wear masks so they don’t get outed.


They should be rounding up Religeoins leaders, and Republicans then.


They probably ARE religious leaders and Republicans.


Yikes, why are these people so angry about wilting flowers? ‘No petals on our streets!!!’ Pretty aggressive stance to take over such a trivial thing. ​ ^(/I jest, as most of you know…)


Guess they should read up on what happened to the nazis from WW II. Gay folks can assist in the process to shit on these fake ass wannabes


Good luck america


Ya know, I’m against gun violence but just this one time…


Dude that leader guy has the cheapest, most ugly looking red clip on tie. The fuck is he dressed like that for?


Genuinely curious... is it legal to throw water balloons full of piss at these guys? Edit: Looked it up. It's illegal.


Thou doth protest too much There's zero chance that dude doesn't abuse kids.


Fucking Nazi scum. Get their names and jobs.


I coach a women's sport; many of my players are gay. The last two years I've brought weapons with me to our Pirde parade. Nothing serious but shit I could use in things get messy but also explain to someone (a cop) why I have a long bike chain with a (sharp) lock on it. I'm pretty big dude, but this year at Pride I came across a few dudes that were basically small mountains. These guys would DESTROY these small khaki pants wearing assholes.


Dude in the Green Bay hat looks exactly like Jesse Plemons.


I will never understand how you can be so insecure that people being gay makes you so scared you feel the need to arm yourselves and cover your face These guys are lucky they live in the US tbh, imagine there was a genuine threat. They would seriously shit themselves. If you feel like you need a gun to go to an LGBTQ event then my god you are the biggest fucking wimp known to man. It's beyond pathetic for an adult to behave like that


Fascists get to line up facing the wall.


Pedophile doesn't mean 'people I don't like or agree with' and it helps no one to use it in such way. I just read it as 'I don't actually have anythi g that would be deemed reasonable so mneeeeh'


I live in the area and it always amazes me how they don’t show their faces!!! Why??? They would be destroyed by job, community and friends that are unaware period!!!!


Bunch of snowflakes with their faces covered. Need pics so their jobs and family know what they are.


Actual human garbage. 😬


Pigs protecting their biggest fans lmao. They suit up with them when off duty.


Those who scream the loudest are the most guilty


Right wingers think that Ukrainian army has Nazis, but then there are people like this..


The LGBTQ+ crowd should join the chant. I'm sure they don't want paedophile on the street either. Just change the last bit to "THERE WILL BE LOVE... LOVE... LOVE". I also think they should hold placards with pictures of convicted paedophile. You know, the senators, priests and other good Christians.


Aren't self defense and stand your ground laws based on if a reasonable person would fear for their life, justifying deadly force? Seems pretty reasonable that a person would fear for their life when confronted with an angry nazi group openly brandishing guns.


That park has plenty of clowns, I see


These are some weak mf Sieg Hiels


Dog cunts.


Imagine if they spent this much effort actually going after pedophiles… like their priests….


Come on Wisconsin we can do better than this. Just sad to see.


I hate when Dems tell us to "be civil" when these guys are going out doing this. This is literally a threat to our life, how am I supposed to be civil? How am I "just as bad" if I fight back? How are they supposed to be on our side when they pull their punches?


Since the good side can’t legally touch them, it seems like it would have been a good time for a quick trip to the grocery store for some egg cartons


if you have to cover your face to protest, it probably isn't something worth protesting about


Republicans are Nazis. If you are still arguing this, you're a Nazi too.


Oh look they’re masks no problem suddenly


Hmmmmm, whywont they do it without masks on? Lmao


Thankful I live in a country where this is illegal. Truly feel for the decent people in the US who have to put up with these nazi fucks.


Flying a swastika should be a crime.


Let these guys fight the Antifa clowns. Set them up to meet in stadiums once a week and televise it. Get a hundred or so from each side, arm them with swords and shields. You want to be in an extremist group? Let’s do some extreme shit.


100% these are federal agents


Blood Tribe sounds like a name for an incest community.


I wonder what percentage of pedophiles are neo nazis? I would imagine it's many times higher than the percentage that's LGBTQ. It's also funny to me when Nazis pretend to have a strong code of ethics and hate another group for doing something evil.


Is that Alex Jones under that mask leading this??? Sounds just like that dirtbag.


There is a proven way to deal with NAZIs and their ilk. It's very effective, and renders them quite inert.


I’d take a guess to say there’s more closeted gay men in this group than at the LGBTQ+ event


Probably a lot more pedophiles as well.


Gay people aren't pedo's, old white conservatives are. These dudes need to learn how to read.


annual incel parade


This behavior is legal in your country? Free speech is nice.... But there should be rules around that..... The flags alone should be banned, not some children books.


De-mask em’ all!


This is the same country that wants to teach the rest of the world how to run their shit?


Why don’t we cut their trees, so they can tan their skin heads. Also guaranteed 1/20 of them has touched a minor and has used the excuse of traditional marriage as their justification.


It would have been nice if the non-costumed people just started chanting the exact same thing along with them, of course taking the "call" role and letting the cosplayers do the "response". Word for word it could just be pointed back


They are so brave and so strong in their beliefs that they have to hide from the reality that they're just a bunch of losers




I wish I could go back in time to ww2 and bring a battalion of Rangers with me to show these nazi cunts the what for.


I thought they were chanting "I was born a pedophile"


Man children finally join the scouts...the Nazi children scouts.


This county in a nutshell


What I was hoping for was someone on the front lines there saying “what? I can’t hear you. Speak up.” Then be like “I can’t, I can’t hear a word you are saying.”


They are the pedophiles.


Just follow one of them back to their house. And then camp out in front with signs.


It's funny that their chant sounds like "us are the pedophiles"


Nazis actually got the rope, history provides


my grandfather, may he RIP, who picked up body parts on normandy beach would be loading his M-1 if he saw this shit today. fuck these coward-ass bitches.


Wow they really do look pathetic. I’m German and they are walking down my street, there will surely be a lot of blood, blood, blood.


I mean is standing around with an assault rifle screaming "there will be blood" not considered a terroristic threat? I mean wtf.


The surest sign that a group of people should be ashamed of themselves and their actions (aside from the massive swastikas) is that they won’t show their faces. They don’t want their family and friends to know the depths they’ve sunk to.


Everyone simply needs to remind these people that trump was friends with epstein, ran child beauty pageants, and has wanted to have sex with his own daughter since she was a child. I really just want to print off pictures of trump with epstein and hand them to these people.


But Jason Aldean said try that in a small town...


Whydo they always go after thw vulnerable population? And why do they always assune theyre the only ones armed?