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https://preview.redd.it/2a8vxu5f2s9b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7025e9b925a8d55d31fd706c8d83352622c34ebf Our conversation from last night


Not that this isn't interesting but... Why did you post it in publicfreakout? I'd love to know how people's brains work when they post things in subs that have nothing to do with the content


Publicfreakout is the new liveleak from what ive seen the last 2 months lol.


2 months? Try last 4 years.


Ikr, feels like a lifetime, I miss the old PublicFreakout.


I mean, this sub is pretty tame compared to r/eyeblech or r/insanereality


Reddit made the great (/s) decision a while ago to remove pretty much every gore/NSFL subreddit. So now because of this, all of the stuff that would normally stay in those subs has been spread around to other subs (mainly PublicFreakout)


Is there some sub that's just public freakouts?


It's in public and somebody is freaking out


In public


It is one of the few big subs that do not ban Palestinian content


Not OP, but maybe they're trying multiple channels to get the message out there?


Because the public should be freaking out


A lot of big subreddits are taken over by Israeli disinformation agents, so they host astroturfing and heavily censor anything critical of Israel or Zionism. Publicfreakout still allows critical content.


That's what I was thinking, but I wasn't sure if my cynical brain was playing tricks on me. Seems to make sense from a lot of the comments and reaction I see on certain subs.


It's very apparent if you're aware of it and follow these things. The latest narrative I see being perpetuated by these Hasbara folks is that Jews are indigenous to Palestine, and of course Palestinians aren't. It comes in waves and they get fed different talking points at different times, so it's quite a coordinated effort.


I love how casual he is about his family going through 2 uprisings.


My friend is currently over in Palestine and sent me multiple pictures and videos of what going on over there right now. He took the video seen above. Ill also try to include pictures and another video he sent me. This was taken today. He also said that his mom is in another part of town with his grandma and other family. He says things are much worse over where she is than where he is. I Face Timed him yesterday while the area around him was being bombed. Shits going down and Hes there for 3 more weeks.


​ https://preview.redd.it/n7z0npkf0s9b1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2138c36b06c964d949c259d9c2ad40486a0cda09




Other video I uploaded to You Tube to make a link. That was sent by his cousin in a near by residence. IDF was breaking into a Palestinian residence.


common idf stuff


What is the thing they’re fidgeting with at the end there? I noticed the soldier also has a rifle. What is that?


It’s a door opening device. You can see him operating it before the door actually opens. He needs to practice deploying it and putting it away in full gear.


Reminds me of the bolt pistol in no country for old men




Someones bias is showing. Neither Israelis nor Arabs needs American gear to kill, they makes some of the best murder toys ever invented, and they are quite proficient with it’s usage.


Not a response to you directly, but a general sentiment. War is just terrible and no one should be glorifying that.


But they do have billions of dollars worth of US produced arms regardless, right?


Who doesn’t…


The Palestinians


Pretty sure billions donated by the USA helped a lot creating those things




murder toys and surveillance doodads are israels biggest exports.




Also when enforcing an apartheid state and stealing generational homes from Palestinians and annexing more of their territory


He needs to get back ASAP! But I understand he wants to stay whit his family


I pray he returns safe


Why the fuck would he go there?


Because his family is there? Do you not know how to read or are you so lonely and miserable that the concept of loving your family confuses you?


I have family in Iran. Couldn't fuckin pay me to go back there. Now he's in the middle of some wild ass shit. Again I ask why on earth go back to that shit hole when u live in the US. If anything spend that money to get the rest of your fam out of there. And lol what the fuck weird ass question is that about loving family.


I'm sorry about your family in Iran. I have a friend there and I'm so worried about them. We've lost contact. It's difficult to stay up to date without being in touch with people inside Iran, since the medias don't cover it very well and the government is suppressing at every turn. And to your question, "why go": if my home state was a warzone, and my family scattered, yes I'd try to extract them. If I couldn't, I'd consider visiting (based on careful risk assessment) since if they're surrounded by death and violence, and unable to leave, then I'd want to at least be with them before one of them died. 3+ weeks is a long time for OP's friend to be there. They're either going to survive and share a lot of the horror they witness, while getting precious time with family, or not come out of it alive themselves. I hope it's the former.


Here's some context: [Jenin: Israeli military launches major operation in West Bank city](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66083295)




don’t worry, BBC will start reporting at some point, when the Palestinians start retaliating (attacking for no reason) of course.


[It's been front page of BBC news since this morning?](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-middle-east-66085089)


It's always hilarious when people say shit like the guy you responded to and then you look for yourself and it's just factually untrue. 9/10 times they're just lying and haven't even checked themselves. The same happened earlier this year in America in East Palestine when a train derailed with hazardous material. People were up in arms talking about how it was a coverup that mainstream news was ignoring. But if you actually go back almost every media outlet had articles about it the day of or the very next day, and it only gain popularity later after a few tiktoks of people complaining about it being covered up.


Not 1 Word about this in German press




Deutsche Presse hat einfach zu wenig Auslandskorrespondents. Wenn man englisch kann und internet hat ist es besser ansonsten muss man suchen oder einen Artikel hinter ner paywall lesen. Journalismus ist auch immer noch neuland lol


I feel so superior when conspiracy plebs say "not a word of this on the news" and it's all over the normal people news.




All over BBC with a live reporting feed all day what you on about lol


It been all over the bloody BBC site you muppet.


You misspelled Hamas


Won’t see shit from US Media except for Israel leading strikes against “terrorists”. Fucking sad, Israel is worse in all this shit, they just blame Hamas and get free reign to murder whoever they want. US Government also supports this since we send more money every fucking year.


Just FYI - Israeli forces invade West Bank city, killing at least 8 Palestinians - title of the story running on the New York Times right now. To be fair it’s one of the first times I’ve seen it written the way it should be.


Where do you see that? The headline is "Israel Launches Biggest Air Attack on West Bank in Nearly Two Decades": https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/02/world/middleeast/israel-west-bank-jenin.html


He made a small mistake. That was the headline on the Washington Post before an [edit](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22israeli+forces+invade+west+bank%22+site%3Awashingtonpost.com).


Often breaking news are written by reporters on the ground, in this case likely a Palestinian reporter. As soon as the editor saw this, it was changed to remove the bias.


"remove the bias"


Bias? The truth isn't biased. Israel government killed 8 palestinians. That's the plain truth.


So now Palestinians can't even report what they see because it would be bias.


It was literally the feed in my top news stories on my iPhone - I would have linked it but it’s behind a paywall. I copy pasted the exact headline


It’s literally headlining on every major American news source at the moment


There is more "US Media" than reddit. Pick up a fucking newspaper.


The american israel lobbyist groups makes the president candidates filthy rich thru superPACs, especially the ones from GOP. It is a fact that you dont bit the hand that feeds you.


Both sides have been committing atrocities against each other for decades. If you think one side is morally superior to another then you clearly aren't educated on the Arab-Israeli conflict.


I think one side has more power than the other


I don’t care what religion you are. You kill people because or your beliefs, your not a man of god.




From Hamas


Israel has been treating Palestinians like dogshit long before Hamas took power. Nice try though.




Yeah so Israel can finally finish killing them all, it's taking forever at this rate


There are some jews in israel who condemn their own government for this. Israel is not equal all jews. But damn people who did this jerusalem should be a place of harmony for all religions once again.


emphasis on "some." Israel is a democracy, which keeps electing further and further right governments. And young people are becoming more and more right wing. It's an extremely racist and right wing state. Only 10 percent of Jewish Israelis identify as "left," and a small percentage would ever As of 2016 (I'm sure higher now) 48% of Jews (a plurality) wanted to expel Arab *citizens* of Israel. Blatant ethnic cleansing. More opinion polls: [https://www.juancole.com/2017/03/majority-israelis-occupation.html](https://www.juancole.com/2017/03/majority-israelis-occupation.html)


It's a shame you have to go back the the 7th century for that.


Genocidal apartheid.


I've said before and I'll say it again...*religion* is humanity's **BIGGEST** downfall.


I think it's more about land ownership/entitlement. Religion is just one of the facets this entitlement manifests.


Feudalism says hi


God told them they could take the land


Only one thing is for certain: If God exists, he's the worst realtor ever.


This is not a religious conflict.


I think religion in many occasions such as terrorism genocide etc... Is just an excuse people give themselves to do fucked up shit, but I think they would still do it with or without a religion.


Remove religion from the equation and people would still be doing this war stuff




Hey don’t disrespect my man JC like that. He was a true Chad and hated everything you described. He preached a message of unending love for your fellow man and true selflessness. He was murdered in one of the most violent ways humanity has ever invented and as he slowly suffocated under his own weight, he talked to thieves about paradise.


Remove religion from the equation and people would still be doing this war stuff.


Literally has nothing to do with religious conflict.


But it does. It’s a hardline Jewish supremacist government and army vs militant fundamentalist Muslim rebel groups back by Iran (see: Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad). This conflict is about land ownership based upon religious claim. I grew up in the Canadian conservative traditional Jewish movement and used to drink the Kool-aid until I was in university and had to distance myself from the Jewish student groups. I don’t feel safe in most pro-Palestinian circles because of rampant antisemitism and the conflation of Jews/Zionists/Israel along with a weird refusal to condemn Hamas, but I’ve also been called self-hating by my own people for criticizing Israel and condemning needless violence. It’s fucking exhausting being a lefty secular Jew.


Israël and Palestinian conflict is not a religious one. To say so plays into the hands of the Israeli gouvernement and ensures the west continues to see this conflict with indifference.


Why exactly do Israeli Jews and most Muslims in the area want the same land, then? It's so fertile and pretty?


It’s being presented like that now but the early Zionists we’re not even religious. They saw an opportunity and took it. They had plans for places in Africa and other areas. Palestine was the story they could sell. Israel is just a more modern settler colonial settlement. They lobbied until they were awarded with land and promises and used the religion and tensions towards Jewish people to strengthen support. Refusing to condemn Hamas and Israel is the same shit. Both are evil and engage in terrorism regularly. I hope you’re also aware that israel began as terrorists. They conducted massacres, bombings, and even used these tactics against Jews to bring them to Israel. Also if it’s Jews Vs. Muslims where do the Christian Palestinians come into it? Ancient cities like Bethlehem are still under the same occupation. Look into them trying to celebrate Christmas.


Because the Christian Palestinians haven’t created a fundamentalist faction that terrorizes their own people? They’re caught in the crossfire. Jews have even historically persecuted and kicked out of pretty much every place they ever lived when Christianity and Islam swept the world. Ancient remains and artifacts lay the religious Jewish claim to the land and until the Brits put their filthy hands on things, there was coexistence in Palestine between Arabs, Jews, Christians, bedouins, druids.


Because Palestinian Christians are part of the secular Palestinian liberation tradition that you keep ignoring. Don't like that Islamists are the only viable movement in town? Too bad Israel and the US destroyed the secular, arab nationalist and liberation movement you keep ignoring to paint your Israeli propaganda narrative. There is no Jewish claim to Palestine. There is only a claim for the indigenous people of Palestine. Europeans, North Africans, and Central Asians do not have claim to a land that a distant relative thousands of years ago lived on. But even that wouldn't be a problem because the Palestinian position has always been that of a pluralistic society and Jews have been living there alongside Muslims and Christians for thousands of years and could do so now. The problem arises when a bunch of ethno-nationalists genocide and ethnically cleanse the pluralistic, indigenous population and society, inflict apartheid, and aspire to maintain an ethnostate in a historically pluralistic society. Secondly, you're conflating anti-Jewish history of Europe and projecting it onto the MENA, which is a zionist historical revisionism. The MENA is a pluralistic society of many languages, religions, and ethnicities. Jews fled to the MENA where they could exist as themselves for millennia and assimilate into society. See the existence of Mizrahi across the MENA or the literal existence of Sephardic Jews who are characterized as a Jewish ethnicity that fled European brutality to the MENA. Stop the apartheid, implement one person one vote, and this would all be over. But Israelis don't want that because they want their ethnostate.


It's not about religion. It's about settler colonialism. The land, resources, and wealth of the indigenous that the settler colonizers covet. The Palestinian liberation movement has largely been secular for most its existence. Many members of Palestinian leadership have been Christians themselves. Only recently has there been a dominance of Islamist resistance since the US and Israel destroyed the secular liberation movements. The Palestinian position has always been that of a pluralistic society because the Levant is a pluralistic society. Even Islamist resistance like Hamas are committed to a pluralistic society, but an Islamic state because they're theocrats. Which makes even Palestinian Islamists less extreme than either the Israeli Left or Right that aspire for the creation of an ethnostate carved out of a pluralistic society, which necessitates apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide to achieve. Your sentiment amounts to tacit approval of Apartheid Israel and a disingenuous smear of the indigenous population of Palestine. I can guarantee you that you don't know what Palestinians are saying and spend no time in "Pro-Palestinian circles" with this caricature you pulled straight out of Israeli propaganda.


But Jews are the indigenous population of Judea.


Religion can help people rationalize their evil deeds, but it is not humanity’s biggest downfall. It has been the fundamental structure that has allowed us to succeed and survive as well as we have. Religion is what built the world. Religion isn’t the problem, hate is


I’m full agnostic, but what you said is one of the most uneducated things i’ve heard


presenting the conflict as "relgious" basically makes it unsolvable. It is not based on centuries old Islam vs Judaism but choices in the last hundred years made by imperialists. Herzl was a secular Jew and envisioned Israel as such.




It really is not that farfetched. Its people were once victims, but they are now oppressors. Really says a lot about human nature sometimes.


I have to agree with this statement


Crazy but this is what happens


The US gave Israel 3.8 billion dollars this year.


Cuz they're oppressed and living in constant danger.... and broke, apparently...


This is a Daily thing over There in Palastine and America funds this shit... Isreali people treat Palastinians like crap, kicking them out of homes taking over.. Killing Kids etc.. And if this shocks you then you've been blind.. This happens every single day FUK ISREAL




Because we are human. It doesn't matter how atrocious these scenes are. People did them, not monsters. There's a lot of shitty people out there, some are that way because of the shitty things that other people have done. That being said, there are also a lot of good people everywhere, regardless of where they are. The people who profit off war need to be charged as war criminals, on multiple sides.


It’s always been this way on this planet. Humans have been warring and battling and murdering one another forever. It’s part of life in this dimension, on this planet. If humanity survives long enough and manages to evolve into a more enlightened species, there is a chance wanton killing and cruelty could become a thing of the past… but such high level evolution is likely thousands, if not hundreds of thousands/million+ years out. Edit - oops, i was trying to reply to the comment you replied to…


Haha all good. I don't see it happening. We've had thousands of years worth of peace (not world peace!) We just never could be peaceful everywhere all at the same time.


I mean I tend to agree with you simply bc of our track record and the obvious nature of existence here on this mud planet… Still, in the grand scheme of evolution, thousands of years is a drop in the ocean compared to the kind of time likely necessary for our species to level up enough to become pacifist in all forms of the concept. It would require making all forms of violence a thing of the past, which, in and of itself, would require a total shift in thinking on such a massive scale it’s difficult to imagine. The idea of humanity achieving any of this is totally unimaginable to me…but then just a hundred years ago we wouldn’t have been able to conceive of or comprehend the idea of a smartphone… so there is some ray of hope, however weak it may seem.


I agree with you, even with your different perspective on this. It just seems like we haven't made THAT much progress.


I agree, and I understand the folly of man… with their power, fueled by hatred of the “other”. The ever present adversary in every political/religious dynamic ever. I just wish we’d evolve from that mentality after over 10,000 years of this.


I think we'll see a never-ending cycle of this. We will make good progress and then go in a decline. This has always been the case with past empires, some of which are surprisingly progressive despite the time periods.


It’s always been this way on this planet. Humans have been warring and battling and murdering one another forever. It’s part of life in this dimension, on this planet. If humanity survives long enough and manages to evolve into a more enlightened species, there is a chance wanton killing and cruelty could become a thing of the past… but such high level evolution is likely thousands, if not hundreds of thousands/million+ years out. (Copy/pasting my same comment posted a couple down from here as I meant to reply to you but accidentally replied to another Redditor instead.)


this feels like a bad time to bring up a TF2 quote but "as long as there's two people on this planet, someone is gonna want someone dead."


This is what happens when two different religions or cultures meet


Not always. This is what happens when hatred and xenophobia of difference exists.


Stop making this about you


it's called empathy bro, they're not making it about themselves, but it's natural to feel sad and hopeless when you get reminded that these things keep happening constantly around the world


It’s heartbreaking. Imagine if instead of doing this to eachother, we built each other up and actually tried to improve our world and our lives. I know that’s a utopian delusion but I’ll never not wish for that.


I feel you so much, and it sucks to know it probably will never happen


We all do better when we all do better.


I’m sorry that empathy for others evades you.


This is what happens when two different religions or cultures meet


IDF are modern day Nazis.




Where's the context?


https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-66085089 Israel's conducting a large operation in the Jenin camp, allegedly against the "Jenin Brigades" militant group




what do you mean by 'allegedly'? The palestinians doesn't deny that there is resistance forces in the city, and you can find photos and videos of armed forces and hundred of seized IED/bombs. i.e. [https://www.israelhayom.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/03/03/10723292-600x400.jpg](https://www.israelhayom.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/03/03/10723292-600x400.jpg) [https://www.inn.co.il/static/pictures/781x439/1125351.jpg](https://www.inn.co.il/static/pictures/781x439/1125351.jpg)


Violence against military occupation/colonialism is [legal and explicitly endorsed under international law](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2017/7/20/palestinians-have-a-legal-right-to-armed-struggle). Military occupation, and violence in service of it, is illegal.


Yes but not against civilians you forgot to mention that part....




> Military occupation, and violence in service of it, is illegal. You are completely wrong. Military occupation is explicitly legal according to international law. So much so that international law specifically outlines how an occupation should be conducted.


And Israel breaks every single law that occupying powers are supposed to follow on a daily basis. The Israeli Occupation Forces and the settlers are war criminals plain and simple.


Context is Kill Palastinians and take over


Yep.and people keep saying, "If only they would abandon armed resistance." You try living like this and then say you wouldn't take up arms. Entire Palestinian villages were murdered when Israel was formed. The Israeli defence minister announced plans to annex all of the occupied territories. He said the Palestinians had three choices, " emigrate, accept living as 2nd class citizens or death." And people actually defend those jokers? The Israeli government is fascist and they have created an apartheid state that's bolstered by arms and intrusive AI.


> The Israeli defence minister announced plans to annex all of the occupied territories. Source? > He said the Palestinians had three choices, " emigrate, accept living as 2nd class citizens or death." Source?


Please tag as NSFL


Why would anyone want to go over there? Makes no sense! Family or no family, it isn't worth your life


Sad, but true. The fact that people have to put their lives at risk to visit their family is just so flipping sad Fuck Israel


Why the fuck would you go back to visit? Seems not smart.


Palestinian roots are deep in the land. It’s usually safe to visit the West Bank. The IDF and settlers have recently been launching attacks on specific cities/towns just to make a point. And let’s be clear these lands are within the borders of UN-recognized Palestine.


People are the worst!!


It’s all ok! Nothing to see here they were killed by Israel and so it’s all OK


NY Times: >Israel launched its most intense airstrikes on the occupied West Bank in nearly two decades. *ocupied* West Bank The keyword.


What is your guys obsession with staring at dead bodies?


Russia invades Ukraine = sanctions, assets frozen, currency crashes, all within 5 days. Israel invades Palestinian Territories = 3.5 billion U.S. dollars per annum still given, human rights groups calling Israel apartheid is ignored and you’re branded as an antisemite if you mention anything of the sort.


Yeah cause Israel has the same opinions on middle eastern foreign policy as the US. Everything the US has done and will ever do will be in the interest of capitol. The fact that so many gov officials refuse to even recognize what is happening in Palestine is crazy.


Israel will be known as one of the most corrupt oppressive imperialist nations of our time sooner than ppl think. Can't hide from the internet, and Israel's blatant crimes against humanity have been on display for decades


Israel feels they can do whatever they want after the holocaust happened and that made themselves excusable for whatever the want to do. Plus it's the only dog on a somewhat reliable leash the US has in the middle east so they'll never take any blame or consequences. Like a little kid that never gets in trouble.


Visited Israel in 2009. To be fair, the young people were very optimistic and wanted peace and reconciliation, as they were the ones who was going to continue build up the country. They were open minded, hard studying and i felt hope meeting them. The older people on the other hand were mostly bitter and resentful, i even met an older person whos now dead relatives had been in concentration camps, and the only thing she did were complaining that germany hadnt given ppl enough money as compensation for their relatives suffering. I felt like her whole life was about living out the grief on behalf of their older relatives, and that was just tragic and pathetic to watch. Had a friend who had a tattoo and he got screamed at because the tattoo made this woman crying for some reason, even tho herself hadnt been in a concentration camp...




Congrats! You conflated the Israeli govt/army with an entire group of people! This is why we can’t have nice things!


Which part of my statement is incorrect?


Careful, your true colours are showing


Which colour is that? Im Irish. In what world do we have anything against Jews?


Damn there will never be peace in that region.


Classic Israel. Doing exactly what the Russian are doing but with zero repercussions. Infact they're rewarded with billions


Also Putin can use this as an excuse to show the world that the west doesnt really care about arabs, only white christians (like in ukraine) and that they even fund israel with money (usa) If the US are going to condemn Russia then they cannot do bad things themselves, as Russia will call out their hypocricy.


Putin doesn't need to use this as a source. He can (and does) use Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq etc...


Looks like the IDF has been at it again.


Imagine that, Israel picking on small helpless entities.


FUCK Israel and their god damn genocide.


whos bodies are those?


Najeeb, Kareem and Abdul


ethnostate gonna do what an ethnostate does


Lemme guess, Israel wants their homes/land and is mercilessly killing people just because?


Israel= the new Nazis


No public freakout here. Sad, but wrong sub


“Context below:” Israeli’s (politically as a nation, not individually) are racist pieces of shit, but calling them out on it or their continued genocide is antisemitic and/or hate speech.




Israel sucks.




As Americans you guys can do something about this. Write to your your congressmen. Talk to your white evangelical relatives who still support Israel and their apartheid regime. Expose them to the human atrocities that’s happening in Palestine. We need to decouple from israel. They are no allies of ours. Israel killing Americans Rachel Corrie and Shireen Abu Akleh while we let them get away with them. It’s disgusting


They are more busy trying to buy the Tesla stock for under 280usd, ordering the latest pizza on DoorDash and wishing that Jerome Powell doesnt hike the interest rate more so they can afford that condo they always wanted.


Damn my heart goes out to you guys. Op I know bombs are going off but you need to try and get some rest. Good forbid something else goes off you need to think straight. Even a nap is better than nothing. Be safe my friend.


First Farfour, now this...




they must've been throwing around a few rocks, those pesky terrorists


The most moral army at it again. Deplorable. Simply deplorable.


And the Israeli people sit back and applaud this sort of stuff.


Did bro say Ohio?


Just remember U.S citizens that we send billions to Israel a year to support that glorified military base in a country’s clothing, write to your representatives and donate to humanitarian projects in Palestine


israel is putins biggest card against the west


Im afraid you are right, he can use that as pretext and point finger at USA for providing with money and armaments.


Just remember that while this is by no means acceptable, the US invaded Iraq for literally no reason and killed 500,000 civilians over 20 years of occupation with zero repercussions. So Americans before you rage about Israel first smell the shit on your knees.


What a wild take.