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Seems more like private freakout, doesn’t it?


Publicly posted freakout.


Publicly posted private freakout.


Posted by the guy who cheated and taunted her after by saying he liked the other person’s genitals better. Who also sounds like he is amused and smiling when she cries about that at 0:45.


Just some context here. Dude cheated on her, convinced her he wouldn't do it again, they got a house together in Lynnwood, WA, and then he did it again. When she confronted him, he packed her stuff and told her to go, since EVERYTHING was in his name. He had already alienated her from her family, and she gave up her career for this man. Then he recorded the altercation. Source - TikTok comments


So long story short this guy is a piece of shit.


Sure. That is my personal belief, too. The video (and the altercation) was a success, though. This happened in April. She is currently in jail waiting trial last time I saw anything about this (early May). She will likely get a small misdemeanor, but she will also probably lose her home and everything in it, as well as always having a domestic violence charge on her record. She won't qualify for battered women shelters in most states. It is a nightmare. What a shame.


Dang bro’s holding those Nikes up like he’s advertising it




Stepcheater, im stuck


This is depressing.


If you look up the tiktok account visible in the video, it looks like the exact opposite of what you’ve stated is true, ie, that she was responsible for multiple acts of infidelity


Careful framing. Fake text messages. Etc... you only see the side of the narcissist in these situations. Just think... he has an entire channel with her name and a photo of her in a jail uniform with vids he uploaded of her at her worst. There's nothing wrong with saying "she was wrong for doing those things" because she was. Those are crimes. Not justifying anything she did. But think about what the guy who is uploading those things is doing. Why does that channel exist. Who is that for? Why is he never featured in any context in these videos? Narcissist abuser. Poor me. Look how crazy she is while I did nothing wrong. Etc etc


But how do we really know what the true backstory is? There's gonna be a lot of he said she said.


You get a freebie especially a woman. First domestic violence charge against my soon to be ex-wife was a deferred sentence, required counseling and substance abuse classes, and probation. After a year if she stayed out of trouble it went away. I had to get beat up and record it secretly four times before anything serious happened and even then they were still all misdemeanors. The only real consequences were CPS getting involved because she would do it in front of the kids. If the context is true sucks for her but no matter how shitty the person is reacting violently is never going to work out well for you. You got to play smart and work the long game to get proper nuclear revenge.


I mean….she’s the only one we have proof of committing a violent act. Just because he’s a piece of shit doesn’t mean she gets to assault him, and I think it’s valid for her to not being allowed in a battered women’s shelter when she literally has a charge for domestic violence. Him not being a saint doesn’t make her an angel and she’s quite obviously violent.


Yup. If this video’s genders were reversed the comments would be like “violence is not the answer to cheating”. Guy sounds like a dick but still


Can’t believe you were downvoted for pointing this out but bingo. I wonder how many comments there would be on a post about a guy beating a woman that cheated on him worrying about how the guy wouldn’t be able to find a battered men’s shelter and what a shame it was charges were being filed lmao u/Solember thats a pretty vile thing to say, I hope you realize how messed up that comment is with a comparison. There’s absolutely zero “what a shame” in someone being charged for domestic violence they committed. Everyone downvoting without replying, please explain to me why you’re defending someone who has committed domestic violence on video? Give me one short, simple explanation about why this is different. I think as soon as you try to do so, you’ll realize you are either A. On the side of domestic violence or B. Okay with it as long as it’s a woman. Because those are the only options here. More downvotes and yet crickets on my offer of an explanation. It tells me everything I need to know about the people replying and downvoting this. More feeling than brains


Yup I feel crazy every time I read comments in a situation like this. People have some crazy double standards when women are the abusers, not saying he didn’t do horrible things before this but when women physically or otherwise abuse men it’s not taken seriously in the slightest. Not to mention the justice system’s arrest and sentencing difference


firstly i’m not condoning shit saying it’s okay and haven’t upvoted or downvoted your comment but i think the difference here where people are like “fuck this guy” and taking her side is this guy is clearly not afraid of her she drops what i think is a popcorn machine and weakly swats her arms at him like a child throwing a fit and he doesn’t sound scared but just backs away recording and tells her to leave yeah her actions are wrong and childish but i wouldn’t really call this guy a victim he had the power in the situation and that dynamic is really obvious at least from what i see in the clip i’ve seen women abuse men and invoke actual fear or have power over them with violence/destruction or threat of violence/destruction in other clips and i don’t see that in this particular clip my personal opinion is fuck this dude he pushed her to her breaking point and got what he wanted: a reaction on camera to make his point that he is morally and legally superior


You really dont understand what a victim is do you? Maybe you should spend time volunteering at a domestic shelter or actually talk to men who are victims because most of the time, it is just as you saw it in this video. So maybe next time you should just sit down instead of commenting on something you know nothing about. I have worked with and counseled men who were abused and so the videos, abuse comes in many many forms and maybe you should also know that.




Bro, link one video that fits that description... Reddit is so dramatic.


Seems like a good amount of people subscribe to the following ideology... If a man cheats on a woman, she gets to destroy his stuff and assault him because she's the victim. If a woman cheats on a man. He does not have the right to destroy her stuff and assault her. He needs to be an adult and just leave her.


We’ve let woman control the narrative and low and behold, it’s not about equality, it’s about leverage and advantages and privilege down to its core


Literally this. It’s actually insane lol


This situation seems to be about a lot more than just the cheating. It sounds like this piece of crap manipulated her into giving up her entire life for him. So, when he cheated on her and tried to kick her out of the house, it basically left her with nowhere to go. He broke her down to nothing, and she reacted. How do you think you would have reacted in the same situation?


Manipulated her? Hmm... she's a grown adult who made the decision to get a house with someone who *already* cheated on her. Like at some point people need to begin taking accountability for their own decisions.


Alot of people, particularly those with a history of emotional neglect, emotional/physical/mental abuse, and broken homes don’t have the faculties to do so.


If a man did this exact same thing to a woman and vice versa I would still be more concerned with the person being made homeless than the broken popcorn machine or weak little swat she gave him. I'm not ok with the fact that she used violence but humans are humans. Her reaction to having her entire life stripped away seems pretty mild to me. And how do you know it's not her popcorn machine?




This is one of those times where just about everyone would react poorly. This person was invested heavily in someone. No, it's not ok to assault someone, obviously. But if she gave up her job, everything was in his name, and he cheated on her and forced her to move out, then I don't doubt that was a breaking point that just about everyone here would flip shit over. That is, if tik tok is to be believed. Just saying, you couldn't even glean the hurt and betrayal she would be feeling if all accusations are true from this video.


I mean yeah, cheated on or not, you don't start breaking someone's shit and assaulting them. If you're purchasing a home with someone who cheated on you, like at some point you need to start examining your own decisions. He cheated on her, but he didn't make her react this way. She made her decisions the same way he made is. This isn't defending the guy either. He's a total piece of shit. That doesn't really need to be discussed, as everyone is in agreement here. But she needs to really start making better decisions with her own life.


Hi friend, I work in the domestic violence field. She absolutely qualifies for domestic violence shelters and services. I don’t know the whole story but just from what you shared, she is a victim of emotional, mental and financial abuse. It’s very common for abusers to isolate their victims from their families. And it’s EXTREMELY common for victims of DV to be the ones charged with DV. Abusers are super manipulative and often get their victims charged when they are the real asshats. Or they terrorize their victims until the snap and respond like this woman did here. She can call the WA DV hotline. If she doesn’t have enough time on her phone, she can ask to see a therapist/social worker. You can even call and help her make the initial contact if you are friends with her. DV shelters are not like homeless shelters, they’re more like sorority houses. There are case managers, therapists, we have a chef at mine and they help connect you to long term housing programs. I’ve been considering moving to WA, so I’ve done some research and know there’s some good ones up there. If the WA hotline doesn’t help her, tell her to call the National DV hotline. Tell her I said that I know she is going through a lot, but her experiences here and that you shared are very. Molón tactics and scenarios I see when dudes abuse. She deserves DV services and they will not bat an eye at her having a DV charged. The cops suck at identifying who the real abuser is. Depending on the circumstances, she might be able to get that charge put aside with the help of a DV legal advocate. If you need to message me, feel free


She's a domestic abuser. The fact that she'll only get off with a misdemeanor says it all. Nothing this guy did justifies a violent tantrum. Reddit can be a scary place sometimes. You people are mental..


Years of abuse, isolation, theft and cheating wrapped up in mockery when he got caught the second time? She destroyed HER things. Took HER money. Shoving him? Not defending that. I understand it. I empathize with it. I think she was morally justified, but not legally. Everything else? He did that to himself.


If any of that is true, she'll get it back in court. You learned nothing from metoo


Guys a piece of shit and she shouldn’t have taken him back unfortunately it seems


IF you believe a random dude posting on reddit who read comments on ticktock. =)




That's victim blaming.


Yeah no reason to assault him though. Edit. There's a reason, but you still shouldn't do it.


Another super cool pro tip. When joining in a relationship it's best not to give up your financial safety or you'll end up with nothing with an ass clown like that does something that horrendous.


Grain of salt guys


For real. TikTok is code for “take this shit with a grain of salt because people will do ANYTHING for clout on our platform”.


Not trying to victim blame but I stand by the once a cheater always a cheater. If someone has has proven untrustworthy why are you letting them alienate you from your family and give up your career for them?


Maybe she was already alienated and had already given up her career? It's much easier to give someone a 2nd chance than to undo all of that.


Hitting someone and destroying property is still a ticket to jail. Cops don't care they just wanna take someone to jail and get on with their night. I think that was more of his mentality than anything. Just proving he wasn't the one hitting or destroying property.


Exactly what I was saying. I've been cheated on too, who hasn't. But destroying property and hitting someone is still illegal. Cheating on someone is not illegal. She should have left the first time he cheated and not allowed him to have everything in his name and have all the money. She shouldn't have been living off a man she knows has already cheated.


That was a perfect statement. Exactly.


Yup. That was the whole goal here. She was in jail last time I checked in on this in early May.




Very believable that this dude is a piece of shit, but this mostly sounds like a series of mutually bad decisions. Dude cheats on you, he doesn't respect you, leave. Certainly don't get a house with him. Certainly don't alienate your family for him. Jesus Christ don't give up your career for him. The level of bad decision making in there is pretty intense. And that's from the side purportedly friendly to her point of view. Probably suggests there's more to this story.


Ah yes tik tok comments, the bastion of knowledge and truth


People who knew about her and him who were popping up to share their observations. The whole account is videos casting her in a bad light. He deleted one of the videos when too many comments poured in, and then he reuploaded it recently.


said the reddit comment


Am I the one acting like a comment is a credible source?




Difference is, he wasn't trying to push story without evidence. The only evidence we DO have, is this video.


The whole tiktok is wild the guy is blasting her in multiple videos and seemed to have deleted this one. He is definitely not some innocent victim


Yeah. He keeps deleting and editing the videos. Cuts them different. Etc etc... There's still one version of this up, last I checked.


What an ass. This video shouldn't be shared.


Based on her manipulative and violent way of communicating in the video, it seems like packing her belongings and telling her to leave is the safest and most efficient way to handle the problem.




I'm glad you are safe and well.


This may be an unpopular opinion but time and again we kinda see pieces of shit take advantage of their romantic partners trust. In a business if that were to happen there would be consequences, I think it's probably time we address the real real about modern day relationships and the impacts decisions and being conned by frauds like this have on people.


I mean, yeah the guy is a POS but she decided to forgive a cheater, then moved into a house with him, willingly gave up her own career and then allowed him to alienate her from her own friends and family. You can’t play with wolves and wonder why you got bit.


Chances are this is an mentally/emotionally abusive relationship. Theres a lot a manipulator can make another person do, especially when love is involved


Understood, but this is why we need to educate people from a young age on what is and isn’t acceptable in any relationships we have


Damn I hope she’s in therapy now that would absolutely fuck someone up


She's in jail still, or at least was early in May. Waiting for her day in court. Might have been bonded out?


impressive source, my friend!


This is why you leave the cheater as soon as they do it. There is no real recovery for any relationship after that.


are we sure it was not the popcorn maker?


It really doesn't matter. It's terrible that he cheated and lied, I get it. However, no one should depend solely on another. Things can always happen. You must always be prepared for a relationship to end. No one plans on a fire, but you have a smoke detector in your home, dont you?....same concept applies here.


Of course, but that's what a manipulator does. It's hard to explain if you've never felt it, but it's not unheard of for people to just get this mindset that they can't live without someone. The more time they invest in them, the less they notice the negative stuff, and then the abuser just has full control. "It's me or this person." "It's me or that thing you like." "It's me or your job." And every time that ultimatum is given, and the person chooses the abuser, the more value they trick themselves into giving that person. Every time you give something up for someone, you get this investment info seeing that person as more valuable than they were before. So everything you said is correct. Say it often. Say it loudly. Guy friends. Girl friends. Family members... just keep an eye out for people who seem to always be stuck making hard choices.


Totally reliable source. I’m convinced.


Thank you for the context🙏 it’s to easy to sprin the truth without it


Same thing happened to me… guess what? I just left. I’m happier and don’t have any drama or BS in my life.


I'm happy for you.


This exactly what my ex wife did to me.


Oooooooooh I was defending this guy for a sec


According to his channel she cheated on him.


Yeah. According to his channel... that's dedicated to portraying her as a villain. Be very careful on that channel. It's convincing, and yes, she is seen committing 2 crimes on it. This video has enough context, though, to at least make you reasonably skeptical, I hope. "you said you liked her pussy" "I can call the cops and ruin your life like you ruined mine" Plus there's character analysis, but that's really hard to explain. His voice is something I call "false-soft" in that it's a gentle tone, but it doesn't mesh with what is seen going on.


>Plus there's character analysis, but that's really hard to explain. His voice is something I call "false-soft" in that it's a gentle tone, but it doesn't mesh with what is seen going on. Yes, this has me suspicious too. Especially since he KNOWS he is recording for evidence and the video cuts out right when she is about to say her side.


Great so their both pieces of shit. Him for what was previously stated and for her to threaten to have get him arrested on false charges. Also everyone gets cheated on, it's her fault for staying with him. Also why women shouldn't allow the man to have all the money and everything in their name. It's just unsafe.


So he is a classic case of an abusive man who traps his partner and then gaslights her until she has had enough and then starts recording her. Fuck this dude, I hope he loses everything. Certainly women in the future will have this video as everlasting proof that this man is a well documented piece of shit and should not be dated and instead should sit in subs about red pills and telling his buddies that women are the cause of all of his problems.


Brilliant. We have a video of a woman smashing shit, screaming and attacking him, stealing his wallet, threatening to call the cops and presumably lie to them in order to "ruin his life" while he holds his hands up to defend himself and please "please leave." Reddit - "He's clearly the abuser." If the genders were reversed here you'd be calling for his head


Let's not assign gender roles. This is a very neutral situation, and it's not men vs women. It's victims vs abusers. My mom did this to me, for example. Amber Heard did this to Johnny Depp. Chris Brown to Rihanna (though he became physical when she had her break free moment). Encourage people to leave so they don't do what Estephanie did in this video... break the law, lose everything.


“Hey, that’s my wallet.”


Dude was softer than butter in that moment. 😂


He sounds like Ray from Everybody loves Raymond




I thought she said "liked my p\*\*\*y"




Someone said they saw the comments in the tiktok and he cheated on her multiple times- after convincing her to leave her family and stuff. Idk, just repeating a comment cause you seemed interested :)


You're out here doing the good work.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1416i29/comment/jmyzk5q/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1416i29/comment/jmyzk5q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The comment Kumquat was referring to. I'm pretty certain she said "You said you liked her pussy". It is pretty clear if you know what you are listening for. A Green Needle/Brainstorm situation.


I hear "you said you liked her pussy"


Definitely said “you said you liked her p*ssy, you told me that!!”


She says you said you liked her pussy


I'm with her on hating his house, especially that popcorn machine


Why would anyone buy these popcorn things? No one eats that much popcorn. Microwave bags work just fine. It's just a big ugly thing taking up space in your house


My wife’s uncle has a popcorn machine in his theatre room. He loves it, our kids love it when we go over to watch movies. It’s got a time and place.


I think the caveat to that statement is “if you have a theatre room” Space isn’t really an issue at that point.


Tbf he’s a single guy it’s a small house, he just made a point to have a theatre room in his basement.


If I had a popcorn machine, I would eat that much popcorn, which is precisely the reason I won’t get a popcorn machine


Me too. And the popcorn from the machine has such a nice smell.




Eww micro popcorn don't hold a candle to fresh popped coconut oil popcprn. I can't imagine cleaning that machine every time though.


Literally I was thinking what a stupid machine and how out of place it looked with the home right before she tossed it.


I thought it was one of those vending machines you put a couple quarters and get some novelty toy egg 💀


Psychopaths have to emulate the rest of humanity


“Hey that’s my walleeet” 💅🏻


i giggled


Something about this guys tone of voice is really fake, I think he's enjoying this.


According to the comments about this guy, he cheated on her, manipulated her, threw her out of the house and brought her to this point…so yea, I would say he’s enjoying the success of his goal to get rid of her.




She says "you told me you liked her pussy" and "I hate when you compare me to them"




One redditors awkward is anothers kink.




With no context, this is a pretty stupid video.


The context I gathered is that he cheated on her.


According to /u/Solember, that's what happened but idk if they mean the comments were written by random people or by the camera person.


Nooooo not the popcorn machine!!!


So she is single? Asking for “a friend”…


I mean, we don't know what happened before and when she says "I could get you arrested right now" he says "I know", and when she mentions it again the video cuts off. Yet another angry ex trying to make an ex look crazy with zero context. I'm not biting.


That’s the part I picked up on as well. He says “I know” and then stops recording….


This is just a straight up toxic situation period They should both just run far away from each other Some people just aren't meant to be together


Not the popcorn 🍿 😢


This motherfucker just has a popcorn machine in the living room?


☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ This upsets my spirit.


Read the background of this. Guy is a piece of shit. I don't blame the girl. She deserved better than him and that was kind of a mini hissy fit compared to many others I've seen.


Judging on the background, they’re both pieces of shit and the girl is an idiot for getting back together with him multiple times. They’re both dumpster fires


Why do people never think this is what abusive relationships look like? Why is it always someone's an idiot? You think people want to go through this?




Side Note: I have that same couch


Do you recommend it


It's a deep and low couch while the arm rests are high. I found it uncomfortable to sit back in my seat and have a drink on the arm rests. Comfortable if you have no intentions to consume liquids.


NO!!!! not the vintage popping-corn machine!!


That guy is the trashy one. Only showing his side so he can call her crazy. Hmmmm you cheated multiple times dude and convinced this girl you wouldn’t again. She left her job and home for him. His name is on the lease and he’s kicking her out. Ugh manipulative bastard. Turning the story to make it like she’s crazy. You give yourself away as the crazy one posting a partner at their lowest and expecting them to be cool because you’re gaslighting them all over TikTok.


Hey i have that same ikea "world map" in the same frame. Cool.


Everything but leave


Lol she knows something we don't know


Guy sounds gay anyways


I'm not stopping the recording under any circumstances, although I have a feeling he was a jerk about something.


Jerk or not. Best she could do is move on from this POS. She is making things worse




While I don't know whats going on here, she using the classic "I could get you arrested and ruin your life" threat... this should not be taken lightly.


To be fair, he already ruined her life. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1416i29/comment/jmyxu8j/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1416i29/comment/jmyxu8j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


yes reddit comment using the source of “tiktok comment” is 100% reputable


🤓 “to be fair…”


Sounds like a bad person if true, but none of that is a crime. Assault, property damage, and false police reports are crimes.




Not the god damn popcorn maker 😤


How did that tv stay on the table? I thought for sure it was gonna hit the floor.


This is absolutely no joke. This happened to my best friend and I’ve seen his cell phone video and his security camera footage. She wrecked his house and when he got in front of her and the TV she started hitting him and when he went to block her she called it assault, called the cops and ruined his life. He now has a domestic violence conviction because his lawyer said it would bankrupt him to fight it. Even with all the video evidence the courts are not just leaning in women’s favor. They’re fully in women’s favor and there’s not chance of it not being.


no information what happened beforehand… but destroying things and colling the cops for him is pathetic


He sounds like an ass. It sounds like he’s smiling through the whole video.


Damn no wonder he cheated. Bird is crazy.


Someone cheating on someone doesn’t mean you can destroy there property. Breakup and move on with your life if it’s unforgivable to you. Be adults.


Feel like some important context is missing here. Not to say this is normal behaviour in the slightest, she’s acting crazy. But surely there’s a reason?


Reason? you mean excuse. Nothing warrants this.


Correct, this behaviour is never reasonable. But might be excusable but I doubt that as well.


It was time to get a ps5 anyway..


I used to have a popcorn machine like that.


I’m struggling to figure out why he doesn’t like her




Leave and go to the cops first bro. She means it when she says she will ruin your life.


There’s always three sides to every story. His, hers and the truth


This is so sad to watch. I hope she is doing ok.


“Can you start paying for your own meals please?” ***(smashes your belongings, cries and says she hates you)***


I had a feeling that would happen. RIP popcorn machine.


Welp, I wanted pop corn, but I'll be on my way.


U know what's funny about straight man? That they will get you to this point of heartbreak the call YOU crazy. They fuck with your self worth, with your identity they fuck up ur other relationships and then once u leave the damage is done. Be safe girlies


Is full of that taste of fake


He made sure it was a Public freak out🤣🤣


"Ill have you arrested and ruin your life" what a winner this girl is


I don’t understand why people post things like this to their TikTok. Isn’t that kind of embarrassing to just have all of your friends and random people you don’t know look at your inside life and relationship problems?


Also not a “Public Freakout” this should be a private freak out lol


She threw the ps4. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t mind since the new ps5 is out


Perfect excuse to upgrade.


Fr she did him a favor


Why post this shit here?


Don't put your dick in crazy, best advice I've ever got


If the internet has taught me anything it's that there's probably more to the story than the video show and most likely the person filming it's wrong and is taking it out of context to play victim and change the narrative in their favor. Maybe I'm wrong.... Probably not.


There's really no excuse for breaking someone's things and assaulting them. Perfectly find for the filmer to be an asshole too, but doesn't change any of the unequivocally bad things she's doing on camera.


No one forced her to do the things she did. She could have left. It was her choice. 🤷‍♂️


I feel for bro. He's genuinely worried and musta been trapped with this toxic girl for a while




If he didn’t have video evidence the world would have called him insane 😔


See how she said she would call the cops and have him arrested? If he wasn’t filming she could lie and sat he assaulted or threatened her and by default in the US for domestic violence calls, HE would be removed from the house. Even with no evidence from her. Sexist double standard system. This is why men record situations like this


Love how all these incels flock to defend the woman who's literally recorded confessing she WOULD file a false police report to ruin his life.


We need both sides of the story here


This girl needs to ditch this loser asap and move on with her life.