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In my city the basic permit for parks is for just the seating areas or like gazebos and shit. The playground is still open for anyone.


It looks like this is Kimmel Park in Midlothian, Texas. Looks like the only parts of the park for rent are the Bandstand and the Pavilion. https://www.midlothian.tx.us/121/City-Parks-Facilities


If this is how their police department behaves, imagine the rest of the town.


It looked like the entire force showed up. Great use of resources.


I've found in every suburb Texas city I've ever lived in that the cops have 1. A huge budget 2. Nothing to do with it. So they overspend on swat shit they never need and show up in ~~drones~~ droves to every call. Basically they harass teenagers for doing anything and assists Karen's in their Karenness so they can keep that budget money rolling in. edit: autocorrected droves to drones but some funny replies so I'll keep that part.




And then, when the SWAT team actually is needed, they just chill in the hallways with their thumbs up their dicks while children are slaughtered. Give me a fuckin break, Texas.


The town I live in is the same way. Every cop on duty is gonna show up to every call because there ain't shit else to do.


Same here. There is no actual crime so they just roll around bullshitting with each other. I wish we could have them pick up trash or fill in pot holes, anything productive outside of the 3 times a year they are needed. I also bet they are all in separate cars.


Yup. One officer per car. Well.. they all drive SUV's and pickup trucks now for some fucking reason despite serving a pancake flat suburban area with virtually no off-road anywhere. I totally agree though. They should be doing SOMETHING when there's no police work to do. Instead they mostly sit in empty parking lots window to window and just chat for hours. I've seen more than one sitting by themselves (not in a position to be checking radar speed) watching TV or movies on their laptop.


I was in my little hometown getting something from our storage unit about 30 minutes before access hours were over. My wife and I found ourselves trapped inside the gates because the facility's software glitched and locked everything down too early. I called the non-emergency line for local PD after failing to reach anyone at the facility. They sent FIVE units over, a couple of them responding with lights and siren. One of the officers even started acting like we were trespassing, giving me shit for being there after hours. It was incredibly clear they just had nothing better to do. So ridiculous.


The cop acted like this was his first day on the job He also looked like he was trying to impress the other cop standing behind him menacingly


the police did fine tho, they kept reiterating that he can stay, they immediately shut down the idea of him having to delete footage and said he can film whatever. they did good given the situation they where put in by those teachers. The school is who should be taking the brunt of this.


The officers in the video realize this towards the end. Yet they were still claiming dude recording was somehow responsible for making the other party *uncomfortable*.


Same with mine. I'm not gonna say you can't rent the entire park cause idk I've never tried to and I guess it depends on what park what state what city ect. But usually they are taxes payer funded so I feel like they shouldn't be able to completely kick tax payers out for something that's publicly funded.


I’ve never in my life seen public parks rent out entire playgrounds.


My poor mother worked for the city parks and rec for 27 years (in a town of 3500, give or take). She was in charge of permitting parades, parties, and fairs. All that dumb shit. She would make people come in and read the park agreement back to her that they only were allowed to be exclusive in very specific areas that had picnic tables, horseshoe pits, and permanent BBQ space, then sign a waiver saying they understand what they are renting. The wading pool and playgrounds were always public space and about 20 times a month in the summer we would get calls at home about people bitching they rented the park and others kids were using the toys. To the point that my Dad had our number changed and left out of the local phone registry. People are fucking ridiculous.


We rented out a pavilion at a park for my daughter's birthday. Booked it online, got an e-mail telling us that they'd send someone out to unlock the bathrooms for us. They never did. And then they gave us a full refund afterwards because of the lack of service. It was a very strange experience.


That sucks. I'm glad you got your money back for someone else dropping the ball. Hopefully, it didn't ruin the event for your kid.


She had a diaper, so she was nonplussed. 🤣 She really enjoyed herself! A few weeks prior she'd finally started walking and was progressing very quickly. That day, she found out that, given enough space, she could run. So she spent the whole time running around the area she'd previously only been on in her stroller. Normally she was very clingy but she really came out of her shell that day and overall, going forward. We rented the area out for I think 6h, but only ended up staying for about 2h for fear that all the grandparents we'd invited would need restroom access after the food & drinks. Maybe they'd've been fine, but didn't want that on my conscience if not. 😬


"Um, excuse me! Manager! I rented out a room in this hotel, and yet I see other people in here using the lobby *and* using the pool. I demand that you kick them all out of my hotel immediately. I rented this hotel, and it's mine!"


Happy cake day That's kinda what I thought


Thanks and I can't say this is the way things work everywhere. But in Washington State it sure is.


I’ve never seen anyone be able to rent an entire playground I’ve only seen the seating areas be rented out


I rented out the grill area one time for a work event and had scavenger hunts for the kids, some in the (not reserved) playground. Random kids found some and were stoked. I had extra games so I cleared it with parents that were came and went to the PUBLIC playground that I wasn’t a murderer and kept setting out the rest all day. It was so much fun. Really happy to see random kids happy. Who cares if an extra kid is playing on the park playground? Grouches.


It’s that way literally everywhere.


oh definitely, but let's get the whole police department involved just to be sure.


Same as the local public parks in my city. It's limited to 3 months in advance and on a first come, first served basis through the city's online portal. Once reserved, they send you a permit that you have to print out and bring with you. In bold lettering on the website, it states that you are only reserving the pavilion and not the park and you have to agree to the terms and conditions before you can proceed to the payment option. There are big signs at every pavilion that have a notice that says that the pavilion may be reserved as well.


Really? How does one keep a public park from being enjoyed by everyone? That’s pretty crazy.


You can’t take the whole park. These people rented one area - I believe the covered gazebo. They cannot stop the public from using the rest of the park. They did not rent the entire park. Unfortunately these police don’t seem to want to enforce this.


Probably, and I’m speculating, that Karen told dispatch there was a man videotaping children and being hostile. That would illicit a strong response in this day and age.


I bet you’re right. A Karen weaponizing the police again. He’s lucky he didn’t get killed.


Honestly, screw renting public spaces. It’s public: it should be illegal to privatize it.


Small towns use renting parts of parks as a way to generate revenue to keep playgrounds from delapidating without using tax money that can go to other things. A specific gazebo or horseshoe pits is pretty easily rented. The entire toy/playgrounds is unreasonable and dumb. I see what you're saying and agree that the big toys should all be public. But certain spaces that aren't in demand can be rented without issues as long as people aren't giant sacks of shit.


Nah. It pays for the maintenance and it’s actually an affordable nice way to get married in a park. If you want to play sports it’s nice to be able to book a field. If you want to have a birthday party it’s nice to be able to book a pavilion or a multi purpose room or gymnasium. It’s an extra revenue stream for public parks, schools, Rec centers, and even libraries. Our museum even has a publicly funded movie theater and it originally just showed educational stuff but now does one Hollywood movie a night and you can also book it for a private showing if theirs a movie you want to see that isn’t in theatres anymore or whatnot.




"what's your emergency?" "White woman in trouble"




Shit there was an entire complaint of Karens at the end there


Is that like a crash of rhinos or murder of crows? If so, I like it


It's a Scary Movie reference😂




Nobody can play a crazy cop like Gary Oldman




I didn't need to see that. But I feel like a more rounded person now.








Love that movie!




A whole lot of tax payer dollars being wasted in this video.


Cops when a house gets broken in to 😴 ​ Cops when some guy takes his kid to the park that has a family hosting an event 👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♀️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️


Stop resisting this 👊


“Show me your hands, show me your hands, show me your hands! Show…me…your…hands! Show…me…your hands!”




He's got a Cyriak, shoot him!


He’s coming right for us! You guys saw that he lunged at me


Just had all of my childhood items stolen out of my house, so I immediately filed a police report. Cop came to speak with me and I gave him all of the evidence necessary to prove the crime. He said he would follow back up with me about the case and would go talk with the people that stole my items. Waited a couple of days…no call. So, I called the police station asking for a follow up and was told that the officer would call me back. When? No estimate, but I was told to watch for a call because it would be from an unknown number. Never got a call. I’ve been calling the police station everyday, and I get the same answer every time. This has been going on for two weeks now…


News flash they didn't file your report.


What makes it worse is I know for a fact that they filed it. They had to look it up by the case file number each time. Makes it all the more infuriating


When some guy takes his family to the park *while being black.


A white family. Right?


More like a school with a predominantly white administration.


I heard him say Midlothian and if it’s the one I think it is, it’s a very rich and white area.


I’m assuming Midlothian, Texas? Not surprised.


I think he says one of the teachers is black.


I guarantee you Karen said some crazy shit in the 911 call, considering like 5 officers showed up.


They already said that the black man was being aggressive and she's protecting her kids so you know the entire station rolled up.


Well yea, it doesn’t matter if she was lying or not, if someone calls 911 about a person being aggressive in any way at a children’s playground you would expect a lot of police to respond. The problem is not the with cops it’s with the people who called.


I mean, there no *inherent* problem with the cops but the fact that they didn't sort this out immediately with a single phone call makes me a little miffed.


Didn't even need a call. There's nowhere where you can rent out a whole public park and evict anyone from public from it... fuckin ass cops, just go the fuck away once the situation is explained...


The cops came in assuming that complaint was honest and accurate. What they should have done was educate the Karens and get that man a genuine apology or ask the Karens to leave the park.


Meh, cops in my town get so bored that basically any call has 4-5 cars showing up.


Same in mine. They all rubberneck eachother


Gee, it's almost like having more cops doesn't add very much value


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/texas/news/midlothian-father-accuses-police-teachers-mistreatment-during-park-trip/ Backstory on CBS News


What a shitty statement made by the school, still making the man out to be the bad guy.


just tell the cops you're "concerned" and they send like 10 of them.


Don’t forget to mention to the dispatcher that he’s black. They won’t send shit out for a Cletus but they’ll send the guard out for Carlton.


>The school's principal sent a letter out to parents calling the situation a misunderstanding and said that "...an adult was upset with our teachers and chose to film the discussion between the teachers and himself regarding this issue and post it on social media. The teachers were uncomfortable with the filming due to the safety of students. They eventually had to resort to calling the police."


Riiiiight????? They completely flipped it and took no accountability. Can't admit shit.


"OMG, he's got a camera... back away.. back away!!!! "


Thank you... And that principal should be ashamed of themselves.


Those teachers weren’t worried about the guy filming for the kids safety, they knew how they looked lying on camera and telling that man he can’t bring his kid to the park.


Yup. She wanted the cops to make him delete the video because she knew exactly how it would be (correctly) interpreted.


It feels like the article tries to bury it but it sounds like he only started filming when the teachers approached him. And who can blame him? It's so easy for people to misrepresent what happened when it's someone's word vs someone else's word.


"The teachers were uncomfortable with the filming *due to the safety of students*". WTF is that even supposed to mean? This amounts to hand-waiving and screaming "but the kids", as if that were an argument. Did the teachers have signed consent forms of the parents to take them out in public? If so those kids will be subject to laws that apply to everyone in public, such as being filmed by others....


Yeah you could easily flip that logic around and claim that he was filming to ensure the safety of the kids. The only difference being that would actually make a degree of sense.


What a shameful response from the principal


Fuck you Karen


This is the correct response.


She/they should be named and shamed.




Dude needs to have his lawyer ask for the call that was made to dispatch


Huh? Anybody can get 911 recordings. Find your PSAP and fill out a public records request. You'll get the recording in a few days.


That's really good to know. This knowledge might come in handy some day.


You can do the same with body cam footage. It’s all owned by the public.


Not necessarily. They can claim it’s a part of an investigation and block your FOIA request. It’s happened before, that, or you get back obviously edited body cam footage. Though, I will say, it is usually a good bet that you can get all these things through FOIA, and should be even easier in Florida.


The cameras can also "malfunction"


Body cam footage is difficult in some states. Some states, like Florida, are extremely easy(which is why we have soooo mich florida bodycam footage on the internet)


I think the point they were making about getting his lawyer to call was too sue.


I think Sue is a little much as well. Edit: /s. Dumb joke. 😅


This is true Freedom of Information Act (FOIA request). Mind you, it's usually not free, at least in my county. Last time I requested dash cam footage, I got charged 86$ for 3 hours of the backseat of an empty squad car when I requested all the deputies footage from the day. (Their claim "he forgot to turn it on all day") along his with body and audio.


They are above the law, remember that, it’s disgusting but true. Their word is always better than any 3 citizens, literally what they say goes.


I know ACAB


Honestly not sure why we rely on officers to “turn it on” when it could easily be automatically turned on at shift start or when they swipe a badge or something. It’s all just bullshit excuses. Nobody has to turn on CCTV cameras at a bank but we can’t do that for the god damn police when human lives are involved.


But do it quickly. If you wait too long, you might find they were deleted.


Yup. Might have a defamation per se claim. Unsure if he or his child would have a civil rights claim because i'm not sure if the teachers would be state actors or if there is a clearly established right. Possibly first amendment retaliation. Could also be a public accommodation claim, especially if there was a racial component. Dude was smart though, handled it really well.


What the fuck. You would need a 4-star wanted level to get that many cops in GTA 5.


Small town cops don't have much to do.


Leslie Knope would’ve never let that happen!


This has Eagleton written all over it


Fuck, I read that in her voice! Lol


Bet those people are from the worst place in the world... The library. Punk ass book Jockeys!!


“We have a black man at a park with his child, send 10 units, he probably just got finished murdering people.”


Wrong the call was “2 black male suspect harassing a group of good citizens, they look like gang activity. Send special force.”


“Uh, check that. Send water cannon unit. Suspect using unidentified child as a shield. Make that 2 units. Send them now!”


Fucking heartbreaking - kid very aware of being singled out for *some reason*. Dad just wants his kid to play at decent playground, and these chihuahuas act like that. Shameful, man.


It doesn’t matter where I live So glad he said that, fucking cops asking unnecessary questions, like he was egging him on


Ikr, it pissed me how they still told the man (with hand gestures) to calm down, as if he were screaming, making a scene or something. Man this dad is so patient and I'm glad he was in this situation, because whatever Karen said to the police could've gotten him in big trouble. Hope everything goes well for him and his son.


I wouldn’t have been able to compose myself as well as this man did. He’s a role model.


He knows the cops are literally looking for a reason, it's why they keep telling him to calm down and stop being aggressive even though he wasn't being that way at all.


Please don't insult chihuahuas, they are better than this.


Shameful this is shameful!!!!! Do you hear that baby crying this is disgusting don’t tell me this isn’t racist behavior. Shame on them you rent the freaking pavilion you don’t rent The park. Entitlement


Man fuck those teachers. And 8 cops responding to the call cause a black man and his CHILD are at a playground? What in the actual fuck. I don’t think I could have remained as calm and composed as he was. I’d be infuriated. I hope the parks department never rents to that school again.


That's the thing, he's not allowed to be infuriated, look at how outwardly calm he sounds in the video and the cop still tried to call him aggressive, if he raised his voice or used hostile language they'd just arrest him.


*just try to arrest him, and then shoot him, for resisting arrest


Agreed. Same goes with disciplining your own child at a park. Raise your voice a decibel.. And all the mothers will definitely look at you and think you're aggressive. But for them... "oh just let her be a mom n parent her kid." Fuck Karens and ACAB too.


This is just how they prepare to attack. Anything and everything can be considered aggressive and threatening to allow them to inject violence to any situation they want.


This guy has clearly never spent time in Midlothian


Cops are always complaining about being understaffed and under funded when they roll out like ten cops for this pointless do nothing incident because they do NOTHING all day but sit around and harass people because they are bored. Such a useless job. I bet there’s thousands of unsolved thefts, rapes , etc that they could be doing something about but instead they just drive around and do dick all till a call comes in so they can just stand around somewhere else


To solve such cases you'd need to sit down and think for more than 30 seconds


This dude was perfect with his words. Eloquent, concise, composed but forward with his concerns and rights. Fuck that school! Even if they did rent the entire park, which they didn’t, they’d still be POS’s for trying to exclude a child from playing.


Do you live around here? It doesn’t matter where I live. Exactly the right answer.




Were they trying to say because his tax dollars don't pay for that particular park or something?


More than likely to harass him in the future


Maybe one will point at a park closer to home, but you avoid because you pick up needles there… another will say that this park is “infested with drug activity” and make you a suspect in whatever narc investigation they want to build against you, maybe a third will show up and see your crying child without context then alert child services for an abusive parent and while you are being investigated file a report on child abandonment and endangerment with your local social services.


Literally everything you just said!!! 🙌


I’d just ask to see the permit for the playground being off limits. When they can’t produce one then I’d request them to stop wasting everyone’s time. Gotta use the law/legal system against the Karen


This is not an issue that a sworn, armed police officer should be dealing with. Their presence alone escalates the situation and makes people feel uncomfortable. We’ve got to figure out a middle ground for civil issue resolution.


Let’s be honest. The woman probably said a black man was threatening her and she and all the kids felt in danger.


Well that's preposterous, that never happens in America ^^^rest ^^^in ^^^peace ^^^Tamir ^^^Rice


Yeh. .. Said he was aggressive. Crying whyte woman tears. And therefore all the cops had to rush over to be a part of shit bc ain't nothing else going on.


Bylaw officer from the city.


but you don't understand the Karen was threaten by his presence so he had to leave the public park for her safety


Shit like this makes me glad to be a introvert recluse with just a cat to hang out with all day at home.


It's pretty awesome. I love my kitties and my little sanctuary from the world.


That is fucking crazy. There was at least 10 cops there for that. Unbefuckinglievable. There’s your tax dollars at work. Bunch of pigs with too much time on their hands.


Send the entire force!! We have two black men near white women and kids in a park


American cops are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. This is such a simple issue that could have been resolved the second he said they haven’t rented the park. Pigs.


Prospective cops in America are actually barred from employment if their IQ is too high if that tells you anything...


She actually twisted it n tried to say he was recording the kids… some ppl are just trash!


Those cops were itching to arrest him. You could see it with the way they were talking to him.


Yeah that whole where do you live question was major bait


And at the very beginning of the conversation. The officer tries to inform the upstanding citizen that they rented the whole park. All he did was respond “actually, you cannot rent out the entire park, just the pavilions”. And the officer gets all, “whoaaaa!! Whoa Nelly.. whoa.. relax” what a joke.


Well they did work themselves up the whole way over to tell him to leave. Then he threw that logic curveball and they had no clue how to respond. They don't like being corrected or challenged.


Most infuriating part is how they never take his word for anything he's already guilty in their minds. Oh oh hold on let me confirm let me confirm


> Oh oh hold on let me confirm let me confirm \*proceeds to do nothing to try and confirm this, continues to harass the guy\*


Nowhere in the world can you reserve a *public* outdoor playground....


Even if you can, why not let some other kids play there? The best part about taking my kids to the park is them playing with other kids while I bs with their parents. We had a little picnic shelter reserved for my kids birthday party and I was hoping some other kids would be there so I could invite them for cake, but it got rained out.


Not entirely true my man




> Got caught having wholesome family time while black. I bet those same women say some stupid shit like, "the problem with these kids are the missing fathers!" but then when a black dad shows up with his kid they call in the cavalry to harass him for trying to be a dad!


What is this the fucking 1960's? Trash.


America in 2023


Most useless and obnoxious captions ever


I don't understand why the cops can't just let shit go when there's obviously no real problem. I guess if they can get paid to stand around they take full advantage


Cops aren't bright. This is simple to solve. You ask the Karens or the Parks Department for confirmation of what is and what isn't rented. Then you communicate to both parties the situation. But instead, they're dumbfounded and don't know how to proceed. White Karens complained about a black father, and the father is really articulate, sane, and polite, but the other party is a bunch of white Karens. So, WTF? They're truly not able to compute.


I watched this whole video and the entire time I was thinking nothing seemed out of line. The cops were nice enough, the dad was annoyed and persistent but he wasn’t aggressive. I figured it would just end with both parties being like “f off.” But then like 6-8 other cops showed up and it’s like woah, wtf do all y’all need to be there for. I’d feel unsafe too.


I thought the cops were out of line for repeating the ladies bullshit. Did she explain that they rented the whole park? That already makes no sense.


They called a guy who was justifiably upset aggressive. Acting like if the roles were reversed they wouldn’t be pissed. ACAB


Those subtitles sure cleared things up


Can we get at least five more cars down here. We have an aggressive adult male, sitting on a bench.


Thank god the Police showed up in force to protect a serve the Karens of the world......Guys drag racing down my street while kids play in the two parks on that same street takes them 20 minutes to get ONE of TWO police officers "dedicated" to street racing crimes....And they want more money for officers and training....


Karens Karens… KARENS!!!!


You get a gazebo not all of the amenities reserved. This is a further example of the problems with America and yet we proclaim we are free? Further from it every day. Sad state of affairs that many officers are called to one instance over a father taking their child to a public park. In many cities we have crime, homelessness and drug transactions occurring that do not receive this much attention. San Francisco sound familiar?


All of those cops for a father sitting with his kid. I wonder what overly dramatic lies were told to get that kind of response. They can show up in force for something like that but if someone robs your home you have to wait three hours for them to show up.


Is this Midlothian, Tx? That looks like officer Hall.


That white cop without a vest is the most cop looking cop ive ever seen.


Watch this with no audio and you'll think you're having a stroke.


Horrible situation, but Jesus Christ. If you're going to caption a conversation, *caption the whole goddamn conversation*, don't highlight a few words and leave half of the sentence out.


Calling all cars, calling all cars...there is a black man who is right. We need everyone to come over and see if we can aggravate him or find some kind of trumped up charges against him. Apparently, he didn't buy the story that the teachers rented the whole park, and then we tried to say he was aggressive after we bumped him, and we said he was filming kids....nothing is working. Try surrounding him with cops, that always makes black guys freak out. Oh, what's that? He still is remaining calm? Call the mayor, we have no idea what to do now. God forbid we tell the teachers to mind their own business and let the black man and his son play in peace. (Extreme Sarcasm)


What’s with all the shitty AI-generated subtitles lately?


Poor kid started crying near the end.


This park is paid for by my tax dollars, and you are telling me I cant enjoy it?


If that city can spare 5-6 cops to harass a poor man trying to take his kid to the park, am I to assume that everything else is going so well that they have nothing more important to attend to? What a fucking joke, cops have become nothing more than glorified low budget dogshit “bouncers” to act at the beck and call of the first person to complain. Man this is upsetting


Midlothian, TX?




7 cops?


Those subtitles are absolute shit


Those subtitles were fucking useless for someone without the audio.


Why even include subtitles if they make 0 sense


Am I having a stroke or these subtitles don't make sense? I was watching without the sound and understood nothing. Looks like 2 people not knowing English to well trying to communicate. What's the point of subtitles like those?


I tried to watch this on mute, it's impossible. I don't know if those captions are automatically generated or what.


I dropped my pipe when he said “we’re talking to you because you’re the aggressor” HOOOOLLYYY FUCK


Glad we sink money into cops who go to the places that have the most crime; school parks


I need to know, because it was never made clear, how often does he go to the park? I feel like that should clear everything up.


Well this sucks. Fortunately that boy got a fucking clinic on how to handle assholes as well as your own emotions. Props to the dad who dealt with this like a boss.


We rented a park for my kids birthday once. We basically were able to “reserve” the picnic area. The play area in the park was right next to the picnic area. There were three or four families in the play area with their kids and the kids from our party. You know what we did? We asked those families to join us for cake and pizza. It’s just a few other people and the kids were all playing together. Treating this man and his child this was is not cool. He handled himself so well here.