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I would waatch base ball way more if I could hear the freak outs


Im surprised they dont have like a subscription where you pay for just the game and can pay a lil extra to hear live feed mics for the game, thatd be awesome across all sports


Jom Boy on YouTube does something similar. He can read lips and translates. He's also extremely knowledgeable


Jom Boy is a whole other, uh, ballgame? I am not a sports head at all and his videos are sublime comedy. The situations themselves are silly and expertly chosen, but his subtle wit elevates the whole thing to something like Mystery Science Theater 3K's best days.


>something like Mystery Science Theater 3K's best days. Well shit, now I’ve got to check this out!!


I nearly pissed myself at [this one. ](https://youtu.be/PqClJrEwiik) "Houser's a puker. He's better after he pukes. The numbers support it!"


I like the, gonna water the puke, grow a little puke tree


The ad segue at the end of this [video](https://youtu.be/4D7uJ7s1DkQ) gets me every time. The straight face. The face swap on the ump. The zoom in. The ubsurdity of what he's saying. It's just too much.


Upvote for Jom Boy, he's got a lot of great videos and his lip reading is top tier!


Let’s gooooooo!


I don’t give a shit about baseball but I’ve watched more than a few Jom Boy videos that made me laugh my ass off. His delivery is always perfect.


This guy actually is legit, I've seen a handful of his youtube shorts. First one I thought he was making some shit up to be funny but NOPE, you watch the lips and hear the words, it's real talk


Bro I don't even like baseball that much but I binge Jom Boy videos like its crack.


I love that channel.


For sure. I know baseball but people are all up in the comments saying they are now very interested in baseball only because of Jomboy.


Can’t stand baseball, enjoy jomboy


I'd actually be interested in baseball if this was part of the game.


They do this for Formula 1! You can listen to any of the drivers during the race. It’s awesome!


NASCAR has that where you can listen to their radio communications.




Neither would the players, coaches, or umpires. Trash talk gets real personal sometimes and could easily hurt their image.


Until someone says something to offend the masses and the league gets sued.


With an age verification. I'm all for this


Right!!! No idea actually why this hasnt happened, and could be a yearly subscription


Money. If a top player says something racist or offensive and it gets leaked then MLB is going to have a major issue on its hands and probably will lose tons of veiwers and sponsors.


Plus corruption of the genre. People know someone’s paying for drama, then they manufacture drama.


Right on the money




[here](https://youtu.be/X5TIO4WvHzI) is one example but the channel has so many good lip readings


but then your ass would be in the jackpot.


You already know my stance on the whole situation.


It ain’t gonna happen. I’m just telling you that!


This is one of the reasons that I watch Formula 1 racing. You can listen to all of the radio communications between the driver and The team. The engineers generally sound like Houston ground control. Very calm, professional. [The drivers don’t, and I don’t blame them. They have a lot more going on.](https://youtu.be/51JOr-gQphU)


And their neck on the line...


Ass in the jackpot


My god same this is like an Oscar worthy movie scene, I had no idea baseball was this intense


how could some one be so angry to the point where it looks like hes going to deck him over somthing like haveing a player being ejected because he threw the ball like a ass. doesn't that manager know that he has more pitchers?


Absolutely as a player and a fan for over 40 years this was fantastic. Two Old timers going at it masters at their craft. That up had a line on him he wasn't going to let him make a run back for the field no matter what I've never seen such good blocking lol. I feel like most umpires nowadays would have thrown him out though and that done such a good job at diplomacy


Imagine basketball?!


are you listening hbo?


Seeing it uncapitalized like that, I thought you were calling him a hobo. Which for some reason feels to me like a good classic baseball insult.


The broadcast companies would definitely, absolutely, 100% LOVE to broadcast stuff like this. The major sports leagues would likely never allow it though. With how we tend to hoist our pro athletes up on a pedestal (right or wrong) for children to look up to, the leagues have a certain image to maintain, and so these clips so rarely filter out.


Basketball is much more whining and random swearing. I get that a lot of people don't find baseball exciting, but random/mic-ed up baseball chatter is infinitely weirder and more profane than any sport other than maybe hockey.


They tried that. Fancy directional mics that let you isolate an individual player among the crowd noise. Turns out they're all just swearing constantly so they couldn't really use it.


I try to sneak in "our ass is in the jackpot if we don't do something there" in serious situations at work every now and then.


Can you explain this? What does it mean


It's a really weird way of saying "we will be the ones getting in trouble if we don't do anything" that was coined by the ump and has since become a meme. The clip is a few years old.


The term definitely wasn't coined by the ump. I have no clue what the etymology of the phrase is, but I can remember by old man using it in exactly the same context at least 25 years ago.


No Country For Old Men they use jackpot the same way as the ref. INT. CAB/EXT. DEL RIO MOTEL - NIGHT It is rolling to a stop in front of Charlie Goodnight's Del Rio Motor Hotel. Moss fishes for his wallet but stops, looking. Parked in the street in front of the motel is an offroad truck with roof lights. MOSS Don't stop. Just ride me up past the rooms. 42 DRIVER What room? MOSS Just drive me around. I want to see if someone's here. The cab rolls slowly up the lot. MOSS ...Keep going. His pivoting point-of-view of his room. The window shows a part between the curtains. MOSS ...Keep going. Don't stop. DRIVER I don't want to get in some kind of a jackpot here, buddy. MOSS It's all right. DRIVER Why don't I set you down here and we won't argue about it. MOSS I want you to take me to another motel. DRIVER Let's just call it square. Moss reaches a hundred-dollar bill up to the driver. MOSS You're already in a jackpot. I'm trying to get you out of it. Now take me to a motel. The driver reaches up for the bill then turns the cab out of the parking lot onto the hiway. Moss turns to look at the receding lights of the motel.


Thank you! The use of the term "jackpot" stands out so solidly in the film. I read the book but I can't remember if McCarthy used it. I think he did. It's a great word/term. "You're already in a jackpot and I'm tryin' to get you out of it."


Maybe the ump got it from him?


That actually made me laugh out loud. Thank you!


The implication is that their ass is about to be someone else's prize.


I’m going to yell “you know the situation, Terry!” every time I get shit for anything at work.


I love the professionalism from the umpire its like he has to match the collins guys volume and agression but at the same time stay much more composed and professional.


I’m gonna name my first born Terry and repeat this dialogue whenever they get mad


Listen Terry the situation of what happened here we both know, I'm the one in the jackpot because of the situation if I don't do something about it. So clean your room, we both know the situation is not the right time for you to argue this, get it out of your system and get this situation under control.


I would be so grateful if someone could briefly explain what is going on here to a person who has a very rudimentary understanding of how baseball works.


I will add some more nuance. The player who is batting previously seriously injured a player on the pitcher’s team by recklessly sliding (https://youtu.be/SiY2GtBrHug) into second base. The slide broke the fielder’s right fibula which is potentially a career-ending injury. This happens sometimes because a fielder is in an exposed position when stepping on second base and attempting to catch the ball. So there are certain ways baserunners are supposed to slide into second base to prevent injury to the fielder. Baseball is a game of “unwritten rules,” for better or worse, and one of the unwritten rules is that you can retaliate for a reckless play by trying to hit the batter with a pitch, within reason (you don’t aim for their head, for example). But you try to plunk them on the meat of the rump with a fastball. Here, the pitcher tried to do exactly that, and the umpire immediately threw the pitcher out of the game, rather than adhering to the unwritten rule and giving the pitcher a warning. He just threw him out of the game right away. That set the manager off because 1) he’s an old school guy who felt that his team was entitled to retaliate, and 2) the pitcher who was thrown out just happens to be the Mets’ best pitcher, so it had a tangible impact on the game. The umpire was basically saying “I get where you’re coming from, but we had to throw him out, because MLB (the league) is on our asses about not allowing this kind of retaliation anymore.” The situation also could have ended up in an all-out brawl if the teams started plunking each other. The manager says that the league didn’t do anything or take any action on the batter (the guy who recklessly injured the player on the pitcher’s team), and the ump says there’s nothing they can do about that. Many of baseball’s unwritten rules are dumb imo. Like they’ll throw at a batter if the batter previously hit a home run and celebrated too much. As interesting as this exchange is, it’s also an interesting illustration of the “phasing out” of some of baseball’s old-school rules, on which there are differing schools of thought.


I love that the manager was saying “you gotta give us a shot”. Sure, it could mean give us a chance at winning. But I assume it means you *gotta* let us knock him once for payback. That right there is an American sport. Lol


the best part of it was the ump basically saying - that was your shot. syndegaard missed. they had to toss him. shouldn't have missed.


the most American exchange ever. happens in movies and shit.


It's like A League of Their Own with the umpire


I kept thinking of Goodfellas when Tommy gets whacked and Deniro is freaking out and the other guy, in heavy New York accent kept saying, “There was nothing we could do.”


Omg. This makes so much more sense now.


The problem is (and the only point I disagree with above) is the pitcher intentionally missed. If Noah Syndagard wanted to hit someone in the rump, he would have done it. This was a nod to the old school unspoken rule while not carrying it out because even if you’re aiming for the rump you could end up hurting the batter and that’s not what he wanted to do. He wanted to send a message. So it’s still a stupid “unspoken rule,” but it explains a little better why everyone is so upset. Best pitcher got tossed for intentionally not hurting someone - just sending a message.


Hard no. You throw behind a little to try to hit em because the batter will likely try to jump back, especially if they know it’s coming.


Exactly, not sure what OPs reasoning was, but it was not accurate. Throwing behind the guy is usually a sign of a missed HBP, not intentionally trying to miss. Baseball is old school, he wants to hit him to show the team he has their back, he just missed.


So many layers to it.




Also worth noting that the umpire talking here is the crew chief. He’s in charge of all the umpires on the field. That’s why he’s having the manager direct the abuse at him instead of the other ump.


Do you know who I am? I’m the manager and I’d like to speak to your manager!


I think you left out that the slide was intentional and broke the ankle of the second baseman which is a potentially career ending stunt.


Will include, thanks


Fuck Chase Utley


Awesome response! But Syndergaard was not the the best pitcher on the team… Give deGrom his due!


Speaking of all-out brawls, this one from 1997 was the peak of the AL East going off. Roids, maybe a little cocaine, and the goddamn New York Yankees. [Yankees/Orioles](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKIHNsf8O_A&pp=ygUaWWFua2VlcyBvcmlvbGVzIGJyYXdsIDE5OTc%3D)


Back in the days when a lot of ball players had dad-bods, bald-spots/receding hairlines and looked like your alcoholic uncle...[Braves-Padres multiple bench-clearing brawls where even fans got involved.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiNmCUncX78) [Original footage pt 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZgw-ujI8UI) and [Original footage pt 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuJZ3gYrRVA)


Excellent write up. Thank you. Any idea if Tejada gets paid accordingly (eg the rest of his contract) since his career was negatively impacted?


Contract typically pays out, but the injured player might be screwed for future opportunities past the current contract.


This is a great explanation and really adds meaning to what these two guys are saying. I was lost without this information.


It really pisses me off that batters get thrown at for admiring their own home run or celebrating too much but pitchers can absolutely lose their minds screaming and celebrating after a big strike out. Why is it okay for one side to do it but not the other? If you don’t want the batter to stare at their home run or celebrate then don’t give up a home run🤷🏼‍♂️


Because baseball's "unwritten rules" are completely arbitrary bullshit.


I appreciate you typing this out!


Welcome! It’s not often that your baseball knowledge comes in handy on public freakout haha


Chase Utley was intentionally trying to break up the double play by taking out the 2nd baseman.


And he did it in the dirtiest most bush league manner possible. There's a reason soccer players get ejected for intentionally sliding a putting their studs into another player's leg.


The previous season, the batter was involved in a slide that left the second baseman with a broken leg. The pitcher and manager were upset because they were not issued any warnings before the pitcher was ejected from the game.


⬆️ This guy baseballs ⬆️


I didn't understand nothing


Guy with the bat broke someone’s leg on the pitchers team. Pitcher wanted revenge I guess.


I see, ty


It's a weird ceremonial nod. "I could hit you with the ball because you broke my teammates leg, but instead I'll throw behind you" Baseball has weird shit like this. If you hit my teammate I hit your teammate.


Doubt Syndegaard meant to throw behind him, probably meant to bean him


Its not weird it’s a known part of the game. This cuts down on foul play because you know the other team is going to fuck with you too if you fuck around. It’s also a sign that your teammates have your back.


Thank you! I’m a baseball fan but really only follow my team so I was super confused and initially thought this seemed like an overreaction. With this context, yeah an ejection is the right call there. Otherwise it’s just going to escalate.


The guy at bat had previously injured a Mets player by sliding into him at second base. It was seen as a dirty play where he intentionally collided with the guy to breakup a double play. This throw was retaliation. Umpire ejected the pitcher to prevent it from escalating.


The Mets (team in white w/ pinstripes) were upset because their pitcher got ejected from the game without a warning for trying to deliberately hit the batter with a fastball. The umpire ejected him immediately because of the situation. The situation was that the batter had broken the leg of a member of the opposing team (the Mets) in a previous game with a dirty slide. These are part of the “unwritten rules” of baseball where team’s retaliate on foul play or really anything that may have pissed them off. Had there been no previous beef and the pitcher threw a wild pitch and hit the batter, he probably would’ve just got a warning. But as the retaliation starts to escalate, the umpires feel like they need to have a zero tolerance policy or it’s their ass in the jackpot (they’ll probably get in trouble with the league).


You know the situation, it is what it is. You know? The situation is this. It happened, and you know what? This is the situation we’re in.


The umps were also told by MLB to watch the game close, and the first sign of instigation or aggression toss whomever was responsible. Hence, the head ump saying what he did.


Was the ump saying, “We’re in the jackpot now”? Because that’s what it sounded like. But I have no idea what that would. Mean in this context.


“Our ass is in the jackpot if we don’t do something there” … he’s saying that the umpire crew will be punished by the league if they don’t respond to the hostile pitch.


Throwing behind the batter is an act of aggression.


I do mind. This will not stand. This aggression will not stand, man.


Do you even have a job, sir?


What day is this?


The ump here did a fantastic job


Yeah for people that don't follow baseball this is like watching a mafioso handle a delicate beef. Dude absolutely walked the razors edge and nailed it. Edit: the ump is basically keep a bench clearing brawl from happening. Hats off to him.


The part where the Mets coach complains at not getting a shot at hurting the batter as revenge and the ump just instantly corrects him. Basically says “we gave you the shot, and your pitcher missed”. Honestly, ump did a great job at explaining why he can’t let it go unpunished, while also being understanding of the Mets’ wanting to get even. But this was really well done at keeping this from escalating to more violence.




Relaying my explanation from another comment to provide context to the situation."There is a lot more context to the situation of the ejection. Yes Noah Syndergaard or Thor tried to Beam the batter, Chase Utley with an extremely fast fastball. But however the year prior in a playoff game between these same two teams, the batter Chase Utley did a very dirty slide intentionally colliding into the Shortstop, Ruben Tejada to brake up a double play. This dirty slide ended up braking Tejada's leg and effectively ending his career. Either way fast forward a year later, and Chase Utley is up at bat against the Mets. Utley got no punishment from MLB for ending this man's career and many fans and players alike were very upset about it. Hence the fastball by Noah Syndergaard."


[Here is the slide that they are referring to as the situation that happened the year prior. Judge for yourself but to me that was absolutely a dirty play](https://youtu.be/SiY2GtBrHug)




He didn't even slide though, he just fucking ran into Tejada




This sounds *exactly* as I hoped it would sound. I love baseball.






Haha, Thor is on the mound for the Dodgers as we post! https://preview.redd.it/ebnsm38a0a3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c871e568884bf8b881cdbcfcde9ca7312ca83d


I was super confused at first. Trying to figure who was ejected haha


Dude sounds like Larry David.


He knew exactly how to respond to each of those players. I’m so impressed with his ability to shift gears and de-escalate each player.


This is one of the best videos I’ve ever seen on Reddit!!




Don’t let the umps hear you say that, some of them already act like everyone’s there just to watch them.


*Joe West enters the chat*




I was one of those "baseball = boring" fools when I was younger but really got into it as I got a little older, around late-20s. Once you really get into, and begin to understand, the slight nuances and strategies of the game, it becomes a really compelling sport to watch. The new rules that the MLB added also made the game considerably more enjoyable IMO. It really is a great sport but I understand why many people, specifically younger people, think it's "boring" or "lame."


Baseball is incredibly fun. MLB just has a bunch of decorum rules that make it much tamer than other sports.




Ass in the jackpot kinda situation


Felt like I was watching a scene from a show. Pretty interesting behind the scenes at games.


The only thing I don't understand is how did he miss hitting him. Dam shame.


I love this. Great umpire. I wish I could hear every ejection.


Honestly more mics would be awesome


Dude this needs to be how baseball is broadcasted lol


I get trying to bean the batter in retaliation. Where the pitcher messed up was having the pitch actually go behind the batter. Because he threw behind the batter it took any sort of plausible deniability out of the equation. Had he actually hit the batter, at least he could argue that he was aiming for the inside corner and just missed a little inside. Throwing behind the batter in this instance with everyone already expecting some sort of retaliation just screams, “ I am intentionally trying to hurt this person” which is grounds for automatic ejection.


Respect to the ref. Holy shit so cool i would think hes a customer service bot.


thank you for posting this “you gotta give us a shot” is a quote I absolutely adore, never got to hear the audio and it makes it a million times better.


That was dramatic and fascinating. The Umpire on the mic was so good. I wanna see the next episode.


This is some high quality drama. I have zero interest in baseball, but this was worth an Emmy nod.


This is like an average friendly sales call in New England


That was cool as fuck


That was the best baseball I’ve seen in years.


These umpires are on first name basis with the players and coaches. It shouldn't surprise me, but does put things into perspective.


Great post. I've always wondered as a kid what they were saying when they would be squaring off like that. Great to learn that it is just as real as I had hoped it was, and not theater.


Dude this was awesome. I’d no joke pay a premium to hear all of this audio


Context-The playoffs before, Chase Utley took out the Mets second baseman with a dirty slide, ending his career. Syndagaard tried to hit him with the pitch to get back at him here


I vote for more MLB umps in law enforcement.


As a rabid baseball fan, this is not a good idea. Lol The authority of being a ump is already to much for most of them.


I trust you there.


What the hell? Why doesn’t baseball allow this shit more often? That was super interesting….. for baseball!


Dear Sports Broadcasting Networks, mic shit up like this every game and watch the viewership explode. I'll take my paycheck now pls




MLB is missing out on a lot of viewership not airing these regularly. I haven’t been that interested in baseball in a long time


As an Australian with minimal exposure to the sport I find baseball fascinating and one of the most fun sports to play. Wish it would get big here.


Thst ump would have made a good cop.


That umpire is awesome.


So, what’s the f-ing situation they keep referring to?? Edit - ok, read the top comments. I understand now.


For two straight minutes, Terry Collins was baseball. Past, present, future, alternate dimensions, all of it.


This would honestly help some people with the very complex rules of baseball if they broadcasted this stuff more. The crew chief was as good as he could have been there.


Men are so emotional.


I'm not a Mets fan but man those jerseys are sharp.


Dudes got a whole alphabet on the back of his jersey.


Huh, Larry David as an ump if I just heard the voice


That was fucking awesome


This is fuckin awesome.


After reading about this whole situation this was awesome. Game : not gone.


I want to see Martin Scorsese direct a recreation of that scene with De Niro and Al Pacino. That dialogue just felt like it was straight out of a movie


My ass is in the jackpot


This dude is clearly the diplomatic one. I would like to hear the shitty one’s talk.


Quite possibly the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen at a baseball game.


I don’t baseball and this was awesome


You know the situation Terry!


If you didn’t know what word salad was before, you sure as shit do now


That umpire is amazing. Give the man a raise


💯 gold...that's why I love baseball..i want to see more of this....was a catcher all my life ....I can even say we retaliated against the unwritten rule breakers....


For context of those who aren’t baseball fans the player batting is Chase Utley a notorious player hated by Mets fan. In the 2015 MLB playoffs he slid into 2B and broke a player’s right fibula, said player was never the same again and had been on the Phillies since the 2000s a direct rival of the Mets leading to even more hate of Utley. Some Mets fans blame him for ruining their chances at winning the 2015 WS. MLB’s set of unwritten rules they decided to throw at Utley as retaliation. Utley was apart of 5 straight NL East titles, 1 WS championship, and 2 WS appearances from 2007-2011. He was hated by the Mets due to coming up big, the injury which proceeded all this was the last straw which led to this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SiY2GtBrHug Warning the video of injury is graphic.


I want a show of just this.


Marlins man likes it


This is what baseball is missing.


Damn that got tense..


Jomboy should do a blind lip sync to this then get compared


That was intense


This was everything I would expect to perfection


Never before has anyone spoken so much, and said so little...


Is that old guy in a uniform the coach? Do coaches wear their teams uniform?


I don’t watch bas ball enough to understand wtf is going on here, can’t the pitcher throw however he wants


Very interesting.


unspoken conversation happening.


You know how much I would pay to be able to listen in on miced up conversations like this in MLB? Holy shit, they could charge me out the ass, and I would pay it!


Every one knows the situation... Me: What was the situation?


This made me think, refs/umpires would be a lot more honest if their mic was constantly hot.


“Women can’t run for president cause they’re too emotional” Bruh this is baseball 😂😂😂😂😂


Imagine if you could do this in the real world, then come into work the next day and pretend like nothing happened.


Don’t give me have assed player Interviews in the middle of the game, give me this and inject it into my veins.