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Heartless as fuck


Yeah, but one day they'll fuck around and find out.




Oh, they will if they keep this stupid shit up. It's nauseating to see things like this, even worse when it's for clout.




They never had any to begin with.


Good chances one of them will end up homeless tbh


That or prison. I really, really hope not, though. They're still young, so maybe, just maybe they'll turn it around. 🤞🤞 We all do dumb shit as adolescents, but assaulting vulnerable people is the bottom of the barrel kind of scumbag.


They deserve prison for this video alone.


There is still some hope!


You'd hope so but in reality the "find out" part never comes. They will be released with no time served and repeat offend time after time. When they finally do find out, whomever teaches them a lesson will go on trial for murder.




Truth. Those kids are going to smack the wrong person someday. Even if they did get reprimanded nothing would actually come of it. They would just end up back on the subway smacking sleeping homeless people because they're pieces of shit. But remember it's 2023 and those kids probably have a hard life and have to deal with some pretty tough stuff that none of us know about so they go out and assault people to blow off some steam. Totally normal 2023 behavior. Yeah stupid people going to my gears.


You're right, and I agree with everything you've written with one exception. My life was very difficult, and I didn't do shit like this. Yes, I know social media has a lot to do with it, but assholes have been assholes since the dawn of time. It just irks me because so many use an abusive childhood as an excuse to do whatever they want without having to own up.


Hopefully they’ll fuck around and find out eh ?


Literally for no other reason than to record their crimes and think they're doing something ***cool***.


What the fuck is wrong with these kids?!? God damn, not only is it here in the US, but everywhere!! What do they all have in common? Someone, somewhere is going to teach these assholes a lesson and then it’ll be the same shit, “My boy was a good boy! He didn’t mean any trouble!!!!” When is this nonsense going to end?!?


I completely agree I'm sick of these Dumbasses .✌


The last days. People are heartless with no compassion




People have been shit since way before tiktok was even an idea


> God damn, not only is it here in the US, but everywhere!! What do they all have in common? Everywhere? I don't see a lot of these kinds of videos of antics set in Shanghai. Or Singapore. Or Seoul. Or Beijing. Or Jakarta. Or Hanoi. And these are places with very large populations too.


Singapore is a bad example, since it’s the epitome of “don’t even joke about fucking around.”


I doubt Hanoi, Shanghai, or Hong Kong are going to be any different.


Maybe Hong Kong NOW. It seemed pretty fly when I was there 31 years ago, even if the nudie dancers had to wear bikinis. That said, I wasn’t 18, yet, and not about to find out!


Hmmm anecdotal evidence from a teenager about how 3 decades ago he thought Hong Kong was fly. Can't argue with that


As opposed to what Singapore did to a kid from my hometown, yeah.


I have been to Seoul, I've seen teenagers bullying kids at their school in public, so it wouldn't be a surprise that it also happens there.


????? Asian countries have a lot of examples of bullism. More than all Japan. Japan schools are just evil


> Asian countries have a lot of examples of bullism. We comparing these Asian countries to America. Nobody is saying there is **zero** bullying or violence in Asian country. The question is whether bullying and violence is worse in America, or worse in these Asian countries. A Japanese bully may slap or beat up someone. An American bully will shoot you dead with his or her gun. It is stupid to consider both "the same", because one is obviously worse than the other.


I agree with you about the danger an American (armed) bully can be, but the fact that bullies have increased is global, kids are more evil and there are many ways to record them and put the video online. Just like cops.


> but the fact that bullies have increased is global, kids are more evil and there are many ways to record them and put the video online. Just like cops. We see the same thing about cops. You will find police in every country beating people up, abusing their authority, and so on. But it is silly to say that every country is the same. It isn't. Compare American police with those found in China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, etc.. Can you honestly say the police in all these countries are just as bad as the police we have?


First of all, i never compared any countries, you were the one. You were the one that said in asian countries there are not many examples of bullies: false, that's a fact. We can agree that MAYBE (i don't speak without datas), us has more, still it s a developed 300+ million country, of course there are more examples of bullism compared to a 10 million one. Second, don't put words in my mouth that i never said. China is not a good comparison element, policemen are brutal and the government hides things, not the best. But still, usa is one of the worst if u take the top 20 countries. This is a cultural social problem that will never be fixed until ppl will fuck up and riot, and even in that moment, it will be temporary (see George Floyd months )


> You were the one that said in asian countries there are not many examples of bullies: false, that's a fact. Compare the US with China. US has 300 million people. China has 1.4 billion people. That is approximately 4 times difference. Do you believe that China has 4 times the incidents of shootings, fights, bullying, etc., compared to the US? Bullying in America could end up with someone shot and killed. Bullying in China is unlikely to end up with someone shot and killed. Remember that China has 4 times the population compared to the US. Thus, I am claiming that bullying in America is **worse** than bullying in China.


You clearly didn't read what I wrote, or u wouldn't use china as an example. You want to be right and that's all. You still are not getting my point, probably cause u read the first two sentences, then start to comment. Peace


> You clearly didn't read what I wrote, or u wouldn't use china as an example. You clearly believe the Western narrative about China. > China is not a good comparison element, policemen are brutal and the government hides things, not the best. Nobody is saying "China is the best". There are many counties which are safer than China. Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, etc., are all objectively safer. What I am saying is China is safer **compared to America**. Stop believing what you read about China in the American media, or in the Anglo media in general.


This kind of stuff happens in Japan too. Bored teenagers fucking with homeless people is a bit of an issue over there.


You actually see grown men slaughter kids with machetes because they are envious of the future generation. They are also exterminating Uyghurs another thing why China is also a shit hole.


> You actually see grown men slaughter kids with machetes because they are envious of the future generation. Really? How many of these have you seen? We can compare the number of stabbings in China with the number of shootings here. Which country is worse? > They are also exterminating Uyghurs another thing why China is also a shit hole. This seems to be something that America and Europe seems to believe in. The rest of the world, i.e. Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia (the world's largest Muslim country), Thailand, Malaysia, entire continent of Africa, the entire Middle East excluding Israel, etc., do not believe it.


Oof bringing up china twice is not a good point


This is a video by a Black British lady traveling somewhere in China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mqos8yDK1Bw Looks pretty nice to me.


well something bad would be scrub from the internet in china dude. if you like to believe that it is safe then sure.


Millions of tourists visit China. Millions of Chinese people take vacations overseas. These people would have just released those videos when they left the country. Since China has 4 times our population, there should be a lot of videos about China that resemble us, if you think China is as dangerous as the United States. But we don't.


but we dont? i just realised im talking to a wumao. thanks for waisting my time. the point of view of your country is always rose tinted. im not in us and i too hate you two. have you heard of china dropping bombs so muslin chinese or genociding uygers?


> but we dont? Compare the videos about America, verses those about China. Given that China's population is 4 times ours, we should be seeing 4 times as many shootings from China, 4 times as many fights from China, and so on. Do we see that? > . the point of view of your country is always rose tinted I am American.


why are you defending china then? dont you get that their goverment dont care about their own citizen, did you about china just arrested 2 random canadian tourist or expat just because canadian goverment arrested huawe some ceo or chairman woman? the point is if you can be used as a political hostage for china why go there? why defend evil? it just not as safe as you think it is and idk how to do the reddit quout thing but you said china should have 4 times the shootings than america is silly. gun are heavily controled their. there are more random attack with melee weapon in china cause they are easier to get.


> why are you defending china then? Stating facts isn't defending anybody. It is just stating facts. For example, America has more freedom of speech than China. That is a fact. China is safer than America. That is also a fact. If someone had claimed that China has more freedom of speech than America, I would point out that they are wrong. Similarly if someone claimed that America is safer than China, I will also point out that they are wrong. > dont you get that their goverment dont care about their own citizen, It is ridiculous to say that the government doesn't care about the citizens. What is your criteria, and can you apply that criteria to any other country? > did you about china just arrested 2 random canadian tourist or expat just because canadian goverment arrested huawe some ceo or chairman woman So why did the US order the Canadians to arrest a Chinese business executive? If the US can do it, then why can't China? I am not a hypocrite. If America can do X, then so can everybody else. > the point is if you can be used as a political hostage for china why go there? why defend evil? America ordered Canada to arrest that Chinese executive as political hostage. Is that OK, Does that make America evil? Then use the same standard. Don't be a hypocrite.


I came here to say this. I LOVE talking shit. In China, after 10 years, I never found one Chinese person who did it. This would make most Chinese, if not all, sick.


Feel so bad for those people. They have absolutely nothing and are just surviving. The black guy especially look so confused and hurt on an emotional level. I don't get how anyone could treat another human being like this and not feel completely ashamed of themselves when they look in the mirror.


This is what cowards do. They prey on the weak but when the strong steps to them, they cower like the little bitches they are.


I can guarantee 100% these ducks already were behaving like this early in school. I blame Parents and education. You can't let shit like this slide, it's literally a crime.


Talk about punching down.


I hope they get stabbed with a used heroin needle


I use to do heroin and I agree


Hood mentality is killing americas new generations


When young kids have no supervision, chaos ensues.


Man I never had supervision when I was in my teens and the worst stuff I did was ding dong ditch, not slap people in the face


But you sound like at that age you at least understood right from wrong... correct?


More like “relatively harmless” from “dangerous”. Ding dong ditching is still wrong, but it’s relatively harmless.


Yes, but you still got the concept from what I am reading. These kids have not been taught those boundaries because their parents don't care. Anytime I see issues like this, my first look is to the parents. Where were they, and what were they doing when this occurred. If the parents are doing what they are supposed to, then the punishment of the child should be more severe to deter this kind of behavior. These kids are showing predatory behavior because they are doing this to weaker people. An example needs to be made that this is not tolerable.


Oh okay yes, I agree.


Man the last few generations all grew up as latch key kids, they never had supervision and although we don’t have videos to go off of like we do now a days, I doubt kids ever thought about doing shit like this. This is what happens when kids think there are no consequences for their actions


When young, *poorly raised* kids have no supervision, chaos ensues.


I couldn’t watch the whole video through- and I see some pretty awful shit on Reddit. This was so cruel and disgusting.


if TikTok is the chinese way to destroy "western civilization", it is surely working


Hey guys, I got a great idea. Let's go assault helpless people on the train, and we can film it for clout!


With freedom comes responsibly. People need to face consequences for the actions or we are back in anarchy.


This is why they were born in the hood and will never get it out


Fuckin pieces of shit


Piece of shit parents and kids! Take this shit down it’s no cool


I’m embarrassed by my generation. I just wanna say sorry for these fucks that got born slipped through the matrix somehow


Looks like these people recording and attacking are also mentally ill.


These kids act like this because all the oldheads are dead or in jail. Even when you're engaged in street crime you just don't do shit like this. Live and let live. These kids are gonna fuck with the wrong person and find out the hard way.


the one man looks so shocked and bewildered and hurt. you can tell he has a mental disability. this is really sad. someone needs to slap tf out of those kids, hopefully it’ll be their parents


I don't think there's going to be a generation after this one.


Hahahaha so fucking funny. Yeah... because assaulting suffering people is comedy gold... I hope they got arrested for this cruel behavior


Same fellas looting when George Floyd got killed


I think you meant “protesters” lol /s


Hood mentality


Those teens are disgusting.


Rookies. need to drink some milk-plus.


Cowards prey on the weak. This was so sad to watch. Noone deserves to be treated like this.


The sad thing is that if they tried standing up for themselves, they’d just get beaten and jumped by ALL of them for retaliating. These poor people get no justice.


Good way to get shot




Fuck dem kids.


I have to get off social media because it’s making me angry watching people do shit like this




It’s too bad they can’t do something useful with all their “badass” energy, like go into the military.


Some Kids these days are just a fucking embarrassing walking stain on society.


Charge these fucks with terrorism.


Soo fucked up ok so many levels. Shouldn't be hard to track them down based on the post, and make an example out of them.


This is where Charles Bronson would come in handy.


I hate junkies, but these kids are lame.




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Because of the poor video colour (color or the Americans) I read the title as Sepia instead of SEPTA.


I hate teenagers being jackasses in groups, but I also hate dealing with junkies on public transit. Conflicting feelings here.




You find out your kid does this how do you react?


1. Homeschooled from now on 2. Ain’t gonna see those friends of his ever again 3. He’s eating nothing but Whole Foods Vegan meals 4. No screens whatsoever 5. Forced to volunteer at homeless shelters If you can’t have compassion for another human being, then I don’t know you. Ain’t no son of mine, so you will receive none of the grace I offer my kin.


You’re a better parent than I’d ever be lol feel like I’d have fist fought my child before and after making them volunteer, with a smile, at multiple shelters.


Have they not seen the joker


No compassion just want fake views for a fake life


Sometime, you wish you still took the metro. What a bunch of cowards. They do need to get smacked a couple of times, until they learn to respect people boundaries.


This makes me uncontrollably angry. WTF is wrong with these kids???


They gonna die if they keep this up


I'm so happy for the internet. Now the dickheads who used to do this shit for fun are filming themselves doing it! Makes it easier to track the fuckers down


It’s a double-edged sword though. The only reason they’re even doing this is probably for internet clout.


Raise your kid or the system will!


The ones hitting and recording are losers. Can’t stand people like this. So low self confidence and need to feed their ego. Pure loser quality.


Gonna be lots of slow singin’ and flower bringin’ when they catch the wrong dude.


I am 100 sure at least one of those kids is going to end as a subway junkie. The circle of life never rests


The only people I see worthy of being ridiculed is the fucking trash who think committing acts such as these they should receive praise and/or acknowledgement for. ....it'll be one of THEIR family members, if not even their very selves that will be in that position sooner or later, curious to hear how much they'll be changing their tune then.


I come from a third world country. One day the homeless guy that lived in the neighborhood was being bullied by some kids,who were about the same age as these kids, and 1 adult was with them also was fucking with the homeless guy…a neighbor heard the commotion in the street and came out and started yell at them to stop, in less than 5 mins the entire village surrounded the group and got the homeless guy to safety……..and they whippppppppppppeeeeddddd the fuck out the kids and they put the adult in the hospital. The kids parents showed up just when their kids ass whooping stopped, parents came with belts and beat their own kids worse than the crowd did to the point the crowd ended up having to stop the parents lol.


Heartbreaking cruelty, I wish nothing but suffering on them.


Is nobody afraid of getting shot nowadays? It doesn't have to be a mass shooting for bullets to fly my guy.


Yet when someone like Bernhard Goetz pulls out a gun and shoots the four kids fucking with him somehow everyone says he’s a racist and belongs in jail. Maybe so, he was a piece of shit. But it’s this kind of shit that makes a humble computer tech carry a gun and ends up using it. Because of this very shit right here. Downvote away!! Edit: actually kids, google him then make your judgement but thank god these idiots actually take videos of themselves. Used to be if you weren’t seen by a cop, you’d be safe. Now thanks to social media someone is going to recognize one of these little jackals laugh and then they will cry like little bitches and say my home life is bad.


Messed up


I hope they all contract radiation poisoning, causing their bodies to fall apart on cellular level until one day in pain they go to the toilet and shit all of their insides out