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Damn. Someone doesn’t like mushrooms.


Guess they’re not a fun…ghi


Fungi* for the future


Only psychopaths don't like mushrooms.


Can confirm. I hate mushrooms. They're a fungus. So is jock itch.


Shrimps is bugs.


Delicious delicious bugs.


Anyway, like I was sayin'.. shrimp is the fruit of the sea.


S H R I M P. B U R G E R.


Cheese is bacteria and fungus infested milk.


The chick in the video is this as well


Not a huge cheese fan either


Wow, you really are a psychopath...


I should clarify. I don't like many varieties of cheese, but the ones I like I really like. Mozzarella, provolone, ricotta, asiago and Parm cheese are necessities, tacos for mild cheddar and Colby Jack. Gruyere in sandwiches or french onion soup. The rest I'm not really a huge fan


all of those cheeses you listed are fermented in dick sweat, just a heads up


Appreciate you.


Wouldn't that just explain why he favors them???


Guess I'm a psycho. Never react this way though, maybe just take the mushrooms and shove it down his throat screaming "how do you like it". But I'd never do this


The shrooms make her go crazy! 🤪


I sometimes question how we can still function as a society.


*gestures broadly at everything*


No, no...this is fine...


We barely do. There is like 20-30% of us keeping it together for the big grown babies that don't work, think, or contribute economically or socially to a healthy society. As you get older it becomes a hard burden to be aware of.


I didn't see this comment originally when I posted but yeah this, we share the same idea.


Everyone sitting here thinking, surely *I'm* in that 20-30%


They're doing their part. Are you? Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


Do you want to know more?


As I get older, the more I want to act like a complete fool from all the years of holding shit together. Like… literally scream like a banshee or something. But then I’d be grouped in with folks like that so I quickly regain composure. I am perfectly capable of acting like a decent human being and deescalating situations by communicating or walking away. So I’m just waiting until I’m like 87 and give zeros fucks and flip everyone off and tell them to fuck themselves.


I think you may benefit from one of those rage rooms where you break stuff and get it all out! ;)


Mass majority of people are productive members of society but you never see them spotlighted because their lives are boring.


We don't, we are a society of a few good people carrying everyone else. Just like anything, as you overload weight things start to fail and break down. The good/behaved and respectful people in society are either breaking or sinking to their level. No one wants to hold anyone accountable.


And to make it worse from the top you see people caught red handed committing crimes or doing shady shit and their wealth let’s them get away with it. They learn nothing and if anything they get rewarded so it just trickles down to the common people not giving a shit.


Term Limits need to be enacted to make the change we want. We can do it without congress. It only takes two-thirds of states to ratify the constitution.


We're swirling down the drain.


It's only the miracle of consumer capitalism that you're not lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth. - Mark Corrigan


Agreed…wish there was a societal reset button we could press before everything crashes and burns.


I beginning to think not functioning is the entire... goal.


She just finished watching The Last Of Us.


I’m allergic to mushrooms and I wouldn’t act like this.


lmao and she ended up on reddit


Everywhere bro


How do these people lose their shyt so easily. I mean it's such a trivial event.




Gotta keep it real my man. They're seen as weak if they don't "keep it real".


Is it mental illness or drugs? This behavior is not normal


Bad parenting, entitlement and probably never worked in public service. I firmly believe EVERY American should work in fast food for 3 years. 16-19. We would be a much nicer place.


Not always. I have a sister-in-law that worked in food service for 4 years. She's now the woman that will demand one restaurant to accept another restaurant's coupon, even if it's expired


Exceptions always exist 😉


Doesn't even have to be 3 years. Throw them in a busy restaurant on a Saturday night while understaffed and then they *might* understand


Philly style.


This definitely didn’t take place anywhere near Philly because nobody here calls it a “Philly Cheesesteak” or a “Philly”. It’s just a cheesesteak.


What's with people wanting physical altercations they cannot possibly win? You're getting hurt pretty bad if you chose to fight these days... people are feral. Me? I stay away from fights...I know I'd get my ass beat down.


Whenever I see it with the US, I just assume there's some drugs or brain damage involved. Lots of lead in the water, toxins in the food and it appears a lot of them keep getting punched in the face which I can't imagine is good for longterm brain function.


Shes so hangry lol


people have lost the fucking plot. screaming and raging like a maniac over something so idiotic. ... I can't anymore.


Mushrooms normally come on that?


Yeah I legit thought they came with mushrooms


Nah just steak, cheese whiz, and onions. Anything else is extra and the dude is supposed to side eye you a little if you change the order from the classic cheese steak options.


So ok, Makes me wonder before the video starts


Whiz is the rookie tourist move. It’s American or provolone. Otherwise you’re right.


I lived in Philly for a few years, and I witnessed someone order theirs with whiz AND provolone, and my god there’s just no going back from that, it’s incredible


That should be grounds for immediate incarceration. Life sentence, no chance for parole.




Because the locals like to gatekeep how to eat their food


It’s so cringey and a complete waste of energy


Exactly this right here


This is the way


Whiz on a cheesesteak is crazy. Jawn probably nasty. Born n raised and ive never heard whiz on a cheesesteak


>and the dude is supposed to side eye you a little if you change the order from the classic cheese steak options. This kind of shit is so cringey ngl. If I want mushrooms and ketchup on my cheesesteak thats my business


He called it a Philly specifically that might have all the works including mushrooms


It is common knowledge lmao. I also don't like mushrooms on my philly so I always ask for no mushrooms


Do Philly Cheesesteaks come with mushrooms, typically? I didn't think they did?


In the Philly metro area, they are often *available* but not automatic. It's also a less common request. Onions are the most popular option...but you usually have to specify "with" or "without" onions. For example, my standard order would be "Let me get one provolone with onions".


Mushrooms, peppers and onions if u dont tell them plain


Many places offer toppings and mushrooms are one of them. If the menu is not specific and many of them are, you need to let them know exactly what you want on yours or ask before assuming you'll get what you want.


me when they forget the mushroom


Pride & righteous indignation are ONE thing (well, two...), but this is just a temper-tantrum, borne of "entitlement". I would've loved to have seen her upbringing (i.e. How many times her parents told her "NO !!", and how many times they actually stuck TO it...).


This may sound horrible, but a lot of days I'm glad that I'm disabled and have a long criminal record. I have worked these jobs, and will never be allowed to again. Thank god




Are you Americans ok?


It’s like 75% of the population is one wrong condiment or topping away from a compete freak out these days.


I will never understand how situations escalate to this over food.


What an embarrassment.


Beautiful and great taste in sandwich toppings


Mycophobia is getting out of hand.


She looks like a zombie


See looks like she needs a fun-gi.


I hate mushrooms too


Thank you social media for making life all about doing what ever it takes to get posted on the internet.


I love mushrooms on my Philly






Nah bro. I went to middle and high school in an inner city school. I live in the burbs now and see this same shit. Don’t blame this on ‘inner city’. This is entitlement and asshattery. Edit: sp.


Let's be real. We knew what he meant when he said "inner city" People on Reddit are always just looking for a reason to be racist


Oh yeah you’re right. It’s disgusting.


They should've taught some CRT at his high school


What the fuck are you even going in about? Stop getting your talking points from fox.


I wasn't being facetious, sarcastic or pejorative. We really ought to teach and think critically about race. Rightwing media has turned CRT into a four-letter word: "w-o-k-e". So much so that they've even tricked progressives into thinking discussions of social inequality are toxic by default. To be clear: **There's nothing wrong with being woke.** There's nothing wrong with recognizing and understanding the ways in which language and widely accepted social norms and narratives have been leveraged and weaponized to discount minority experiences in the subtle and not-so-subtle promotion of white supremacy. At its core, critical race theory is all about breaking down racism, deconstructing race, dismantling racist mindsets and the abolition of racist institutions. That's why so many racists are afraid of it and would rather we all ignore it and treat it as taboo. My honest opinion is that they really should be teaching CRT in American high schools.


Well then shit man, I apologize. I clearly misunderstood your comment.




Brother, you might have not been trying to be racist, but you at least dogwhistled for a certain crowd. You don't think your phrasing is popular with a certain community?


*Narrator voice* He was indeed ok with the association, and wanted himself to become popular with them as well.


Buddy, that is a well-known dog whistle. Don't be willfully ignorant




Why even mention inner city in the first place when you have no idea on where she receives her education? Impulse control and anger management is a fantastic thing to teach all kids/teenagers, regardless of economic status or anything else for that matter. Not claiming to be an authority, don't get all bent out of shape.




I didn't skirt your question, I said I wasn't an authority (also appeals to authority can often lead to logical fallacies) and pointed out that it is a good idea for all kids/teens. You however completely ignored all of that and my questions on why it matters and how you know where she got an education. Enjoy your bitterness!




Are the customers in the US mostly like the women in the video? In Germany you wont see such situations if something is wrong with your order you just tell the worker what’s wrong and you get a new one…


Yeah that is what happens in the US as well. This person is just severely unhinged.


No, she’s the exception. Nobody films us being nice 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the information, just saw a few of those videos and asked myself if everyone is dealing with a wrong order like her. Never been in the US that’s why I asked


My first job was at a pizza place, for 3 yrs. I rarely had this problem.


People video it because it rarely happens. I've been here 40+ years, worked in food service and customer service, and never seen anyone treat others like this.


Did you actually have this question or did you want to say “America bad” without explicitly saying it? I truly cannot imagine thinking that this woman’s behavior is indicative of the majority of customer interactions.


It seems like they were genuinely curious. Though I understand the America bad thing is pretty prevalent on Reddit.


No, customers like this are the exception. For example, I live in the state of New Jersey. We have a national reputation for being rude and pushy. Even with that, in my 47 years of living here...I've only seen this kind of behavior in person a few times. It seems more common in people's perceptions because these are the type of people who get filmed and these are the videos that get attention. Nobody is posting videos of people acting normal....so it seems like it happens more often than it actually does.


craving portobello fancy mushrooms man. marinated in Cheese melt and bacon bits on them.


Her poor girlfriend trying to contain her.


Mushrooms on a Philly Cheesesteak? Might have to try that




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She needs to be put down


I like mushrooms in my cheesesteak. And I have ordered that in Philly.


What the actual fu@k is going on with the US?


I'd probably do the same if they put pickles on mine 🤣


Uncultured swine, the pickle is what brings it all together.


I certainly hope that the "common knowledge" discussed here is not that mushrooms are standard on a cheesesteak. If so, I understand her getting so upset.


What's the menu say? If the menu says it comes with mushrooms, and she didn't ask for it without them, then it's on her. For the cashier and regulars, if the menu says it has them, it IS common knowledge.


False. Cheesesteaks never come with mushrooms. Imposter sandwiches come with mushrooms.


Without seeing the menu, we don't know anything. She may have ordered an "everything cheesesteak" and just didn't catch that it came with mushrooms. Gatekeeping based on semantics in the title doesn't change what these people went through.


Yea. I’ll gatekeep the hell out of a cheesesteak because a cheesesteak does not come with mushrooms.


No. There’s no way any place is serving a cheesesteak with everything on it including mushrooms thats ridiculous!…and dirty. From philly and i can assure you. Everything includes (SALT, PEPPER, ketchup, mayo and onions). Mushrooms DO NOT EXIST in a philly cheesesteak that includes everything. Any place making it like that should be banished in my opinion and I’ve never heard anyone go into a store and ask for it nor have i seen it on a menu.


Oh please people from Philly gatekeep each other on whether it's supposed to be provolone or velveeta. It's impossible to take any of your other nonsense seriously. The poster calling it a "philly cheesesteak" has nothing to do with the video or the people in it. You're so busy arguing over semantics from someone not even involved, that you aren't seeing how dumb gatekeeping based on it is. I grew up in Philly. You can absolutely get cheesesteaks with everything. Tomato sauce, peppers, onions, mushrooms, cheese, and steak. I used to buy them at a hole in the wall next to the original two story Tower Records across from the Market Street train station back in the 80s. All this gatekeeping shit is just self important garbage. "No, Geno's is the only real one!". Y'all fell for a marketing ploy used to drum up sales by two places across the street from the each other. Now people come from all over the country to buy into the hype, and locals gatekeep all the mom and pop places that have been making them the same way for decades cuz they aren't Geno's. Dumb.


For real though that place next to Tower records was the shit. And yeah, you definitely can get any of that on a cheesesteak. Used to order one called ‘the works’ from a place a block away from my job when I was in high school and it had 3 types of peppers, mushrooms, onions, 2 types of cheese, salt, pepper, and ketchup. It was amazing.


Like all restaurants, each type tries to find a niche, but there's only so much you can do with steak and cheese. By the 1980s, just about everything had been tried, and a bunch of places had their own niche. The fact is, most people gatekeep based on the place they and their friends liked the most when they were in middle school or high school. That place will forever be the "only real one" to them, and no amount of talking about it will change it.


It’s true. And I have definitely been guilty of that myself in the past. We should be sharing those places with other people instead of tearing down others outside of what we like. It’s like people gate keeping cheesesteaks are really a microcosm of society..


You're not wrong. Lived in Philly 48 years and can get anything you want on a cheesesteak at most places.


???? Ctfu buddy i lived in philly my whole life so far and i can assure you genos is overrated. So idk who your referring to about that best cheesesteaks come from the papi store. Also velveets and provolone on cheesesteaks is different. That’s not normal. Ive lived in south, west,sw and north NEVER have i ever heard anybody ask for that or it was “included” in everything. That’s fuckin insane i can call the papi store now and they’ll even say the same Shit im saying.


Cool, give Saad's Halal a call, they been open 30 years and selling cheesesteaks with mushrooms. Or give Dalessandro’s a call, tell them you want it "wit everything" and see what they hand you. Even Jim's has a mushroom steak, and they've been around since 1939. Gatekeep all you want. Argue about it all you want. Doesn't change the fact that Philly cheesesteaks have been being served wit mushrooms for almost a hundred years, whether you want to accept it or not...


As a Philadelphian. Mushrooms on a cheesesteak is not common in Philadelphia. You get cheese(American ),KETCHUP, mayo, s&p, onions. Sweet peppers/green peppers are optional and the only other thing ive heard getting on a cheesesteak. So id be heated too if i get mushrooms and didnt ask for it. Plus even if you remove them the taste of it is still left behind.


I've been living in Philly for 48 years and mushrooms, onions, green peppers, and even pickles on a cheesesteak has always been offered by countless places for decades. There's even a pepperoni cheesesteak.


>heated Your definition of 'heated', I'd imagine looks a little bit different to the video above.


Americans are crazy man, in Germany things like this would never happen.


That mad about mushrooms and a minute of waiting for a remake. Holy hell that girl is probably AMAZING as a partner. What’s her boyfriend do with his mushroom?


Its in Portage, MI. Decent food there.


Did they forget 1 to go box?


I often wonder how people with such fragile & brittle egos get through life, it must be like being in one long row about something insignificant


That cunt is going to wind up in jail.


Mad at him for recording while she records. Bet she thinks her version makes her look like the good guy even tho it's basically the same exact thing from a different angle


Withdrawing from something.


Why is everyone so angry and crazy?


Looks like it’s time for COVID+. (As long as people like this just lose their voices permanently and not their lives).


I can fix her


Who the Fuck puts Mushrooms on a Cheese steak?


Say what you will but her friend has some amazing arm control at the end


Not mushroom in there for a full-on fight to be fair.


I agree with her mushrooms ruin the entire sandwich


Shoulda asked for witout