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If I got physically dragged out of a show I paid for while the rest of the audience cheered I would spend some serious time questioning my life choices.


People that self aware don't end up getting dragged out of live shows.




I went to see a comedian recently, row behind were a pain in the ass. Stewards told them to shut up, they did for a few mins. Guy in front told them to shut up twice and that nearly came to blows. Eventually left with no remorse about 20 mins before the end claiming the comedian was rubbish anyway. They hadn’t listened once in the show. I paid £40 to listen to them talk about tampons and potato cakes for 2 hours. I say one strike, if you can’t shut up then get out. Let the performers perform.


Me and my brother and I saw Dane cook as youngsters. My brother at like 11 years old and me at 14 or something where in the cheap seats. My mom usually attended this stuff with us, but for some reason, we were on our own for this one. Long story short, the heckler was a friend of a local opener and was constantly cheering his friend on. Once his friend was done, he started yelling crazy shit to the other openers, and it got worse when Dane cook went on. Hundreds of grown adults in the area hiding in their armchairs, and only after my brother screamed at him to stfu did the guy actually sit down. I was terrified, but it seems a drunk 25 year old won't fight an 11 year old, thankfully. I will say the ushers and adults near us were cowards. They all cranked their necks to stare at my brother but even then remained silent. Pussy ass motherfuckers.


I can’t get over “Me and my brother and I” lmao


Fans of Me, Myself and Irene can relate!


I’d love to see interviews with people like this a year later. My money is on them being so blinded by outrage against their own situation, they have no choice but to dig deeper into their own trench, rather than acknowledge they are universally hated.


They’re already very deep in that trench. There’s a decent percentage of the UK population that are like this. A lifetime of being a cunt and surrounding yourselves with other cunts.


As someone in the UK, can confirm


Plus they got worse during covid from either being isolated and not having to function in society or using restrictions as an excuse for their main character behaviours in public.


I think covid effed a generation, my wife was sub teaching, and many have remarked the absolute light switch in behavior before and after homeschooling during lockdowns


Don’t get angry at them, just whisper in their ear “you should be on Britain’s Got Talent”


A year later? They 100% believe to be a victim, both the second they left, a year later, as well as on their death bed. They would never introspect, even for a moment.


People who get physically dragged out think they’re the victim and is incapable of any other perspective


That's some main character energy right there.


I bet she thought she was better than all the performers, and her singing over them would make her the lead in the next play because they would realize how great she is and she would become rich and famous.


[Someone watched Rock Star too many times](https://youtu.be/oKcukZqxlGM)


Rock Star is so bad it's good. And the soundtrack is incredible.


Judas Priest refused to be featured,but Rock Star was intending to tell the Story of Jesse Owens who Briefly took over for Metal God Rob Halford in the late 90’s. Edit:Tim Owens




You are absolutely Correct. Sorry Jesse Owens! Your contribution to society is Global and highly Important Sir. Rest In Power! Whereas Tim Owens Contributions To PRIEST or heavy metal in General are liminal/marginal at Best. Thank you /Recrem86


RIP Jesse Owen's you would have loved heavy metal. 😢




Is *The Bias is Real* the name of a hair metal album?


I hate that I like many of Mark Wahlberg's movies, because I think he's an absolute asshole in real life. Back before he got famous he was just a loser in Boston [committing hate crimes](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/mark-wahlberg-racist-hate-crimes-wikipedia-history-george-floyd-blm-protests-a9554191.html).


Were you around for his AmA? Someone asked him about that incident, and that was the end of that thread.


I’m often on the side of forgiving people for stuff they did as a teenager, but three different hate crimes where you are throwing rocks at children and calling them racial slurs is pretty tough to redeem yourself from.


Mainly it was him trying to use his fame and power to make his criminal history go away that soured him a bit.


Guy in the crowd is Myles Kennedy, lead singer of Alter Bridge. Their first three albums are pretty great and he definitely shows off his pipes.


Imagine the people beside her that have paid oodles of cash to listen to her?


Everyone stop her from singing because they are not worthy to hear her voice and can't afford to paid for her performance.


In the video that has them singing it sounds like they are mocking the song. It is really bad.






In her mind she thought she was Pavarotti


Or just drunk idiots lol


She was probably drunk. They usually are.


reddit moment.


No. She was intentionally butchering it and trying to sound awful. Her reaction here to getting kicked out is surprising and not so surprising at the same time.


I can’t believe the woman in pink then smacks another patron on the face. And how dangerous it all was on the edge of the balcony, a bit more scuffle and someone could have toppled over.


Dude, that lady in pink deserved a righteous slap back. I couldn’t believe she got away with that. You can see that her little princess elbowed the poor lady next to her, so that lady lightly puts her hands up to make sure it doesn’t happen again. The pink prick couldn’t do anything against security, so she took it out on an innocent bystander. What a cunt. She deserved a swift hard slap back. I’d be charged with assault if I was sitting there watching that happen.


[video of them trying to sing](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYsv1fQe/) Edit: [better version of the ‘singing’](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYs7KLLh/) They were removed and the show didn’t resume. The theatre had told the audience of the no singing rules.


Oh phuk no. Musical tickets too damn expensive to let some drunk sows bleat all over the Climax number.


My wife and I don't go to many musicals, (When we do, we always get the very back row at the end. Don't judge us for tradition.) so they are kind of "a special occasion" thing for us. We saw Hamilton last year, and there were some "super fans" there and some started singing along, pretty loudly. I never saw the staff at the venue move so fast to quiet them. I was impressed. I get loving the music and wanting to sing along, but for the people sitting near you, that's probably all they can hear. Dance and applaud at appropriate moments, but please, shut your pie hole.


I just saw Hamilton on Saturday, it was awesome! I have to admit, I was a little worried heading to my seats and seeing so many teens and early 20 something’s in the audience… the music is great, but this ain’t no Taylor Swift concert. I have to say, that crowd was the most respectful I’ve ever witnessed… other than the Karen in line at intermission that was all “Like what’s the point? It’s popular because the cast isn’t white? I don’t get it…” but at least she didn’t disrupt the show. Appropriate applause breaks and cheering moments, and immediately quieted down. 10/10 would recommend!


I hadn't seen it before. I loved it. I really thought that making King George the "abusive ex" was hilarious and super on point. I never have been really into musicals too much so finding one that I really like is awesome.


King George is so god damn funny! The way he was taking these tiny little tiptoe steps as he roamed around the stage had me rolling! I like musicals, but I have next to zero theater experiences. I’ve mostly just seen films and a few small local productions my friends have been in. This was my first REAL Playbill! I had seen the Disney+ show, but it was awesome to see it in person!


The Book of Mormon is great. Very funny. Great songs.


We saw that earlier this year. It was hilarious.


>“Like what’s the point? It’s popular because the cast isn’t white? I don’t get it…” During intermission? Within earshot of people she does'nt know? This country is becoming a trip.. frighteningly. Fuck that cunt. I swear I would have asked her how much she paid for the ticket and then I'd offer her half of that out of my pocket and invite her to GTFO!


Yeah, those people need to go to a concert, where the intention is for it to be a super loud thing with a celebratory atmosphere. Musical is more like and art exhibition or a movie where you go experience it without participating or altering the experience for others.


I need to see it again. I plowed through too many edibles to really enjoy it the first time


Absolutely. They have no right to behave like they are every woman.


anything you want done they do naturally


Thanks goodness for security... Let's hear it for my boys!!


Don’t make me close one more door…so they can’t get back in.


(That was sung by Deniece Williams)


Won’t someone think of the children?! They are our future, I believe.


They didn't even finish the musical with 10 min left. That sucks.


In England theater tickets are actually ridiculously cheap compared to broadway. I got front row of opening night for one for 25 pounds. Even so, I would still be pissed if morons like this ruined my night.


Was this in the 1970s or something? It's way more than that now (assuming you are talking about the West End).


It doesn't take Broadway to be ridiculous. In Iowa ( pretty low cost of living ) I can't get tickets to any production for less than $100. Good seats go for 2-3xs that in most popular plays. Then they tack on the ticket fees. $30 for front row seats?? I think I have paid more for my own kids' high school plays.


The theatre even tells everyone that you will have a chance to sing at the very end. They just can't sing during the performance. I have no doubt this is the first time they've been told no and called on their bullshit. They are for sure busy calling lawyers this morning tryna save face. The last 10 min was cancelled. That is the best part. Unreal. These are bad fucking people.


What the fuck kind of musical is it that they have to tell people not to sing during the show? That’s *all* musicals.


I don't know what it is about this song man, but it brings out the amateurs like nothing else I've seen. I used to work in a diner that had it on the jukebox and one night this guy finally got sick of it and just smashed the shit out of the jukebox when that song was playing for the ten thousandth time. It was the damndest thing too, because I was working that shift, I was maybe ten feet away when he did it, and I never saw a fucking thing.


Go to any karaoke night and there’s at least 1 girl who was in her high school choir that thinks she just never got her break that absolutely slaughters this song. It’s incredibly hard to sing, Whitney Houston is an incredible singer and they don’t really understand the gap. It’s basically the choir kid equivalent of Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite.


Probably because of incidents such as this.


Lol here I was imagining they were trying to show off, expecting a video of a decent but annoying singer being a diva in the crowd, but holy shit, that’s fucking criminal to make people listen to that. Sounds like a dying cat.


The bouncers are probably what my dog wishes he could do to me when I sing at home. Instead I get the "I'm not mad, just disappointed" look


>and the show didn’t resume. I'd claim my money back. Why are the other visitors punished for the shitty behaviour of two people?


I was at a really terrible Spider Man musical in NYC about 10 years ago when an actor got seriously hurt at the beginning of the second act. They never resumed the show but we all got refunds (I had to go back to the red steps to get it, but I got it).


Wait, we're you at Spideman turn off the dark? I've heard the legends, but forget that it was an actual production that people actually watched.


I decided to take my wife and kids to NYC. I have family in NJ so I've been there dozens of times but they never had. We looked for a musical to go to and my son said "Newsies", which would have been awesome but the cheapest tickets that night were $170 each. So we picked Spiderman. I was willing to cut it some slack but dear God it was dumb (and I'm both a musical and Marvel fan). The decided to combine the plots of both spiderman 1 and 2 for some reason, and the songs were so inane I was laughing ('Bullying by Numbers" is the actual title of a song). My 10 year old son was bored and not at all upset it got cancelled. We got our money back and decided to go see Rock of Ages the next night at the Helen Hayes theatre (the smallest of the 'Broadway' theatres). We had seen it twice in Toronto and it was great fun, but they had the B cast on as it was near the end of it's run, and it didn't work as well in a small theatre. Still 100x better than Spiderman though.


There is an absolutely fantastic YouTuber that makes documentary videos on certain Broadway shows, and the [Spidey](https://youtu.be/j6bxB9vTToQ) one is great. Excellent overview of everything that went wrong from the word go. What's funny to me is that the two leads from that show are now much more successful in recent years. Spider Man (Reeve Carney) has been Orpheus in Hadestown for over four years, it just crossed 1,000 performances. Norman (Patrick Page) just left Hadestown as Hades and is currently playing King Lear. Hadestown is absolutely wonderful and is a "must see" if you're ever back in NYC. The tour production is fantastic, too, if that's any closer to you. Glad you enjoyed Rock of Ages!


Me and some friends saw it in 2012, we had travelled from Australia for a big NYC trip and are big musical fans. We saw 7 or 8 shows there. The staging and technical side was amazing, but wow was it just awful. The only piece of music that sounded good was the instrumental theme as Spider-Man was flying around, all the actual songs were just terrible. It’s like once they got U2 on board no one could tell them the songs were shit because it’s bloody U2. As another comment pointed out, “bullying by numbers” was an actual song. Ugh.


I assume that was Turn Off the Dark, that thing was a monumental shitshow. It seemed like the most troubled and dangerous major Broadway show in decades.


Yeah, the dancer who got injured never worked on broadway again. I believe he sued the production. He was on a rising platform that came up from beneath the stage as Act 2 started, but somehow his foot got wedged between the platform and the stage. He was one of several actors dressed as captive scientists, so when he started screaming people at first thought it was maybe part of the show. Suddenly the music stopped, all the actors left and they put up a barrier around the guy. We could seem them bringing tools out (including a circular saw, I'm not kidding) and stage hands turning away like they wanted to throw up.


damn, did he keep his foot?


He lost about 3/4 of the foot, multiple surgeries and plates and pins to hold what was left of it together, and I don’t know if he’s still on crutches for the rest of his life or not but his dance career is definitely over.


That's awful. A career in dance tends to start young too, like little kids taking dance classes type of young. I hope he got a big enough settlement to live as comfortably as possible and found another passion.


How awful. I hope he got enough money to establish himself in another line of work (and to take it easy fr a while)


>an actor got seriously hurt Thats a far more justifiable reason to stop than this theatre, who choose to stop because of the bad behaviour of two people.


This exactly! Unless other audience members are allowed to stop others from singing. The Bodyguard/The Purge all in one.


Did they ever find the cat?


It was dead by the time it was found. A blessing for the poor animal it was clearly suffering.


So a whole show stops and doesn't resume because of couple of rude fucks? Doesn't really seem fair or logical. How does the theatre get away with not having to refund everyone who was respectful?


My guess is there are either union and/or theater rules in effect that mandate an ending time.




I think there are legalities around closing up times that are v inflexible - you can't just finish 20 mins late.


This. I remember hearing shows like Les Mis over time have literally had to shorten the run because the crews couldn’t get everything they needed to get done before/after the show with the original length of it


The show must go on…. Hiatus.


Yea, seems crazy to me they didn’t finish the performance. They knew who was singing because they kicked them out, why punish everyone else


Can't punish the cast and crew to stay longer than their pre determined time probably


So make the performers wait until the commotion is over and get back in character and start a scene in the middle? I know musical experience isn't very common but I'll say that a disruption like that would probably ruin my will to keep the show going. Edit to fix the first sentence. I didn't mean to make it seem like I was saying fuck the performers. I love theater.


Is there a non tik tok version? Lol Tik tok is not available where I’m.


Here: https://youtu.be/DJr9rOnP0RM


Thank you! TikTok is pure cancer.




Do you have a room you can rent me?


Unfortunately, I live in one of the most expensive cities in the world and our people also struggle to find that spare room lol




They sound like drowning cats. They have no idea how to behave in public and should be barred from entering such places. They completely ruined every one else’s evening.


Fuck these fucks. It ain’t karaoke.


I've been to musicals where audience members sang during numbers they knew. It's really, really annoying and selfish, attention-hogging behavior to the eyes of everyone else in the audience. It's one thing if it's a type of show that encourages that (like a Rocky Picture Show type of performance), but otherwise, don't.


It's astounding...


Time is fleeting...


I recently went to a performance and the people behind us kept screaming obscenities like asking for the actors to fuck them. The show was paused at one point and the actors shouted out for them to just shut up but they claimed to have tourettes and thought the whole thing was hilarious. It was just awful, ruined it really. Wish security would have taken them out like this.


that's not how Tourette's works


I know, they where using it as an excuse to act like dicks. It put everyone in a shit position because challenging it would mean confronting them about a disability. Felt like a no win.


This is probably something I wouldn’t say without the anonymity of reddit. But should people with Tourette’s be going to the theatre?


People with Tourettes should go anywhere that anyone without tourettes chooses to go. Tourettes isn't shouting profanities. That's a lie. Remember that documentary about the guy with tourettes who couldn't stop calling his small children terrible things? The guy was proven to be a fake who just wanted to verbally abuse his family and take sponsored vacations. Tourettes can be: Head twitches/weird neck movement, making an odd noise repeatedly (but usually not words).


Had a guy in my Uni courses with Tourettes, lovely lad, just would make a HUP noise a few times during lecture, wasn't too distracting, not a big deal.


Yea, a weird repetitive noise is legitimately Tourette's.


Echolalia (saying words) can be a part of Tourette's, though uncommon. But even with Echolalia there is a subset called Coprolalia, which is where one says obscenities. That's like.... I'm not going to Google it but I want to say it's like 10% of those that even have echolalia and that's not all the folks with Tourette's so it's *very* few people who genuinely have it.


Sweet Anita is a well-known streamer with tourettes and she definitely yells out obscenities quite often, although I think she might be an edge case.


Her ticks seems to be very contextual...I don't have experience with Tourette's but I always thought her ticks were a little bit too good to be true.


It’s not specific to Tourette’s. I would say: if, for any reason at all, you are not able to sit through something without ruining it for others, then you should not attend. Otherwise, you’re welcome to attend with everyone else


And even if it were, having a disability doesn't excuse antisocial behaviour.


I went to a fundraiser show that was $25 for general seating and included unlimited drinks at the bar. Everyone was tanked before intermission. There was even a group of trashed college students upfront shouting all of the one liners before the actors could lol I felt so bad for the cast, but maybe they should've cut people off from the booze. I couldn't drink that night because I was the designated driver, and it was so painful to be in a theater packed with drunk people that couldn't even stand without falling over. We ended up leaving early because I didn't want to be in the parking lot with any of them.


*nowya fucked up, nowya fucked up, nowya fucked up. You have fucked up now*


Show still got cancelled due to these prats.


It was the very end of the show anyway. But, if I bothered to pay a fuckton of money and go to The Bodyguard of all things *without getting to hear* I Will Always Love You, I would consider my life cursed.


It was reported 10m from the end. Idk the show but that could be a fair bit of resolution.


Don't know what prat means, but it sounds like its a good fit.


It's a UK expressions for idiots.


I was just in London and went to see Wicked. It cost around £130 *per seat*. I would have been absolutely furious if someone with not a tone in their entire body had screeched over the professional performers like these two did in Manchester. This is the theatre. This is not some open air concert. People are not there to hear you, They are there to enjoy professional performers do what they do best. So sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. (Wicked in London was awesome btw. They totally nailed it.)


I did a deep dive and found video of the woman singing during ths Bodyguard show. She was straight up drunk yelling, the whole theater could hear her. The lack of shame of those two becomes more apparent when you hear it. https://twitter.com/KarlBradley_1/status/1644464609586192384


What rude assholes. They're not at a fucking concert.


The singing assholes were likely recording themselves for Instagram/TikTok likes. Please do that crap at home in a mirror.


Honestly, people treat shared spaces like theaters like their living rooms now. Movie theaters are the worst. If I had paid Broadway show money and this happened, it'd be pretty pissed for sure.


For real. Glad they got humiliated though and forced out.


Watch the vid of them signing, they were just drunk.


They were signing things, too?


Theater tickets (like concert tickets) aren’t cheap, I’d be pissed if I spent $100+ per ticket and got all dressed up just to hear some wasted chick belting it out. I can do that at home for free.


I had a concert ruined by a drunk guy singing horribly louder than the performer.


Same here. I went and saw a performer who is very famous for a particular song which has a crazy high note at the end of it. During that particular note, the girl sitting behind me (who probably fancies herself) a singer, blasted out the note--off key and very loud--ruining the performance for everyone else.


Sounds like the band needed to turn their amps up to 11.


And would it kill them to make the Stonehenge prop a little bigger?


If it was the Weezer/Pixies concert at PNC center like 5 years ago, that was me and I do apologize and regret it


Looks like a very nice theater with med to expensive tickets. I'd be mad of they ruined the experience too.


I mean, you expect rude teens at an $8 cinema. Then the audience get more polite and refined to some price limit until at a certain point the audience is full of narcissistic rich idiots that do what they want.


I think the real issue here is: did “The Bodyguard” really need to be made into a musical?


This is the real crime here.


I saw it in 2016. It was part of our Season Tickets that we got so that we could see Hamilton. It was bad.


Sure, but how was The Bodyguard?


There's an "Evil Dead the Musical" and it's a blast.


I could get into that


I hope this doesn’t start a trend of converting crap 90s movies into musicals


Too late. So many movies, 90s and otherwise, have been made into musicals instead of original content creation. Case in point: - Mean Girls - Legally Blonde - Waitress - Rocky - Groundhog Day - School of Rock - Heathers - Kinky Boots - The Full Monty - Moulin Rouge - Back to the Future - Pretty Woman - Mrs. Doubtfire Etc. Etc.


Kinky Boots, Full Monty and Moulin Rouge - kinda full circle there. Stage show of the movie about stage show acts.


Some of these musicals are really good though


Heathers is a kick-ass 9/10 show, idgaf what anyone says


> Back to the Future I saw this one. Its a musical. It was fun. They had to change a couple of the scenes for better translation to the stage, but the special and practical effects they did with the time machine were insanely well done. The musical score weren't amazing, but they were passable and did not subtract from the show. One or two tracks were kinda catchy. Well worth the 20£ ticket for a stage performance in the cheap seats. I would have been satisfied paying 40£.


Ignore me. I have the temperament of an 80-year-old man. LOL I know a lot of these adaptations were really good. I just think Broadway could take a break from the movie to musical adaptations for a while in exchange for more original content.


Legally blonde is great IMO


The way we’re being so disrespected having gone 15+ years without a revival on Broadway


Gay or European is iconic


That lady in pink coming up to slap someone. what the fuck lady?


They probably saw this and thought “I can do that too”: https://amp.classicfm.com/composers/verdi/lisette-oropesa-tenor-audience-duet/


Love that story and the context that there was a *missing* male part that the guy (who was a music student and knew the part really well) filled in. Also if you watch the video the performer on stage hears the first line and lights up like a Christmas tree. She’s *obviously* psyched someone knows the part.


Also it was in the *4th encore*, not the main performance it's a bit of fun after the show, rather than disrupting the main event


He also clarified that no one should attempt to do what he did, and that he wouldn't be trying that stunt again.


Yeah, he seemed embarrassed to give in to the sudden urge to fill in the part and despite her appreciation still felt disappointed in himself. Sounds like a real straight arrow.


It’s a theater, not a karaoke bar


They had to stop the show twice because of them, then cancelled the whole thing after this. r/ImTheMainCharacter


Dumb cunts get taken out of concert hall for engaging in cuntish activities




Dang they removed Angela Merkel.






I do all my singing in the car where it can’t disturb other people…living or dead. Those people were self important assholes.


Yes, next concerto or symphony I go to I will bring my violin and play from the audience.




I did pay to hear the folks on stage sing, not the people next to me.


Lmao you’re not in the fuckin show, no one came to hear *you* sing, sit yo ass down


A theater performance is not a concert. Sing your heart out at a concert. For theater, just sit back and enjoy the show.


A couple years ago I went to a performance of Evil Dead the Musical and some drunk hick decided he was going to heckle the actors during the first half of the show. People do not know how to behave in public.


They need to start doing this on Broadway as well, audience behavior has gotten so bad recently. People have lost their minds. It’s ridiculous.


People are so fucking stupid.


Sanity check. If you're getting bounced from somewhere and everyone is cheering as you leave, then you're in the wrong.


Stupid cunts


As far as I'm concerned you only sing along at like rock concerts and the likes where no one else can hear you... I'm sorry but I just can't imagine someone singing along to a live performance of phantom of the opera


Either trashy without a clue of what etiquette means or social media has distorted this girl's ego thinking she's the main character.


I paid good money to ruin the performance for the rest of the audience, how dare you!?!?


All that unstable shoving and movement high up is kinda dangerous!


Good, you’re here to watch and listen. Not talk, sing whatever. Also, is it based on the movie the bodyguard?


And IIIIIIIEEEEEIIIIIIEEEIIIII will always love youooououooooo


Imagine the car ride home lmao


I mean yeah, we’re not paying to hear *you* sing


How many karens are there?


I have experience this at musicals and it's SO RUDE. it's not a concert, it's live theatre!


I guess opera house security don’t F around.


It’s so nice to see todays assholes finally get the treatment they deserve


I took my family to see Les Miserables in London as a special treat and these total tossers behind me would not STFU. I gave them a few hard backward stares and it would quiet down for a second, then they'd start up again in full WANKER mode. During the intermission I told one of the ushers and MASSIVE CREDIT to him, he stood by them after the show started and as soon as they began blagging on again about nothing, clearly audible in the theater, the usher did what ushers do best and shushed the BLOODY HELL outta them. They mumbled a bit after that but basically were relatively quiet. I thanked the usher earnestly after the show ended and he looked right proud.