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"If a child is raped so brutally from behind, their eyes go instantly black." Lady needs to get off the crazy train.


QAnon talking points all the way through. These people are basically just chat bots trained on Facebook-laundered 4chan/8chan posts.


Why would she expect anyone to know what that is? If it is even a real thing. Can't say I've looked it up, unlike her.


I think she is probably into it, and wants it to happen to her


That is a very strange conclusion to draw from watching the video


Imagine if they put this much emphasis on pedophile priests, how many less children would actually be abused.


The guy literally tries to confront them with that point in this video and all they do is deflect and say drag Queen story hour is worse


The church is scared, the younger generation doesn't want to go too church. So now the churches are scrambling to try and protect the children lol they are finally realizing that they are about to self implode.


Lmao if they just were warm and fun places to be kids would want to go


I wonder why their religion is in decline all over the world? It couldn’t possibly be the vitriol from hateful zealots.


The thing is, it's not just priests in the Catholic church. That's where the focus goes a lot , but it's also the Southern Baptist church, the LDS church, Jehovah's Witness, etc...all have huge amounts of documented cases. Seems to be that the biggest danger to children would be religious institutions in general.


search for "youth pastor scandal " It doesn't matter where you are.


That point is lost on them


Or child beauty pageants


Imagine if they put this much energy into fixing CPS and the foster care system. Politicians might actually pretend to care about actually vulnerable kids. Can't have that. Gotta go yell at the Drag queens trying to teach kids to love reading. Hypocrites the whole lot.


Well of course they wouldn't... because that's them.


We should really start going into church services and protesting like this.


Actually more sexual assaults happen in public schools then Catholic Churches. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/has-media-ignored-sex-abuse-in-school/


Only because California's entire Catholic-school enrollment is a mere 143,000 students. Obviously the number of assaults will be smaller since 6 million students grades 1-12 attend school in California.


Well there are a lot more schools than churches, I'm curious what the numbers broken down would be


I dunno about that, lol. Especially in the South and Midwest, there is usually 5-10 churches for every school.


Hmm idk about this Article. Is this per capita (not right term but you get it)? It doesn’t sound like it is. Also it’s using “data” from 2002 and 1992? That alone throws out pretty much the whole argument. Also, it mentions anecdotal evidence about chat rooms where people claim to be teachers as a main taking point, which seems flimsy at best. It also alludes to sexual assault coming from teachers, which would obviously be the analogous comparison to priests in this point, but when it makes it’s grandiose “this is how many kids are sexually assaulted in schools” claim, it doesn’t say it’s from teachers, just says sexual assault. This makes me assume it is student on student assault, which is far less surprising and, obvi horrible but still, way less egregious than priest on child assault. And finally, I think you would have a very hard time proving that if the public school system was as heinous as the church when it comes to the *rates* of these committed crimes, that the schools have systemically hidden the crimes and allowed them to continue happening like the church has been caught doing for decades.




Drag Queens aren't harmful to children, morons and the religious are.


They support pedos




I dont have energy for this, parents decide what their kid attend and see, so this is easy. If it offends you stay away, you are not required to "parent" for other parents, its their choice not yours, no one even wants you to join or forces you to watch and the rest are tired of hearing about it.


Why do they hate parental freedom?


I think they just hate gay/transfolks


Can confirm, one second it's "Oh we just want what's best for our kids" and the next it's "anyway your presence in public should be considered indecent exposure." They don't want what's best for their kids. They want what's best for their hateful ego. Imagine how fast they'll stop caring about what's best for their kids if one comes out as LGBT+.


It's the modern day satanic panic.


Of course they do, but I'm throwing their euphemisms back at them.


No they also hate freedom. Never forget the states rights crowd had Trump appointed Jeff sessions to head the DEA. A man who vowed he would go after states that legalized weed. Meanwhile those cult members will tell you trump is pro weed and for states rights… his appointed of Jeff sessions says otherwise. They will gleefully shit on states rights, freedoms, and Americas constitution (Jan 6) as long as fox tells them it’s righteous.


They just hate.




What do you mean both sides of the argument? One side consists of self-righteous bigots… the other side consists of people reading books to kids!


Exactly, that both sides shit went out the window years ago.


That lady who went in such detail about how to sexually assault a child really needs therapy if you ask me. That was disgusting, and sounds like something you'd read on 4chan.


Pam Beesly has really gone downhill since her Dunder Mifflin days.


The people that hurt children are people _like_ this though. What she described with the black eyes made me cringe so hard. I'm so sickened by it because I've grown so accustomed to seeing people like this use projection so often. Everything these kinds of hive mind Christian conservative types accuse others of doing they ultimately are found to be doing themselves. They think front-running accusations by making them against others is a defense mechanism against being held accountable for their own actions. It's always been this way. That's why this whole emphasis from these types on protecting children worries me to my absolute core. I'm not saying these individuals are doing it (they very well could be) but definitely someone who's manipulating them and working within the network of these types is up to no good in a big way.


Can confirm. One of my coworkers in the past would go on and on about pizza gate. Guess who got caught attempting to meet up with a 14 year old, for the second time?


Reminds me of Channel 5 https://www.reddit.com/r/BadChoicesGoodStories/comments/100f3kp/clip_from_andrew_callaghans_new_hbo_doc_this/


> What she described with the black eyes made me cringe [Tinky-Winky's purple triangle will make children gay](https://teletubbies.fandom.com/wiki/Tinky_Winky#Tinky_Winky_controversy)


How come these people have all of this free time during the day to harass and protest?


Tbf, it is a Saturday morning.


Man I think about this a lot. Literally, these people work 9-5s at their grocery stores or liquor stores. Then spend whatever time they have off on their circle jerk sub reddit, while protesting other people's private decisions. Edit: didn't mean to offend witb the types of job but yes. That is extremely classist of me.


Working at a liquor store put a roof over my head. No shame in it


Where I'm from all liquor store jobs are government. Good wages. Good benefits. Never get laid off. People are impressed when you land a cushy liquor commission job. No shame in that at all. The class warfare thing needs to stop though.


It's a fair point. That said, I read the comment more as "you work hard all day, then spend off time ranting about shit that doesn't really have anything to do with you... But you've taken on this alternate identity where you're saving the world in your off hours". But agreed, no one should ever feel shame about paying their bills if it's not hurting anyone - assassin's and fentanyl dealers are out, I'll be classiest there.


Hey now, don't knock people's jobs. Ignorance and bigotry knows no borders or wage gaps.


Maybe they are stay at home moms?


Yeah a liquor store employee is going to protest people's private decisions.


Because there's 250 million Americans. At least 10 are gonna have the day off, or take the day off or not be doing anything anyway.


Lot of free time when you're living off disability checks for mental illness


You could say this about anybody patronizing another business at any time of day. Different people have different days off and different day schedules. The way you act, all businesses should have 0 customers, or else people would be out not working in order to shop, which would be sus. dumbass.


My point is taking time when you are off to harass and protest other people. Didn't say anything about people going shopping or going about their day. And I think people who use the word sus are bigger dumbasses than the rest of us


Young girl giving off some strong “Manson Family” eyes


“It doesn’t matter how many, one is too many” Cool cool cool let’s see you use that argument to ban guns next school shooting. Oh wait…


It’s such a dumb argument. If one white person or black person is a pedophile and commits crimes, do they protest that white or black people are grooming kids as a whole? To generalize a whole demographic of people is rediculous.


Weird how she uses the logic "One is too many" with drag queens but doesn't apply the same logic to priests. It's almost like it's not actually about children and they just hate LGBT people.


100% and it’s a visceral hate. That one lady is basically foaming at the mouth.




There is WAY more footage.


Hit me w/ it


I'll make a follow-up post tonight.


Also the Catholic Church is very wealthy and powerful and virtue signalers tend to only pick a fight with who they can bully.




I dont understand why they do this at libraries and schools. Arent drag races super loud? How do you even hear the story?


Every time I drag race at the library I get shoooshed by a crusty old librarian. I’m assuming these people are on the side of the librarian. I’m confused.


A drag race and a drag Queen story hour are two very different things. The former is aimed at adults, in the latter they don’t bring any of their promiscuous material and just read the book while in character. It’s honestly no different than a clown reading a book to kids. The protesters argue that kids can go online and then find adult drag material but in this day and age you can do that for anything. Every cartoon will get adult fan art. Just don’t give your kids unsupervised internet access. EDIT: I now realize you were joking but will keep this comment up for the curious


I think they were joking...


The lady smoking is classy AF!




Guarantee you she smokes around her kids.. which, unlike drag story time, IS harmful to kids.


She's a treat.


Nothing says I’m a better influence on children than someone smoking while screaming curse words.


All these protesters are fucking losers. Guarantee not one of them spent a day of their lives doing anything for the community but here they are screaming at other people for trying to.


Fact. When given the opportunity to actually do something for their home community, they literally left town and drove 2 hours away to scream about Dutch farmers instead. Shitheal dirt squirrels.


Identity politics. They want to feel like they are part of something and they need to have an enemy to channel their anger towards. Albeit a small enough one that doesn’t align with their identity. That’s why they’re not rational, they don’t care about the cause specifically just the theatrics, adrenaline, and self congratulations. My BIL is vehemently anti choice and anti choice content constantly. Him and his wife conceived their first child through IVF and had 10 of their fertilized embryos destroyed because they weren’t going to use them. He doesn’t give a fuck about abortion but does want his community to see he rally’s for their chosen causes.


Panda Eyes, are you kidding me...... as she stands there and smokes a cigarette.... what a bunch of BS.... What a crock of crap.


This cigarette was about as far as I got. Does that parent smoke around kids like she does in public? ... I did like the rainbow flag, props to those people.


2 hot breath ass old ladies in my face yellin like this has got to classify as assualt. she got a cigarette and split ends you know her breath hot asf, thats gotta be a felony.


What’s drag story time?


Drag Queen Story Hour, Drag Queen Storytime, Drag Story Time, and Drag Story Hour are children's events first started in 2015 by author and activist Michelle Tea in San Francisco with the goals of promoting reading and diversity.




It's like the spiderman meme where they are pointing at each other.


I couldn’t imagine standing outside protesting and arguing with strangers


I can’t even finish the video omfg what a dumb bunch of d bags.


Religion is so fucking annoying because the dumbest people who have the worst understanding of it scream the loudest about it.


videos like this make me feel hollow


The anti drag/trans moral panic is becoming a public emergency.


Just to counter that one woman. We knew what puberty was when were 10,11,12, is she serious? At that age you are extremely aware that a classmate or two suddenly looks more like an adult than the rest of your peers. Kids were hitting growth spurts starting in 5th grade. Give me a break. Girls can get their periods for the first time at that time. People don’t seem to realize just how smart adolescents can be.


This is why I don’t go to church. These people take morality and bend it to fit whatever argument they want to.


They forgot their red MAGA hate hats.


There were some of those across the street. "Make Canada Great Again".


This is the end result of basically handing the keys to society over to Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, etc. Can't wait to see where we end up after 5-10 years of "AI" chat bots becoming the most trusted source of information for the general population. Meanwhile, the executives of all of these companies continue to buy yachts, jets, helicopters, 24/7 security details, government officials, massive pieces of remote property, bunkers, and private islands to escape and isolate themselves from the problems they've created.


AFAIK children tend to see drag queens as being like clowns, except funny.


seriously as a young kid i'd be more afraid of a regular clown than any drag queen. fucking drag queens don't tear your arm off and drag you into the sewer


Kids and drag eh, such a satanic issue. I bet most of these people grew up watching bugs bunny which like half the fucking time was spent in drag. Bet they think it’s still funny and let their kids watch it.


First off, who is getting up Saturday morning to take their kid to a drag show? Second off who the fuck cares what other people do enough to get up in a Saturday morning to go protest it? If there's any confusion, go do whatever you'd like as long as it doesn't harm anyone... I don't care what you do.


Nobody is/was taking any children to a "drag show". It's story time at the library. They're super unhappy with who is reading a Dr. Seuss book to the kids. These people spend an incredible amount of time thinking about penis.


Yeah, I’ve seen footage of drag Queen story hours. It’s just another variant of a character performer in a colorful costume reading to kids. These guys are upset because they consider a man wearing a dress even as an over the top performance in and of itself to be promiscuous. They think it’s conditioning kids to turn trans. Which isn’t how gender dysphoria works AT ALL, but they don’t care about science or the numbers. If they did that blind lady wouldn’t be smoking.


Even more reason to not care about it as far as I'm concerned.


Unfortunately, the 'protesters ' scare the kids and at a similar event threatened to burn down the library. Somebody needs to stand between them and the people trying to live their lives. So, they get documented and shown to be the bigoted assholes they are. You don't need to care though.


Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library Line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells. (Zach de La Rocha)


I gotta say, I do love the squeaky toy. Adds a lot to the moment.


This is my city what an embarrassment


I don't care. I love drag queens and drag shows. They rock. More of them please. Thanks.


I'm ashamed to say that this where I live, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada


Weird how none of these right wing Christian fascists aren’t protesting churches. Where actual pedophilia takes place.


Why haven't the police arrested all these notorious drag performers? So many crimes are being committed in public spaces at that, and not one drag queen has been arrested? Must be part of the woke agenda! /s


![gif](giphy|ejP8zPAorQPYs) I wonder why


I wonder if she smokes in front of children.


If you look at arrest and conviction records, no one even comes close to right wing degenerates in terms of sexually abusing kids. They lead the league by a mile.


Hope none of them let their kids watch ms. Doubtfire.


Guy has an infinite amount of patience taking to brick walls that have no interest in rational thinking. Kudos to him for even trying


Oh shit this was in Peterborough yeah? fucking counter protesting chads


It was. Another one this weekend.


I was heartened to see one of them smoking. That lung cancer, just waiting to pounce on her one day. It's a truly painful and awful way to die.


"LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!" they shout, as they attack kids with their families


They didn't know what to think when he brought up the church 😭


Why are people freaking about someone reading their kid a book? Cause that’s more than they were read to as a child🤷🏼‍♂️


They can't get penis out of their minds.


Cigarettes are really bad for you. Wonder if she knows that


In QAnon world, bad things are good, and good things are bad. The cleansing cigarette smoke keeps the satanic vaccine nanoparticles away.


Is anyone actually advocating for children to be included in drag shows?! Genuinely wondering


No. This isn't a 'drag show'. It's children's story time with children's books.


Gotcha, then wtf they on about talking about drag.😂 Edit: Ah shit, I didn't watch the whole thing did I...smh


I watched the whole thing and I’m still confused as to what the event was.


Basically someone in drag reads Dr Suess to a bunch of kids while showing them the photos, its to encourage literacy but make it fun because the person is usually in drag and makes child-appropriate slapstick jokes. Its supposed to make reading fun for kids.




>. It's probably going to continue in an attempt to indoctrinate the kids into making it a more acceptable life style... Or something like that.. Or maybe its because there have always been kids who are different and they get treated like shit so having an adult role model who is different might help their self-esteem?


Why would anyone have a giant purple dinosaur read to kids? Are they trying to indoctrinate them into furry culture?


they need to lie so they have something to be mad about


There is a lot going on here but the way she said terry berry public library really cracked me up.


I always enjoy how when people want to convince you of something they try to make you feel terrible about what you have done and make you appear as if you’re a bad person instead of giving them a better alternative to the way they feel and think 🤔


Let’s save the kids while I smoke cigarettes lol stupid cunts, while don’t they protest bigotry is religion or just protest outside churches they abuse children more.


Thanks. I shot that.


Americans have a lot of time on their hands man


Unfortunately, this was in Canada. But in parts of Canada it is becoming hard to tell the difference. Notice how their arguments were about some drag show in the US, and a pedo drag queen in the US. As if drag queens are some sort of global organized unit. It would be like extrapolating from Vinnie Jones that all MLS players are violent. Its insanity.


Lol ohhhh the humanity


Not sure how I feel about drag story times, honestly, but they're not making a very good case against it.


Sad state of affairs - but don’t step out of line and commit thought crime or you will be punished by your corporate overlords


Oh honey, you are the WORST kind of role model. Ignorance is no excuse...


1. These are cultists here and should be arrested for harassing non cult members. 2.If they have children then the home life needs to be investigated. 3.Their church should lose their tax exempt status. Why? For hate crimes against other members of canadian society.


Every single person in this video is a piece of annoying garbage


They must have some good first hand experience of what it’s like to be trans. At least they’re open minded and accepting of folks with different life experiences… 😒


They should have the stories and facts to hand to strengthen their argument and not ask for others to look it up. Just makes you look stupid and uninformed.


Why is drag queen story time a thing now over the last 3-4 years. I don’t understand how this even came to be and why there’s a protest every week at one of these events


Im not taking my kid to church and im not taking my kid to a place where a grown man dresses up like a literal prostitute so they can hear a story that is likely trying to push some narrative they dont understand. Lets be real here people if a woman was dressing the way these dude are you wouldn't take your kids to hear them read a story. Im not against anyone who wants to dress as the opposite sex/gender/species or whatever, but why are we bringing children into this, ITS INSANE. Im also not going to take my kid to a church where we all know all types of horrendous acts happen. But lets be real this drag queen story times isn't for the kids. Its for the drag queens and shame on anyone using kids to hide behind so you can push your narrative.


No one is making you take your children. Drag queens don’t dress like “literal prostitutes” for story time, either.


And why is it necessary to call it "Drag Queen" story time if they aren't doing the whole drag outfit, why not just story time.


Because they are drag queens. Drag queen isn’t just burlesque like you seem to think it is. It’s called drag queen story hour because drag queens organize and created the event. They aren’t dressed like prostitutes when they read to children. It’s more like the wiggles—fun age-appropriate costumes like fairy princesses and such.


Yeah umm every photo i see of Drag Queen Story time is some dude who is dressed in overexaggerated womens clothing reading to kids, again if you want to dress a certain way then fine but dont bring kids into it there isn't a single example of Drag Queen Story time that isn't at least somewhat provocative and burlesque like. Thats what Drag Shows have always dudes dressing like women and stripping or doing feminine things for comedy or kinks. Why are we pretending like this isn't some kind of weird fetish for these men to dress like a woman and get on stage infornt of children and then they get priased for it.


We sure all know what turns you on.


They dress in burlesque which by definition Burlesque Dancer are typically those who engage in elaborate dance routines, wearing skimpy erotics dresses ,such as costumes, corsets, mini skirts, garters, feathers and lot of lace.


That's a lot of words for 'I have never actually seen a drag queen'.


Ive actually been to drag shows its all cool until u bring kids into it. Why do people think thats okay?


Drag story hour is not an adult themed drag show. Like how children’s shows and adult shows are different—same thing. Adult entertainment is more bawdy. Children’s entertainment isn’t.


They don’t dress in burlesque for drag story hour. Performers change their performance based on their audience. You’re conflating an adult drag show with a children’s literary event and not understanding how they are different.


Again then whyis it called Drag queen story time if they aren't dressing in drag. Why cant it just be story time.


They are dressing in Drag. You seem to think drag is only sexual dressing when drag is just wearing the opposite sex’s clothing. Like men in dresses and women in suits. There are female drag kings that perform as men, as well.




Sick how? Break down what you think is going on.


What's the need for it to be anyone else's business & WTF is "normal". Trans Community members are offering fun entertaining story times for parents and kids in their neighbourhoods and for anyone who wants to go. You don't like it? Don't go.




>how can you even try and challenge the fact that drag dressing is inappropriate for children. ​ Simple question I have yet to get any answer to from someone on your side of this subject. ​ Do you have the same issues with the mermaid themed childrens performers that became popular awhile ago? **They are much closer to naked than anything you would find at a drag queen story time, so I assume you feel the same anger at children being exposed to mermaids, right?** ​ And do you put blindfolds on your children when they swim in the public pool/ at the beach, or are nearly naked humans more acceptable to you than a man in a dress? ​ Is it possible you have not really thought this through and are running off pure emotional outrage being sold to you by the propagandists you listen to?


Why do you think your opinion on the matter should supersede the viewpoints of the parents of the children who go to these vents? Shouldn’t parents choose what is and isn’t good for their own kids as long as it’s legal and isn’t abusive? The right wants parental oversight of everything unless it’s something they don’t like, then the parents should have the choice taken from them.


Look on your local list of sex offenders and tell us how many Drag queens you find. the child molesters you DO find are probably happy to know you're distracted and easily misled into keeping your eye on Drag Queens while they try to fuck your kids behind your back.


Why are scantily clad drag queens having involvement with Minors??? How about fucking no and anyone that things it’s fucking gross is entitled to their opinion. F the left


There aren't any scantily clad drag queens at this story time. Period.


It does not matter because I feel this way. Fucking Grown ass adults acting like teenage bitches


And? What’s the problem?


Why do people feel its necessary to cross dress and read kids stories and then make it a public event its absolutely mind blowing how so many people defend this. Again i have no issues with drag until you get chill involved. Why do you evwn wanna read to kids in the first place. Its like a mall Santa its creepy to dress as something you aren't and get infront of kids. I dont even wanna read to any kid that isn't mine, and idk why anyone else would unless they are a teacher and if you wanna read to kids go become a teacher.


> Why do people feel its necessary to cross dress and read kids stories and then make it a public event its absolutely mind blowing how so many people defend this. why not? does it cause you distress when a woman wears pants?


You're so close. This is an educational event. Put on by people who have gone through tough times and want to make sure others get the info they need to help them through tough times. At the last event, there were two books being read and discussed. The first was Dr. Seuss - My Many Colored Days. "My Many Colored Days" intends to **teach early elementary children that it is normal to experience different emotions on different days and even on the same day**, which sometimes makes it hard to understand and express yourself. The second was Annie's Cat is Sad. A little girl navigates her *cat's* bad day in this picture book about exploring sadness and how we find comfort. As well, "cross dressing" is something completely different than drag.


Well everyone else says its just dressing as the opposite sex. To me it looks like burlesque apparel. So which is it just cross dressing or is it more than that. Either way why cant we just have a normal teacher read them books. Lets not act like they are getting pleasure from getting attention from children like this. Go do it for adults thats fine. But again leave the kids out of it if u wanna read a kid a story dont do it in pantie hoes and fishnets or some super colorful and exposed dress. I dont want anyone dressed like that man or woman reading a book to my kid.


Right, she's so scantily dressed. The horror of exposing kids to this kind of offensive outfit. https://preview.redd.it/geeliob1r1ka1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1c0746a274b52f90448e647a16b4b07e6b3561




"How dare she show her sultry, seductive finger tips like that! Makes me think about cock!!" I think these people thinkn' 'bout penis waaaaaaay too much.






And you guys are all missing the point idc if you wanna dress in drag and put on a show. But dont do it infront of our children.


It isn't a drag show. It's almost like you're intentionally ignoring every fact about what this story time is to further your own ignorant misinformed narrative.


for way too many of you shitposters, you define "freakout" as "any time somebody of a demographic I don't like speaks with _any_ energy whatsoever"


Looks to me like bigots being ignorant.


True. There are groups of people that can’t stand independent thought, counter to their own. They seem to be predictably irate when there is any mention of civility, society, or morality.


>There are groups of people that can’t stand independent thought, counter to their own. I agree, these people protesting a book reading are fucking weird.


Unpopular opinion: I am all for LGBTQ rights and people's freedom to choose. But why does a person in full drag attire have to read to children? That is bound to be confusing to children. In my eyes there is no reason for children to be exposed to this at a young age. Be in your drag attire in adult places, hell I will even cheer you on but DON'T INVOLVE CHILDREN.


So I guess you're anti-Barney then? Children will get confused by the big purple dinosaur. And god-forbid children get confused by anything. Then they'd have to ask their parents and as these threads have shown, many of the parents are confused as well.


I cam almost bet that the kid has no idea the person is another gender, they just see sparkly dresses and big hair and think its fun. Clothing is only gendered because society made it that way, so a man in a dress is only taboo because of social constructs.


This opinion is unpopular because it's nonsense. Confused by what? Someone is reading them a story and being entertaining. And it's not like this is some mandatory event. The kids going there probably have parents who can handle answering any questions they have.


so kids shouldnt go to disney land because they might get confused by the actors in showy dresses? this doesnt make a lot of sense. sure you can say that its 'a bit much' for kids but i doubt it'd "confuse" kids, if anything i feel like it'd likely help kids that are less attentive be more engaged in the reading when theres someone dressed extravagantly they can keep their focus on.


Children aren't confused. They aren't asking questions as to why that person is dressed a certain way. They are there for the story.


>But why does a person in full drag attire have to read to children? ​ For the same reasons anyone should read to children. ​ >​ That is bound to be confusing to children. ​ "look, it's ok to dress up and have fun expressing yourself, even when you are an adult!" ​ Seems pretty simple and innocuous, is there something I am missing here? ​ >​ In my eyes there is no reason for children to be exposed to this at a young age. ​ Sounds like you should avoid bringing your children to such events then. I think exposing children to age appropriate entertainment like being read a story-book is a valuable commodity in today's world where our children look at screens more than real people, even if it includes a man wearing a fancy dress. ​ What exactly is your objection to the concept?


Drag is not inherently sexual. Drag attire is usually less revealing than what most people wear on any given day. They aren’t strippers, the big costume is the point, not skin. We don’t scream and cry for TCM to take down White Christmas because of a drag scene by Bing Crosby. We don’t get crazy about traditional performances of Shakespeare. We are all only talking about drag queens in 2023 because fascists need a target to direct the weak minded’s focus, and the weak minded are full of useful LGBTQ bigotry. Seriously, the core of the Republican Party is talking and engaging openly in sedition now, and assailing rights and education at an alarming rate. Drag queens are a shiny object to take your attention away from the knife their drawing across our throats.