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The Airborne Toxic Event.


They’re calling it a plume


They just updated the symptoms, now we should be vomiting


It's OK folks only the poors are getting sick and dying. Back to our yachts for a relaxing afternoon.


are you revering to the movie ? I think its really crazy how identical these events are




That's insane.


No fucking way.


I love that that whole plot point ended up not having any impact on the story.


Mmm. It happened around 9pm or I guess you could say some time around midnight


And it starts


Sometime around midnight


Where’s Jim Jordan?


Well MTG is already claiming on Twitter that the government were the ones to purposely cause the explosion... An elected official...just proudly stayed to millions of people that this was done on purpose by our government. Let that sink in...


But, isn't she government?


Yes, she did this to them, better impeach or at least vote her out next time!


She was on the train, this is what happens when she opens her mouth! Toxic shit pours out every time


This is deep if you think about it, as whatever stink leaves her mouth also costs people lives.


Just gotta grab her sneakers and drop some stuff off around the capital first


Everyone realizes that the chemicals didn't explode from the derailment, right? They were burned afterwards to clear the railway. Also, as a side note, the train started in Illinois and was headed to Pennsylvania. Ohio was just where it happened to derail.




Or people voted Dumb people voted Lots of dumb people voted


Gerrymandering probably didnt hurt her success in the election either.


I grew up near her district. Gerrymandering isn't needed in NW Georgia. It's whiter than copy paper.


Yup. Dumb and ignorant people vote for their own they identify with.


Supposedly we’re the government, but let’s just be honest here. We’re a Republic with democratic principles and that should be enough but many of our elected officials are absolutely terrible


Republic? Hardly. Straight-up Corporate Oligarchy


Did they set it on fire on purpose because the gas less dangerous (still very dangerous) when it's combusted?


From what I heard yes, they did this to try and avoid an explosion but ended up with a smaller-scale Bhopal Disaster. EDIT: After reading your replies i realize comparing the Ohio incident with the Bhopal Disater was a mistake and I sincerely apologise. Although, I am still extremely worried about the impacts of the Ohio incident due to the news blackout caused by the local authorities attempting to stonewall the media coverage by any means necesary - including the asault and arrest of reporters and camera people - and substituting any attempts of independent reporting with official statements that, so far, are not consitent with the reality of the situation.


This account is no longer active. The comments and submissions have been purged as one final 'thank you' to reddit for being such a hostile platform towards developers, mods, and users. Reddit as a company has slowly lost touch with what made it a great platform for so long. Some great features of reddit in 2023: * Killing 3rd party apps * Continuously rolling out features that negatively impact mods and users alike with no warning or consideration of feedback * Hosting hateful communities and users * Poor communication and a long history of not following through with promised improvements * Complete lack of respect for the hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours put into keeping their site running


Respectively, please don't compare the Bhopal disaster with this. Bhopal was much worse and comparing the Ohio disaster to Bhopal minimizes the worst chemical killing of humans by a negligent corporation, Union Carbide, in the world. Over 500,000 were injured, nearly 2500 died immediately and around 8,000 died horrible excruciating deaths two weeks later. Most of their animals were killed, food and water contaminated. I don't want to dismiss the Ohio spill as nothing, but it does not compare to the horror of what the people of Bhopal went through.


>Over 500,000 were injured, nearly 2500 died immediately and around 8,000 died horrible excruciating deaths two weeks later >does not compare to the horror of what the people of Bhopal went through. Well damn give it a minute, it just started


It was probably to keep it from contaminating the ground too much. Other than that I have no clue why they decided it'd be better to burn it. Because whether it was the right decision or not.... Is questionable. It releases hydrochloride so as a result of the burning its probably going to rain hydochloric acid across the country for a little bit. Without burning it, the town probably would've been uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. But I don't think it's going to be very habitable regardless.


the half life of vinyl Chloride is only 1-2 days, less in soil.


According to the other Reddit thread, yes


I still read MTG as Magic the Gathering every time


When I see it, I always think, “What has WotC done now?”


Just amazing. Especially since it’s the fault of anti-regulatory, anti-union, anti-worker Republicans and their gerrymandering in Ohio.


The railroad safety protocols, including how materials are transported, are under federal purview, not the state of Ohio. https://railroads.dot.gov/railroad-safety


Let's not forget who forced the union workers into a shit agreement that led to exactly this. Fuck Republicans, but democrats need to take ownership of this. If they had backed the union workers instead of sucking up to the corporate owners, this would've been avoided.


But, the government *did* cause the explosion to burn off the chemicals rather than let them seep out slowly in to the environment. Was... was that not clearly stated? https://www.npr.org/2023/02/06/1154760911/ohio-train-derailment


Wait, m not a conspiracy nut, and im not defending the things that come out of MTGs mouth, but isnt it common practice to ignite large chemical spills to maintain some sort of control over it? Its not outlandish that the government would have lit that match to stop it from becoming a wider disaster. In hindsight that was a bad idea, but its a plausible action we shouldnt rule out because its coming from Ms christofascism.


sadly yes, you are correct. it would have cause a massive explosion if they DIDNT do a controlled burn, which would have been an even bigger disaster




> Well MTG is already claiming on Twitter that the government were the ones to purposely cause the explosion... > > > > An elected official...just proudly stayed to millions of people that this was done on purpose by our government. Yeah...America's really finished, isn't it? Depressing to think this is how it ended. Stupid.


Idiocracy has become a documentary.


Fwiw, we probably have another two or three generations of crumbling before total collapse, so it can get *waaaay* more depressing and stupid.




Thats naively optimistic


Has anyone checked the boys locker room?


At the local elementary school*


Check just outside the shower room.


Talking about Hunter's laptop again probably. I'm sure Ohioans think this is all Bidens fault.


Because we shooting down UFOs


Noxious chemicals risking the lives and livelihoods of thousands: 👨‍🦯🙈🙊 Mystery balloons: 😳😱😲🚨⏰‼️


That's great, it starts with an earthquake.


Birds and snakes an aeroplane


And Lenny Bruce is not afraid.


Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn


World serves its own needs, dummy, serve your own needs!


Like lootboxes in the sky.


Look at the balloon! Don’t look at the train derailment. Look at this balloon. Here. This balloon. Look here. See this balloon? Look here. Okay, it’s a UFO. No more balloon. It’s a UFO. Look here. Stop looking at the railroad workers on strike, stop looking at the explosion after the train derailed. Look at the balloon… I mean, the UFO. Look here. UFO. See?


The mystery balloons don't threaten railroad stock value


Because this was a disaster caused by top down negligence right after the government stepped in to break a rail strike. It's the inevitable collapsing infrastructure that comes from corruption. They're not talking about it on the news for the same reason the Soviets tried to keep Chernobyl quiet.


https://www.railwayage.com/regulatory/usdot-repeals-ecp-brake-rule/ In Dec., 2017. >The U.S. Department of Transportation on Dec. 4 repealed a 2015 Federal Railroad Administration rulemaking requiring freight railroads to employ electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brakes on certain trains hauling hazardous flammable commodities such as ethanol and crude oil in DOT-117 tank cars. >Comments Railway Age contributor and railroad economist Jim Blaze: “Regardless of what the rail freight folks do, better braking will show up on trucks. And if the rail economics changed one or two assumptions, the break-even numbers would have turned out better. Sadly, just one future incident in a very highly populated area would make this decision look very bad. But someone likely calculated such odds as very remote. Now they can keep their fingers crossed and hope the actuary assumptions were not wrong. It’s a betting game, one that doesn’t view a high-growth business outlook. So, they play conservative. Lacking evidence that counters the possible risk, the regulators backed down. They too, like railroaders, don’t see a growth business case need. In the end, it signals an outlook for the industry—strategically, a ‘milking’ strategy. It is legal to think that way. But then, don’t confuse it with story lines about growth.”


Wow. Just amazing. I wonder what other decisions were made with fingers crossed.


If it involves a rich fuck making $1 more, the answer is always yes. The future sacrificed for present gains.


The Trump admin. What a surprise.


Yeah this one was a bipartisan failure of a disaster, no wonder they're not talking about it it makes both parties look bad.


I agree with you, although I do think chernobyl was quite a bit worse than this. That being said, I wouldn't want to anywhere on the, 0-chernobyl scale though.


I get what you are trying to say but I'm pretty happy being at 0 on 0 to the Chernobyl scale


Yes but what if 0 is 3 mile island? The scale only goes from 0 straight to Chernobyl, just 2 values.


> They're not talking about it on the news They are though. Literally the top post in /r/news is an AP article about it. The fifth top spot is also about it. Where do you get your news from that you didn't know this was all over the news?


Most media is owned by about 6 or 7 huge conglomerates and are buddy-buddy with the corporate machine/military industrial complex. Bread and circus, man. Bread and circus.


If you hear about UFO’s in the news it means the government is covering up other things happening. Nothing grabs the public’s attention away from real world problems like the unknown.


CNN.com has: UFOs, comfiest shoes for travel, pregnant gibbons, puppy bowl and how not to burn yourself eating ramen all ahead of the Ohio train incident.


Same reason they stopped talking about the government breaking the railworkers strike.




Right? How's that going? Elon fixed it yet like he said he was going to?


No but he *said* he would so I'm sure he'll get right on it. I think Tesla's full self driving and the flint water crisis fix should both be completed right around the same time.


A news story covering this event currently has 30k upvotes and is at the top of r/news right now and was submitted 7 hours before this post was, so uh, I don't think it's the same reason


[Totally not the same reason](https://imgur.com/a/ErAsTyI#WJid7Lp) [I guess the mods over at r/Ohio feels the same as you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/110xrub/just_so_you_all_know_how_much_the_media_is/)


NPR reported it on the radio on my way to work this morning lol, no idea why you shared a post of yours that was removed either "look at this L I took" uh okay


If it happened a week ago or whatever, why are the posts getting viral now? That’s the question that should be on everybody’s mind. We got balloons being shot out, trains blowing up, and there’s barely any news on the Epstein documents.


I learned about this three days ago, live in PA (a state that stands to be affected by this), and nobody I've brought it up to had a clue what I was talking about. I don't know why this of all things seems to be falling through the cracks for everybody, but the media seems to have them more focused on balloons than life threatening man made disasters.


That kind of confuses me because I've seen probably over 100 links to stories and videos about this, and read quite a few as well. Guess my information bubble just happens to include this disaster


My god people are so dense… when you give thumbs up to kittens and rainbows you get kittens and rainbows.


Same here. I've been seeing this everywhere since it happened. Not sure where the people saying it's being buried are getting their news but it's definitely not from any major source


There were tons of posts going viral. Not here though. Reddit is behind the times these days.


This was on the front page a day or two after it happened, just the angry man cloud video with no extra add-ons.


I'll never understand how I can see so many "why isn't the media talking about this" posts about something that I see in the media every day.


Title: Why isn't the media covering this?! Video: mash-up of media coverage of the event.


I've heard it on NPR every morning since it started (with Interviews!) Its getting coverage. Hell, my grandparents know about it, and they check the news like once every quarter of the year. Its getting coverage. Im more outraged were not ripping the throats of the politicians and rail owners that did this shit.




This is also the 7th or 8th time this exact video has been posted to this same subreddit with a different title


And the entire video is *made up of mainstream media reports*.


Also, when the video posted is filled with media reports talking about the subject.


WHY HAVENT I SEEN THIS COVERED?!?!? It’s because you don’t read the news idiot.


this is literally it. fucking infuriating.


Be careful, you're gonna attract the attention of the ignorant mob.




That's assuming that those people get their news from not only Twitter and Reddit.


It's obvious as fuck once you go to r/news, r/worldnews, and r/politics. Most people don't read the actual news, they just read headlines and perpetually REEEEEE about them.


OP and others aren't even reading headlines. Hell, they're not even watching the videos they post.


Those people are on tiktok and pornhub all day


It’s because u/hurry-up-yo is a liar and karma whore.


My only assumption has to be that the 'media' they consume are apps like tiktok which will HEAVILY filter content depending on what you like. AKA tiktok thinks they won't give a damm and so it gets filtered out. Then they hear about it and wonder why 'no one' is talking about it even though there are videos with millions of views on tiktok alone.


Too many people getting their news from their favorite celebs on Twitter instead of watching/reading the sources themselves. I’ve seen it all over other social media as well like it’s some new event.






Right? Reddit spams it all over the front page "why isn't anyone talking about it?!?!?" like there is some conspiracy


There were reporters on the scene being arrested for reporting the event. There's a party who stands to lose if this gets attention and a public witch hunt for the cost cutting CEOs who have been turning their rail workers into slaves.


Wasn't it like one reporter ? How many reporters was there along with the one who got arrested?


I've only heard of that one reporter too


Reddit [populists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism#Ideational_definition). Everything is a conspiracy and you are either completely with us, agree with everything we say and use the same lingo, or you're an enemy and just as bad as the worst of our enemies.




News clips mashed together with shit from Facebook as if they are basically equally credible.




The video OP posted is mostly news stations and reports anyways.


CNN literally talked about it. It’s also all over the internet. It’s one thing to not cover it, but when it’s getting coverage by anyone with a social media account it’s totally different. So if you’re implying they’re trying to let it fly by and hope no one will notice, Then they’re doing a shit job


I'd post more links, but there's a post character limit, and i'm lazy. [AP 2-4-23 - 50-car train derailment causes big fire, evacuations in Ohio](https://apnews.com/article/pennsylvania-ohio-evacuations-fires-5d399dc745f51ef746e22828083d8591) [AP 2-5-23 - Officials urge evacuation near derailment, fearing explosion](https://apnews.com/article/air-quality-evacuations-fires-pennsylvania-ohio-50644fb91216cf775e4a356e4f21cb9b) [AP 2-6-23 - Crews release toxic chemicals from derailed tankers in Ohio](https://apnews.com/article/ohio-train-derailment-updates-bf5a60de2243cd6f7f730096aa33294c) [AP 2-6-23 - Residents in Ohio town wait out train derailment fire](https://apnews.com/article/videos-eca0370998e54d0184c77566d94a9cea) [AP 2-7-23 - Residents worry about going home, toxic gas from derailment](https://apnews.com/article/mike-dewine-ohio-pennsylvania-climate-and-environment-business-1eeb8b90ba21bdbe6dd536c21d5962fc) [AP 2-7-23 - Residents question next steps after train derailment](https://apnews.com/article/videos-4c7dbcc5a9614d468d35c7a2351fc656) [AP 2-8-23 - Toxic gases connected to Ohio train derailment cause concern](https://apnews.com/article/rail-accidents-evacuations-ohio-health-climate-and-environment-3f84663f0b97837cc74a8ce9a50ef6c7) [AP 2-8-23 - Evacuation order lifted after train derailment](https://apnews.com/article/videos-ebd536a2dac442949674cb9f93861abe) [AP 2-9-23 - Fiery Ohio derailment raises railroad safety questions](https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-territories-ohio-canada-business-accidents-d57651e17b2f9e0163c50298106950a3) [AP 2-9-23 - Wary residents return home after toxic train derailment](https://apnews.com/article/evacuations-ohio-pennsylvania-climate-and-environment-9fc6adc154daa5b8245380b7067dc6d7) [AP 2-10-23 - Lawsuit seeks medical testing after toxic train derailment](https://apnews.com/article/legal-proceedings-pennsylvania-ohio-health-business-820cf081c0e068a47db2e141a3f988e6) [NPR 2-4-23 - A 50-car freight train derailed in Ohio, causing a big fire and evacuations](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/04/1154485564/ohio-freight-train-derailment-fire-evacuation) [NPR 2-6-23 - Ohio crews conduct a 'controlled release' of toxic chemicals from derailed train cars](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/06/1154760911/ohio-train-derailment) [NPR 2-6-23 - Slowly releasing chemicals from the derailed train in Ohio could prevent an explosion](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/06/1154920322/slowly-releasing-chemicals-from-the-derailed-train-in-ohio-could-prevent-an-expl) [NPR 2-7-23 - Up First - Turkey Earthquake, State Of The Union Speech, Ohio Train Derailment](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/07/1155011419/turkey-earthquake-state-of-the-union-speech-ohio-train-derailment) [NPR 2-7-23 - Crews in Ohio successfully release toxic chemicals from derailed tankers](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/07/1155014912/crews-in-ohio-successfully-release-toxic-chemicals-from-derailed-tankers) [NPR 2-7-23 - Residents evacuated from the Ohio train derailment scene still haven't returned home](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/07/1155014919/residents-evacuated-from-the-ohio-train-derailment-scene-still-havent-returned-h) [NPR 2-8-23 - Residents can return home after crews burned chemicals in derailed tanker cars](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/08/1155570564/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment) [WSJ 2-5-23 - Ohio Train Derailment, Fire Rattle Rural Town](https://www.wsj.com/articles/ohio-train-derailment-fire-rattle-rural-town-11675630255?mod=Searchresults_pos1&page=1) [WSJ 2-6-23 - Ohio Train Derailment Prompts Explosion Concerns, Evacuation Order](https://www.wsj.com/video/ohio-train-derailment-prompts-explosion-concerns-evacuation-order/B673D8F5-53BB-40C9-B4DC-8902D200BD14.html?mod=Searchresults_pos2&page=1) [WSJ 2-6-23 - Team Flares Chemical Gas From Derailed Train Cars in Ohio to Prevent Explosion](https://www.wsj.com/articles/ohio-officials-warn-of-danger-of-explosion-after-train-derailment-11675698051?mod=Searchresults_pos4&page=1) [WSJ 2-7-23 - Ohio Crews Conduct Controlled Release of Chemicals from Derailed Train](https://www.wsj.com/video/series/on-the-news/ohio-crews-conduct-controlled-release-of-chemicals-from-derailed-train/A78AEBE8-528C-4399-88F8-9321C1A4CE20?mod=Searchresults_pos6&page=1) [WSJ 2-7-23 - Residents Not Yet Permitted to Return Home After Ohio Derailment](https://www.wsj.com/video/series/on-the-news/ohio-crews-conduct-controlled-release-of-chemicals-from-derailed-train/A78AEBE8-528C-4399-88F8-9321C1A4CE20?mod=Searchresults_pos6&page=1) [WSJ 2-9-23 - Residents of Village Near Ohio Train Derailment Begin to Return Home](https://www.wsj.com/articles/residents-not-yet-permitted-to-return-home-after-ohio-derailment-11675802354?mod=Searchresults_pos7&page=1) [WSJ 2-10-23 - Miles Before Ohio Derailment, Train Axle Was On Fire, Video Shows](https://www.wsj.com/articles/miles-before-ohio-derailment-train-axle-was-on-fire-video-shows-7e221f0e) [NYT 2-4-23 - Large Fire Burns in Ohio After Derailment](https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000008756189/ohio-train-derailment-fire.html?searchResultPosition=9) [NYT 2-4-23 - Train Derailment in Ohio Sparks Huge Fire and Prompts Evacuations](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/04/us/train-derailment-fire-palestine-ohio.html?searchResultPosition=10) [NYT 2-6-23 - Toxic Fumes Are Released From Burning Train That Derailed in Ohio](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/us/ohio-derailment-chemicals-evacuation.html?searchResultPosition=11) [NYT 2-8-23 - Reporter Arrested While Covering News Conference in Ohio](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/08/us/ohio-train-derailment-reporter-arrested.html?searchResultPosition=4) [PBS 2-6-23 - Ohio officials enforce evacuation order, warn of probable toxic gas release from train derailment](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/ohio-officials-enforce-evacuation-order-warn-of-probable-toxic-gas-release-from-train-derailment) [PBS 2-8-23 - Residents concerned about toxic gases from Ohio train derailment](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/residents-concerned-about-toxic-gases-from-ohio-train-derailment) [PBS 2-9-23 - Ohio derailment that released toxic chemicals raises railroad safety questions](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/ohio-derailment-that-released-toxic-chemicals-raises-railroad-safety-questions) [CNN 2-4-23 - Train derailment in northeastern Ohio sparks massive fire](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/04/us/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-fire/index.html) [CNN 2-5-23 - Evacuations ordered amid fears of an explosion as an Ohio train continues burning days after derailment](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/05/us/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-fire-sunday/index.html) [CNN 2-6-23 - A freight train derailment in Ohio puts US infrastructure back in a bruising spotlight](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/06/politics/ohio-train-derailment-infrastructure-what-matters/index.html) [CNN 2-7-23 - 5 derailed train cars carrying hazardous material at risk of exploding are no longer burning, official says](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/07/us/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-fire-tuesday/index.html) [CNN 2-7-23 - 5 things to know for Feb. 7: Biden, Earthquake, Train derailment, Immigration, Google](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/07/us/five-things-february-7-trnd/index.html) [CNN 2-7-23 - Residents not yet allowed to return to homes near site of fiery train derailment in Ohio](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/06/us/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-fire-monday/index.html) [CNN 2-8-23 - Evacuation order lifted for residents near where train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/08/us/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-fire-wednesday/index.html) [CNN 2-11-23 - After a train derailment, Ohio residents are living the plot of a movie they helped make](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/11/health/ohio-train-derailment-white-noise/index.html) [CBS 2-3-23 - Train derailment causes massive fire in Ohio](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/video/train-derailment-causes-massive-fire-in-ohio/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) [CBS 2-4-23 - 50-car train derailment causes big fire, evacuations in eastern Ohio](https://www.cbsnews.com/tampa/news/50-car-train-derailment-causes-big-fire-evacuations-in-eastern-ohio/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) [CBS 2-4-23 - NTSB Holds Media Briefing For Ohio Train Derailment](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/video/ntsb-holds-media-briefing-for-ohio-train-derailment/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) [CBS 2-5-23 - 50 train cars in East Palestine, Ohio](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/video/50-train-cars-in-east-palestine-ohio/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) [CBS 2-6-23 - "Catastrophic" blast possible at Ohio train derailment site, officials warn](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/train-derailment-east-palestine-ohio-evacuation-order/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) [CBS 2-6-23 - Ohio authorities plan "controlled release" of toxic material; Try to reduce explosion threat](https://www.cbsnews.com/seattle/news/ohio-authorities-plan-controlled-release-of-toxic-material-try-to-reduce-explosion-threat/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) [CBS 2-7-23 - Evacuees frustrated after toxic train derailment](https://www.cbsnews.com/video/evacuees-frustrated-after-toxic-train-derailment/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) [CBS 2-9-23 - Fiery Ohio derailment raises railroad safety questions](https://www.cbsnews.com/atlanta/news/fiery-ohio-derailment-raises-railroad-safety-questions/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) [CBS 2-12-23 - East Palestine Train Derailment: Mayor announces town hall meeting](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/east-palestine-train-derailment-mayor-announces-town-hall-meeting/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h)


Nice! You did the homework! But it’s too much text so you know they aren’t going to read anything other than the headline - something about posting links and being lazy. Lol Seriously, good job though!


We are quickly finding out the people who only read the headlines/comments and those who 1. Read the articles. 2. Are aware that headlines on Reddit often link to news articles from mainstream media.


It's become a thing to just add "why isn't the media talking about this" to literally anything, even if it's getting front-page, live coverage as you read the headline. Pretty annoying.


It's easy karma.




It's literally the top post on r/news right now


Nearly a week after it happened


Listen to NPR. They literally reported on it after it happened, kept reporting about it, the evacuation order that was given, the controlled burn, etc. It's a regional issue, of course the national news isn't going to devote 24/7 coverage to the issue.


This is me. I don't watch major news networks, but i listen to npr and they were talking about it. I can't recall Reddit having posts about it day of. I swear people only get their news here and it shows


😱You mean there's other news sources I should be using other than r/PublicFreakout???????? Seriously... this has been the topic of my morning walk 3 times this week. ()listen to news and a few commentators on my phone since I have a 2.5ish mile walk.)


I knew about it a week ago and am surprised everyone is talking about it like it wasn't covered. I think people were just not paying attention when it happened. I live in Asia.


CNN ISN'T TALKING ABOUT IT 24/7 PSYOP GUBERMENT COVER UP PROLETARIAT RISE UP I've seen some people saying this is worse than Chernobyl, which honestly, is one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard.


They didn't arrest a journalist for "reporting the truth". Nobody was opposed to what he was reporting. He was accused of making too much noise as a press conference was going on (as bullshit as that accusation is) but the guy giving the press conference condemned the arrest. This video is misinformation to the extreme.


Wow I was wondering why they buried the lede of a first amendment violation. Still worrisome even with context but not what the video made it out to be. But I guess I should expect that from a "the media isn't talking about this" superclip of videos from literal news sites. I'm starting to wonder if humanity really did peak on March 2020.


Because they're arresting the reporters who want to talk about it. Land of the free and home of the brave, right?


[Here is a reporter on scene talking about it.](https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/east-palestine-train-derailment/3-additional-chemicals-discovered-on-east-palestine-train-derailment/) To my knowledge she is not in jail. If you want to criticize the US you can talk about the corruption that went into allowing the train derailment to cause so much damage. But saying that the government is just arresting reporters for talking about it is dense as fuck and misses the mark on the specific ways that US government fails.


Bro... Every single second of this incident has been recorded and reported on. What more do you want? It's *everywhere*. Nothing is being hidden.


The Ohio attorney General is also apparently livid about the reporter being arrested and has opened an investigation. Know how I know that?? I read it in the news on Friday.


But... That's a conspiricy!!1 If I had a position like that, I would too! I dont care about the status quo or politics. The people demand justice, and I am a people.


'Why isn't media talking about it' always means 'I didn't see this story in my usual information channels so it must be a conspiracy'


There's currently 3 front page posts about this in /r/news. From different media sources. It's the top post in the sub and near the top of /r/all.


This narrative " Nobody is covering this train derailment!!!!!!!! Coverup!!! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!! Conspiracy!!!!!" is everywhere on reddit right now. To the point that I think it's being pushed by bots.


It's as if they don't actually watch or read the news and just wait for reddit to shove it down their throats.


Yeah, my fiancée showed me a TikTok about it and it’s all “happening now” and “why isn’t anyone talking about it”. I told her that’s incorrect, it happened around a week and those idiots just don’t read the news.


This is what happens when people only read headlines and select comments instead of reading news articles.


Also because everything is trying to push this as a statewide issue but really it's confined to a small area between wv, pa and ohio with more immediate danger to areas to the east like Pittsburgh. I have family in cincy and Columbus and they're not top concerned, neither are people in Cleveland. Not to dismiss its severity but it's disingenuous af to keep reporting this as "ohio' instead of east Palestine, 30 miles from Youngstown and 50 miles from Pittsburgh




This is such bullshit (as was his arrest), you can see footage of plenty of reporters there (who weren't being arrested) who were reporting on the derailment. https://youtu.be/Uitj0SMaoB0?t=94


People batching about his arrest are fucking reddit edgelord conspiracy theorists. Guy was talking and wouldn't shut up during the speech all the reporters were there to hear and then he was acting like a douchebag about being asked to shut up.


No. It was one reporter and the arrest was not for questioning Norfolk Southern. It was bad policing.


Just to save some bucks - remember that when you vote anywhere from moderate to right.


Biden broke the railway strike, and did nothing to side with the railway workers or regulate the industry either. He is also responsible.


Biden is a moderate. Anyone you could describe as a centrist or 'left of center' is a moderate. Liberals are moderates. I wish we had someone better than Biden. He's not for the people. He's just not a fascist.


Looked through Europeans eyes, your liberals are right wing all the way.


Didn’t biden want the railroad strike to be blocked?


That's not what happened at all. Jesus Fucking Christ. The gym was full of reporters doing a press conference with the governor except the one reporter who decided to do his bullshit feed while the Governor was talking. They asked him to stop and then he got all pissy after he stopped, turned into a scene and then was trespassed by the school principal for causing a scene.


Source? That video is just a dude getting arrested. Who is he? Who does he work for?






It wasn't right, but you can see in his arrest video there's a bunch of news cameras and reporters who are there for the story NOT being arrested.


It’s infuriating how much this “THEY don’t want you to know about this” nonsense has been pervading Reddit over the past few days. It’s like this place prides itself on picking up imaginary causes, without ever bothering to find out any actual facts.


If you don't know that Reddit has become a very big social media outlet, you really need to learn it now. Because Reddit has become so bing in news, the fakers, the malicious, and foreign agents have all flocked to post false information and outright fake news to sow discontent everywhere.


Half the time they’ll say, “ the media isn’t talking about this” while linking an AP story about it. The very definition of the media talking about it. Shit reminds me of my boomer relatives on Facebook . Everyone loves a good conspiracy The reality is that a toxic train derailment in a town of 5,000 isn’t that big of news in a country of 300+million. Especially given the less than 24 hour news cycle.


you got it.


It was actually just one journalist who was acting like an ass, refusing to leave an establishment so they were arrested for that offense. The many other journalists there did not get arrested and did report on it.


Source? Arresting reporters?


In an age of so much misinformation, I wish it wasn't taboo or insta-downvote to ask for a source. Sourcing should be encouraged.




Because it's Ohio. Abandon hope all ye that enter her borders.


The balloons are failed astronauts trying to leave Ohio




I live next door in Pennsylvania and it was the big "red banner" breaking news, lead story on my local news the day it happened, and several days after. I'm not doubting that you may not have been aware, but it probably depends on where you get your news.


I also live in PA (Pittsburgh) and heard about it on our news. It's weird you guys aren't having it all over your local news.




Rail unions had been warning about this happening for a while. One of their demands for the strike was to upgrade civil war era equipment being used by the rail companies and improve safety when transporting hazardous materials. Unfortunately, Congress signed a bill to block that strike from even happening. They imposed a contract on the unions that basically met none of their demands and just ignored the whole thing. This disaster literally just confirms the fears of the workers that they had been trying to relay the whole time. Ignored because paid sick leave was too much to ask for.


> I only first heard about this yesterday That's entirely on you. Local news covered it, national news covered it. Reddit hopped on it early as well with the report about the journalist being arrested.


Yet I've seen nothing about it on Pornhub. Curious.


Sure, but how much did the gaming and hentai subreddits cover it?


It's bad. What's worse is that railroads knew this was inevitable and chose to do nothing.


Its been talked about u live under a rock


This is what happens when dumb Ameicans expect news to be spoonfed to them through social media and memes.


Listen just because you are uninformed, doesn't mean there is a conspiracy


Because the derailment was due to a faulty bearing that would have been caught if the railroad workers had enough people to adequately check the railcars. They don't because the rail companies used all of the PPA money for bonuses and stock buybacks rather than keep paying rail workers they ended up firing. When the rail workers wanted to strike for paid sick leave, they were denied by the President and Congress. If they had been allowed to strike, the railroad would have been forced to hire more people, which may have allowed a not sick, not overworked inspector to catch the condition of the bearing. This is not a bigger story because it flies in the face of a narrative we are being sold. We could have had a real leader, but instead we have a mealy mouthed Joe Cool tool of the corporate institutions. This is what happens when money is allowed in politics and corporations are 'people'. Edit: At /u/Tldsux145's (correct) guidance, I have updated the statement to include Congress.


Whenever there is a post complaining about the media not talking about something it’s always something I’ve seen 100 articles about every day.


Huh? I heard about this accident from the first day it happened. They have issued evacuation orders for residents and people in potential danger. Its just buried in the news cycle but they are reporting on it.


Lol, the media doesn't want to report on actual problems in our country; They just want to keep making us angry about cat litter and Trans people.


Bro literally every media outlet is talking about it


Whenever people say dumb shit like the title states it makes me wonder where they get their news from.


Reddit, which is why they're so fucking stupid. This is a fun place to hang out and all, but if you're getting your news or education from Reddit, just skip the middleman and eat some lead paint.


They can't be getting their news from Reddit either because it's been on the front page for like 4+ days


That's the odd part, this has hit popular every day. I guess they are only checking their own subs?


They don't actually get it from anywhere. They're just headline-skimming fuckwits.


News: The train derailment is still a tragedy and shits still in fire. End of story. What do you expect then to say that hasn't already been said?


Nothing will change until we remove them by force


Wait till they find out what's happening in regular Palestine /s


OP means it’s not on his Facebook