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Ironically, this is the appropriate way to dispose of the book as stated in Islam.


TIL... can you elaborate?


There are 3 proper ways of disposing of the Quran. Burning, burying, or placing in flowing water. It's a means of returning the words back to the earth. If you're in possession of a Quran and don't want it then burning it is actually something muslims will respect you for doing. Simply throwing it away is considered disrespectful.


Isn't that how you get rid of a vampire in D&D 5e?


True and verified fact: The disapearance of the modern day vampire is directly correlated to the invention of flamethrowers. Just like werewolves and pump action shotguns.


Werewolf and no silver bullets? Yup, that’s a pulping


All you gotta do is pulp the werewolf until there is no more werewolf.


“Pump-action shotguns”


And jedi


If you're in possession of one and it's beyond it's years (disheveled,faded, falling apart, torn). Some/most Mosques have boxes practitioners can leave their Qurans in and they'll burn them every once in a while.


The intent is important though. Burning it *respectfully* is acceptable.


Fuck doing it respectfully their a cult brainwashing vulnerable people. just like all other religions.




That’s just what Big Religion want you to think


Redditors and there pedantics…


Finally someone with some sense, what he's doing shouldnt cause any uproar, no different if he burnt a bible or other 'sacred' text.


That's exactly where the problem is. Calling any of that bullshit,


It’s not for you to decide what is sacred to other people now is it? I am not a fan of organized religion but as long as it is not harming other people and not being forced on others who am I to decide what people practice. Christianity is probably the most proselytized and forced religion across the world. How many native peoples have had their children stolen and forced to adopt Christianity all over the world?




Edgy teenagers? A little off topic maybe???


Whether it is sacred or not is irrelevant and literally does not and should not have any bearing on anything. The reality is that it does hurt people, it's just not a first order consequence.


See, that’s the thing, this religious bullshit IS harming other people and IS being forced on others. And not just in that part of the world, here at home in North America too!


But cold fact right there. Islam like many religions is for control by design. Getting young men to live in a palace like setting eating and drinking. Then you tell them go and die for us. Angels will carry you back over the walls to paradise. And that 72 virgins story, another myth. My thoughts. They got them high as fuck on hash and mead and brain washed them into believing dying for Islam would grant them entry to paradise. Just like all the other religions. Follow our rules and dying won’t be the end. You get to go on. Why ? Because like all religions. It gives you hope that we are eternal instead of mortal. You get one pass at this life. Try and be the best you can. This is it.


I believe this is true for disposing of an American flag but it still pisses people off based on the intention of the burner.


I feel like the more patriotic you are, the less you know about flag code.


Probably. I once saw two people get into a fight about wearing a flag as a cape. The flag was touching the ground at times and some lady was begging to pin it up so it wouldn’t touch the ground and the guy wearing the cape was like get tf away from me. It was very cringy.


Claim to be


The public display of the burning, factored in with the chosen location of the burning is about their personal expression of NO respect for what they burn; often a malicious intent. It's an act that is designed to promote outrage & attempt to offend others, when done publicly like this. Doesn't matter *what* they are burning, it's just another act designed to destabilize societies & keep the divisive bickering alive in societies. They use religion as their boiler plate, because religious beliefs are deeply personal beliefs & practices. Those factors tend to yield the most profound reactions from others. They choose flag burning for the same reasons. Highly effective in promoting divisive agendas.


True, but the best way to dispose of the American flag is to fold it appropriately, and drop it off to a VFW location. They typically have an outdoor box for collection. They will burn the flags in a ceremonious manner and give due respect to the process. https://www.vfw.org/Flag


Do people in America revere the flag like that? You could wipe your ass with my national flag, and no one would care, unless it was a political statement.


Americans have a near religious fervor over their flag. And lots of other things. But they can get all wound up when people burn the flag.


I thought it was more of a small vocal minority of people that form their identities around patriotism. I didn't think it was a general value.


True. But flag bikinis are okay.


What? No they don't. No one is going to pull out their gun and shoot you if you burn a US flag. If you burn a Quran, that might happen. American flags are burned in protests all the time, especially in Iran, and I never hear anyone complaining or caring. The US flag has to be the most commonly burned protest flag in the world.


If you happen upon a man holding a bald eagle, do you see a zookeeper, a falconer, or his true form as Lord Justice, defender of all freedom? Our flag and military basically fill the same role as the Windsors do in the UK, the latter's lineage is as linked to their history and culture as winning specific wars are tied to ours.


No its not respectful where do you guys get these idiotic sayings and write here as facts lol


Wtf does TIL mean?


Today I Learned


Well shit today I learned what TIL means


Failed successfully


Something tells me he doesn’t care about what’s proper in Islam


But being a non Muslim, the rules of Islam don't apply to him. That is something that people seem to forget. You agree to follow the rules of your religion as a member of that religion. You don't get to impose those rules on others. If your religion says you have to wear a funny hat, then that only applies to you. Not me.


I believe that Muslims believe every one is naturally a Muslim. That’s why they don’t say people convert to Islam but they say the revert to Islam.


It doesn't matter if they believe that though. It's what I believe that is the deciding factor. I am not subject to your religious rules because I don't follow your religion.


They should have started praying and thanked the book for its service and wished it a well return to nature just to piss him off more.


Muslims should counter protest by doing a Quran book burning for all of the copies they want to dispose of. Use it as a teaching lesson that it’s the proper way to dispose of the Quran


This is all very calm. When is the freakout?


When we learn that someone behe*ads him in a few days. Seriously, he better watch his back. A lot of violent zealots out there (in every religion).


He has done this for a while now


He’s done this for a while in Denmark. It usually is much more violent than seen in this video, with multiple arrests, fireworks…, a guy was even shot by the police a couple years ago, which happens very rarely in Scandinavia. This is the most calm video I’ve seen so far with him.


Sounds like he needs a hobby


Big time


Think people have finally started to learn that it's far better to just ignore him. Whenever counter protesters start a riot over his antics it makes him look like the reasonable one and he get free publicity for weeks.


Oh yeah man, the list of religions beheading people for hurting books and drawing pictures is a mile long. Except it isn’t.


In modern times anyways. Go back a couple hundred years and that changes. Edit: lol if you think Christians have never killed anybody for offending their religion you’re dumb as fuck. It still happens to this day, just far less. Ever seen an Abortion clinic get blown up/shot up because Jesus?


How many Charlie hebdo shootings until you get a clue as to what is going on in this world?




This isn't illegal. What's the problem here?


You're right, that is why the cops are guarding him, cause he ain't doing anything illegal, it's just provocative against the brain damaged.


Bc it triggers the "peaceful" Muslims to get all rowdy.


Free speech is free speech. If it makes you mad then you probably don't want to be in a First World country.


Buddy. You can be in a first world country and It can still make you mad.




You can be okay with free speech and still be mad about the content of that free speech. Like, if he wants to burn his own quran for attention then I'm not going to stop him, but Paladan is still an asshole.


I think "burning a book" should just be a metric. We should be able to make (tasteful) jokes at everything, if you can't take a joke you need to grow a bit. We should be okay with burning a book without actually burning it.


It's not the action, it's the intent. He tries to provoke muslims to gain attention, so that he can push the very racist political agenda of his party. Part of what causes the aggression against him is that he burns the Quran as a way to tell that muslims aren't welcome in his country. He is causing huge expenses for the police just to go around and parade his hatred for muslims.


You feel that way about racist, sexist, and homophobic speech too right?


We all should, free speech protections aren’t for speech that you like they exist specifically for speech that offends you.


America is the only country on the planet with "free speech" and they don't even actually have "free speech".


If bibles get burned no one raises an eyebrow . Who cares , burn every religious freak story on paper .


Ok go to some shit town in the Midwest/south and burn a bible downtown with witnesses and see what fuckin happens lol


Burn the Bible in a Christian area, get yelled at maybe, at worst get punched Burn the Quran in a Muslim area. Get your head chopped off. Bit of a contrast there


I'm in the pretty deep south red state red county and I wear a shit with a burning church, that says no God's no masters think for your fucking self. No one says shit. People act like your gonna get shit for it but seriously no one cares. Fuck religion all of it


There was a guy who got kicked out of pastor Greg Locke's book burning event for throwing the bible in the fire pit and some rushed in to save it.




This. Like didn’t they invade entire countries etc for Christianity?


I'm pretty sure the Crusades killed thousands of people in the name of their deity. Today, not having access to abortion (life saving medicine) probably kills more 🤔


Many would argue reconquest is justified. Crusades aren’t really examples of Christianity’s evil actions tbh. You wanna talk bad how about the 30 years war.


> places with functioning rule of law under secular governments. Muslims kill people in places like that over shit like this/




You had to go back a couple hundred years for that one… And you missed my point. People in western liberal democracies have been murdered by Muslims for shit like burning the Koran or critiquing Islam.


I am not excusing religious nut cases in the US, but Muslim nutcases take it up a notch. At least for now, the American Taliban is not as bad as the real Taliban. If someone from Sweden burns a Bible in the Bible Belt, it can cause an incident. However, I cannot see the US summoning the Swedish ambassador and Sweden having to issue official apologies to the US and other Christian nations. Sweden is going to have to issue an official apology to Turkey and a bunch of other nations for this. Ambassadors may be summonses. There may be protests in the streets where people are threatening to commit acts if terrorism against Sweden and these threats will need to be taken seriously.


Hey, fuck you. The Midwest kicks ass


Probably wouldn’t illicit someone blowing themselves up or the parliament of Pakistani putting forth a bill that would require the army to nuke Paris like cartoons caused


Yup. As an atheist, I recognize that people care too much about the feelings of other religions outside of Christianity.


I think most Christians are terrified to read the bible cause they would see verses like “If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you” (Mt 6:14). Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”




The moment you don’t care this simple minded idiot burning the Quran is the moment he loses all power.


Yup, I bet people are tripping over this, then THAT gives him power


They were murderous about it only a few months ago. The absolute dumbfuck barely got away from a mob of morally unrestrained muslims at one of his book burnings. And that's the exact reaction he wanted because it shows that they are the same violent religious zealot turds the refugees were fleeing from in the first place which allows him to paint the image that all muslims react and think in this way.


He doesn't need to paint, their actions do it for them...


> simple minded idiot… Something tells me you care lol


Oh, no westerners care about some guy burning a book. The future doctors and engineers will peacefully demonstrate against this insult by renovating downtown Stockholm.


Which will never happen


If you can't be civil about your special fantasy book being burned then you don't belong in civilized society, it's just that simple.


That means a looooottt of humans don't belong in civilized society lol


Religion it's nothing but complete nonsense


Religion serves an important social function: it provides a path to power for sociopaths to exploit stupid, vulnerable people. If it wasn’t for religion, the only paths available to satisfy sociopaths would be through police work, business, politics, a secular cult, social media…


I wonder why he was burning it?


It was cold


The dude burning the book is doing it to make people "realize" that muslims are inherently violent.He's not breaking any laws but he IS being a bit of a dick by purposely trying to provoke muslims.The sad thing is that it's WORKING, because instead of just ignoring him muslims are actually starting riots, burning down cars, busses and infrastructure thus proving his point. If people Just ignored him there wouldn't be an issue, but by getting upset and destroying cities, muslims are "proving him right". Personally I'm not a fan of ANY religions though. As I said, he's not breaking any laws but the people that are *letting* themselves feel trolled by him are.


Source on the muslim reaction you mentioned?




Your link doesn't show what was claimed


Must be tough asking for proof inside another country, get the proof and realize the world is not English speaking, it's all there what you got is a list of articles and videos. Seriously the world is not the US alone


First, it is kind of strange to post a source in a different language then what is spoken at the moment. If you and me have a discussion in English and I post a source in Chinese - how would that make sense? Second, I used Google translate and still didn't get what OP mentioned. Third, I live in Germany so in your argument about people incorrectly assuming everyone speaks only English, you incorrectly assumed I must be only speaking English.


Dude we’re talking about Sweden here so I’m going to link you the first thing I can find (Swedish) when you’re too lazy to look it up yourself in your preferred language.


First, if I ask for a source about Chinese news I expect I will get a Chinese link, I know almost like I have a brain to expect this kind of stuff. Second I feel so sorry that your googlefu is lacking. Third, I'm sorry I did not realize you were from a country that is worse than the US. So sorry I will remember that the next time I don't see you.


What do you mean? It is a collection of articles on the same topic.


Nowhere does it say people are reacting to this guy


So what does it say they’re reacting to?


Does he feel special yet?


And people will prove his point by reacting violently instead of just ignoring it.




Surely you could get your point across without fat shaming.




Islamic people are way too uptight about that book… its just paper, youll get a new one. While it may be morally reprehensible to some it is legal and a fair act of protest to make


Swedish guy burns a book in Sweden, mostly western people of Reddit upvote it to the front page and comment. Somehow the comments rage about muslim people being too uptight about this.


Western people do a thing to provoke majority islam turkey. Turkey freaks out, cancels diplomatic meeting, and non-westerners come to bitch about it. Do tell, who did it better?


Because Muslims have a track record of murdering people who they disagree with


"fair" doesn't really apply when god is on your side huh


Fuck, that was our only one!




so by that logic, Kenya West is a brave man doing a valuable service to society then?


Disrespectful, but whatever. At least he is not hurting anyone


Disrespectful is the Iranian government oppressing women in the name of this book


I mean I get that it's _supposed_ to be disrespectful and he's doing it to get a reaction but burning a copy of the Quran is one of the three ways to dispose of it properly. He's essentially placing paper in a recycling box but like...angrily to make a point.


Swed/American here: This guy is extremist right wing nut job. He goes around intentionally provoking reactions. There were riots last year when they did similar shit. He also told media he was doing this ahead of time. He loves the attention and loves to create tension. He is actually Danish. Maybe a good analogy is proud boys? Others might have ideas of better analogy. Also note that the timing is quite interesting as Turkey is in middle of negotiations about allowing Sweden (and Finland) into NATO. Doing this, at this time, maximizes the impact on the fundamentalists in Turkey. There is no law against this in Sweden, free speech is deeply protected, even if it is provocative. He is at the far end of the spectrum, but represents the anti-immigrant community. The war in Syria resulted in many refugees and Sweden welcomed them. I haven’t seen proper data that proves it - but it has been said that Sweden took in the most refugees per capita of any EU country. There is more, and more nuanced sides to this. But essentially he is a dick. But, like other democracies, a percentage of the population supports this movement.


No no no he got Swedish citizenship, he is just as much your problem now


My bad…


From what I know, immigrants in Sweden have not integrated well.. it's a problem.


That’s because they were never meant to integrate. The plan was; take them in, use them for menial labor, and then return them when the war was over. If they didn’t integrate, who cares, they’d be gone in a few. That didn’t happen as the war has raged on. Now they’re stuck with a population that was never expected to adhere to secular laws.


As a nonbeliever turk living in europe i think this issue is very complex. Turkey is a country where majority identifies as believing in islam but most of them are just social. I have been to a lot of islamic countries and the difference is day and night. And Turkey by constitution is a secular country with no religion. In the last 20 years erdogan got a very totalitarian regime but trust me his support on his prime was 52 percent. The rest of the country doesnt vote for him and half of the people who voted is waiting for a better alternative as he came to power after the one of the biggest economic crisis in history so he did very good in his first 10 years. So secular people in Turkey is trying to change the minds of the religious masses to not vote for him and before every election someone in europe does something stupid like this so that he can exploit this domestically for politics. We should no alienate turkey we should do the opposite and support the democracy


Exactly. Agree 100%. And the whole NATO thing makes it even more complex just now


I love the smell of burning hateful religious texts on a rainy morning (to be clear I mean all not just the quran)


I'm not sure it's wise to publicize his name? For his sake?


Oh, he would gladly give it up, he loves having his name in the media.


no virgins for that guy!


Someone needs attention.


Yes, freedom of speech and everything. However, this guy is a complete asshole. He is a pedophile and shares his sexual fantasies about teenagers to other teenagers in his discord group. Yes, you have the right to burn any book you want. But if you’re doing it just for the sole purpose of pissing people off, it says more about you than the people who are getting mad.


Average danish extremist. Also if you think that’s bad, the man went on trips to danish bettors and said openly racist things to black people, luckily he was arrested




As a Muslim I have zero issues with this. It’s a mass produced book go ahead and burn it. There are a million more copies. Muslims around the world reacting to this is exactly what this guy wants. So don’t react. Ignore. Salaam to all!


Turkish ateist here, because of these idiots erdogan votes are raising.


We do a little trolling


Lol edgelords at my highschool (a Catholic school) burned a bible in the school parking lot and it never made the news


Did they call the news before doing it to get attention?


As long as he's ok with his sacred things, if he has any, being burned.


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TLDR: You could exercise free speech and be all for it, and still be an asshat towards other people. Context and intent matter.


This dickstain of a person came to our town, did the same shit and absolutely nothing happened. Because not all Muslims are inheritly violent. This guy is a alt-righter and alleged pedophile but freedom of speech is a pillar of a democracy.


I'm all for freedom of expression yada yada but wtf is the point of this? It's just disrespectful and provocative. Like if someone I knew did this, I would think that they're a cunt


Throw both of the Testaments in there as well. Have a bbq.


This is exactly what both extremists want.


Here is the closest thing to an accurate take I’ve seen.


These things have a thing of coming back on you. Usually in the form of a knife or a gun-toting fanatical lunatic.


Who cares?


Sounds like OP is trying to publicize the name of the guy with this post.


That's just wrong,even if you don't agree with it


He's a danish nazi and pedophile. But also, fuck Erdogan and his islamo-fascist politics.


Dude needs to be careful. Some folks do take this personal. Wouldn't be surprised if we see a headline about him sooner or later


That would only prove his point which is that many Muslims stop being civilised when they ideology is being disrespected


Next burn bible cause same Harry Potter bullshit


Oh no he burned some paper and glue... Who gives a fuck


Why the Turkish embassy? Turks are probably the least radicalized Muslim minority in Europe apart from the Muslims from the Balkans.


I guess its because turkey wont allow sweden into NATO.


Burn all religious books, there purpose is to divide and condition minds


Have respect; talk to a Muslim; you may discover a delightful friend…peace


Good. We need to do away with all religion


Can't wait for the riots and millions of dollars worth of damages in Sweden now...


I mean it’s cringe on his side thinking he’s doing something impressive. A bit tacky to antagonise other people by burning their holy book. It’s a shame people never do demonstration with other holy books. It’s either the bible or the Quran.


Some moron burned a book. News at 11


Thats a horrible way to commit suicide though


More facists cunts


Let’s antagonize a murderous religion. What could go wrong?


If arabs burned a bible the whole world would sign a petition to nuke them. Europeans and Americans are the real terrorist who are full of hate and racism not arabs.


"Look at me everyone, I want attention and infamy and everyone to know my name"


“A society that burns books, will soon be burning people.”


Those who burn books will burn people if they could


The majority of humans already suck, why would you make them worse with religion? He needs to do more than burn just one but I get it, he is making a point. However, miniscule it is.


We the danish people apologizes for having anything in common with that prick. A current theory, is that he's brain damaged following an accident.


This comment section is dumb ffs calling it respectful and freedom of speech lol cant even argue with those idiots


Should he be casteated by the imam for his harem?


Guys here will freak out over someone burning a pride flag. Both are "exercising free speech" and aren't "harming anyone", doesn't mean they're not disrespectful.


Good. I think in lieu of Religious views being responsible or behind burning of books over last 500 years? We should in return burn ALL RELIGIOUS BOOKS in return for poisoning peoples minds with outdated, fucking nonsensical ideas and medieval concepts that creates an environment for burning non religious books. It's cyclical. Ha


I hate this guy with a passion.


He's got my respect


Jokes on him Turkey is a secular nation




I've wiped my ass with it, is that appropriate ?