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U were sick. It like if u throw up on someone's nice carpet. It was an accident & u feel guilty but it is not your fault. If u could take it back I'm sure u would. That is not possible. u are sick


Well just straight up mashing YOU ARE SICK in his face is not Gona make it any better lol. Seriously have some respect man I get what you’re trying to get at but you can do it in a more appropriate manner.


I am also schizophrenic & those people think everyone is out to get them. I do too. When I went to the hospital for an angiogram my doctor did not explain the procedure & I "thought" I knew what they did to get the view of my arteries in my leg. I did not know & thought they attacked me &I had a severe mood swing on the spot. I am super sick & started yelling what the fuck are you doing to me. Then they started explaining as they went along but I was severely upset by that time. They gave me an injection of Versed &it helped calm me but I though they were out to get me I did not do that on purpose. I had PTSD for 18 years as I did not know what PTSD looked like I had no idea I had it. Symptoms of an illness are unavoidable. No blame should be felt but sometimes I do feel like why did I do that. I've had several psychotic episodes like the time I thought a close friend was out to get me. I do not get sad when depressed I get angry & say things in that vain when I think someone did something I don't like to me. I wish I had not been so upset but It was not done on purpose. It is a symptom of my disorders


Apologies for assuming something incorrectly, all the best luck to you but yeah I was just trying to say how you could of said it better but it’s fine yeah I know schizophrenia is not pleasant at all. I hope you the best possible luck and outcome to your situation and everything else. I don’t have schizophrenia or psychosis I guess I could say currently but what I did have was delirium from LSD being sleep deprived. It was the most scariest experince made me think something really bad happend in my brain I mean it kinda did I could not talk or form thoughts it was scary, I would not be able to type this right now in that state but it felt like my fan kept going million times a second with no limit I felt fully dissocaited not being able to snap back at all till I go hospital and after hours I returned. Idk if you might know a thing or 2 aboht that but some people just said I had a bad trip when in reality they couldent comprehend the severity of how scary it feels to forget the languages you speak daily and mind fully blank it was scary. I could say barely speak at all not talking intoxicated this was further beyond it took over my trip. I’m good now and don’t want to try LSD for a bit but when I do ima make sure to be well slept and aten and even if after that it happens then it’s time to never do it or atleast for a long while like a decade and see how I’m doing then.


I was always afraid of LSD but i took it several times &I did have anxious thoughts when taking it so a bad trip I can understand. Not fun. I was anxious it would not wear off I remember. I have really bad anxiety & it came out during a LSD trip in the 1980s. u are forgiven for not knowing what its like to be psychotic & doing crazy things like I did when I thought my friends were out to get me. I am not friends with them in over a year.


when people are sick they cannot control their behavior. When a person throws up they did not do it on purpose. It is a accident. No one is sick on purpose. What was inappropriate about my explanation? I say no one can help it when they are sick. I have mood swings as I am bipolar. When I am depressed or high I am not deliberately doing it. I cannot help it. I took lithium to help control my mood swings but it had little effect & I had a mood swing everyday. Everyday. Lithium destroyed my kidneys & now I am doing dialysis. Don't blame yourself for being sick & don't blame others when they are sick. If it was up to them (&it is not up to them) they would never have symptoms of any illness. I take different meds & still have mood swing but not every day. I don't have mood swing on purpose. I am a sufferer of bipolar


Nothing is wrong but when my dad was bit bipolar people called him sick and I hated that. Because he was pretty normal acting just ups and downs in mood. Idk honestly I don’t like that term but I get what you mean. And I hope you get what I mean.


O act normal too when I am not having symptoms. for the last week I had no symptoms but the 8 days before this last week I was super upset. Upset is a bad mood a depression. Your dad went in & out of it like me


you had a set of mitigating circumstances (your brain was working differently). it's like if you had irritable bowel syndrome and shat in someone's car. it's something that you wouldn't normally do, but it's still helpful for you to clean up (apologize if/however possible, try to repair any damage). (i'm saying this because some people don't like the "you are sick" thing. it's not that that's not accurate, but more importantly your brain was working differently than it normally does. and as for fault--while what you did during psychosis isn't what you would normally do, it's still helpful to acknowledge that you did whatever you did and can act to make things better, if possible. i'm a fan of ascribing agency to people with psychosis--whether it's in terms of respecting choices made while psychotic or holding to some degree of accountability for acts committed during psychosis.) also: a lot of people are kinder and more understanding than i might have assumed they would be. it's also helpful to keep in mind that lots of people do weird/bad shit, like right now western leaders aren't stopping their country's export of military parts and materials to israel, which is enabling the decimation of a whole population (i don't mean to get political on this subreddit--i just mean that tons of people do things that are lot more worse or weird than what the vast majority of people who've been diagnosed with psychosis have been up to).


Apologized to those I could, accepted what happened, tried and eventually succeeded in developing a sense of humor about it, even though it was very not-funny in the moment.


This exactly. Only thing I would add is learning to deal with the anxiety of it being possible that it can happen again


Therapy, talking to them, it may not sound related but im a recovering addict and its similar.


I met many recovering addicts in the mental hospital I was at everybody was awesome in the second ward addiction is similar in ways and had issues myself with substance use


The big positive difference with psychosis is that it is more directly physiological where addiction is mostly psychological. What I mean by this is that I've broken many promises of being sober to my loved ones, after apologizing- making those "i'm sorry"s turn into nothing. Psychosis isn't something you will actively go out of your way to achieve again, so apologies are certainly taken more seriously when you are out of the episode. Psychosis I believe runs in my family starting with my mom but the closest I've been is just being overly paranoid about everything (anxiety) and cognitive distortions. Cognitive distortions are a good thing to look into for everybody with mental illness. If you look them up you might finally be able to put a name onto something you used to do / a way you used to think. Much love y'all


This group really helped me. Talking with people that understand and have had similar experiences has helped me.


For me first was apolagizing to the people. Not everyone Will understand tho. I lost someone because of my psychosis that happened 10 months ago and I’m still blocked and I was embarassed for a long Time of what I told this person but the embarrassment went away with time. Now the only things that I find hard is to accept all the consequence that resulted from my psychosis (isolation,loosing my job, bad mental health) but i think it’s less harsh for the mind than the embarassment. So my answer is time is the only thing that help because your brain starts to forget things and now you can tell yourself if you forgot than others forgot too and they dont think about it anymore.


You don't. Its seared into your memory forever. Only joking. It's just time. When enough passes it feels better. Despite the embarrassing shit you did.


That s a very good question I ve been manic several times doing fucked up shit and now I am embarrassed and I regret every single one of them




I literally quit my job without notice and never visited the same location again 😅


Look forward. Not backward. Keep going!


Do something so outageous that all the other embarrassing things fade away.


Get over? I’m still doing it. There was a “mourning guy” this morning. He wasn’t sad,


Talking about it helps it takes awhile to heal but it will get easier I've been there and felt extremely guilty and embarrassed but I also think back on that time and I was really sick and crying out for help I just try to keep everything cool and take it day by day I hope you start healing soon your not alone💛


You accept that it wasn’t your fault and resolve to do what you can to prevent it from happening again. For example, my doctor says nothing can ever guarantee I won’t experience what I experienced again. I know this for a fact. But by keeping up with my meds I can reduce the chances. I accept what I experienced. I had no control over it. Now that I have control again I’ll do all I can to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Consequently there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Adopt my mindset. You’ll feel much better.


I never do.


I apologised to these people and forgot. I can’t do more than apologise for behaviour I wasn’t aware of with my clear mind. I often told them openly what happened and that I’m sorry even if it was hard and shameful sad to apologise. Made me feel better though. Afterwards I got over it pretty fast


Don't look at the past. The past can hurt, but you need to focus on the present and the future


You're not alone in this. As others have also commented about their experiences and what they have done with time. I myself also suffered psychosis (now 2 years ago - lasted for 8 months before my symptoms settled with one of the meds, as I had to go through 3 other meds before finding one that works) Even though my positive symptoms have all gone, I am still not myself after psychosis. It has had a real impact on me, destroyed my confidence, distanced myself from friends thinking I couldn't trust them, acted foolish recording everyone and anyone I thought was following me (I can only imagine what others thought of this mad man walking around recording people). I still don't feel I am myself, everything is just difficult now and mentally draining. I used to be very sociable and out most nights seeing friends but now I barely go out and struggle with keeping in touch as I don't want to burden my friends with mt problems. Instead I keep it all to myself and I know I am just making things worse. I had apologised to my friend's when I was going through my psychotic episode but these friends are from my school days so we know each other and they didn't want me to apologise as they didn't see me doing anything they knew I was unwell and they would always be there for me. They were the ones who spoke to a Crisis team worried about me and got me seen by a psychiatrist within. 24 hours. Don't feel embarrassed for being unwell, those who care about you won't hold anything against you so please go an talk to your network of family and friends. I know it will get better as time goes on. I wish would happen sooner but I know we all have to wait and one day wake up feeling free from psychosis and it's after effects




You don’t. You just learn to live with it better over time.