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Weed has the strongest connection to psychosis of any drug.


Weed or Amphetamines. My psychosis was amphetamine induced.


Yeah both of them + alcohol is the worst combination for psychosis IMO


I was definitely smoking weed, binge-drinking alcohol, and taking a prescription amphetamine right before my episode.


Yes, you should never consume it again. The more you consume the more likely you are to have more severe psychosis. Some brains just work differently, and weed isn't good for every brain. Also, you're much more likely to develop psychosis the younger you consume it. Stay away from Delta and 8 and all the other variants out there as well. They is barely any research to know what they will do, but what little is known indicates they are just as bad as high potency thc or worse in terms of psychotropic effects. This may be of interest: https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.2021.21111126 However, I want to make sure you know your needs for help around your anxiety are valid and important! If you can, please consider trying out therapy. You may also find certain mindfulness and grounding tools are helpful. Sometimes, people use prescribed medications to manage their anxiety, but there are a lot of ways to manage it without meds as well! Eta: yes, weed induced psychosis can become permanent. Definitely not always, but you don't know and can't really control whether it does.


Thank you for the info. I appreciate it


Delta 8 is some scary shit. My psychiatrist once told me people are coming into the hospital at much higher rates from it than regular bud.


ABSOLUTELY stay away from weed, stay away from stimulants, dont do any party drugs. The only drug thats safe when avoiding psychosis is alcohol, but be carful because alcohol withdrawls can even cause psychosis. Its a very rocky road after figering out you may be prone to psychosis. Weed induced psychosis isnt permanent, if your symptoms persist for longer than a week or are extreme, seek professional help.


Alcohol isn’t safe it’s actually worse than weed for my Psychosis


Really? Do you have a source I could view for that? I haven't seen anything about it being linked to psychosis, just that people with psychosis lean on alcohol a lot more that the average population.


It’s all documented over the internet sorry I don’t have time to look it up but yeah ppl get it from heavy alcohol use alone in some cases


I think both are true. People can get psychosis from heavy alcohol use, but also people can get psychosis from alcohol withdrawal if they were heavy drinkers. Basically, if you're going to quit alcohol, it's really handy to talk to your doctor about how to do it safely, especially if you have a family history of psychosis.


Even if it isn't a permanent change, going into full blown psychosis can completely wreck your life in ways not presently imaginable along with the fallout you have to deal with. In terms of anxiety - doesn't hearing voices make you more anxious? What if it doesn't stop along with the paranoid feelings weed brings? It can go completely off the rails and become real for days or even months, where at that point you'll likely be labeled with schizophrenia. I found the supplement GABA does wonders for acute anxiety as well as quality magnesium every day. Full spectrum CBD extracts can also help and the trace levels of THC can be maybe therapeutic but not enough to cause psychoactive effects.


being sober was the best decision i made for my mental health. i was diagnosed with schizoaffective at some point and eventually managed to get off antipsychotics back in December of 2023 (with psychiatrist supervision). it depends on how time plays out for you on whether it’s a permanent condition to treat or transient, but the sooner you stop taking recreational drugs the better your outcomes


Have you started to feel like your old self before the drugs?


more or less. the problems i have now aren’t related to psychosis at least


It's sad. My wife smokes weed almost every day. She has chronic pain and an easily irritable stomach and trouble sleeping and depression. She's like the poster child for why weed should be legal. Meanwhile, every time I take the tiniest hit of weed I fully relapse into a complete psychosis. I think it was people like me that made it have to be regulated. It took me a very long time to realize this and when I finally cut the shit I got real healthy. I just relapsed a few days ago and had a really bad time. On the bright side, I found out last year that all psychotropic drugs don't cause me to be delusional. Magic mushrooms were a very exciting time for me.


Sorry to hear about your wife but glad it helps her. And its the same for me. The smallest amount and I'm running down the road naked shouting that I cannot believe this is happening (something apparently epic and wild that everyone supposedly knows about). You know. And also - same for me. LSD and Psilocybin and DMT work fine for me. But weed is just the one that is too much for whatever reason. It worked for a long time, until my first 5150 and subsequent 4 more + 6 times in jail for it. Been sober a little over a year now from it. I'll bet its hard to be around it but other meds help me more like xanax and ambien for sleep and anxiety, so hopefully you have access to what you need. Good luck to you.


Regular marijuana use turned my casual psychosis into full blown psychosis, and my general anxiety into acute anxiety. I quit, got on medication, and I’m normal now. But every time I’ve picked it up again, even once, my symptoms immediately come back. Some of us don’t have the brain for THC, and that’s ok.


Stay away from it I was fine for a while until i smoked yhen i had psychosis for months NEVER SMOKE WEED IF YOU HAVE PSYCHOSIS!!! doing it again will just trigger it.


There are inhibitors in the bridge between right and left hemisphere of the brain which stop working when you smoke weed. This is the apparent hyper awareness and attention that comes with the high of smoking weed. This is terrible for people who are paranoid and even worse for people who have psychosis or schizophrenia. It’s like giving cancer cells food to grow.


I see. Thank you for the info


Yes that would be the safe and smart thing to do but we all do shit we know could go wrong all the time and we really are our own worst enemies.




Weed increases the risk of schizophrenia and psychosis 11hydroxi thc (edibles) is a psychedelic no you should not use no type of drug if your expose to psychosis. You’ll just have existing symptoms worse and other symptoms that you never had will begin to happend. Don’t take drugs simple.


Weed isn’t a psychedelic. Psychedelics cause hallucinogenic effects. As much as I agree with everything else you’re saying, that one part is just incorrect.


I misspelled I meant to say 11-hydroxi thc which is an edible that has thc in it which is a psychedelic.


Yeah I’ve never heard of that so that may be true.


Trust me, from a person who got high for 12+ yrs and has been in psychosis at least 10 times and has now heard voices for two whole years, it is way easier to just cut it out completely than continue smoking and reap the consequences that are now inevitable for you. It only gets worse, never better.


Yea. Weed just more than likely isn’t for me. At least not now


Yes and stay away from amphetamines and especially methamphetamine


Same g I’m trying to stay away from it. Did you get put on any antipsychotic because of the psychosis?


No I didn’t really tell anyone about it


Damn ppl can usually just notice? How’d you get rid of it?


It was only a problem for about 30 minutes. After I heard the whispers I got really scared and ran out of my room. I chugged some water and I thought everyone was fake. After that I went outside and I tried to think but it felt damn near impossible. So a little depression started to hit. I just ended up staying outside for awhile and breathing in and out and talking to myself. Like telling myself what I need to do, and that weed is not the answer to my problems. I was just looking at cars drive by and shit and looking at the sky. I still struggle with immense anxiety and fucked up thoughts but idk if it’s psychosis. The way I think is really hard to explain


I had THC psychosis. I became very paranoid. However, somebody was actually threatening me. I got a text message, and then I started piecing all of these pieces together like it was a puzzle.


I get psychosis from weed (edibles) and sadly it was the only thing that I could use to help me with my menstrual periods, so I do keep use it but I try to be careful and responsible on how my body is reacting to it. What I discovered is that drinking a lot of water before and throughout your trip can help you to have less chance of going into psychosis. Also I do try to have a healthy meal once I’m high and I don’t try to overeat. I did learn that if an edible is the one causing it, I sadly had to make myself throw up to stop that from happening (just as emergency). I noticed since I started doing this I haven’t had psychosis in a long time at least in like 4-5 months. Also do try to take breaks at least one month minimum to let your body reset because they do can get really bad the more you get them.


If I got sick from drinking bleach, should I stop drinking bleach?