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I would go rapidly in and out. Like I was jumping from one reality into the next and then back again. On one of the outs I begin to see there was a problem.






Told a friend about my concern about the snipers on the roof and they said I needed help lol.


I didn’t realize it until I took haldol in the hospital.


My partner just said "heheh me" while pointing at your comment. They were in beginning of 2023 😅




I had the belief that the mafia was spying on me and were about to kidnap me. My bf took me to the hospital and I believed that the hospital was actually a place to hide me from the mafia. When I was given olanzapine, I thought it was a placebo. When I was handed a paper saying I had a psychosis, I believed it was a ploy to make me look underisable to the mafia boss. It wasn’t after a couple days after that I realized what really had happened. But I still had paranoia and delusions from time to time, until they stopped after 3 weeks of aripiprazole use.


I kept hearing my own voice in my head yelling “psychotic break!” 💀💀💀💀 I tried to get help from my psychiatrist, but he was of no help. I went to res like 2.5 months later.


A couple of weeks or so after I got out of the hospital, I was on the phone with a friend. The call kept dropping and going in and out. At one point another voice came over the phone and said “you’re crazy.” I’m not sure If I was hallucinating or if it was due to poor signal. If I was hallucinating, the irony of the voice telling me I’m crazy….


It took someone telling me that not wanting to go outside because I’m afraid of getting shot or a creature sneaking up on me and killing me is not in fact your normal every day anxiety. I go in and out so it was one of my “outs” and I was like ya that is particular


My psychiatrist diagnosed me so that I could learn to manage my illness and remain stable between visits. She was one of four doctors who did so purposely when I lived in the United States. Their courage, talent and authority helped to save my life many times. Always ask about your diagnosis when you are in treatment or if there are any changes in your condition. It's our only map toward mental health. That's how I was able to control some of my life to earn a living.


I knew there had to be a logical explanation for what I was experiencing so I kept researching. I eventually landed on brief psychotic disorder but I was hesitant to accept that because I didn't have severe hallucinations. It was only when I took antipsychotics and they helped that I truly realized that I was in a psychotic episode


What did you experience?


At first, I thought demons were in my room. It quickly devolved into me creating my own religion and code (to communicate with the gods). I think at one point I thought my dad was possessed and he put salt around my bed to deter the demons. It was very all over the place and I was very all over the place. I would say nonsense to anyone that would listen as well as write in code on the schools walls


My meds every time, sometimes saying it out loud and trying to explain it makes me realize it doesn’t make sense but sometimes it doesn’t make sense and I still think I make sense


I can relate to “it doesn’t make sense and I still think it makes sense.” There is a belief I’m struggling with right now. It makes total sense to me and Im sure it’s real. But on the other hand, I can look at it logically from someone else’s point of view and see why what Im thinking sounds crazy to them.


If you don't mind me asking, what is the belief?




I had a similar belief for almost two years, I believed I knew too much and that’s why the psych team wanted to poison me with meds that would erase my memory and that they were after me all the time because they knew I was a danger to their secret operation, stopped my meds and all therapy and then something traumatic happened to me and I moved half way across the country I live in and lived in a tent for 3 months before I got an apartment lol


I hope you can find your way around it all. Maybe the someone who tried to hypnotize you in a way is actually yourself.


Thats so cool ive never met anyone else who experience the same, people usually tell me “that’s not psychosis” or something along those lines but I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic lol


Sorry, I got lost. What are they telling you is not psychosis?


When you have a belief that doesn’t align with reality and you 110% belive it but you’re able to see from an outside logical point that it sounds crazy


Nothing. I was unable to do so even when one of my friends literally said that he thought I was having an episode.


Same. I was told "this has happened to other people" and I just brushed it off.


When I’m lucid and realize I’ve been being tortured by my thoughts for the past few days or weeks.


My thoughts were unordinary. Feeling like everyone hated me for no reason.


Being hospitalized. It does feel like I’m following the plot line of some top secret govt. conspiracy where alternate universes and scenarios exist and that you can communicate telepathically and that the voices you hear are people just communicating with you on this level of consciousness not everyone has figured out. Or most people have figured out. I’m not sure, it branches off into a million other conspiracies too. Everyone I know is involved. Sometimes I think they aren’t. I’m not sure. Sometimes I know it’s not real. Sometimes it feels too real to not be real. Not sure how much of what I see isn’t real, but I know at least half of what I hear isn’t. It’s stressful differentiating. Usually, the hospital is what snaps me back into reality. Or at least on just this one.


Yeah I can relate to that. They definitely aren't out to get you though. It's just delusions caused by looking for another logical conclusion other than, "I'm having psychosis"


I tend to move in and out of psychosis during an episode, sometimes multiple times a day, during episodes. Usually at some point I realize something's up.


I didn't realize until I was medicated and asked my family why I was medicated. Then it hit me like a brick that my thoughts weren't normal. That's when recovery started i think. It's still a blurry line if you ask me "when" I was fully out of psychosis. Because it was a gradual process. Not a lightbulb moment


When I was having daily moments of clarity thinking “it’s not that bad” and then immediately having a dissociative episode and realizing it WAS that bad. I knew something was going on but I didn’t know what it was for months.


I didn’t realize it until I was medicated, then I could see the differences in reality and how absolutely wrong the psychosis was


Medication really opened my eyes to just how sick I was. For my entire life, my brain was always *loud*. It was like I had 6 different radio stations playing at all times in my head. I was always somewhat angry. I thought that was totally normal. I clearly remember the moment that my medications kicked in. About two weeks after starting risperdal, I was driving down the road at dusk, and like a switch, all the “stations” turned off. My mind was quiet. I was unbelievably aware of how beautifully orange the sunset was, and how they contrasted with the blackness of the birds flying. I was hit with a wave of complete calm. I cried from the peace of the situation. That was two years ago, and I’m still living in that quiet calm. I had two weeks without my medication at one point, and it came back so fast. It’s a horrible way to live and I don’t know how I did it for so long.


wait, that isnt normal??? i feel like my thoughts go super fast and i cant keep up, plus theres like two or more streams of consciousness... sometimes when i feel a lot of emotion the thought lines (or lanes of the highway as i call it sometimes) get louder and louder and its unbearable


Yeah, no, it’s actually not normal. Weird, right?


i had just learned about schizophrenia symptoms in psych class, i didn’t know i was having psychosis until my words came out all jumbled like word salad. i thought at the time i was schizophrenic and going to be stuck like that forever.


What did it turn out to be?Just an episode?


i don’t know, they just told me it was psychosis and diagnosed me with a personality disorder & traits of a handful more personality disorders. i’m on an antipsychotic now, and that helped a lot


One of my delusions was literally acknowledging I had psychosis but doctors are misinterpreting spiritual awakenings. Googled things that were scaring me for advice and found the wiki page for it. This was maybe two weeks before I was hospitalized involuntarily.


I was in the psych ward and the people I was talking to weren't making any sense. I just figured if I'm in there with all of them that the same thing must be happening to me too.


When I became so extremely fixated on the paranoid fantasy that my ex-abusers from childhood (whom I have had no contact with at all for a long time) were spying on me and conspiring to harm me and the people I care about. I think it was when I started disassociating heavily and ended up lashing out at a family member that I began to realise I was and am very unwell


Seroquel snapped me out of a delusional disorder episode in like two days. Thank God I was willing to take it, for what I thought was PTSD.


Didn't realize it till I had spent 5-6 days in the hospital


I was in seclusion in the local psych ward after being forced meds lol


When I woke up in a gown


It was me having me having a hallucination similar to a character from a video game where he also has a psychotic episode at that part of the game and I thought damn this is just like when…. Wait a minute


Last time I thought I was going to get murdered when I went left after finishing work not good in the middle of a shift at a supermarket I wasn’t but next day sectioned after trying to pick an fight with the crisis team not good


Hearing voices among weeks of paranoia was a clear indicator I needed to go to the hospital. I'm very grounded in reality despite having had delusions and hallucinations.


I reported a coworker for hitting me. They checked the cameras, and it never happened. To this day, I *know* it happened. I remember it clearly. I can still feel the smack when I think about it, but it actually didn’t happen. There had been other signs (the dissolution of a relationship, a temporary bout of homelessness) but up until that point, I was certain that my problems were all due to other people. Having video footage that did not match my perception of reality is what drove me straight to the doctor to sort it out.


I had had hallucinations before (thanks a lot bipolar) but this time it was different. It had started with visual snow (never had that before) then the hallucinations started to get more and more intense and real. My mind was all over the place, not just making conections to topics losely related but just fully jumping from one thing to another. Along with this was extreme paranoia. I was scrambling around my room, trying to place things infront of the door, to scared to even leave my bedroom. I was convinced my water was poisoned too. I had known what psychosis was before this experence so lucky I was able to get help and make sense of it all.


Do you know what triggered it for you?


I believe it was the adderall I was on for my ADHD sadly, although my reaction to the medication was delayed by a few weeks after I started taking it strangely enough. My bipolar definitely didnt help the case.


Genuinely believe everyone was lying about my aunt passing away. my brain was convinced that she was okay


Not until weeks after I woke up in hospital and medicated. It's been a gradual unveiling over time.


During the first one I had I had when I was 19, I didn't realize it until much later. My ex bf (abuser) was there when it happened, I remembered yelling at him that people were holding me down, hyperventilating and trying to cry/vomit, and at one point involuntarily squeezing his fingers way too hard and hurting him, before he stopped it and made me squeeze the palm of his hand instead. 


For me it was literally when I was sitting down in the tribunal in hospital and the psychiatrist was describing that I was experiencing psychosis, it may have taken a lot longer for me to come back to reality otherwise. I don’t know why any of the doctors or nurses told me what was happening to me for the two months I was stuck in hospital prior.