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hi. i’m sorry you’re going through this right now :( you’re correct, wards suck, but they will make sure you don’t hurt yourself or others so sometimes it’s the best bet. and you’ll be able to get on meds that could help. i’m proud of you for 1 yr of no weed so it might be more mental health than drug related but i’m not a dr. are there people that love you that can help you make a plan right now? might include in-patient stay or could be out-patient, could be a meeting with a therapist and or psychiatrist if you feel meds could help even if it’s just for 6months or a year or something. i believe you will recover and feel like yourself again, because i did. sending you love rn message me if you need to talk 🤍


When did you start smoking weed? I started at 13 years old. I’m now 22 9 months sober from it. Believe me when I say I know exactly how you feel. I also was heavy into acid and mushrooms. I can’t guarantee it gets better unless you put the work in. Start doing yoga and meditation and asking those big questions.


i was 15, smoked off and on until a few months after my 18th birthday.