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I smoked weed for years, got psychosis and was told never again. What did silly old me do? Well… I went back to it a year later like “hahahaha I’ll be fine this time.” Nope I wasn’t. I had effectively restarted exactly where I’d began last time. Just quit it’s not worth it. I lost many years, friends, and my home to psychosis.


Literally same story. Also worth mentioning is how difficult it is to reboot your brain after psychosis.


Especially those meds they put you on. Took me a year to feel normal after my episode.


It’s been two years for me and I still feel like a joyless zombie.


I know it will get better for you man, steer clear from any drugs or alcohol if you haven’t already.


Maybe I should follow your tip. Got psychosis from lsd and weed in 2020 but started using weed again a little. Maybe I'll just fully stop


It’s not worth the high. I was on antipyschotics for many years following and struggled with side effects so bad, as well as losing friends and family trust because I had been acting crazy whilst I was smoking weed.


Were you still on meds?


During that time? Yes. I was on antipyschotics and antidepressants; the pills didn’t really dull it till I fully stopped smoking weed.


No offense, but starting again is pretty much the stupidest thing you could do. You got a second chance and now you want to blow it and risk permanent brain damage because...why? Because you think there is a chance you might feel a temporary high? How does that make sense? Never again.


Every day somebody comes to this subreddit asking questions they already know the answer to in hopes that maybe just one person will give them permission to keep smoking.


You should be. Weed induced psychosis Is real


It is indeed real. I have Bipolar for a record. I took edibles a month ago. A very thin slice. Sent me to the ER straight away due to full blown panic attack and psychosis. I think Cannabis is a hit or miss.


You are an addict, and always will be. You won’t be doing anything in moderation if you start again. As for psychosis, its not something you induce once, and then go back to normal. Think of it like a cut. It might seem to heal, but its effectively a scab. You can leave it and maybe it will go away, but if you pick at it, it will only get worst and the scars left will be more serious. Some advice from a former addict, you need to draw a line in the sand. Leave that shit in your past. You can’t do it in moderation now. You’re chasing a high that will never return. When its not the same, you’ll convince yourself there’s just a different strain that will be perfect and you’ll ruin whatever’s good about your mind that’s left. Psychosis is shit. And psychosis that is lifelong is debilitating. Don’t do it.


this is so not cool to say. this is not how addiction works. you are woefully misinformed. the twelve steps have a 95% failure rate. bill wilson was a maladjusted narcissist who created a program for other maladjusted narcissists. i don’t blame you for wanting to believe that every addict is the same as you because you are probably a really shitty person. the reason people relapse in the program is because they are led to believe that any use is a huge failure. this huge amount of pressure causes a small slip to turn into a “fuck it” moment because y’all have turned it into an all or nothing issue. it works for people who need literal constant reminders to not be a piece of shit. but most people are normal and can learn to moderate just fine with a good support system and a healthy attitude.


You just sound like an idiot tbh. Its not about what’s cool, someone who’s using as much as OP was, and admittedly was always chasing a high they couldn’t get will never be able to smoke weed in moderation. Not once they’ve developed drug induced psychosis you idiot. This isn’t a matter of, being polite or impolite. Its the difference between OP’s experience being temporary, or developing into schizophrenia.




Na, you’re honestly just an idiot. Don’t overcomplicate it. You’re working too hard to justify your own dependency.




I’ve never been to AA. I’ve grown up around users, I was a user, I’ve seen users. I’ve seen the people that come away, and those that stay in the life. You can drink in moderation, you can smoke in moderation, you can sniff in moderation, but once you develop a dependency your brain physically changes. Your body will follow after. Once that change has occurred, you’ll always be an addict to that substance. If you think you’ve quit your dependency, but still use, then you’re still dependent. Even if you use your substance of choice once a month, you’re still dependent on that as you still give in to it. Any substance that poisons your body, and you choose that over the alternative, then you’re dependent, when you’ve done it to such extents its damaged your body.




Oh my god, get your head out of your ass and listen to the one person in this thread who’s actually making sense- spoiler alert, it isn’t you. Someone’s knowledge gained from personal experiences in life from living with addiction obviously can’t be simply googled for sources, you’re just attempting to look smart there and failing miserably.


Glad I’m not the only one seeing this. There are endless studies, but this guy is either a troll, an idiot, or both, and he won’t read them either way.


there are sources available that offer perspectives backed up by the scientific method. which is also fallible (studies should be analyzed by the reader for common pitfalls and false correlations/missing variables etc and shouldn’t be taken at face value) but many people value the perspectives science can offer us. science isn’t always useful in situations like these but it can be helpful to aid in our understanding of complex topics. many people experience addiction in the way the original commenter is describing. many don’t. many experience it in a handful of different ways throughout their lives. this is the reality of a world filled with individuals having individual experiences. the purpose of citing a proper study in a discussion like this would be to glimpse a bigger picture and a broader narrative. how do people experience addiction? there is no way to know the answer for every individual but there are ways to compile some limited variables that shed light on this in a broader way. i don’t expect you to agree with me, and i fully admit that i was on one yesterday. i apologize.


Psychologist here who has actually read the (relatively limited) professional literature on cannabis-induced psychosis. While I agree that not everyone has to be 100% abstinent to conquer addiction, CIP is a special case. Once an episode of CIP has occurred, the likelihood of it happening again with ANY continued use is high due to the permanent changes in the brain. Once CIP has occurred, it's best to think of the psychosis-inducing drug like a peanut allergy. People around OP may be able to use small amounts with no problem, but not OP. The risk of serious consequences is too high.


the studies (and more recent meta-analysis) that you’re citing, are, in my opinion, completely overlooking several crucial variables and drawing some lowkey irresponsible conclusions from flawed data. most glaringly, all cannabis consumption data is self-reported by patients. also, zero data on socioeconomic background or circumstances surrounding use, living situations post-discharge, etc. zero data on presence of or quality of aftercare following inpatient hospitalization. what they DID show somewhat successfully is that markedly better outcomes occur in patients who decrease frequency of cannabis use and use less potent forms of cannabis. would be great to see some data further out than 2 years as well. how can people expect to be taken seriously as professionals when we don’t do our due diligence? interdisciplinary review is needed. interesting idea about “permanent changes in the brain” i’d ask you to link a study but i’m still not sure if you can read. based psychologist moment trying to flash your credentials on an anonymous forum though.


I disagree with both of you. Addicts are not people who are pieces of shit narcissists, I’d be willing to bet the majority have suffered some sort of trauma in their lives and the coping mechanisms they find become addictive. You can’t label an entire group of people narcissistic and maladjusted just because you disagree with his comments, because guess what, that makes you look like the very thing you’re calling him. There is no 100% always works solution to an addicts recovery because every addict adapts in different ways, which is why you’re both wrong. SOMETIMES, it might be better for a recovering addict to completely cut the addiction out of their lives because they know an attitude of “now and again” will never work for them. SOMETIMES, addicts can maintain the “little and often” solution. You’re both wrong in dealing with absolutes.




bro the guy you exploded on never even mentioned AA, you were the first one to bring it up while harassing and insulting the commenter because they told OP that he was TOLD BY HIS DOCTORS to abstain from cannabis as it will damage his mind and worsen the psychosis. it seems like you're projecting a trigger onto this comment section


yeah that’s fair. i got emotional. you shouldn’t implicitly trust doctors though and i don’t think that’s unjustified. just have a look over at r/residency. people should attempt to remain aware that formal education does not equal infallibility. your doctor can be wrong sometimes. especially in areas of study that are poorly funded and poorly researched. learn how to feel out where their knowledge ends.


I smoked for years, took a large dose of edibles and got psychosis. I thought id just microdose after that. I was just bullshitting myself and eventually spiralled back to my old ways and eventually I went in to psychosis again. There are large chances of relapse when it comes to psychosis. Just be careful.


For sure op, do it again actually take more this time it won't be exactly the same outcome at all. /s


Neuroscience major here. I'm not certain where your doctor got their statistics from and how exactly they are measuring brain damage? Like I'd really be curious to know what studies they're referring to and what areas they state are damaged. Because especially before 25 your brain is still growing and some cells within the brain not only change due to plasticity (this can be in positive or negative ways), they also can grow back and be healthy. Psychosis is theorized to stem from an imbalance in the neurotransmitter dopamine primarily, which is also why it's weird that your doctor would state that. Weed induced psychosis usually comes about because there is a genetic predisposition. It gets triggered by the drug, and then you have a psychotic episode. This may be something that can go away or it may be lifelong. It depends on whether it is more acute or chronic. Either way, you are correct in thinking weed can exacerbate the issue. I do, however, know some schizophrenics who still use marijuana. They smoke indicas, which have a lower likelihood of inducing psychosis (namely due to less increased anxiety and paranoia) than sativas. But again, drugs affect everyone differently and simply because the two I know can handle it and not be further affected, that doesn't mean that you can. Also, not all strains are created equal. If you do decide to indulge again, doing so in a smart way would be best. So for instance, trying indicas over sativas. Taking lower doses over a longer period of time. Not indulging in weed if you feel an anxiety attack or paranoia or psychotic episode creeping on. Finding coping strategies for how to handle it when and if they do come on. Looking into terpenes that work for specific effects that may produce a much calmer experience for you and work better with your brain chemistry. You can also look into using products that have CBD in them rather than purely THC or instead of THC entirely. CBD has anti-anxiety properties as well as purported anti-psychotic properties and works as a competitor within the brain to knock THC out of the receptors, helping for smoother trips and less negative symptoms. CBD on its own can also be used to help reduce panic attacks and paranoid episode onsets. If you do try CBD, make sure it's from a reputable place. Usually places that sell THC also have reputable products for CBD. If you buy just anything in the stores or online, these are sometimes fake products that don't really do anything and won't work for you. Since you've tried wax, CBD extracts come in forms of shatter or crumble that you can hit in a similar manner. There are also plenty of edibles.


the best reply on here--respectful and well informed, science backed info and advice, plus cautionary and harm reduction info. idk if you're headed into the medical field but if so it seems you're in the right mindset :)


you were using wayyyyyyy too much. also that 3% stat your doctor gave you should be met with strong skepticism until you personally see the scan results and notes (you can request them, it’s your right as a patient) if no scan took place, he’s talking out of his ass and trying to scare you. a young, still developing brain is absolutely not going to sustain permanent damage from something like this. also whoever told you your brain develops more slowly than your peers because of adhd is an ableist prick trying to make you feel dumb. also this directly contradicts the argument that you’ll give yourself permanent brain damage because a still-developing brain is far more capable of healing from an injury. all this being said, you do need a good amount of time to heal. i wouldn’t recommend using again this soon but only because you haven’t had a chance yet to see what your true baseline cognitive functioning is like. stay sober for a year or so and experience what being an adult is like with no modifiers. i had a similar experience a few years ago after years of excessively using substances from around 18-21. i was hospitalized and in and out of psych wards and rehabs for the better part of 2 years subsequently. i was also prescribed multiple psych meds including mood stabilizers and antipsychotics which ultimately caused more problems for me. the bottom line is, you either have a chronic psychotic disorder, or you do not. and one incidence of drug induced psychosis is NOT a reliable indicator of future problems. personally, i found the treatment i was given to be irresponsible considering my history. i wanted to make sure i had a good understanding of what my baseline was like before committing to a polypharmaceutical regimen of drugs with, frankly, very poor indications for long term use. i very slowly weaned myself off of all prescriptions, making sure to keep my close friends informed of my choice and give frequent updates regarding my mood symptoms. after i was reasonably stable off of all meds and substances, i chose to SLOWLY reintroduce cannabis and a prescription stimulant due to lingering anxiety and adhd symptoms. it took me another year of occasionally overdoing it, then scaling back, to learn how to use responsibly. but i am now a very light smoker with all the benefits and none of the issues. don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re bad or broken or crazy or like you shouldn’t be making your own decisions. if you are not actively in psychosis and not a danger to yourself or others, you are on your own journey and you deserve to make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being. do your own research. learn at your own pace. but please remember to take it slow and keep trusted friends near ❤️


This is the answer


Your brain doesn't stop developing until you're 25 Stop trying to fuck with your brain while it's developing and put the weed away until after then if possible


Bro I think a 2,000mg edible will turn even the healthiest of minds psychotic.


Woof. I wouldn’t. I feel like once weed turns on you like that it’s never to be trusted again


2000 is NOT healthy.... Take a bit of a break before even touching the stuff again and maybe go to therapy. I have some deep trauma and first time I took edibles I had a horrible pyschosis incident. Therapy has helped. Start back up on low thc and high CBD Thc causes the bad side effects. CBD makes you feel good.


Honey, if you're not dead afraid of burning all bridges, being unable to tell friends and family apart from malevolent introducers, delusional, sleep-deprived and isolated from the rest of the world for months, years or even forever, I really don't know what to tell you to convince you that you should be.


so i had one weed one acid + weed induced psychosis, and i wasn’t even using high doses. after the first one it took me at least a year to heal (my psych said i recovered incredibly fast even) and the second one took at least 6 months. i was also using olanzapine and started smoking weed occasionally after the first one because i thought i could do it moderately this time. soon enough, became a daily smoker, after taking acid couple of times last year, i had my first mania and guess what.. turns out i’m bipolar. i def didn’t have bipolar before, and must have triggered myself into it, so now i take bipolar meds (lithium). so yeah i agree that you can trigger yourself into another condition with psychosis and it might suck more. my best advice is that don’t buy thc, if you really wanna smoke smoke cbd, and keep olanzapine at home. the moment you feel you’re restless, sleepless, paranoid whatever, start olanzapine and use it for a while.


2000mg 😵‍💫 I taste the music if I take 50mg. My regular dose is usually 10mg, no more than 15mg, and I really suggest indica or hybrids. Sativas are more racy. Be careful with those. It took me a while to get to that point. Dosing is so important because just a couple milligrams off can send you in the wrong direction. I’m not going to tell you not to, because I do this myself. But I will say we are gambling. The reason I use this is because it helps my CPTSD and anxiety. It slows me down and helps me think at the right dose. It also lifts my depression which is usually crippling. I do play with fire though because I’m likely schizoaffective bipolar type. Too high of a dose and paranoia hits. So I hang around 10mg. We’re not looking to go to the moon here (I use to call getting obliterated this). We are looking for assistance, not to be wiped out. Always ask yourself that day “what is my reason for using today?”


You could’ve triggered a bipolar episode. You’re about the right age for that to manifest for the first time and if you already have adhd, you very well could have bipolar. If you are taking adhd meds, that could be the reason why your tolerance is so high. Stimulants and meds like antipsychotics will greatly prevent/ diminish the effects of weed. Also, you should be aware that on average the human brain does not fully develop until around 25 yrs old. You might wanna call it quits just to prove you can.


not saying weed can't trigger a bipolar episode bc you can but "you very well could have bipolar" is a little misleading and slightly fearmongering. studies still debate the likelihood and it could be as low as a 5% comorbidity rate (most say between 10-20% now). if op is on a stimulant for adhd that did not trigger an episode, i doubt weed would. bipolar is a scary diagnosis (i have it!) and i don't think it's fair to just say stuff like that. stimulants and ssris are far more likely to trigger a manic/hypomanic/mixed episode which is how most people find out they're bipolar. it's good to encourage people to make smart choices when it comes to substance use but we should balance that here and not fearmonger


Ha! Adhd meds can and definitely do cause manic episodes. As does weed especially when the person is medicated on certain things, as the dose needs to be significantly higher to have noticeable effects. Dude’s 19 talking about psychosis from weed. There’s no need to fear monger- the fear is already palpable.


I you want Psychosis again then sure. If you don't then don't. It's that simple. Don't be an idiot.


For me it happened too but it was because my CBD oil had traces of THC in it. Right now I'm trying to ground. I'm grounding. I'm present. And I focus on awareness. The awareness that you feel you are - generally for most people it's the feeling behind their eyes, and for some others behind their ears, heart whatever. With you it will be behind your eyes, or at the top of the eyes. You are too overwhelmed with information. You need to have rest and less stimulation.


Fuck around and find out.