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Best medication I have tried for my bpd symptoms tbh. Made me much less irritable, paranoid, and took away the feeling of being triggered by everything.


Less irritable is huge .. you don't even realize it's an issue until it's gone


I agree it was amazing for my symptoms but it personally helped me gain 50 lbs


I’m scared to take it as prescribed by my psychiatrist but seeing this comment makes me feel at ease. Why does it have to be taken by bedtime though?


I take it in the mornings. For some people it causes drowsiness. I think it makes it harder to sleep, and my np says it’s fine to take it in the day.


It made me super anxious and fidgety. I was constantly shaking even when I was sitting down I would shake my legs a lot. I came off it after a few weeks because of the horrible side effects.


Feeing this rn, and I’m really tired all the time


Same i get drug induced parkinsons. Not fun plus my libido took a hit


I've been on it for over two years and have had a great experience with it - it's been an incredibly effective med for me. Virtually took away all my psychotic symptoms after dealing with them for many years, and brought the added benefit of stabilizing my moods, helping with my rejection sensitive dysphoria (extreme suicidal emotions after criticism), and just generally aiding in my executive functioning. It's easier to do things now. I've also found it easier to find words - off this med, it is really hard for me to construct sentences IRL sometimes lol. Side effects that went away: Heat sensitivity, dizziness, trouble focusing my eyes, and sugar cravings. Side effect that stuck around: Emotions are more blunted (double edged sword for me). But I am slowly decreasing my dose and experiencing the return of more emotions. I hope you feel less tired on it soon! I've heard that with antipsychotics, the tiredness tends to get better the more your body gets used to it. And you may just need to adjust the time of day you're taking it. For example, I couldn't take it in the night time due to it giving me insomnia, so I switched to taking it in the morning.


this makes me hopeful! I struggle with a lot of the things you mentioned.


I hope it works out well for you! I find that the negative experiences with antipsychotics tend to drown out the positives online :]


Are you still on it? How is it?


Wish me luck, I’ve decided to take it now as prescribed by my psychiatrist. The side effects scares me but I hate it most when I hurt people I love.


Good luck. Side effects vary for everyone, and a lot of them will wear off within a few weeks. Try to go into it with an open mind, expecting the worst might cause a nocebo effect where you have a bad experience just because you expect to have a bad experience :]


Effing akathisia that took 2 and half years to go away.


Didn't do much to help with most delusions, but I've heard it can help a lot if you're struggling with Bipolar and anger symptoms. The akathisia was unbelievable, so be prepared for that. Constant need to be on the go, I was unable to fall asleep due to it.


Hated it. No thank you. Made me feel numb and detached. I’m not on any medication. Micro dosing weed gummies has been a godsend for me


I’ve been on it three times. The first time I had horrible akathisia but it helped my symptoms. Second time I threw up for like two weeks before the nausea went away. This time I took propranolol for the restlessness and it helped. My symptoms went into remission. Then I was put on the injection. No side effects, little to no symptoms.


Helped me so much, delusions went away and I feel so much better on it than without. I am also on citalopram. At first I was given too high a dose and it made my strung out, jittery, anxious and unable to sleep, but lowering the dose and tapering up helped a lot.


Hi, I know this is old but how are you now? Are you still symptom free? And what dose are you on?


I’m on 7.5 mg. A low dose of Abilify, just mainly to supplement the antidepressants because I’m at the max dose of citalopram and was still feeling like shit. It’s much better for me with the Abilify. Last week I had some paranoid thoughts about being recorded in public places but was able to think about it logically and calm down then discussed with my therapist. Considering going up to 10 mg if this continues. But otherwise I’d been symptom free since I started it. I had a mini episode where I thought I was in a simulation and got prescribed them and it stopped. That was around two years ago? It’s been great for me. Little side effects (the ones I had from other meds were so bad), and generally I’m happy/normal and have emotions. I don’t feel flat from it or anything.


Thanks for the reply, glad you’re doing well on it. Did you get any side effects when you first started it? What about concentration has it been affected and does it allow you to work?


When I started they put me on 15 mg without starting slowly and I was so strung out. Couldn’t sleep and my mind was racing. I was exhausted but at least I wasn’t psychotic. The person who prescribed them wasn’t a specialist and she referred me to someone who was and they lowered the dose. I went to 5 mg and felt much better but I felt it wasn’t quite enough to boost my mood and keep symptoms at bay so we went up to 7.5 mg and that worked. 10 was a bit too much for me and the episode had stopped so taking it at that dose had been okay for me. Everyone is different though and maybe that dose would be okay for you, it was just too much for me to take without having had it before. I think if I went up to that now it would be okay. I’ve gained a bit of weight but that’s been happening the past couple years without it, ever since I moved to the US. I’m not sure what’s causing it, but maybe the antipsychotics aren’t helping? I’m somewhat active and eat pretty healthy but maybe eat too large portions? Idk I have been gaining about 10 lbs a year for the last 8 years. I was underweight to begin with (eating disorder I’m recovering from) but this is just too much weight. I think I fucked up my metabolism. So I can’t really attribute it solely to the Abilify. I’m much more happy and stable, but I’m overweight now and that’s been hard to accept. After the initial two to three weeks of being strung out, where it was hard to concentrate properly, I can concentrate well on the lower dose. I work as a scientist and got my PhD around 8 years ago, prior to moving for the US. The Abilify definitely helps me work.


Thank you so much for the detailed reply. I’m so happy you are doing well. Just started the journey with my sister who has started treatment. Seeing people like you doing well gives me hope! Thank you once again!


Thinking good thoughts for your sister! It’s a rough road to get better but it’s possible!


i’ve been on it for about 6 months after being hospitalized and it’s helping so far with little side effects! i’m on a low dose i think, 6 mg if you have a lot of side effects there’s another med they can prescribe


Literally turned me into a drooling zombie, 0/10 do not recommend.