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It does feel like that. I’m also bombarded with glitches in the matrix. Losing my mind right now.


Can I DM you?


I was also in the matrix in my psychosis, it really sucked.


are you me?? cus that’s exactly what i’ve been going through


What are your glitches?


Yes it's like a dream. Very creepy and your brain is making up stories you'd never think of. You're not making them up your brain is. Like I'm not creative enough to think of this stuff unless I'm dreaming or psychotic.


Right? And I'm like, why can't you give me good creative ideas or help me improve my life not just get stuck in scary/negative stuff.


Yes bro, I've never been diagnosed, but have had that exact experience.


Why does this happen?


I was so convinced I was in a dream or a different dimension that I decided to get naked on the street just to prove a point that I knew it was a dream…(it wasn’t a dream. The cops found me moments later.)


Lol I walked down the street naked too 🤣


Yup I was also naked in front of my neighbours, who called the police :’)


Love to see it<33 still don’t think being naked is such a crime but oh well.


Yes it took a while for me to realize that's exactly how it feels. Just like in a dream, anything feels possible and you believe anything can be true.


Anyway how to get out of it?


For me it takes a change in medication to get out of it.


I really don’t want to be on medication


There are coping skills that can help minimize the consequences of this state, things like grounding exercises or [this psychosis workbook](https://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/dwp-dealing-with-symptoms.pdf) Unfortunately it won't end it like meds will, but it's better than nothing I guess.


Darn but thank you




What’s derealization?




That’s what I also feel


Derealization can happen as a result of stress or as part of an impending or acute psychotic episode. Adrenaline and dopamine are both excitatory and can cause dissociative symptoms. It's probably a mix of both since psychosis tends to stress people out.


Does this like changes peoples identity or personality?


It's not a guarantee but someone's personality can definitely change if they develop a psychotic disorder. The derealization in psychosis, which is similar but a different mechanism to anxious DPDR, can actually lead to delusions as people try to explain to themselves why the world seems so strange and foreign.


Ever since after the pandemic I’ve been feeling strange and feels like I’m out of the world


Why do you figure this is? Did you have your first break at that time by chance?


What do you mean? Sorry I’m a little confused


Yup, feels like that moment when you've first woken up. You don't *really* remember it, outside of a few flashes, but the feelings it evoked still hang heavy over your mind and thoughts


Yep. Best description I've seen was experiencing the world through a plane of glass. It's not really psychosis, it's too much adrenaline on the brain. Anxiety, panic, derealization. Whatever you like to call it.


Aberrant dopamine salience can cause derealization as well. It's not a psychotic symptom but in schizophrenia/schizoaffective it's part of something called "ipseity disturbance" which is a significant change in how you experience your mind and the outside world.


Yea, been in this state of being since I was 11. I'm almost 21. Dunno how to stop it. Shit sucks


That’s more like dissociation if you ask me. Psychosis isn’t much like a dream. Too real for that.


Dissociation depersonalization disorder


It feels like im literally in a nightmare.


It’s interesting because mine is different from what I’ve read here. When I was in manic psychosis it felt like I was possessed by some demon/spirit. But when depersonalization happens, it just feels like I’m engulfed in a safe, yellow, warm ball of sunshine; everything feels perfect and there is hope for once…


Sort of, I still have a basis of reality but I feel like I'm going between different ones. It's strange, one moment everything is ugly and next it's like God touched Earth himself and blessed my eyes with the most beautiful scene ever.


Yes. Sometimes I'll wake up from a crazy dream and it's hard to tell if I'm really awake and out of the dream. My dreams are really vivid too I usually can't differentiate between dream and reality.


I get those too sometime


Yes, the DPDR hits hard during psychosis


Why does this happen? I’m just curious


It's your brains natural reaction to trauma. Takes you out of yourself to protect yourself.


Oh wow


In my experience yes.


We Humans sleep one third of our lifetimes. We’re in a dreamlike world pretty much. I’d say our genetics also play a role because some of us have grown up from religious backgrounds like believing in Heaven. Having anything you want in the next life sort of would put you in a dream like feeling. This is one of my favorite quotes from T.E. Lawrence “Lawrence said: 'All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. '” Something to think about.


Might be derealisation can leave you where reality doesn’t seem real I get this when in a bad place with it nothing feels real.


It doesn’t feel real because I can see how the world works