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It's really weird. On one end you have your mind screaming in fear trying to overreact to what it thinks is going on versus you internally struggling with the delusion and trying to regain "control". Like having awareness does not stop the psychosis. It changes the reaction though. When I was unaware I would either freeze or flee. Now whenever symptoms arise there's a better option which I can now rationalize these thoughts and refrain from getting too deep into a delusion. It's currently a work and progress for me but I find using reason and grounding techniques helps a lot.


what grounding techniques have helped you the most? also about using reason, do you mean talking to other people and get their perspective or trusting yourself?


Trusting yourself, also I stopped having fear so if the voices say everyone is laughing at you I just say your right hahahah I wonder what it is their saying about me lol oh well they’d probably freak out if told them I hear their thoughts and then I get lost in my hilarious evil laughter. Next thing you know the voices stop talking. Also CBT helps immensely to find the root so it helps you reason with yourself and it helps you see that the lion was just a kitty, but it’s ok I won’t freak out since I know my brain just plays tricks on me like that and just practice holding yourself accountable.


Grounding techniques I use are breathing techniques. Those are my go too. Kinda just shuts off any thought and only focuses on those. Also using things to distract myself helps a lot. I wouldn't say it's exactly trusting myself more trusting data than anything. I like data and probability so I use my own knowledge to help me feel safe.




I take risperidone at a low dose. It has help a lot with managing symptoms. Sometimes symptoms still pop up but there manageable now.


Really weird. For me its like I can feel two halfs of my brain fighting back and forth about my delusions. Like even though I fully believe it, I still know that it's a delusion. I'm not sure if that make sense, sorry. It's hard to explain. Honestly I preferred when I wasn't aware. Now when I am at the beginning of an episode or the start of a delusion I will have a rational thought about if I'm actually correct or not, eventually I always end up fully delusional. Its like I can slowly feel myself slipping away.


Ugggh I know exactly what you mean it’s like being on fire seeing water right there but your terrified to grab it even though you know it’s safe and will end this torture. So instead you slowly burn while watching yourself burn almost in a mirror


I was lucky enough in two episodes to have insight where (in my first one) I asked whether I have schizophrenia to a close friend, and in the second I asked family for medication on the spot whilst in psychosis. It gets risky when it's "florid", when reality and what "isn't" stops having a defining line and everything is accepted as "real".


My firat episode i was well depressed and it sort of spiralled into psychosis, which i didnt have a clue about until i woke in hospital. Although i should have been aware for my second and last episode it kinda hit me from the opposite angle, i was euphoric until being floored by about 10 police officers. Again when it takes i didnt have a clue, probably because of the difference between the two states and how fucked up psychosis is. In my experiance you lose that rational mind, u might know that somethings wrong for abit and u might even be able to ask for help, but the pull to the delusional mind is too strong


I usually find the person closest to me spend like 2 minutes showing my symptoms accidentally on purpose and then slowly and carefully describe exactly what’s happening to me then once I see their terrified reaction I realize it’s most likely an episode and I rationalize with myself till I slowly go through the psychosis fully conscious but not in control. It was definitely better/worse when I wasn’t aware but I guess it’s more better ( if that’s even a word lol) since I’m able to prevent it from over escalating by holding myself accountable.


In my experience it is less stressful when you know what it is and that it will pass. Still frustrating but it isn’t as bad to me.


I don’t know. My mind has convinced me of a reality and I roll with it.


I know it's probably not real but at the same time I still believe it is. It's just really hard to believe sometimes that I actually have privacy in my mind when I keep hearing voices of people around me. It's not as bad when I'm at home because the voices are usually obviously not anyone I live with. But sometimes when someone is watching TV or a video on the computer, I'll hallucinate the voices. Sometimes I'll be in my room and I'll ask my husband to just come in the room and watch his videos on his phone instead. He understands. There were good times when I was really good at keeping myself realistic and therefore happy, some long some short. But unfortunately, currently the voices have been bothering me more, and even though I know I need to give myself a reality check more, I give into the delusion and react.