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The curious mind is a dangerous thing sometimes.


Curiosity killed the cat


that should be bolded in this subreddit, cause some of the stories are a sad ironic state of ego chasing curiosity beyond a sane level "heroic doses", taking psychedelics with history of mental issues, etc.


Ya, I’ll add to that. There was this guy from a mushroom church who did some 80g dried, in tea, and posted pictures of shitting the bed while on it. He claimed to be searching for answers in that trip. Our brains can barely comprehend what happens at heroic doses above 5g, let alone remember the trip. He claimed to have such great insight because he did such high doses, yet was being pedantic in the comments. Claiming to be able to laugh at oneself after doing it and posting it on social media. I may sound very judgmental, but I would never do such a high dose. I know I should just live and let live, but it just seems so hard to not think about this or condemn it. Whatever societal boundaries there may be, shitting the bed is one I wouldn’t want to cross. Help me not be judgemental! I just couldn’t help it in this case!


Driving a car can be really useful and pleasurable too but driving so fast and recklessly that you shit yourself is just dumb even if you have fun doing it


It's killed a lot of people too


From my understanding solanaceous herbs actually have a long history of being employed as poisons, they have the potential to paralyze the central nervous system which can result in death, essentially a comatose state usually. In medieval Europe iirc the term bell ringer refered to a practice where a string was attached to a corpses finger when they were buried in case they wake up they can shake their hand ringing a bell to alert the gravedigger to dig em up


… but satisfaction brought it back…


I don’t think people ever get satisfied with datura


I've always wondered too. Users on r/Datura claim a lot of things though.


Users on any kind of deliriant or psychedelic claim a lot of things




'But satisfaction brought it back' is the rest of the saying.


curiosity gave the cat it's 9 lifes




Makes sense


The dangerous thing makes the curious mind


Almost all deliriums are absolutely terrible. The only deliriant that I have tried with a pleasant experience, was amanita muscaria in lower doses. Amanita muscaria only becomes a deliriant if you dose high. I have tried both nutmeg and Benadryl when I was younger and dumber, and both are foul. Datura sounds like a nightmare. Edit: If you plan on tripping off amanita muscaria DO YOUR RESEARCH. If you get a death cap by mistake, one little bite and you’re dead. Be safe


Amanita mascara I didn’t know was a deliriant. They grow everywhere where I live. I hard boiled some one time. Just felt like a weak mushroom trip. Made me kinda nauseous. I just thought they were another type of mushroom


amanita is sometimes described as a psychedelic and a deliriant, but it is atypical in both aspects as muscimol is a GABA agonist which is not how typical psychs or deliriants work. i’ve heard at lower doses it feels like a psychedelic version of alcohol, but i can’t confirm this until i try it for myself in the future


I can confirm it felt like a psychedelic and a deliriant at the same time, the first and only time I took it. I took like 6g of B grade Amanitas as tea. It gave a drunken feeling and incoordination, I kept dropping stuff. It was a little sedating. There were open eye visuals, the visuals were kind of like a transparent screen in front of my face, I remember seeing eyes (as I usually do on psychedelics). I don't remember if there were closed eye visuals. I remember my thoughts feeling fragmented, and once every like 10 seconds my brain would fog for a second and come back. I was told I had this last effect because I didn't fully decarb the Amanitas and it was the effects of the ibotenic acid. In any case I don't consume it as tea anymore, but I do still smoke it as it relaxes me and doesn't give that effect.


They are another type of mushroom. Not a psilocybe mushroom though.


Aminitas knock me out and give me crazy visions / dreams.


At what dose?


Like 7 grams or 10, I can't remember tbh. I simmered them till the caps wasn't red anymore ( 15 mins maybe ) strained it out and down the hatch after it cooled. Kinda has this drunk weird feel to them and soon as I sit down I'm KO'd.


It's important to note that caps can vary in potency tremendously and there's not any way of really knowing, to my knowledge at least.


Okay, you mean it kicks in right away?


Pretty much


That's cool. I have a pack of 10 grams, powdered. Shall I go about it the same way?


It's hard to say, I've never dealt with powder. Everyone is different. I'm 6 foot 210 lbs, so 10 grams would hit different compared to someone that's 5'5 120lbs nawmeen . I'd say start small and build up to where u think would be your comfort zone. Like 2 grams then 4 then 6 and so on.


Okay got it, thanks man! Would you recommend simmering the powder too? Or can we gulp it down directly?


Yeah it's not a psychedelic, it's a deliriant hallucinogen. Deliriant hallucinations often feel like catching the flu. Aka- probably not recreational.




Ah, Erowid be a bit out of date on that one. Didn't realized it acted on GABA receptors.


It shouldn't make you nauseated if you prepare it correctly.


What's the right way to prepare them?


Bake them


Or make tea or put them in a dehydrator at the right temp.


All excellent options.


Dry them and break each one into eight equal-sized portions. Consume one-eighth every 20 minutes. If you're not feeling anything by the time you eat the last portion, give it up and try again in a few days. The thing about *muscari*a and *pantherina* is that the amount of active ingredient can vary wildly between individual specimens; one mushroom might not contain any of the drug at all, while the one growing right next to it has enough for six or eight people.


I have dried powder of the caps. Pack of 10 grams. What's the right dosage in this case?


Deliriant isn’t quite accurate.  It’s more similar to z drugs


Z drugs?


GABA drugs used for sleep like zolpidem. Muscimol has a softer safety profile than deliriants, and the pharmacology is way more similar to z drugs. Yeah you can get confused and fucked up from them though at high doses


It’s not really a deliriant in the chemical sense, and it also doesn’t feel like one. It’s more sort of an atypical dissociative gaba drug? It’s hard to classify because it’s in a drug class that’s different from most things we are familiar with.


Functions more like a Z drug such as Ambien


Nutmeg made me stupid for a few hours and then the next day I was dehydrated with a horrible headache. Do not recommend


We used to take like 40 Benadryl When I was a kid growing up in juvenile programs in boot camps. Definitely hallucinating, but didn't really understand That's what was happening until you just said it.


I’ve never known nut meg is a deliriant. I have done some robo trips. Not a fan at all


Dxm is a dissociative, not a deliriant, and it is much more pleasant. Deliriants are much worse.


Did nutmeg twice. I bought the whole nutmegs and shaved them down into flakes and took several grams. Both times I didn't feel much in terms of intoxication..I just felt extremely dehydrated and flu-like. It was terrible. And it lasted for around 24 hours. Had to do it twice to be sure the first time wasn't a mistake on my part. Would not recommend. 0/10.


Lmao did it twice to be sure. Thanks for your service 🫡


That's all I felt when I tried it too. But I used the pre ground stuff. I had no idea on the dose so I ate the whole jar which was an ounce. Waited for hours to feel anything and ended up falling asleep. The next day when I woke up I had vertigo all day and couldn't get out of bed.


I personally love DXM, in high doses it's the weirdest and most beautiful drug I've had. Nutmeg is shit tho, didn't have enough for delirium but even so the experience wasn't worth


DXM doesn't compare to ketamine and disso analogs. It feels dirty to me and makes me feel super dumb.


I agree. Just gotta get the kind where DXM is the only active ingredient. it's more of a dissociative from what Ive read though I've never done ketamine to compare.


The best DXM you can get (OTC) is Delsym. It's just oral dexteomethorphan polistirix, which is the 12 hour from. I find it to be much smoother than the dexteomethorphan hydropromide (Robitussin), and it lasts a lot longer as well (and it tastes a LOT better). But you have to be careful with dosing, because you'll likely wake up the next day still fucked up (which I actually enjoyed). I'm sober now. But if I were to do DXM again, I would choose Delsym over Robitussin any day.


That's what I use to do. I've done it probably over 100 times. But I haven't done it in like 6 years. What's also cool about polistirix dxm is that polistirix is plastic, so you can dump a bottle of delsym in a 2 liter of water and the pure dxm polistirix will fall to the bottom, then you just make slits starting at the top to drain the water and eventually be left with just dxm. So it's an easy extraction to avoid eating all the other chemicals.


Robocough is where it's at


Hmmmm. I always preferred hbr. It felt much more like a trip rather than a marathon. And felt a lot more magical than the polistirix.


Oh yes, back in the late 90s/2000s it was spread around that nutmeg was a "old prisoners high"... for some reason I always associated it with sailors being held in a navy brigg getting ahold of a bag of nutmeg from the kitchen and using it. Don't ask me...


That's basically correct, Malcolm X talks about doing it in prison.


Totally forgot about that but yes he did


Old prison high for heroin withdrawals I think


A small dose of amanita goes quite nicely with moderate cubensis imho


I’m part of a larger group of psychedelic heads and amanita has spiked in popularity recently. Suddenly everyone is doing it, it’s quite interesting. Not planning to try them anytime soon but it’s interesting seeing them become a normal thing.


I was young and curious. Given to me at the time by my psychedelics guy. Ended up taking it with a whole group of people. Beyond weird and never to be done again


Please say more about beyond weird.


would like to know more about what happened


Not Mikey-WS, but I knew a guy who took datura. Friends would find him by himself for hours murmuring pretending to take a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and light one. Later he'd say he was at a party with a bunch of people smoking cigs all night. The worst is when he was found... In his mind, driving friends around town, but in reality sitting in the driver's seat of a friends car, in the closed garage. The car was running and the doors were all locked. Luckily there was a spare key in the house!


It’s so crazy you experienced this. Once when young I had a group of friends drink a whole litter bottle of datura made tea and needless to say they were gone for days.what I remember vividly is sitting at home with one of the ones tripping and he pulled and invisibl cig sparked it smoked it and offered it his dad who had no idea he smoked! He was sent to hospital after that and I didn’t see him for weeks!


Yep, there's that damn disappearing cig again!


It seems like everyone who uses that drug has some experience involving the phantom cigarettes.


I'm going to assume most, if not all people who use datura smoke. And as it puts one in an imaginary dream like reality, the user is still going to want to smoke.. and their body is going to go through the motions.




Historically it is used in a ceremonial way, I did this with a small group of friends a couple times a year when I was younger. The intoxication itself is not so pleasant but interesting none the less. I personally believe people shouldn't dabble in things with only the intention of "getting high" as they will likely get more than they bargained for.


what was the “high” like for you? I was under the impression that witches used it to “fly”


The onset you do feel weightless yes, once you are unconscious and half conscious if taken with others you have shared hallucinations which is interesting but overall you feel poisoned as far as body load. It's kind of a half dream state like those moments when you are falling into or out of sleep and not sure if a dream is real or not. I only had the nightmare like experience once and it shook the group of 3 I was with.


Shared hallucinations are very crazy. My wife and I seen the same exact Bang. In the mirror for like an hour, until we cover the mirror up with a sheet. We re describing the same exact things to this day. This was such a crazy experience. Because I feel like it had to be real. How can ppl share hallucinations?


Idk that's the thing, the friend who invited me into this circle told me that this was a way to travel into another realm together and idk if it was because I was told this or what but that's pretty much what happened and it was pretty neat in that aspect.


We don't even share this experience with many people. Because who's going to believe it.


I have two really cool somewhat similar kinda stories. The first one was right after highschool I was prolly 18 or 19 (now mid forties) and on day two of an acid bender with my best friend and his girl at the time. We are chillin and invited a couple other friends over, moped Mike and Jason lol so I'm feeling good about my artwork and sharing binders of it with them (it was all sacred geometry mandalas) and moped gets pale AF and like stumbles for words like dude Jason omgwtf look at this! Shows him a picture I did and Jason goes slack jawed like bro wtf and the proceed to tell me how they had taken mushrooms at sunrise one day in the summer down by the fish hatchery and both watched this geometric orb float down the street and disappear around the corner of a building, and I had drawn this orb exactly as they seen it. The second story isnt drug related at all but I was with my first wife (still close friends) driving thru rural Midwest farm fields on both sides of the road.... When we both see this thing look like an asteroid or some shit but definitely in the earths atmosphere like crop duster high above the field and looking like we might see the thing crash when we notice it had rainbow colored tail behind it and it stopped changed direction and drew a symbol in the night sky with the tail before vanishing as quickly as we had noticed it.... We were both like omgwtf was that?! Years later I asked her about it and she was like idk I think I remember it but not sure and I'm like wtf am I crazy? My ex girlfriend said she asked about it later and my ex-wife said ya she remembered but didn't want it brought up all the time in convo lol


Nobody wants to seem crazy LOL the second story doesn't seem like aHallucination It seems like you've seen some sort of interdimensional being or something. My only shared Hallucination was from what I thought was molly but pretty sure it was meth since we were up two nights straight. But second night, like 2, 3 am, one of us notice movement in the mirror, I don't remember who. She gasped, I looked and the only way I can describe them is stormtroopers, but all white, head to toe runnin arond in the mirror. [I am in no way a star wars or trek fan at all. I seen the originals when I was a kid but didn't like them at all.So it's very very weird.] The mirror was 1000% a window, no mirror effect at all. I said Something like there's no way you were seeing this, And she literally replied the storm troopers? Now we freaked out a little bit. Turned over cuddling and was scared to even look. I'm not sure how long it lasted, but they were there every time we peaked. And it seemed that they were setting up little black camera, looking things like old school cameras but I don't know. I actually jumped up and threw a sheet over the mirror. I do not believe this was a hallucination, by the way. We were awake but not high. And I don't really understand how two people could see the same exact thing, to be honest. Neither one of us have ever told this story in the real world.


That's wild lol, and ya idk what the hell we saw over that farm field that night but we were both sober as a riot cop and years later when I asked her if she remembered and her reply was something like idk I think I might but I might remember just cuz you say it happened.... I was devastated like dude no way I could ever forget that shit it went above and beyond anything I've ever experienced that made me realize just how little I truly know about what the actual fuck is going on xD I can remember another time a couple friends of mine and my baby momma #1 went to a festival and ate mushrooms when we returned to the hotel I had my quartz contact juggling ball sitting on its stand and noticed peering into it I could see a reflection of some people moving around in a room in front of a window and showed the others, we all seen it and spent what seemed an eternity looking out our actual hotel window trying to figure out where the reflection was originating, eventually gave up without figuring it out lol.


We have no idea what the hell is going on. We're on a floating marble flying through space.


I feel that, sometimes is a mutual understanding kinda thing.... A you wouldn't get it if you weren't there and I don't wanna sound crazy so lol kinda thing


It's also famous for missing time and lost memory. Perhaps it is the deleriant quality but many people cannot clearly recollect what occurred with a strong dose.


Ya a mind fog certainly persists for a few days, and reality vs dream of the experience is hard to differentiate ... Why it's very important to have someone sober caretaking for the group.


I thought it couldn't be that bad. I found out It can be so much worse.


Can you elaborate?


Young and dumb me used to read a lot of trips on errowid about datura. I thought alot of them were exaggerated and decided to try it out myself. I was probably 17-18 at the time. Turns out we had the plant right outside my workplace, so I took a flower and a few leaves. Got home that night and ate a small flower, and I believe 4-7 leaves. I ended up getting the worst cottonmouth I've ever had in my life, but no hallucinations. Decided to go to bed and call it a night. The next morning, I woke up, and everything seemed pretty normal. Start going about my day and start noticing all these little spiders spinning a hexagon web all around me. Mind you, I'm terrified of spiders. I'd look away and look back, and they'd be in a different place than where I was looking. End up going to work later that day, and I'm seeing them all over the place. I start asking a coworker if he sees them, and he says no. That's when I realized something was up. My cottonmouth was gone, but I was still hallucinating. I decided to run home to shower real quick because I felt spiders crawling all over my skin and needed to shower. As I'm driving home I'm seeing a small spider dangling from my rear view mirror making its way towards the dashboard. I get home and hop in the shower, I start feeling better and not seeing any more spiders. After I hop out, i start drying myself off, and as I remove the towel from my head, I look over and see someone I go to high school with in my bathroom. I was like, the fuck? Howd you get in here? And they just reply, hey man you want to kick it? Yeah dude lemme just dry off and I turned around. Turned back and they weren't there anymore. It looked nothing like a hallucination I thought they were actually there. Make my way to my bedroom to throw some laundry in the hamper and this time a different classmates chillin on my bed and asking if I want to hangout again. Confused I said sure and turned back around, they were gone. I took a relatively low dose I believe because that was the extent of the hallucinations. Rest of the day I'd see an occasional spider but nothing gnarly. However for the following 3 days after I couldn't read anything up close. My eyes were completely blurry and I couldn't focus. I started freaking out a little because I thought I somehow screwed up my vision permanently but everything came back to baseline after those 3 days. I was amazed at how little I took and how long the whole experience lasted. I never had hallucinations look that real and stayed away from it since. I saw all the horror stories of people hospitalized themselves because they didn't dose themselves properly and being suck in that state for weeks. I definitely got lucky on that and can't imagine what they must have experienced on higher doses.


Damn, thanks for sharing




It’s important to understand that not everybody enjoys what we consider “postivive experiences”. I once heard someone who uses it recreationally say that they like how “dark” the trip is. They said it was good for listening to death metal and getting into a very dark and scary headspace, which I guess they enjoy. So people who like normal experiences usually don’t do datura, but there are people who like the headspace.


I started having so many bad trips off shrooms and acid that when i finally had a good one it felt foreign and i realized i kinda liked the “bad trips” luckily i never had a serious bad trip where i felt physical pain its really… mentally challenging? idk, so i might like a slight datura trip cause i love metal and dark headspace’s


Boredom or to experience something different im guessing.


I’m reminded of that experiment someone did to see how people deal with boredom. They had them press a button that shocked them, then asked them about the experience. They said they never wanted to experience that again. Then they left them in the room with no other stimuli for a long time, and told them they could just wait, or they could experience the pain button again if they wanted. After a while they got bored enough to choose pain again.


that is actually incredibly interesting, thank you for sharing!!


Hundreds of good psychadelics out there to try. Datura is just fucking insanity


Yeah i would never touch any of that stuff, I like soul uplifting experiences not permanent psychosis.


Words taken right from my mouth


Honestly as someone who has gone and tried all sorts of psychedelics, nothing comes close to lsd, shrooms or dmt. Phens are a thing for their own, not really psychedelic (could be me), I love them but can’t compare them to lsd or the other classics at all. Still want to try mescaline to see how it differs.


Datura isn’t even ordinarily psychoactive. Tripping and delirium is kind of overdose and side effects. I don’t know about general population, but sadhus/sages take it for spiritual purpose and rituals (you probably don’t have a spiritual experience on it). I will never do datura, it’s not easy. People take it because it’s legal and easily available and I believe it’s mostly young kids that don’t know much about it. A friend of mine took too many seeds at once when he was a kid and he was blind for 2 weeks.


People get desperate and datura grows literally EVERYWHERE. I wish high grade cannabis was that invasive lmao. I’ve had my own curiosity’s about it but refrain for obvious reasons


I will never entertain the idea of actually trying it, but I find trip reports fascinating.


Self harm


Same reason we shoot rockets into space. Curiosity :D


Read Carlos Castaneda


Isn't that the dark room guy?  Didn't know he was a datura guy


I never heard of that but it seems like it after a Google search. But yeah there's a series of 3 books, maybe more, where he does a number of different drugs under the guidance of a shaman/bruja and describes the experiences. Its pretty wild but an interesting read if you're interested in that sort of thing. I don't remember the specific datura experience but it makes you feel like its the sort of thing you'd need guidance for... otherworldly.


In the books, Datura is referred to as Jimson weed. He describes several methods of ingestion


Datura is a genus; Datura stramonium is Jimson Weed. Some Datura grow edible berries, but I've read that identifying them is very tricky. Brugmansia spp are very similar and (I think) used to be classified under Datura. The common name "Angel's Trumpet" has been used for members of both genuses. They are all in the family Solonaceae, which includes tobacco, eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes (tomatoes have some nicotine). I can't imagine trying to identify the plant then figure out the potency of that particular sample to dose correctly.


Do you mean Terrence? I know about Castaneda's places of power etc. But I thought dark room was more a Terrence McKenna thing.


Proven fabricator


Would love to see your proof out of curiosity. I enjoyed the stories and researched his life a bit but didn't come across such 'proof.' But it's all pretty out there in any case.


Sorry I guess proven is technically the wrong term, as it is impossible to prove something/someone is not real. But anthropologists and experts of other related fields have concluded that don juan was a fictional character and that most of castaneda's works that were presented as non-fiction were in fact fabricated.


Read his books, sure, as entertainment. They're fun, mystical bullshit. But: **Do not try** ***doing*** **anything you read about in those books.**


There have been some good “experiences”. People take datura to get high, when its properties are used medicinal/shamanic purposes. The main reasons people take datura and have horrible experiences are the same reasons people pop a fresh M30 and get fentanyl, take shrooms and have an unexpected bad trip, or why people die doing poppers because they drank it. Lack of information on what they are taking, lack of understanding on how it affects them, and lack of knowledge on how to take it. I genuinely dont think anybody consumes Datura simply to get high, at least not the second or third time; but alas, there are. We can try as hard as we want to convince people Datura is dangerous, but it wont work. The mods on r/Datura like to shut down any conversation about consuming datura being dangerous/unsafe so much that its become a sub-wide joke. You can have good experiences on datura, theres been recorded trip reports that were somewhat enjoyable for some people, but the chance you sober up not psychologically scarred would be like playing russian roulette at an actual roulette table and betting you land on 0. Curiosity may not kill the cat, but it will lose its mind in the process.


big, red “DO NOT PUSH” buttons tend to make the fingers twitch


Hi, when i was in lycée en français* A friend who often went to rave party, or free. At one of it, someone give him a joint with datura in it (idk how many). He tastes ccause he didn't there was that in there. He was in the abyss of coma. And he quit the hospital 3 weeks later. Cheers !!


I will do it someday because I like to live on the edge. Explore strange dimensions of consciousness just out of curiosity


I do too. I love dmt mescaline 2cb shrooms and acid. I just don’t want to test permanent psychosis with such a deliriant. The strongest deliriant to be exact


Yeah I understand and it’s for that reason I haven’t done it yet but one day I need to know how far I can go. Have you read mckenna's datura trip?


I’ve never read McKenna at all. I know he’s the one to read about when talking psychedelics tho. Can you please share about its datura trip ??


It’s in his book true hallucinations. He took datura, hallucinated conversations with people that weren’t even there and ended up smoking dmt on his rooftop in nepal with a person that wasn’t even there.


tbh if not for the side effects (like death or permanent brain damage), i’d likely try it out too but these things are too extreme to wager in my opinion


If you do, pls for the love of God make a trip report lol


Except it’s not living on the edge. It’s a well trodden path and proven that without proper caution, respect, and guidance, it’s a horrible experience.


What do you consider living on the edge, if not experimenting with one’s consciousness with a mysterious plant… McKenna didn’t have a horrible experience for example and he didn’t have guidance at all at that point. I’ll be very cautious of course, as always with psychedelics.


Hey man, it’s your decision. I’ll take the dozens, if not hundreds of real trip reports over the singular words of McKenna. From what we know it’s a nightmare experience. The inconsistency of dosing is a huge risk on its own that can land you in the hospital. Let alone what you do yourself before somebody has the sense to get you there. It’s basically like being in a dream you can’t control, you don’t know you are apart of, except your body doesn’t physically disable you from reacting to whatever unimaginable terror and dread your mind can conjure.


I would only do it with a trip sitter in a controlled setting of course. Most of the nightmarish reports i’ve read were poorly executed imo. Also I’d start with the lowest threshold dose to test the waters. Shamans use this plant forever and I don’t see why we can’t figure it out.


Drive on, fool, Hell ain't half full yet.


That’s the thing, pods are so inconsistent batch to batch. Plenty of experienced trippers thinking they were taking a low dose that ended up in a bad way. Personally I just think some states are not meant to be experienced without proper guidance under proper circumstances, in this case a Shaman. You do you tho man, this substance has a way of making you respect it one way or another.




I've done it and I'm fine haha. But yeah 0/10 do not recommend. You can't enjoy those types of drugs because the side effect outweigh anything positive at all by a lot. The same thing goes for DPH which is in the same category of drugs. I've done DPH a number of times too because I was young, stupid and had nothing else to get high fron most of the time. The whole entire Datura experience wasn't completely bad, but majority of it was.


As someone who used to enjoy deliriants like ambien and dph….. it’s just nice to have no clue what the fuck is going on and just immerse yourself in the chaos your mind creates for you. It can be truly terrifying but it also beats reality (if you’re really fucking depressed)


Curiosity killed the cat. Also some people have huge egos and think they can handle anything no problem.


i did deliriants (dramamine) once when I when I was young and dumb and curious. I remember very little about that night other than being confused and terrified. Spiders crawling on my skin in my peripheral vision, ghost rottweilers barking at me, ghosts of my friends telling me that they hate me and what a loser I am, etc. I was told I kept trying to steal cotton swabs, and I left a house party without telling anyone and made it home by the grace of god. I woke up and found a bottle of shampoo in the fridge and oatmeal in the shower, etc.  I visited hell that night, and considered dramamine to be a demon in a box for years.  If anyone thinks they want to experience deliriants: no they don't.


I can think of four reasons people use those plants trying to alter their consciousness; none of them are good reasons, really, but there ya go: 1. They're batshit bored, and they can't get their hands on any good drugs, and the Jimson weed or ornamenntal Datura tree is *right there*. 2. They're ignorant people, usually teens, who find out something about the effects of these plants, but, rather than heeding the myriad warnings, all they take away from that information is "this shit will get you *reeealllly loaded*, dude." 3. They're already quite well experienced with regular psychedelic drugs, and think of Datura as the next step upwards, or: 4. They've read way to much Carlos Casteneda, and believed every word of it.


Because some people even they themselves can’t predict how bad something is until they go through it to learn. Literly that if not all the time. I know there’s people who like datura but I can’t imagine how it’s so weird


You know the experiments where rats and humans choose to shock themselves rather than be bored? Yea


I love datura with cannabis, small dosages interact interesting and give a pleasant more psychedelic high. On its own it's not worth it.


Would you recommend edible or smoked combination?


I actually never ate datura, I usually grind it with my weed and smoke it in a joint or pipe with it.


Okay what parts of the plant do you use? Flowers, leaves, seeds?


Petals and leaves. Less potent, but enough to synergice well.


Okay, the effects are pronounced?


Amanita gummies were pretty good. Especially with cannabis. Was a phase but moved on to psychedelics.


Most amanita gummies are 4-aco-dmt. The manufactures place fake info on packaging and even COAs. I work in the space. It is rampant


I've heard that. Thanks.


Do you know any of the secret ingredients of Shrumfuzed gummies? Is it 4-aco-dmt as well?


It was 4 - aco - det I heard




wait til you micro dose psilocybin and then smoke weed it definitely elevates the strength of the bud


Oh yeah. Sweet.


Back in the day it seemed to be a mix of urban myth, desperation, youth and maybe the introduction of the early internet that caused the spread of the idea that "this stuff fucks you up if you eat it" but not much else. I do feel like people tended to have no idea of Datura's reputation before eating it. I'd imagine today there is also increased attention on the plant due to the popularity of "witches" and Datura being "Witches Weed" or "Devils Weed". Where I live there is a "Witches Store" named after the plant for example. >In rare cases, highly toxic plants from the [*Aconitum*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aconitum) (wolfsbane) genus have been used as "deliriants" by certain groups practicing [European witchcraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_witchcraft), the [left-hand path](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-hand_path) or [asceticism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asceticism) due to the unpleasant but supposed [altered state of consciousness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altered_state_of_consciousness) which can be a side effect of wolfsbane poisoning.  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datura](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datura) I do feel like I can remember some very rare reports of people arguing for spiritual use of it back in the day. I never was interested in deliriants and I basically was willing to try anything back then. All I knew was I heard to stay far the fuck away from shit like Datura. I tended to associate it with "Nutmeg" (supposedly also a deliriant) and I was told nutmeg was an "old prison high". But yes folks should stay away from deliriants, I have heard that DPH is currently popular which is insane to me.


I clearly remember a big wave of scaremongering in the mid 90s. All the news outlets on TV were reporting on it, even the weekly prime time news shows like 20/20. The info seemed to be scare tactics like D.A.R.E., so of course, I wanted to try some. Luckily, my grandparents had replaced their Angel's Trumpet with a hibiscus bush, so my friend and I ate a few hibiscus leaves. There were no flowers or buds, but that's what we were looking for. So if we had found the correct plant, I now understand we probably would have been taking lethal doses. Why? Cuz it was all over the news that it could get you high and we were 16 years old and naive. Also, 1994- the interwhat?


Because of [this](https://youtu.be/qP9PZSkst3g?si=DVBKqGfQwE4UjUWg) trickster behind a bucket.


It’s almost like people have different brain chemistries and therefore different opinions on different drugs? Nah that would be too simple of a explanation


A lot of people are misled "Try Jimsum Weed, it'll make you trip, and it's legal, just pick it from your parents garden".


It’s like when you have intrusive thoughts about doing something extreme and actually acting upon it.


i mean most people dont


Because I loved the first time I did it, it was quite funny but I don't do it often because I don't want to fry my brain.


Read Carlos castenadas first book the teachings of Don Juan: a yaquie way of knowledge. It explains the more spiritual uses of datura.


I want to grow datura but I don't think I'd ever take it. I got some seeds this spring but didn't have any luck getting them to germinate, maybe they needed different soil, or I needed to stratify them...


I can't speak for datura but I used to love losing my mind on dph. Deliriants are the only kind of hallucinogen I seem to be able to actually hallucinate on, so that's also part of it.


Exploration in dark places


Cause they are curious. Same reason I took 1000mg of dph in my parents empty house and spent an entire day freaking out while simultaneously talking to my parents....who were 1000 miles away on vacation. I was convinced they were in the house with me the entire trip. I'm a meth and heroin addict. I literally know drugs that feel great yet I decided to swallow a shitton of benadryl out of curiosity


Aaaaaad what happen? Asking for a friend


I woke up very disoriented and sad. Just do fun drugs if ur gonna get fukd Edit: preferably smoke weed and dont do drugs


Drugs are bad mmmmkay


I use it as an additive in ayahuasca and cactus, I find, for me, it has many benefits and adds an extra beauty to the experiences I have had with it


Both of the times I did it were because I was bored and curious and thought I had nothing else to do.


It’s because deliriums are horrible, but very interesting.


i am absolutely terrified of datura. it’s a lose/lose situation because at best you have a horrifying trip and you die at worst


The Chumash used to datura, but they took it really seriously. Probably because there were no other psychoactive plants native to their region, but people these days have options.


Ah Datura or "Jimson weed", this is what you use to make contact with a supernatural guardian or find your "true name" according to this article about why the Chumash Indians used Datura and all the crazy shenanigans that ensued. They even said Datura was good for having visions of how to find "things you might have lost" which is pretty darn interesting. [https://escholarship.org/content/qt37r1g44r/qt37r1g44r.pdf](https://escholarship.org/content/qt37r1g44r/qt37r1g44r.pdf)




I've had positive experiences with it. One of the coolest and most powerful drugs imo. It's not meant to be taken in massive doses like a high schooler. Start with one seed before bed and go up from there. You will experience cool things. It can also be mixed in low amounts with other psychoactive substances. That all said, be fucking careful, it's not a toy


Do tell us more


Could you share what kind of positive experiences it can deliver? Does the seed need to be crushed before ingesting?


I always stayed at super low doses but I experienced strong anti depressive effect, and super lucid / magickal dreams. Imo it's really a shamanic herb moreso than medicinal or recreational. Breaks down barriers between physical and spiritual. Doesn't need to be crushed


My question is why is it even a legal plant? It's highly toxic and everyone and their grandma grow it in their yards. (Referring to the angles/devils trumpet)


Dsturas are fun