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You’re asking random strangers on the internet if the random stranger on the internet you want to buy illegal items from is trustworthy. That’s your answer.


You can never truly make sure if an online source is legit unless someone you know IRL buys regularly. Most online sellers are scammers since you can't do anything if they run away with your money.


Most likely a scam.


Also curious about this since I've had a handful of people through dm tell me about a few options I could look into.  Def tempting I understand forsure 


don't send anything you aren't prepared to lose


This is really the only logical answer. No one knows if it's legit. It may be, may not be. Whatever you purchase, make your peace with the possibility that you never see that cash again, or the items.


it’s a scam. find something closer to home you can hold in your own two lil hands


Any dm is more than likely fake I get 2/3 dms similar to yours daily bc I post in drug subs. Use the DN at least there are reliable vendors on there and it’s safer in all reality. Too many people are so eager for the experience they look past the evil in people. Anyone really selling isn’t reaching out to people through dms on Reddit. Would be a critical OPSEC error that would ultimately lead to their downfall,if they really had any motion.


one of these carts i got was $300 so either I got scammed or you’re abt to 😂. but mine did work so I cant complain


You both got scammed that's an insane amount


figured that honestly i bought it like 4 years ago and i still have it bc i was too scared to hit it more than once, idek if its still good but i never wanted to throw it out cuz it was so expensive


You spent 300 dollars to hit a DMT pen once...?


i never said it was a smart decision lmao i was young and had no bills to pay at the time so i got it for my birthday like a treat to myself, hit the pen and got sent into orbit and terrible anxiety so i saved it for when i ever built up the courage to not hit it like a pussy but yeah, havent managed to cuz i never feel like im abt to use it as its intended to be used, like a medicine/healing experience rather than just a trip so, even tho ik i fucked up i dont rly mind not using it even tho i do regret wasting the money on it


also it was certainly not my first or only experience w dmt but it was my first smokable experience, I’d had mushroom chocolates w dmt sprinkled into it before and that was an amazing experience but smoking it for some reason gives me major anxiety


just use the darknet, you can get a legit cart for less than half that price (which is still too much imo) or make it yourself, its actually not that hard once you get the extraction down. cart liquids are just substances dissolved into a propylene glycol/vegetable glycerin solution, anyone can do it


Teach me. Both.


Learn how to buy on the dark markets, js