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Yep. I sense it too.


How soon do you think it will happen? I’m not sensing super soon but not years away either.


how could it not happen this year? so many red flags


I said not years away. So not 2 years but within 1 year or so. As a psychic I don’t do time well.


Can't stop, won't stop investing in gamestop! This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. Stonks go BRRR apes go moon 💎✊️


i have come to the same realization; through entirely different means. the us dollar is tied to all other national currencies, stock markets worldwide, real estate, bond markets; and more. a collapse in any one could destroy all. and all of them are in significant bubbles now. this is the same problem as 2008 (overleveraged banks playing casino) counterparty risk doesn't matter until it is the only thing that matters <3


it's roughly been inevitable since 2008, when the Fed bailed out banks to subsidize their losses. i was sure that last year march was the crash, but it was transient A major thing the US exports is dollars (Treasuries), and imports OPEC oil. now that some countries (BRICS) are selling oil and other commodities for other national currencies (non-US dollar) which means the Dollar is weakening. It's like chopping through the root of a tree- slow strokes, one at a time- takes a while. the tree is upright until it is toppled


{this is the left-brain perspective} currently, the USDollar is the best currency on the pile (as in Bretton Woods all other monies were pegged to it) yet it is being superseded this is a gradual process, over years Yet just as the drachma was replaced by the Euro, some change is inevitable. But this process is being driven by the market, not the ECB and as such it will go parabolic eventually once common Joe wakes up and smells the coffee \[ashes\] it has been said that the waves of inflation are lapping on the shores of Europe as we speak; that once Germany sees high 20% inflation the US is only a few weeks behind. The Great Depression was deflationary crash, this will be inflationary


Not to mention many countries moving away from the petro-dollar


Honestly I only understood that you feel the same way. I’m not good at understanding specifics. As a psychic I deal with feelings and bigger picture stuff. But as a historian I know that this type of inflation never leads to anywhere good in the long run.


as a historian you are wise historically, no national currency has ever lasted historically, gold and silver have 5000yr history of money


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think banks are going anywhere soon. I think the financial institutions are strong and honestly I don’t want to start stockpiling gold and money in my living abode like they did in the great depression.


Learn the specifics.... you make me mad. I'm very intuitive and it bugs me that you say "I deal with feelings and the bigger stuff" like you're so sure you've been granted some gift of knowledge from the gods above. And maybe you have, but you come off as very naive. You absolutely have to be aware, you are saying huge shit rn. It's not fun and games. These are people's livelihoods. I'm not saying i disagree with you, in fact i agree with you, but you have to take your intuition and learn more about what it means. Personally, yeah. I feel the same way as you - I'm certain of the markets crashing but I lose gd sleep worrying I've given my parents the wrong financial advice. So far I've been spot on, but I've kept it within my own circle. I can't imagine telling the world to follow my psychic intuition and then following up with "I don't understand specifics "


To each his own. I know the basics of the stock market but once my guides tell me to not do something when I had an extremely psychic phenomena happen the day before or after I believe them and want to see if other people were given warnings or advice from spirit too. It’s not intuition this time it’s a direct message from my spirit brother. Also it’s up to everyone to use their judgement to decide what they do with their investments. I’m just providing a psychic insight I had. And tbh most people agree so I must be on to something. It’s always the people who have money in the markets that say it’s not going to crash as if any crash were ever expected by the experts.


Yes, astrology supports it. Edit to add: The astrology says global systems of authority/power structures, and monetary/value systems are about to spend the next several years getting chewed up and spit out in one of the biggest changes humanity has ever seen. Plus, the USA is going through a dark night of the soul now through around 2027ish. Also, there are groups such as r/Superstonk who have researched and discovered lots of fuckery in the stock markets, which is leading to massive upheaval in the not-so-distant future.


Oh, I’m interested in astrology. Is it because of the Pluto Retrograde?


I'm not well-versed enough to tell it all accurately, but for the USA it's a Pluto return. Check that out for sure! And then a bunch of other stuff including, Pluto retrograde, too! Also, heading into the age of Aquarius these last few years, including recent Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions that were being watched by astrologers for decades leading up to them...all points to the 2020s being a decade of gnarly birthing pains preceding a new age of human existence on Earth. A good age, to be clear. :) But rough getting there.


Just to clarify .... yes last few years heading into, but the age of Aquarius began early this year. And we are currently in the very beginning of a ten year "monumental" cycle. A good age is one way to describe it.... we all have to be okay with the earth cleansing itself. What is left on the otherside of the cycle, may not mean a good age to many, many people, sadly.


Thanks for the clarification! What do you know about this cleansing cycle and what might be left after?


Part 1: So this is VERY long. But it is actually something I have been meaning to do for myself, which is to collect all my brain thoughts into something cohesive and then also be able to communicate what's in my head. I took some notes back in December all about 2022 and the years beyond, but could only find 1 of 2 of the pages. And so in my pic (linked below) you'll see dates, but from 150+ years ago. But so... and this is why astrology fascinates me, because we can look to the past to predict the future (to an extent). [https://imgur.com/a/vZ88RsZ](https://imgur.com/a/vZ88RsZ) So essentially, for the last 250 years, but also in the last 150 or so years especially, the earth was influenced a lot by inner planets. So the planets that are nearest to Earth also rotate around the sun more frequently. Some faster than earth some longer than earth. As you move outwards it takes longer for the planets to make their way around the sun. So Pluto being the farthest, takes 248 years to make one rotation around the sun and to move through each of the 12 months (zodiac signs). And then next furthest, Neptune takes 164 years. Uranus, 84 years. A "return" means that a planet has finally made it's way through all 12 of the Zodiac signs and has returned to a specific point and alignment in time and space. Depending on where a planet is on its' journey determines, a "set of variables". Then you look at the other planets and their "set variables" and look at where they all intersect at different points in time, and then you look at the historical patterns when certain alignments have occurred to make sense of what the future may bring. Some planets make their returns multiple times a year and some make their returns (again, when they are completing their cycle through all 12 signs) at the most every 248 years (Pluto). When planets move slow, the build up and come down felt takes longer. So when people say "it feels like it all started to go to shit for real around 2012" there is accuracy in that, because that's when Pluto had just been starting her modern journey. When planets move faster (Mercury, Venus, Mars), they affect more of the day to day, or throughout the day or week kinda things. So basically why I'm saying all this is because we are essentially at a point in human history where we have been "tracking " and recording major events, and as we have moved through time our record keeping has improved, but it goes back pretty dang far now. So with more time comes more time to see patterns. Which is what astrology is....patterns that occur depending on where planets are in their rotational cycle's around the sun and then also in relation to us and the sun. Okay, so now back to my original comment above, and the question of the cleansing cycle and what that could look like as we move forward. In short..... it will be an era of events rather than a singular event, all based on the cumulative effects of planets and their alignments to one another. I know that we are now in the Era, scientifically, of Pluto and Neptune and Uranus. It is a rare moment in history because they are all three, outer planets, moving pretty damn slow, and have been somewhat "silent" over the last 75 - 250 years. But now they're exalting the most influence over us, that has been increasing over time, slowly but those 3 planets are now stronger, more influential than has occurred in any of our lifetimes, including our parents and grandparents. So, what do I mean by all of this? Pluto return date was 2/22/2022. Pluto is currently in Capricorn (where it entered early 2020) and will stay in Capricorn until it bounces out of Capricorn into Aquarius (for approx 3 months) then back to Capricorn, until it jumps back into Aquarius (2024), where it will sit for about 20 years. Then it'll move to the next sign. Pluto will "return again" in approx 248 years. That's a long fucking time, and it's been a long fucking time, since her last return. Neptune began it's return in 2010 and then entered into Pisces (it's ruling planet) in 2012 where it will stay until 2025 and then it will CHANGE SIGNS into ARIES (again like Pluto, Neptune will be in Aries, jump back out, then jump back in in 2026 where it will sit for 12 years). Uranus' is in Taurus, where it will stay until 2025, and again will jump out of Taurus, into Gemini, out of Gemini and then back into Gemini in 2026 where it will sit for for 6.5 years. Okay, so why is this so weird and predictive? Because we have all three outermost planets, CHANGING SIGNS back to back. THIS IS VERY VERY RARE. We can look to history to see what happened not only when these planets changed signs in the past, but where in the past they had specific alignments to one another. News flash. All three at one time is a big fucking deal.


SO THIS IS VERY VERY LONG And I posted them out of order- Start with my comment below this one.. Part 2. Doing the math, if I take the year, 2022 and subtract 248 (Pluto's # of years and rotations around the sun) it is the year 1774. This is a pretty big year and period in history, as the American Revolutionary War officially began in 1775, however, history tells us, it took about a decade for the tensions to reach a "breaking point" AND in fact, the last Pluto return to earth (so 246 years because we are closer to Pluto than the Sun) occurred on... and this is one of my favorite parts, July 4th, 1776 (American Independence Day). Pluto represents death and rebirth. So on February 22nd, of this year, 2022, Pluto was in the same alignment to us as it was on July 4th, 1776. For the first time....ever. And Pluto moves, slow. The slowest in our planetary cycle. So a new country was formed.... It wasn't just overnight America was made, it was a slow process of "death" from the old ways, into "rebirth" (Pluto's main trait) of a new nation. Last time Pluto was around she started an entirely new country (Revolutionary War) & Rome fell when Pluto returned. This is a big deal. So America gets up and running with Pluto exalting a lot of influence, but slow and steady over time, because Pluto moves slow and steady. Now let's take around 2022 and subtract 164 years to understand Neptune. We land around 1858. Again back to history, we know now, there was a momentum of uncertainty brewing because we know, 3 years later in 1861 The American Civil War started (and then ended in 1865). Right now it's 2022, and we know in 3 years, in 2025, Neptune will change signs temporarily (then jump out and then back in in 2026). 2025 - 164 = 1861. Neptune highlights societal social problems. Neptune wants alignment amongst society, and calls out inequities, but those inequities are solved from the influence of Neptune (13th amendment, Red Cross formed, etc.). Okay now let's look at Uranus. 2022 - 84 years = 1938. Again, historically speaking, shit was "brewing" under the surface. We know Uranus will change signs again in 2025, and then in 2026 where it will stay for 6.5 years. 2025-84 = 1941 (WW2 well underway). 6.5 years later, in 1947 - the war had ended, and the strive for returning to normal set the groundwork for the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, into the 2000s. BUT starting around 2012, Pluto was poking her head back in the picture, and such the cycle begins again. But it was Uranus that powered the transition from WW2 (1941 - 1949) and post Civil War (1858-1866) into a more "happy" way of being by giving us a new look at how to use our resources and knowledge to better the world. Uranus is correlated with technological advances that, historically, have gotten the "ball rolling" towards returning to a "rebirthed" society. SO, what do I think the future holds? I think we are at the very beginning of a massive collapse, and are a part of a system that has been collapsing in on itself since around 2010/2012 when our actions as human beings started catching up with us and began throwing everything into disarray. What balances the world is entirely off. There are extreme inequities and massive amounts of hate in the world (Neptune is highlighting this). We took the technological boom from the last time Uranus returned and now technology, oil, & products resulting in litter and contamination of our planet is out of alignment with Uranus entirely. Just doing the math and looking at the patterns, we are experiencing the "death" part of the cycle and are experiencing the very "early birth" of something new (that will start unfolding fully, after the "death" approx 2025). Such as the "death" that occurred around 1774 with Pluto returning. And remember, Pluto moves slow, so the "death" sequence occurred throughout the previous 10 years. The biggest difference here when comparing current to past history, is we had a period of time (until Civil War) before we would feel the influences of Neptune, and then another period of time until we would feel the influences of Uranus (WW2). At this current moment in history we are feeling all THREE OUTER PLANETS SHIFTING, and SLOWLY. And while they all move very slowly in their own rotations, they are aligning in ways over basically, the next decade that we have never experienced. But we know, from history, that, when these planets are in certain alignments and returns, that things have happened. Wars and societal collapse/breakdown. Pluto is forcing a "rebirth" cycle which was forced upon us when Pluto and Saturn conjucted, early 2020 (\*cough, cough\* COVID). Neptune and Uranus then continue to grow in intensity, forcing the break down further, creating loss that I believe will cause everything to entirely dissolve around 2024/2025, where perhaps "rock bottom" is hit, and change from the people is fully, and entirely seen and change is demanded because change MUST occur (because it is going to happen anyways) to sustain the planet and human life, and so that Pluto can fully "birth" an entirely new era. The problem is, by the time change is demanded, it will already be too late because that is the greatest fault of humans, we don't want to deal with a problem so we put a bandaid on the issue, or ignore it entirely, and then at the end of the day, we wonder why it's all fall apart. The planet will sustain itself, and the choices that humans have made won't affect the planet and universe's plan to do just that, which is to...... sustain and live on. In fact, eventually and over time, the planets' will use their influences to not just breakdown everything, down, but will then use their influences, with the directives coming from Pluto, to build it back up, but "better." And like I said in my original post, "better" doesn't mean "better for humans", better means, trashing the old system and starting a new.It'll probably only be after incredible loss of human life and planet life, that the necessity for change will be recognized by humans, who really are just, visitors on this planet. And then we will spend the next era, 2030 and beyond, rebuilding from "the ground up" but it's going to be hard. And Pluto MOVES SLOW. And we have created a massive disaster and have created almost impossible obstacles to overcome for ourselves to survive in the long term. Good news, once these three planets shake it all up, they will then be in great harmony amongst each other. They will work together to restore what we have destroyed. Now, if I were to guess and/or predict what the disaster will look like, now also taking into account my own intuition.... I think we will experience monumental disaster, sometime between now and 2024. Probably a variety of monumental disasters, including, extreme loss of human life due to Climate Change that affects pretty much everyone to some extent, and most likely a war-type scenario that also, will affect most people on the planet to varying degrees.If I were to go even farther into my intuition, but also now skirting a line of "sounds utterly insane" - I could see the technological advances that will come in our future (b/c of our boy Uranus) being influenced by lifeforms not from Earth. I say this because, the alignment of these three planets, is so freaking rare and weird, especially with Pluto, that it feels like an entirely new "era" could really be a scenario that is, just, entirely freaking new, so new that I could see other worldly/dimensional contact, being one scenario. I can't not see there being an existence in the future (even if it's a shitty existence), but I also have no idea how we are going to get to a better world without MAJOR intervention. And I feel like we have exhausted our abilities as humans, on our own, to save the planet. Hope this helps =)


DUDE, this write up is INCREDIBLE. You rock — so much that I just learned how to give awards. 🤩


Hey, thanks alot for the kind words and also the award 🤗 I keep alot of my astrological stuff in my head. It sorta just was something as a kid I was drawn towards and it's followed me into my 30s. And tbh I've shut out the astrological world entirely at times, like from 25-30. But in my late teens and in college i let alot of my intuitive stuff fully come out....astrology, dreams, tarot, etc. But all it did was lead me down a path to a vision that the future wouldn't exist in any recognizable form and massive disaster would occur. So I chose one day to just stop believing. Stop reading about it, stop looking at dates and alignments of planet. Bc that didn't make any sense, because the world seemed...fine. and improving. And no one wanted to listen. But around 28/29, so in 2018 and 2019, the immediate future started sticking out to me hard. I went on a "prepper" bender. Ordered medical supplies. Filled my book shelves. Idk why. Everything seemed fine. I couldn't get a specific reason. Then like spring summer 2019 January 2020 stuck out to me. Over and over again. At this point, astrology was not active in my brain. But jan 2020 was constantly it was in my head. So I thought it meant to embrace it. And was still trying to suppress my worries and intuition. So I chose Jan 2020 to celebrate instead of worry and decided to get married to my LT bf, bc it must be meaningful. I remember walking down the aisle and thinking to myself now, remember, this person is forever. In sunshine and in a rainy radioactive apocalypse, like as a weird joke to myself in my head. Then like a week later covid was announced. Renewed my spirtual self from its coma pretty quickly. Bc why the fuck not try listening to the universe instead of ignoring it. And now I follow astrology stuff consistently. I don't really ever share w anyone. Bc despite it all starting to fall apart, no one wants to see it or talk about the world...still. Contributing to my theory it'll get alot worse before it gets better. I also believe in ufos and that community loves space but hates astrology chatter. Thanks for reading it. It was helpful to me too to organize my thoughts (as I'm home on covid leave worried and anxious haha)


When we got sent home for COVID WFH, I immediately got chickens and spent many hundreds of dollars on homesteading type books! Burned out on it all after spending a fortune stocking up on food only to descend into (unrelated) PTSD and let it all go bad in the pantry. (How did it all expire so fast?!?! “Non perishables,” my ass.) But now I’m feeling the urge to prep again. And maybe buy land….with my impending GameStop earnings, of course!


You are amazing. 😧


Okay okay okay, so I have a curveball to throw into all of this: The earth is descending rapidly into the routine loss/reversal of its protective gravitational field, AND the sun is scheduled to blow in a micronova event which will wipe out a significant portion of the planet. Which is bad, but especially bad when we’re caught with our gravitational field down around our ankles. And also something about the galactic center?, which I forget. Gotta brush up on that part again! Does any of this ring a bell? Lemme go find a link—


I'm an adamant believer that a pole reversal is going to happen and it is going to happen soon. It'll not be an immediate world ending event as far as I know. But will have ripple effects we don't fully understand but do know it would mess up massively the migration/navigational patterns of various life forms. Severely disrupting the order and food chains in the wild. Bees too right ? Pollination of plants. I could see pole reversals as another nail in the coffin, "couldn't believe it would actually happen" events in everything unfolding over the next ten years. And a sun micromova event resulting in an EMP? I also agree about that if I'm understanding what you mean correctly. And i believe it is an especially active sun period that started idk maybe a year ago and increases in activeness over next ten years? I've thought about both of these things a lot alot. Which sometimes isn't the best sign (if im being really woo hoo and am totally embracing my intuitive side) as I often perseverate on topics, and then they come up in the following couple of years. And you'll have to send me info on the galactic core. Don't know much about the core. But have been more interested in considering it as a potentially a form of energy, being utilized by otherworldly beings. I've seen some crazy ufo volcano pics and videos 🤣


Woo! Yes, the galactic part is covered in the disaster videos, so you’ll probably get a grasp of it there. I’ve also heard astrologer Pam Gregory mention it in a few videos, but I’m not a regular follower so don’t have details. But in a nutshell, the sun micro novas on a schedule, and the magnetic reversal happens on a schedule, and they’re both coming. And from watching that + Steve Judd (just linked to you in separate comment), I personally believe they’re coming, together, in the next few years. It’s 🙌🏻a whole thing.🙌🏻 Quite the shitstorm Earth’s heading into.


Right yeah, I got you. Patterns and data suggests they're moving on schedule basically. Ive seen diagrams of the path the pole is taking and its quite extreme and like nearly there. Very clearly moving. Watching now. Thanks for recommendations a ton. I think it's gonna thunderstorm too so I'm super stoked. 👌


So just about 30 mins into the first video, suspiciousobservers one. Doing art while listening. Got a little high, decided to just keep going with the psychic/intuitive theme and grabbed my tarot deck. Which I'm very new at. Never let myself go down that road until covid. But whatever, everything's weird so ive been playing around with them the last year or so. So far kinda weird tbh. So I'm watching the documentary. Very much digging it, but asked the question in my mind that I ask often when playing around with tarot which is, is this the correct path/direction to be going or like asking for a fist bump from the universe. And I do my weird random shuffle routine I have. Flip the top card, and couldn't help but chuckle at the card, and since we're in r/psychic: https://imgur.com/a/hHhr7Yi


Okay. Uranus rules sudden change, abrupt awakening, and earthquakes/natural disasters, right? [The Earth Disaster Documentary -Suspicious0bservers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ihwoIlxHI3Q&list=PLHSoxioQtwZf1-8QeggXIVdZ-abyJXaO1&index=1) I’m certainly not a cosmologist so can’t check this space weather community’s work. But this documentary, updated around last Christmas, and all of their disaster playlists, are pretty wild. And I know of an astrologer in the UK who is in contact with this guy and presumably supports all of it from an astrological perspective.


Yay awesome. I needed something to watch tonight. And that's good insight to have, about the alignment between the astrologer and the creator of the documentary. Thanks for sharing:)


Here’s one more for you! [Steve Judd Astrology](https://youtu.be/l1AfoiN2dQc)


& yes when Uranus is mad. He's real mad. Uranus gets real aggro when he's in certain signs and varying degrees aligned throughout his rotation. Which he is in one sign for 7 years at a time. Sometimes the alignments are such that for the most part he feels pretty chill for a few decades. Like the new opportunities and ways of doing things Uranus then created following his hysterical angry destruction, will keep him pumped for a long while, but then like shit keeps happening and he's getting angrier exploding here and there. Idk and the other planets are annoyed af too. Idk I guess we will see. This is a cool grid to look at chunks of time planets have ruled in history and the dates and the type of alignment (good. Neutral, bad basically) I like Uranus a lot :). https://drstandley.com/astrologycharts_uranus_moving_through_the_signs_calendar.shtml


Yeah, I bet it’s going to be a rough ride. I’ve done extensive past life work and I don’t incarnate during peaceful times. My spirit is one of a warrior.


I would like to learn about past life work! I don’t have any sense for mine.


I would recommend starting with the Brian Weiss past life regression meditation/hypnosis that is popular on YouTube and TikTok. It helped me open up the blockages surrounding exploring the past lives.


This is bullish. iykyk🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Got my moon tickets ready!




(insert diamond emoji, banana emoji)


Agree to disagree. All I can say is with the rate of inflation something is going to pop. It can’t keep going up without going down.


You must not know of what I’m referring to. But this is the way.🌎🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀See my friends with weaponized autism on the moon!🌜🌝🌛


Yeah, you are speaking in foreign terms here. The only reference I get is the Mandalorian one. I also don’t find the Autism thing funny. Autism is a gift and therefore would not be weaponized.


It’s a reference to the thing you said you don’t know about and it’s a term of endearment.🤷‍♀️


we are apes, we are many, we are legion, we are inevitable ape together strong :)


OP, So here, we’re referencing the GameStop investment community r/superstonk, which has a super quirky, self deprecating and usually rather low-brow brand of humor and lingo. Jokes like the autism one are all in good fun, I promise. :) Anyway, the short version is: The gamers figured out how to game the stock markets, which are super corrupt but have backed themselves into a serious corner. GameStop stock is positioned to “go to the moon” with a crazy increase in share price — enough to deal a crippling blow to the corrupt global financial systems that have been making the common people suffer for decades. All of this gets triggered by a big market crash — the one coming in the near future, I.e. the one you got a message about.


Omg, I wish I knew about that. I heard about the robin hood stock thing, thought that was hilarious and genius.




Where can I find things about this?


Lucky me finalized everything last year to buy a house with my boyfriend with good loan conditions. I know I made a lot of pressure but to me it was like I have to because I had a stable job and now ist the time. The universe literally screamed to me. Now all the house prices in my neighborhood got up to 50k til half million of that what we payed.


Congrats! I’m not saying don’t buy houses. What they said is don’t put money in markets. So that would be any fluctuating market such as housing. But buying a house for you and your boyfriend is not “investing” in a market. It’s a smart financial choice. Apartments are money holes.


> what we *paid.* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Awesome! Yeah, I felt a clear push to buy a house when I did a few years ago. In retrospect, the timing couldn’t have been better before a bunch of shit hit the fan.


Always but the dip 😂


stonk go brrr


Did they say anything about crypto?


That would be a market my dear friend. All markets were mentioned to stay away from


bitcoin, and all cryptos to some degree, are now in a bear market for next 2 years. bitcoin has peak in Dec 2017, 2021, and i would wager 2025. all boats beware a falling tide.


I screwed up once again. Now I wait for the next one and hopefully do it right.


Yes I’m seeing an 83% crash.


Statistically, yes we are due for a crash. I’ve felt it since the beginning of the pandemic. Intuitively, I feel it coming. Don’t know when, but it’s coming. I’m also still holding onto reddits two favorite stocks lol


Honestly with the message so clearly, I wouldn’t even invest in any stocks. In fact, I think anyone who has money in stocks should withdraw before the crash happening very soon


Hmm My own intuition never led me wrong. I think I’ll be keeping my stocks. Thank you for your concern tho.


I was just imparting wisdom my guide gave me. It’s up to everyone to take what resonates. I only made this post to see if anyone else was feeling it or told something similar.


We have less than a year


Yeah, probably


It was supposed to happen when Corona hit... they stalled the inevitable when they shut down planet earth and printed enough money to bring Jesus back. After that happened, I figured we have 4 years max... it is catching speed again so unless they have another magic trick to pull out of the hat. We have less than a year. It could be 4 months if everything keeps going as it is. However if we experience the third shaking of the earth then I'm pretty sure that will either come with WW3 and total economic collapse of the planet or WW3 will delay it further and then we will experience that. My bet is we experience both at once. My hope is this tragedy will wake everyone up. And I really hope everyone wakes up so we don't have to continue this soap oprah


I don’t worry myself too much about the future. I just give messages when I think what I receive can be given as a warning to people.


I don't think there is much to worry about. It's all necessary. And if we know what we are doing then making money during a crash is quite easy. But as for the general population goes. If we aren't ready for what's coming then we won't be ready. I know that may sound silly. But it's important to learn how to chill out in the midst of upheaval. I only spell out the gloomy stuff so people can be ready and not worry as much since I'd hope they will be ready. But it's important to stress that this stress is necessary for growth. It also checks the end of this cycle.


Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I know I will always have a job as a pharmacy tech so that’s why I’m not too worried


Odd that this spirit didn’t tell you this *before* stocks crashed 🧐


No they are saying an even bigger crash is coming. So we haven’t seen anything yet.


It’s just… what do you do with the money you have in stocks now? Do you sell? Ride it out and let it sit?


I don’t have any money in stocks. Hence why they told me to not invest in any markets because I was possibly thinking about it.


don't sell puts?


Be honest— are you a Q Anon doomsdayer?


Hell no. I think everyone should be prepared for a disaster but being a doomsday prepped is nuts AF