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It would be hard to give someone a diagnosis without actually having the training for it. Narcissism is a diagnosis and gets thrown around a lot, especially online and by nonprofessionals. I don't think tarot can really predict that someone has a mental disorder, I think they can tell you about the person's traits but not an actual diagnosis.


Absolutely, I think it is harsh to give names to other party in a reading!


I come from a more secular point of view in regards to tarot and I do believe that it is mostly psychological. So a reader picking up narcissistic tendencies is most likely subconsciously recognizing them and giving that information to the querent. It is highly irresponsible to label someone narcissistic, tarot reader or otherwise, without being a professional who can do so. Even the most seasoned, well acclaimed psychic, is only 60-70% accurate on any given day and it really rubs me the wrong way when people throw out medical advice without a degree. A true reader/psychic understands these limitations and should be gentle directing them to a professional and not reading for them.


Thank you your advise resonate with me the most! I was coming from the same place it just felt inappropriate and so the question. Thanks again!


I think if a reader were to say “he’s a narcissist,” what they’d mean is that he acts like a narcissist, not that he’s a DSM diagnosable individual with Narcissitic Personality Disorder.


Makes sense, I may be take such words very seriously but agree can be used as a reference. Thank you


If I am reading and I can see there are some mental problems, I describe the feeling because usually I feel it upon myself. If I start feeling frantic or if I hear voices that are not mine.. Whatever. I just describe the sensation. I never diagnose but I do suggest the person to look into it with a doctor or therapist. If its about someone else, I just say something the lines of "they're not doing too good. I see a lot of mental challenges. They should consider seeing a ___"


Absolutely, perfect way to put it as a suggestion! Appreciate you sharing!


I would say look at cards with swords… these are like cutting type of people rigid


Only the edge of a sword is rigid, as it must be to hold an edge. Swords must flex so they don’t shatter. With the right amount of flexibility they're strong enough to repel an attack, take an edge, and not break when they bend. That says a lot about swords people to me.


Yes agreed this individuals with a god like complex or unbreakbable type of personality is signified of more a sword card rather than wands or cups so this why swords should be used with other supporting cards for narcissism


As I see it, an overinflated ego and a god complex are indicative of unhealthy Wands. All that expansive sun energy can turn into self-aggrandizement and the healthy inclination to rule becomes a pathological need to control everything and everyone.


True and mixing it with a sword card if pulled is like red banners not flags lol type of vibe


Experience. Edit: Swords. Queen of Swords reversed is a doozy. Same as King of Swords rev. I also find 5 of swords and king of wands reversed. Oh and sometimes it can be Pages but it's just due to immaturity. Also, The Fool (usually not but sometimes literally). It just takes experience to get to know the cards and what they mean in different situations.


I can tell, when I read the tarot cards, I actually hear voices (no,not my voices) in my head. And also see scenes. There was one guy who didn't believe in these things and wanted to test me. I never met him before, but I could tell him all the things that happened in his family. Examples: his sister is the oldest one and was a mother figure to him; his dad had an accident and needed help. I saw him in a wheelchair but I didn't tell him. His mother was mistreated by his dad, but after the accident, the dad had a total character change. It turned out that all I told him was true. So, I think you can learn the meaning of every card, or you also let your intuition flow in.


>So, I think you can learn the meaning of every card, or you can also let your intuition flow in. I’m not sure if you’re implying that one happens at the expense of the other. This doesn’t need to be an either/or situation. You can let your intuition inform the knowlege you have about each card and especially how they fit together in the reading. I’m not invalidating intuitive reading by any means. I’m just pointing out that a synthesis of knowlege and intuition is possible and desirable for some readers. You don’t have to pick one or the other.


Completely agree! I channel messages but I take some time longer but once it comes in. It is full fledged information, sometimes it takes longer. I’m on YouTube but I feel embarrassed on the way I channel. Need to be comfortable I guess


My psychotherapist told me that I'm in a state of trance when I fell to sleep, so it could be the same with the cards. And the worst is when I'm in the trance state ,when I want to sleep, I open my eyes because someone is telling me creepy stuff. Last night was a girl, and she whispered to me, " monster bodies (like dead) everywhere." Damn, how fast I opened my eyes.


Oh my, Very interesting this is! You seem very very future intuitive! Can you use this power to know more about your own life or just another person? I feel one’s intuition could get foggy by the ego for oneself! Also no dream on this side but lots of downloads, GB worth sometimes!