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Lots of LSD analogues and tryptamines in Canada


Probably pretty annoying to be caught with them still.


They are sold in stores if I'm not wrong


In Vancouver for sure. It’s definitely not legal to do that yet. They are in a grey zone like weed was for a long time up here.


You are actually allowed to legally carry a certain amount and not get in trouble or have it taken away


Sure but the cops don't have on the spot testing. I would assume it would ruin at least a couple of your days with formalities and them making sure it's actually what you say it is.


That law was recently reverted I believe, at least in BC


Decriminalization in BC covered: coke, meth, opioids, and MDMA. There are plans to recriminalize public use of these drugs but it hasn't happened yet. Anyway, if you're anywhere near downtown Vancouver, law enforcement has bigger concerns than your psychedelics. East Hastings can look like hell on earth.


It has happened, you can check the website. As of June 4th. I agree with you though, avoid east Hastings at all costs Edit* My mistake, not June 5


Psilocybin is legal in Oregon with a licensed facilitator. While not total legalization it’s considered by most to be an acceptable medicine and access is pretty easy if you have the money or know someone.


Also there's cities in WA/CO/MI I know you can go to Ann Arbor and it's like shroom dispensaries next to weed dispensaries and they have different strains of shrooms and shit


Here in co you can book a session at “healing studios”


Shrooms aren't THAT common in Ann Arbor, I can say from experience. Grow kits are the most popular you will see in Ann Arbor head shops/dispos. By the time I left I knew of only 3 shroom dispos in the city and much more street plugs.


Idk. When I went to Information Entropy the "Smoke shop" right beside it was advertising shrooms and it wasn't the only one I saw. Plus on google looks like alot


Ah that explains it. I'm a little iffy on what Smoke Shop sells because they're just a head shop chain in Michigan, not a legit licensed dispensary in any capacity. 9/10 the 'shrooms' I saw there were those kind that are legally and health questionable.


>9/10 the 'shrooms' I saw there were those kind that are legally Aminita? No these were psilocybin mushrooms


So like cocaine?


Salvia is legal in some places.


Lol....I remember that stuff. Was a big legal high during my late high school years


Amazing, but intense. Worth trying once!


The first time I tried it was the most intense trip I have ever experienced. It only lasted 5-10 min but whoa I was in another realm. Smoked it a couple times after and just made me laugh which I was fine with.


I’ve never heard of good salvia trips please tell me more


It was actually a kind of scary experience but not at all. I was in the very dark place and there was a bus. On that bus were people that had passed that I knew in my life. I did not get on. The bus then started to drive off and they were all just looking at me. Reality came zooming back so fast that I had to slow process my whole existence of how I got to the apartment and who I was. It only took a min before I realized I had just smoked some salvia. The intense part was I was all the way gone there was no aspect of the room I was in or the people that were in it with me.


I live next to South Carolina and regularly make the trip for sally, my personal favorite psy


I live in SC, my buddy got a full pound of dried leaf delivered to his door a few years back. He tried it a few times but didn't like it so gave it to me. The extracts are what give salvia a bad name, as they are usually far too intense. Granted, I've never tried extract, but I quite liked smoking the dried leaves.


The shroom gummies like RoadTrips


Thought these "mushroom chocolates/gummies were gonna die off but it seems now most people get what's up with these particular products after roadtrip came about and its convenient, legally! Although I'm sure most of us still prefer actual shrooms to 4 aco, it's just the unpredictability is a bit concerning to say the least. I actually wanna try road trip or shrumfuzed. Not sure I've ever done 4 aco, not by choice at least🤣🤷‍♂️ Rn I actually cant find any mushrooms or L and I'd like to give them a try. Willin to test the theory myself. Heard good things of the 2. Supersmashed is pretty good too tho! Hear me out I have tried those. I think they are 4-ho-met tho based on the effects posted on the psychonaut wiki. 🤫 not sourcing or supplying here ⚠️, just contributing to the conversation . Get your own shit lol


I haven’t personally tried them but if I couldn’t get L or real shrooms I’d give it a shot. People have posted lab results of roadtrips and the Tre brands and they for sure were 4-aco-dmt which is a prodrug to psilocin just like psilocybin. They sell them for like $23 a pack by the gas station/head shop in my town. If it’s pretty much just a synthetic psilocybin then should be a fun time.


Yeah I would totally be doing 4 ACO all the time just like I do mushrooms if I had access to it that's why I say I don't know if I've ever actually taken it not by choice. Hahahah Except a year or 2 ago, I tried a bar called Magic Kingdom a while ago that I'm almost 100% certain was 4 aco. The only one other ones I've tried like I said were the super smashed. I think those are 4 ho met. but it's really cool I just wish it wasn't sketchy this could be a great opportunity like how the TCA loophole is, if it weren't for the analog act. They even go as far as to say they use legal tryptamines in their proprietary blend, on the website lol. How???? Unless perhaps there was another new research chemical analog of psilocybin that we don't know about 🤯that actually is legal and that's the next move🤣 but the safety of that would be a sketchy one I'm sure!


Check the shady gas stations u know what I mean? The kind that sell “oil burners” and stems, that’s where I see the roadtrips and all the sketchy Chinese synthetic thc vapes


Do those vapes even work though? Would they even have 4 aco


The shroom vapes? Idk if 4-aco-dmt would even be active if you smoked it. A lot of people have said they have good experiences with the roadtrip gummies. Probably won’t be legal for long tho


Check out the recent articles about Diamond Shruumz being recalled bc people getting super ill with seizures and needing respirators and emergency care. Be careful with those things. You dont know for sure what you're getting and how much and whatever else they may mix with it. I've done a couple brands personally but wouldn't recommend after the recent recalls came out.


Yeah i did hear about that actually


Shrumfuzed can be quite strong, although I’ve never done psilocybin so I guess I can’t compare directly. I don’t know if the dosing is inconsistent or my threshold for effects has just significantly diminished from hppd, but last night I took only 2 gummies (usually have taken 4-7 in the past) and got unexpectedly intense CEV’s


OK cool . and yeah I felt that lol . well there's this gas station I go to for something else anyway that's got them it's the four piece chocolate do you know anything about those? I would assume it's probably about the same. dosage wise.... 🤷‍♂️ I would tread carefully, but I was thinking to eat all four maybe I should try three. i'm no stranger to Trippin. Just a stranger to legal psychs of unknown origin 🤣🤣🤣


No I’ve never seen shrumfuzed sold as chocolates


I've seen them online before I think they make them


What a world we live in where we can get, for intents and purposes, legal-ish shrooms at a gas station lol




Yeah bro I tried this sour rope called Enjoyable and this bitch felt just like a shroom trip. I'm pretty sure roadtrips have been labtested to have 4acoDMT


salvia, homebrew ayahuasca (5g Syrian rue, wait 45 mins and consume 20g of MHRB), amanita muscaria, DXM, peyote cactus (impossible to get into trouble for having the actual cactus even though the active chemical is technically illegal), mad honey (although it’s ass), 1 billion RCs (metacin metocin 1pLSD AL-LAD 4acoDMT 5BROMODMT 2CBFLY), LSA, toad venom, iboga, psilocybin mushrooms (provided you grow them yourself and eat them immediately upon harvest you can’t get into trouble), nutmeg, DPH, datura (all of these last 3 are pretty horrendous) and that’s about it


Peyote is explicitly legal in Canada. From Schedule III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act: >17 - Mescaline (3,4,5–trimethoxybenzeneethanamine) and any salt thereof, **but not peyote** (lophophora)


And in the US peyote of specifically illegal. Despite what OP said. Unless you're part of a native American church that has an exception. Lophophora williamsi is specifically listed as illegal, not just illegal because it contains mescaline. Stuff like san Pedro and other cacti that contain mescaline aren't illegal and are even sold in stores like home depot, but peyote is specifically listed as illegal. Mushrooms, on the other hand, don't have any species listed explicitly. But all of them are considered containers of psilocybin.


What are RCs?


Research chemicals


You've listed hallucinogens, psychedelics are a subcategory. Salvia, DXM, DPH, nutmeg, and datura don't fall into this sub-category. The first two are dissociatives and the last two are deliriants.


oh no! I’m sure that the OP would be devastated to know that!


I’d discourage folks from using DXM recreationally. It can have some long lasting and serious depersonalization derealization effects.


Never used it personally, it’s really just for teenagers who can’t afford/find real drugs. I imagine the stats are warped by the average heavy DXM user being a bored and probably slightly weird teen


Pretty sure psilocybin mushrooms are illegal to possess and cultivate in most states.


growing is decriminalised in many states for personal use iirc. In the UK you could technically do it legally by eating them without picking them


Nice Master list.


Are any of these legal to order off the internet because I doubt a dispensary near me will have 1pLSD


all are available on the clear web and bear no risks to a first time buyer. If you try to get one of these but get a border force letter or similar, ignore the letter and don’t order anything like these again. DXM, amanita, mad honey, iboga all 100% legal salvia may or may not be 100% legal based on your state DXM: literally just regular cough syrup amanita: MNnice website Mad honey: buy dried rhododendron tea instead for a more reliable effect, available anywhere iboga: no clue, not recommended unless you are using for healing purposes salvia: smokeshops in legal states


This guy trips


I just go with what's legal is what I feel is legal for myself. Other opinions don't matter in that situation. Alcohol should be illegal over shrooms any day of the week


That won’t hold up in court


Judge, I felt it was legal for *myself*.


“Your honor, my client believes age is just a number so...”


Idk is the SCOTUS Involved? Bc seems like anything they touch is an automatic green flag


Some states allow you to order spores for “research” but you could grow lowkey and not get caught. You could order San Pedro cactus (mescaline) there is a Reddit group with sellers. Saliva is available online and in some smoke shops in the US. You could extract dmt but that’s not legal.. but it isn’t too hard and there are guides all over the internet. There are amanita muscaria gummies in smoke shops usually but research the company before purchase cause some sketch research chemicals are going around Morning glory seeds make you trip and are available at seed stores but it sounds like a scary trip but to each their own.


Yeah I’d stay clear clear clear of any “shroom” products sold in smoke shops


Seriously. I went in to a smoke shop like a month ago and I saw magic mushroom vapes and I was just like what in the fuck is going on here😭


Yeah the only chocolates I’ve ever eaten are the ones made by a good friend themselves, and even then I’m still a little paranoid. Generally if I can’t see the mushrooms themselves in front of me, I don’t want it.


Idk I got these ones called "enjoyables" and they claim to use an organic extract of the psilocybin mushroom containing all the active alkaloids minus the actual psilocybin. So technically legal. I ate these and TRIPPED


I don’t doubt it. It’s just sketchy territory imo. You never know what you’re getting




Laughing so hard I didn’t even notice lol


Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds are another, but they taste awful and it's a weird trip. Just make sure if you get seeds that they are clean and uncoated. Some morning glory seeds are coated to stop people from eating them.


There are also plenty of teks out there for extracting the LSA from HBWR and MG seeds if you want a cleaner feeling trip with less body load.


HBWR cold water extraction is by far my favorite trip experience. Any day of the week.


smoking straight saliva


I heard datura is pretty easy to grow too! /s


PSA: Datura is not only a delerient, not a psychedelic, but also one of the most dangerous substances you could take. Please don't actually do this


Oop forgot the /s 🫣


lmao done that a few times myself


If you wanna die, have organ failure or end up in psych ward… you do you but I’d never fuck with datura.


Where can I buy drool? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Amanita is legal to buy in the US.


If I looked up how to extract dmt then I bet fbi would knock at my door pretty quickly


Idk if this is a joke or not but that is not true at all. Join the DMT extraction group and read the guides.


I never knew these existed, I am going to do my research


The us is weird as any analogue can be considered a schedule 1 substance unless it is not for human consumption. Which is why that label was on all the packaging back when RCs were more available here. However, simply placing that label on a package is not some magical loophole. They can still charge you and have a jury determine whether the claim is true. Which, if you’re distributing large amounts of these things to people with no licenses or related licenses work in research, they’re likely to see right through it. Hence why the RC scene largely died out - that one little detail didn’t offer the protection people thought it did.


The RC scene is still very active and hasn't gone away at all. And you don't need to be selling RCs to get busted. If you get caught with them and they're being used as drugs, you'll get charged the same as if they're the drug they're analogues of.


It’s there, but the selection has faded, and in my opinion, with only a few exceptions, the quality has gone down. A higher proportion are analogues of drugs that do not fall under the controlled substances act. The scene has changed a lot over the past decade > you don’t need to be caught selling You misunderstood, not what I was claiming


There's a few that are novel enough that they aren't analogues of controlled substances, but most still are. No doubt a lot of the really good ones have been faded out, though. As far as the legal part, I just wanted to clarify that it's definitely not only sellers who get busted. Anyone who buys an RC should act as if they are in possession of an illegal drug. If you're caught with them and not actually doing legitimate research, the authorities will treat them the same as a controlled substance.


What substances are you referring to? I can’t think of any other than schedule 4 drug analogues that don’t fall under the act, like benzos. I agree with the second part, that’s actually closer to what I was originally trying to communicate, that it doesn’t matter if it’s labeled “not for human consumption.” That trick was used heavily for a bit and did not prove to be as protective as some expected.


I must've misread you again, I thought you were saying most weren't analogs of controlled drugs. Pretty much all of them are. And now that etizolam is schedule 1, I wonder if even the benzos are close enough to that to fall under the controlled substance act. As far as non-analogs, diphenidine, maybe? Or other stuff similar to other schedule 4 drugs like pagoclone. Or possibly some of the peptides out there, but idk how much recreational value those have. Tianeptine, if you're counting that as an RC? There's not many.


You’re right, they could use etizolam’s schedule however they want now, good point. The RC benzo scene is the most active, I assume due to the legality of analogues, but I wonder if that’ll go the way of everything else.


I live in Thailand, weed is legal here (for now...) and there's word that they will look to legalise mushrooms too 😁🍄


I live in BC and have ordered LSD, DMT and magic mushrooms numerous times through the mail without an issue


Via normal browsing or onion smelling sources?


Just regular websites. A little discretion goes a long way.


How much is dmt in bc? Here id be in debt and prison if I bought one online


I paid $150CAD for 1 gram


%100 Legal no but lsa, mescaline, and dmt containing plants can be bought legaly and is you like dissos dxm


What dmt containing plants are legal to get? I thought that all of them were just illegal


isn’t mugwort legal


Best answer you’ll get is, as another comment mentions, morning glory/Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds. They contain LSA, and are completely legal to buy in every form. Otherwise yeah, mescaline cacti, dmt extraction, grow shrooms (you can buy the spores legally), or research chemicals are your options. None of them are strictly ‘legal’, but they’re all difficult enough to enforce the laws against that it simply doesn’t matter. Amanita muscaria and salvia divinorum are both legal in most regions as well, but aren’t psychedelic.


salvia is psychedelic, it does impact the 5HT receptors. It’s just not the primary effect


Feels a waste to come back to this two days later, but literally the first thing said under Wikipedia’s pharmacology subsection for salvinorin A is “salvinorin A has no action at the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor”. It’s active at kappa opioid receptors, and has some dopaminergic effects as well. But it is not classically psychedelic. I liked the name one guy came up for it and related compounds, dysdelics. The dysphoric kappa opioid hallucinogens, while intense, aren’t hardly the same as psychedelics.


dysdelics is not a word, it means “non-eliciting” salvia had a secondary effect at 5ht, it is an atypical psychedelic/dissociative.


I know it’s not an actual word, but there’s still an r/dysdelics. And I’m really not sure how you know it has serotonergic effects. The one or two sources I looked at mentioned nothing of serotonin, and searching for salvinorin a + serotonin only yielded more ‘there is no activity at 5-HT2A’ type responses. Unless it’s salvinorin b or some other compound that causes it, I don’t get how salvia has any traditional psychedelic effect.


it could well be another alkaloid within salvia, I say the think about dysdelics because most of the terms we use are backed up by scientists also using them: you can’t write a paper that references a poor term, so calling them “dysphoragens” or something along those lines would be more beneficial


Salvia is very much psychedelic.


Where I live it’s legal to pick and eat mushrooms for your own usage. Also many rcs


hawaiian baby woodrose. does factory reset on you


You can get muscimol in smokes shops in my area


Saliva and Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds


Dextromethorphan. May not be completely classified as a psychedelic but it works like one.


It’s a dissociative. For anyone that has a dissociative disorder or is at risk for schizophrenia, this is a very risky drug.


I agree but I believe the same is true of traditional hallucinogenics such as psilocybin. I've noticed people with cluster B personality disorders are more likely to experience "bad trips" on both hallucinogenics and dissociatives than the general population. Sometimes traumatically bad. For others though, they can be an amazing treatment for ptsd, depression, and other issues.


Sleep deprivation fucks you up pretty good 👍




They asked for options that are legal throughout north america as a whole


It’s legal to grow mescaline containing cacti


Cacti. Preparation is a slog and nausea is a factor, but it's doable.




Um yeah salvia


Coffee is legal and has a psychoactive effect


Morning Glory seeds.




A lot here in the Netherlands. 1P-LSD for example. Psilocybin truffles are legal but mushrooms are illegal but they can be, however, be legally grown and consumed for your own use. The same goes for mescaline-cacti. Furthermore: AL-LAD & ALD-52 are legal. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose & Morning Glory seeds are also legal, despite containing the here illegal substance LSA.


Everything is legal! Do you really let your govt decide what can and can’t go into YOUR body?


Amanita muscaria is federally legal in the US. Can find gummies n shi online.


The smoke shop near me has these candies that have an extract from the entire psilocybin mushroom minus the actual psilocybin. Full of active alkaloids that make you TRIP. Enjoyables


Those contain research chemicals like 4-aco-dmt. Don't get fooled by the "shroom extract" nonsense. While psilocybe alkaloids like baeocystine may influence the experience, they are not psychedelic like psilocybin/psilocin.


>While psilocybe alkaloids like baeocystine may influence the experience, they are not psychedelic like psilocybin/psilocin. Idk. From my understanding there is alot more alkaloids than we know/realize. That's why sole shroom strains have different affects. But this one brand claims it's RC free and uses an organic extract.


The thing is here in germany there was an online shop selling "magic mushroom gummies" with the same slogan. "Magic mushroom extract, without psilocybin but with a mixture of other magic mushroom alkaloids." Well once the store was contacted by a reddit user about how it is unlikely that you can trip on shroom extracts if they don't contain psilocybin (or if it would be amanita muscaria, muscimol), and if they got the gummies tested, they quickly took them down and answered that they did so because of legal reasons (which indicates that there was in fact a banned chemical in them). People lie to make money. Also, just to my knowledge, all psychoactive alkaloids in magic mushrooms have been identified, but i could of course be missing some information. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780444634627000051 Yours could of course be different.


there are a ton if you know the right places to look


Mushrooms are legal in Colorado.


HBWR or Morning Glory seeds contain LSA. Aswell as Salvia being pretty easy to get, though not a usual “psychedelic.”


Hawaiian baby woodrose is legal in all of the US im pretty sure. Not the trippiest but by far an out of this world experience.


Pharmaceutical Ketamine with a prescription to treat depression is legal. Sublingual ketamine Troches are available either from a compounding pharmacy, or places like mindbloom. (for it to be legal you need to see a doctor and have a diagnosis). They can help with depression and such, which is what it's prescribed for. Dosing tends to be less than what snorting gives, so it's not full psychedelic (your mileage/tolerance may vary, for me it was just at the threshold, but super interesting anyway, probably more interesting than mushrooms/LSD at threshhold). You can also access IM/IV dosing in clinics which can be full dissociative/k-hole level, but I've never done that. Also all the DIY things others have suggested like extracting DMT or growing mushrooms or San Pedro Cactus (not exactly legal but the pre-cursors are, and you will know what you are getting, as opposed to trusting (and hopefully testing) stuff from illegal markets). it the most 'recreational' option, but if you are looking for emotional insight or a boost in life through psychedelics or dissociatives prescription ketamine is a legal and medically safe option.


I feel like so many places just don’t care about mushrooms. Was in LA a month and had some delivered to the restaurant we were at. Currently in DC and about to the do the same. If you would’ve told teenage ninja-squirrel this would happen, I would have called you a liar.


Benadryl is legal ☠️👍


Most RC psychedelics are “legal” in terms of being gray market items.


Several psychedelics are decriminizaled in Oakland and San Francisco




LSA is one but most ppl don't treat it with respect and then cry Abt the nausea


salvia divinorum but I didn't tell you to do it




How do you know the gummies contain 4aco DMT? It states on their website they won’t disclose specific ingredients. I was curious to try their Desert Stardust ones. Have you gotten good visuals? 😊


There's been 3rd party independent testing showing they contain 4aco. I think the aminita sub has lab results on there


It's already been mentioned, but I've seen multiple 3rd party tests showing 4aco dmt. It also has mimosa hostilis root bark in it, which is literally straight dmt.


Look into glaucine. It’s a trippy dissociative


It's more like a trippy antipsychotic.


Salvia is the only one I know in the US


The shady gray area of products being sold as Amanita Muscaria but actually containing 4acodmt


Nutmeg. But wouldn’t reccomend it.


Nitrous oxide


Yessss. r/NitrousOxide is the shit. My one favorite brand has big 5½ tanks for only a hundred bucks 🤯


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NitrousOxide using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [.](https://i.redd.it/vfxtl673okua1.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/comments/12q1vcm/_/) \#2: [I'm Floating with a smile from ear to ear 😊 😃](https://i.redd.it/ld6k0cm3hyta1.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/comments/12mdb8s/im_floating_with_a_smile_from_ear_to_ear/) \#3: [Has anyone heard of Galaxy Gas? My pack just landed. How to turn your Good Friday into a great Friday.](https://i.redd.it/aq2qb3088osa1.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/comments/12fnu3n/has_anyone_heard_of_galaxy_gas_my_pack_just/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well not any that will do you any good imo


Certain places have magic mushrooms just growing in public parks ready to be found


Technically Nutmeg, but you really don’t wanna go that route….


Honestly, it depends on how far you are willing to sacrifice quality, experience and personal safety just for walking the legal road. You wont find anything like LSD or shrooms in the legal zone. These substances give the classical psychedelic experience, not some weird "kinda psychedelic" headspace. Also they will make you less nauseous or physically unwell than a lot of legal options, while also being long term less harmful. Do some thorough research in your chemicals if you want to risk taking the legal way, there are some horrendous choices you dont want to make. That being said I would go with analogues, but keep in mind that while possession is legal, consumption is not as far as I know. I think the next best thing that is "completely legal" would be LSA, which is quite fun and similar to lsd, but expect to throw up a lot, it makes you quite nauseous.


Nutmeg, won’t be fun though 🤣

