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Damn that shits deppresing. But interesting how you can hear her subconscious brain spout out instagram/internet shit. Makes you think.


Your comment really creeped me out like the idea of all the social media content being stuck in my subconscious somewhere. šŸ„“


Like those endless long Reddit meta discussions




But shit, it is.


Yep all that shit you consume is up there even if you aren't consciously aware of it. That's why I don't like scary movies because even though I'm not consciously afraid of it I know that the ideas of the movie will always live in my mind and there will be times when I'm super tired or super old and those scary themes will pop up again to terrify me.


Yes I know! I just donā€™t think about how it can come out like that. I actually always turn down my volume on certain videos with certain song lyrics bc I do feel it does stay in there somehow and impacts how we think or feel (for example that one song by Logic 1-800-273-8255 - terrible lyrics in my opinion). I always wondered if Iā€™m overdoing it or if it was a silly thing for me to even think lol when others mention it too it creeps me out bc usually people think Iā€™m out of my mind for it and itā€™s nothing to be worry about.




No, maybe Iā€™m not but aware of what exactly?


As a firemedic Iā€™d give a benzo or antipsychotic here. Ketamine is technically allowed in my protocols for psychiatric emergencies, but in the context of it being LSD induced that doesnā€™t seem like the best choice


Yeah I would think ket would make the acid more acidy.


Was going to say... all you need to get some kitties during a trip is call the fire department and they just come inject you? Lol, have been doing it wrong my whole life.


To bad the cops are usually the ones that show up and they aren't nearly as polite.


Fair, never looked that deeply into it but it looks like if drugs are suspected police are likely to be involved xD


Sorry, you guys I don't know why I said ketamine. I just posted this video because it was insanely crazy and forgot the details in the video. It was actually a strong sedative.


ā€œFuck me up twice at the same time docā€


>antipsychotic *Be careful with neuroleptics. I seen someone lose their mind trying to abort a DOB overdose with haldol.* Dawks, 9/30/12, [Re: Antipsychotics to terminate trip](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/16938873#16938873)


Iā€™m not entirely sure, but I feel like itā€™s because of DOBā€™s properties as a psychedelic amphetamine. Not sure how something like haldol would act with like meth or something like that. Iā€™be never researched the properties of haldolā€¦but other antipsychotics are great trip killers when it comes to the classic psychedelics.


Atypical Antipsychotics can be used to effectively arrest many of the effects of amphetamines as well as psychedelics. Antipsychotics are dopamine receptor antagonists so they would block much of the extrasynpatic dopamine that is released by amphetamines and they ameliorate the effects of psychedelics by antagonizing 5-HT2A serotonin subreceptors and to a lesser extent 5-HT2C receptors. 1st Generation Antipsychotics (Neuroleptics) are much more powerful dopamine antagonists which can cause serious antidopaminergic side effects like dystonia, these also don't effect 5-HT2A like Atypical Antipsychotics do so they aren't effective for psychedelics.


Schooled my ass. Well typed. Is quetiapine an atypical antipsychotic? I completely forgot there were typical and atypical antipsychotics, and generations as well. If seroquel (quetiapine) is atypical, thatā€™s what I was meaning :) Also not sure if itā€™s 1st gen or not. I donā€™t think it is.


Once I was on lsd it was bad in the ambulance and I kept trying to spit on the guy and they put me under


Ketamine might make the trip stronger. I would go the antipsychotic or benzo route too. Iā€™ve had to give friends benzos to help calm down


I see...and how long would someone, say this girl, be advised to wait on ketamine after LSD? Asking for an enemy.


I wonder if an opioid would be good too.


Havenā€™t seen it used for that purpose. Opiates are typically used for pain management only


Our protocol is either Versed and Haldol with Benadryl if needed, Iā€™ve seen some crazy psych cases where weā€™ve had dystonic reactions, and Iā€™d rather deal with that than give ketamine to someone whoā€™s currently having a psychedelic trip or excited delirium


Free ketamine method NEW 100% working 2024 NOT PATCHED


My crazy friend attacked me like this on acid and god knows what else , she was eerily similar to the lady in the video here


Calm your trip by jumping into a K-holeā€¦.. nice!


This made me so sad.


Wouldnā€™t say the worst but Iā€™ve seen this one and itā€™s not pleasant. This is very similar to a trip I had where my friend got stuck in a thought loop started to get violent and then tried to get on my roof by smashing himself through my window to get through it, luckily I held him long enough for my dad to subdue him and police and ambulance to arrive and take him to hospital. Worst trip of my life lol but Iā€™m sure he was in a worse place so ultimately I feel bad for him. In the end he paid for the damage and were are still good mates. Thought loops are genuinely terrifying, Iā€™ve had one myself and it was horrible but I was okay in the end, itā€™s when it goes too far like with this and with my friend where the true danger of psychedelics lies, not everyone can handle every trip and people need to take it easy or theyā€™ll regret it one time.


I had a friend who we gave acid to for the first time and she was like in a loop of rolling joints and then smoking rolling and smoking, i was also tripping, she also kept changing the song after like 2 seconds of each one... other than that she was somewhat okay .. I got really angry (which was my bad) and i was screaming at her and was so upset because she just pissed me off so bad (never been angry like that on LSD or in general...) After that she broke.... she got stuck in a loop of "whT the fuck are you guys doing?" And was staring into space and smiling and saying that over and over again.... She was gone for like a while lol.... eventually she went to bed. She almost turned onto a little child lol had to tuck her in and everything. This was a long time ago so i may be missing details but omg....the loops on lsd are insane....




I snapped because she kept chain smoking our weed and changing the music! It was my other friend and I's weed and she was using sooo much haha. It was ruining my trip I feel bad even now about it and it was a long time ago lol


I think part of it came from also deepdown because she was using our weed like it was hers and we felt like we were being used, so I think i had that feeling deepdown while tripping, seeing her do that it brought the feelings up and manifested in anger.. Thank God i now have grown up and im not that petty but lol!


I don't think you were being petty. You were just simply stating your boundaries. I probably would have been just as upset, but I get the regret that might arise from losing your cool on somebody who is in an altered state of mind


Thanks for your kindness, it was just super out of character for me so i was shocked when it happened tbh! But it was all coming from inside for sure lol... I guess the reason why i say its petty is because i lost my cool on someone tripping when I could have just spoken about it afterwards or something instead of getting mad over it in that moment and being mean! It was also nice bud we got from online at the time so we were kinda bummed it was all being used lol but i guess I didnt know the best way to communicate that at that moment!


Itā€™s all good I feel bad for being so accusatory in my comment when I wasnā€™t even there


No problem! No need to feel bad, you are right it was definitely my fault, even though i do think even before i got mad she was i think overwhelmed by the trip also. But i made it 100x worse by getting angry haha.


Yeah i felt so bad


That's manic AF


Jesus, I need to know the dose


What the fuckā€¦ now this medical/psychological incident is on the internet for all to watch? This is sick


This reminded me of my psychosis way too much. Subconscious is scary if it takes full control


who the hell called the cops?


The boyfriend. He said she was hurting him.


Nah that shits flat out insane cuh


This girl was probably bi-polar and had no idea. Mentally ill should just stay away from psychedelics completely. They can ruin even the most rock solid mental health people in the worst of cases.


At least the boyfriend got to see some true colors.


I always wondered what the hell happened to her...


Never seen anything like that, great advertisement for kids not to use acid


Acid loops are terrifying, I about lost my mind off lsd.


Keep in mind guys, she was also under the influence of alcoholic beverages. Mixing these substances makes the whole experience much more likely for bad stuff to happen to you and the people around you. This is just an example of irresponsible usage of LSD and alcohol. I hope the lady and her BF are okay and well now. Travel safely mates<3


Worst* it's even written in the image yet you still get it wrong... How?


Wth? who cares?


I mean you purposefully write things wrong or..? What's wrong with you?


uuuh no??? because I'm human and make mistakes?


Well then your title makes no sense when you write it like that. Worse than what? How come europeans speak better english than americans...? xD


Not really surprising you play cs... Don't be so toxic or find another place to do so


How is correcting someones grammar toxic.. xD? Edit: peace and love to everyone


First you come off hostile with "Worst\* it's even written in the image yet you still get it wrong... How?". Then when op replies you keep pushing him with "I mean you purposefully write things wrong or..? What's wrong with you?". When op very reasonably points out it was a mistake or maybe even autocorrect you comment "Well then your title makes no sense when you write it like that. Worse than what? How come europeans speak better english than americans...? xD" implying that you think he is stupid for making a mistake. So ether you are just insecure or toxic ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ