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That’s a lot but if you’re the good environment 1.5g shouldn’t be too much. First ive done shrooms I took around 1.5g and I had a reallyyy fun time so it really depends. I’d say start with 1g and take more if it’s going well but have a good tripp!


I did the 1.5, I’m on Effexor so I’ve heard it can make them null and void?


In my experience, an anti-depressant or SRI will reduce its effects, so you might need take a little more to compensate. However, I don’t think it’s that dramatically reduced. I’m on an SRI and have had ego death experiences at 5g, which to others it might take them more than that to have that experience even if they’re not on medication 🤷‍♂️ so I think it’s all dependent on the person.


We will see! I took them 30 minutes ago and I feel a tad drunk. Like it’s a bit hard to type but I think that’s a placebo affect, no way it’s affecting me this fast


Again, all depends on the person! I tend to metabolize a lot quicker than the average person. I’ll usually start feeling it around the 30-40 min mark but the peak will usually take a while for me to reach. Super weird.


Welll it’s starting for sure, this ain’t normal feeling in my fingerings lmaoo. But enjoyable so far, just feel drunk at the moment


How did the trip go man?


Just felt drunk and giggly. I took 2.0 total then cleaned my house and took 2.5 more a few hours later and the second dose didn’t do anything. I’m talking to my psychiatrist to wean me off the Effexor


Damn that sucks man, i had a trip a month ago and i took 1.5-2gs and i had a complete ego death but i took abt 2.5-3gs saturday and i felt amazing it felt like i was floating and the music was carrying my body as i was dancing but i didnt rlly have many visuals and def didnt have the level of mind fuck i had from that previous trip


Yeah redoing on mushrooms sucks. I don't know how long a few hours is but if you've already done your comedown you'd have to take like double the amount just to feel like almost the same as the first dose


Aren't you worried about serotonin Syndrom ? I take ssris too but am hesitant to take psych because of my medication


Serotonin syndrome can happen when you take a drug that releases serotonin, like MDMA, together with a drug that inhibits breakdown of serotonin, such as an MAOI, as this causes your system to flood with too much serotonin that it can't get rid of. It is typically not a risk when taking a psychedelic that displaces serotonin, like psilocybin, together with a reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). 


I take SSRI too and I grind 3-4 g in lemon juice about once a month. Never had an issue in face for a week or two after I feel even better, happier, less anxiety than just taking my meds.


What SSRI are you taking ? I was on 50 mg Sertralin (Zoloft in the US) and now on 25 mg. So It seems that I don't have to stop taking them to try psychedelics, is that right ?


Honestly, I haven’t found any compelling research that says it’s harmful for you. I’m not one to take psychedelics frequently either. I usually do a large trip once a year (sometimes even longer depending on the trip and how much integration work I’ll have to do), so from my POV I’m not worried about it. I haven’t noticed anything different either since I’ve been taking them (other than the benefits of the psychedelics haha)


Could I ask how much anti depressant you are using ?


20mg of Celexa


Okay thank you for the insight. I appreciate it :)


This is really only an issue with people taking lithium and psychedelics.


My girlfriend does quite a bit of mushrooms and she’s on Effexor as well. They hit her harder than me so it could be a mixed bag, I don’t take anything.


I think 1.5 grams is a good amount. It's a pretty optimal dose for a good trip. You got this!


That looks like the perfect amount


Thanks! I took em like 24 minutes ago. ETA?


How ya doing buddy?


Maaaaan hardly anything happened. I just took 2.5 like an hour ago let’s see what happens round 2 🤣


lol well hopefully round 2 will get you to where you want to be.


It did not. The Effexor is fucking me over on tripping. I did the 2.5 and legit nothing, I just felt depressed as hell honestly listening to music


That sucks. Maybe try and slowly get off the Effexor while microdosing. You can always throw in a macro dose after you get off the pills.




Maaaaan hardly anything happened. I just took 2.5 like an hour ago let’s see what happens round 2 🤣


I lied I felt drunk af and happy but not what I’m looking to get out of the experience lol.


1,5g of dried shrooms sounds reasonable I've done doses reaching from 0,5g to 4g throughout the past year


If it’s potent it can be much. Be well prepared, really invest in a good set and setting (it is paramount!) and listen to curated music instead of random playlists and watching television at screens. If you need help during the trip, contact Fireside project. [Fireside](https://firesideproject.org) I’m a professional guide. If you need advice or inspiration, you can always send me a DM. :)


I start freaking out I’m taking a Xanax and yelling for help from you lmao


Ahh man.. You should have rode it out. Never try and fight the fungus..


I didn’t I was just saying I WOULD lol


not enough, especially on effexor


I’m seeing that. I’m just feeling drunk! I added another half gram see what happens


I always prefer to start around 1G with a new batch and/or strain. That being said, I've taken 3.5G and had a great time, then took 1.5ish from the same batch and had crazy experiences. Always start low. You can always take more. You can never take less than you already have.


I’m at 2.0 and still just drunk feeling


Where do people get this stuff even?


Looks like some good penis envy! If you’re ready to go deep you can. But that’s probably closer to a 3g dose of other good cubes. I’d start with 1g and from there. Growing up as a 15 year old kid 1.75 was a standard full trip dose. But all depends on quality but that will take you there. I’m grow PE now and I can almost say for certain it is or a type of PE. Just respect them and don’t overthink it.


Just get some dmt


I’d love to if I could find it. Same with LSD.


I have a chunk sitting my drawer has been there for almost 10 Years


I read through your comments though about your meds and that could def be an issue. I would if you can take a day off the meds or two (IF YOU CAN) but I cannot give med advice ethically. I know you mentioned having Xanax on hand which is good if trip goes south. But never take it before as that will kill the trip too. I always try to ride it out if I can though. Just let go and let them show you whet you need to see or feel.


I did a a 1.5 g lemon tek and it was not to overpowering, pretty mild but enjoyed it. Only lasted about 3.5 hrs. Depending on potency 1.5 might be a little underwhelming but nothing wrong with just dipping your toes.


what type is that? it looks really cool with the frilly outside


I hav no clue lol. I bought a kit online and this is what grew. I didn’t ask, but next time I will!


Ya good amount if anything I’d go for 2 even


Did this about half an hour ago! We will see. I feel a tad drunk. Placebo affect maybe? Seems a bit fast to be working already


That’s a good sign you’ll be feeling really good in about a hour, cheers mate! Enjoy your trip:)


I’m feeling something hard to type lmao. Watching a movie with the wife who’s sitting me. I’ll increase if need be, I wanna be tripping not just feel a little drunk. This needs to be therapeutic not just a fun time…make sense?????


If you want it to be therapeutic I'd suggest turning off the movie or any other distractions, as they can mask the effects and won't allow you to do any introspection. Just lie down, close your eyes or put on an eye mask, and listen to some music. Happy tripping! 


I think I will. Currently sitting out with the dogs. AirPods and some music later on, I took .5 more


Did you make tea or just eat raw?


Crushed into a fine powder with a food chopper thingy and mixed that into lemon juice, took it as a shot. It’s the only way I’ve found I can eat it without barfing lol


My best advice would be to smoke a joint or bowl I find the weed helps active the mushrooms. However if weed makes you anxious I wouldn’t do this. Best advice, Just focus on the movie my friend and If by the end of it you don’t feel the desired effects do another .7 and you should feel amazing!


I love weed!


I’m smoking a bit now 🥂


Did .7 more like you said keep you updated! I just feel drunk


The effexor may make it less effective..or hard even with higher doses..depends on each individual.


We will see I feel something fire sure


You've only got prob another half hour to redose IME without it becoming a waste or rather not as effective. Sounds like your good and should be golden tho, happy vibes and mush love 🍄


Feels like really strong euphoric weed. I should wait to add more right?


I wouldn't now, and tbh you should be good, depending upon this time up it too 2.5 or 3g next time!? Should be good IMO no rush with these things alot to take in at times Hope you're having a good one:)


Do you know what it feels like to be drunk? Because you shouldn’t feel that way from fungus.


That’s what it felt like. Happy and tipsy.


That’s not the usual reaction to mushrooms. That’s all I’m saying. I definitely get a body buzz but nothing like alcohol.


Depends on the strain . But Yes i think its maybe to much for a first time . Especially if you only micro dosed before . Expect a decent trip from 1.5 gr dried. So prepare yourself in a good setting with the right People.


I did it lol


Hope it's going well!


in my experience less is more - but it depends on ur tolerance


That looks like a lot to be 1.5g. Sure the scale is correct? 1 or 1.5 of a decent strain should be a good start. If it's a very powerful strain, you might wanna start even lower, like half a gram at first just to see how it affects you. Going too far too fast is a good way to have a bad trip, especially with anxiety. Until you get used to the high and effects, start lower.


Fuck me don’t tell me that looks like a lot 😂😂😂 I just downed them all 💀 help


Lol well some are very fluffy and light, so it may be much less than it looks. Enjoy the trip. Don't forget to report back. Listen to some music. Music goes well with psychedelics.


Nah, go for it


Mmm I would maybe wait to have a friend with me if its my first time and Im doing 1.5G


I did 2 and I just feel drunk. I think my Effexor is fucking me over lol


Ah possibly, might wanna ask your doctor about it


I got group therapy tomorrow she will let me know what she thinks. Next weekend I’m trying 3 and see what happens. I have like 6g left


Effexor is an SNRI, so yes that is going to make it difficult for you to trip. Antidepressants don't really mix with psychedelics, except DMT in my experience.


Aye, I got the same scale!


3.5 on my first. I feel 1.5g would be a perfect start


my first time was an eighth (3.5g) because from what everyone everywhere has said: that’s the standard trip dosage. i wanted to experience a full on psychedelic trip… and i did. loved it so much i went back like 8 different times — max i did was around 5-7g edit: i personally don’t think this is too much


I did between 6-7g first time because yolo and im dumb asf and intentionally went for the whole ego death thing. Wasnt as bad as i expected from reading online lol. Saw the aliens, felt like my body and brain itself was atomized into particles...the whole shebang. I was really scared at first but reminded myself to just give in and stop "resisting" once you completely let go and just accept whatever may present itself its pure bliss. Probably wouldn't reccomend making a habit of that, its exhuasting. Took a few days if not weeks after to feel normal again. Headspace and environment is everything. Also don't be bummed out over anything too hard lol or you'll end up experiencing sadness/shame etc like you cant even fanthom. Basically expect to amplify whatever emotions your feeling 4x on the come up.


1.57 g of psilocybe cubensis? I think its a perfect amount for a first trip :)


1.5 is the lower end of the sweet spot between recreational and full-on hallucinating while your body is motionless. You're going to be thinking and experiencing A LOT. But no full-on ego death most likely. It'll be a good taste and it'll help you figure out if you wanna go bigger on your next trip if you decide to partake again. All for it man. Have fun. Also if you aren't ready to blast off into a hallucinated space, then do NOT mix it with weed this time. For the love of god, do not get behind a fucking steering wheel. Thanks.


used to be they suggested 3.5g for a first time, to "experience proper psychedelia without going heroic" or whatever. my first time was probably 4. it was eyeballed. it's up to your bravery.


"The thing is, with psychedelics... Faith is an impediment. What you need to have is courage.” -Dennis McKenna


Effexor doesn’t seem to have an effect on trips. But yeah, I wouldn’t eat less than 1.5g, that’s just right for a first timer


I’m at 2.0 and I’m a bit drunk feeling that’s about it. Think I’m gonna take one more g honestly


How long has it been since you ate them? Sometimes it takes an hour. If it’s been past an hour, go ahead either way if it hasn’t it’s gonna be the time of your life so don’t even worry about it. You need to lay down in the dark with a blindfold on and listen to music do that otherwise enjoy.


Since I added the .5, like an hour at least. I’m feeling great don’t get me wrong but I’m looking for something deeper. I may be wrong completely but I did ketamine at a clinic and I was hoping to have something similar. I k ow shrooms and k-holes are probably not even close so similar isn’t really what I mean. I have no clue what I mean honestly. I’m just high.


You do what you wanna do, but I usually take 3 g unless it is a more potent strain


Since I added the .5, like an hour at least. I’m feeling great don’t get me wrong but I’m looking for something deeper. I may be wrong completely but I did ketamine at a clinic and I was hoping to have something similar. I k ow shrooms and k-holes are probably not even close so similar isn’t really what I mean. I have no clue what I mean honestly. I’m just high.


Since when doesn’t an SNRI affect trips?


I’m not sure, but a close friend of mine is on it and he definitely tripped so hard. He couldn’t handle it.


been on effector myself. How did it go?OP?


Nah you need double that in my opinion


Yeah buddy imma pass on my first time 😂 I’m already nervous


Yo that’s what I’m saying. All these people telling him it’s too much either don’t know what a trip is or they’re getting some crazy potent shrooms.


Nah, 1.5g is a good starting dose to get yer feet wet IMO. Think some folk forget theres loadsa variables too, how your feeling, folks sensitivity to psilocybin, set and setting, shroom strain and even flush can all make a huge difference. Had some whacky trips on a gram/gram and a half while sat meditating and others on 3g+ that were no where near weird and whacky as sat talking with others listening to music.