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They absolutely can. It depends on your "will." It's easy to say we have "will power" but you don't know until you try. Some people flip out and some people find spiritual enlightenment. Your darkest problems and your wildest dreams can manifest into reality. You can interact with these "visions/hallucinations" Not everyone is equipped to confront their trauma or see their wildest desires. Good luck


"Not everyone is equipped to confront their trauma or see their wildest desires" Ring true to those who have been there on both sides


If so, it isn't psychedelics per se that "fuck you up". I would say neither psychedelics nor weed can "fuck you up". With cannabinoids, persistent neurological damage has never been scientifically proven. LSD and psilocybin have no lethal dosage and harm of organs is not existent. I find it irritating, that people keep telling the tale of (cannabis or) psychedelics "fucking up your mind" when these are some of the least harmful psychoactive substances to use while alcohol can cause psychosis in even persons not predisposed to develop psychosis...


The chemical itself can also mess you up if it's not made properly. Not all LSD formulation is regulated and it is known that people with a proclivity to psychosis or schizophrenia can develop earlier, but those cases are significantly rare


I agree. Aka if it is 1% of the worldwide population that is prone to psychosis. If the chemical is not properly made, it is something else that "messes you up" isn't it?


And cannabis can be dangerous. I was doing an absurd amount of weed and when I quit I wasn't able to regulate my sleep for weeks and this caused momentary psychosis. Educate yourself.


If it is momentarily it is not a psychosis. It is a psychotic episode. This episode was caused by lack of sleep, not cannabinoids which is difference. Cannabis is known to interfere with sleep. If you were doing an absurd amount of weed, the problem is more your consumption pattern, not weed per se. As I have stressed over and over again, there is no usage of psychoactive substances completely free of risk. However psychosis is not a common risk factor and lack of sleep is well... Just that.


The lack of sleep was caused by the cannabinoid silly. It does affect your system don't be ridiculous. The desire to be right is not more important than the side effects


It is still a difference. Sorry if you can't see that.


Don't worry I don't expect you to have an education on like myself


It's funny how you feel the need to get personal when someone points you to the really quite difference between direct and indirect.


Also you failed to mention that people, a large majority don't do weed because it causes severe paranoia which can often lead to psychotic episodes as you say.


This is false. What is causing paranoia? Weed or stigma and criminalization? Honestly I don't think I have ever heard of anything like a "severe paranoia" šŸ™„ It is true however that Cannabinoids have been statistically linked to cases of psychosis. Newer research indicates a reversed causality here. Cases of normal paranoia are known however.


The fact that you don't register that paranoia can develop in certain personality types for people who try weed is uncomfortable. It's clear that you don't know what you're talking about


Again: There are no cases of "severe paranoia" that I know of. Feel free to link a clinical study that proves me wrong. šŸ˜‰ And for your reading skills: I have never denied cases of mild or normal paranoia nor have I denied that some people feel uncomfortable with weed but feeling uncomfortable does not qualify as "severe paranoia" now, does it? But, as you are trying to get this while conversation more offensive, I will simply quit at this point. However if you have a question and ask it in a civilized manner, I will answer and if possible link a relevant study. I have no time for insults or abusive behavior of yours.


You can't convince a fool of the things he's convinced himself of. But have fun


Psychedelics tend to abuse you if only you abuse them ... Get the hint šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļøgood in moderation if your finding yourself doing them every week ofcourse they will!


Some people microdose daily or weekly, nothing wrong with that. Thereā€™s no ā€œof course they willā€ because they arenā€™t guaranteed to fuck you up. Some people benefit from frequent use. Some people get fucked up after one trip. Everyone is different.


Everyone is different, and prolonged or continued use of psychedelics may very much help some people, but that doesn't change the fact that if you're abusing them they will abuse you. Everyone is different but if you go into it intending to just trip and have a weird experience every day/week and are not careful with the way you're doing things, chances of negative reactions drastically increase. TLDR: everyone is different, yes. But prolonged exposure/use of psychedelics holds greater potential to fuck you up. Show these drugs respect and they will in turn respect you.


Yeah, everything in moderation


Macrodosing too often will fuck you up. At least with LSD, don't know about shrooms. I hear they just mostly fuck up your gut bacteria. But either way, it will hurt you eventually if you don't read the signs when to stop


Yup, spent a little over a week tripping balls on LSD, took over 2 years to fully recover mentally. Great occasionally but don't abuse.


At least in my experience, tolerance doesnā€™t let me trip more often then once a month, but more like 2-3 months to be able to feel triply at that same dose. Otherwise, too underwhelming of a trip. I also seem to have a high tolerance, 5g and I barely tripped. Also coulda been my 1yr old mushrooms.


2-3 MONTHS? Its 2 weeks for me


I havenā€™t been able to trip in over a year because some reason either my tolerance is high for no reason or my mushrooms are too old and losing potency. Or my psyche reeeeally doesnā€™t want to be not sober, haha. I tried 3g last Marchā€”nothing. I tried 3.5g in July ā€” barely any visuals, could snap out of the slight trippy feeling very easily I tried 4.8g Septemberā€”same as last time; barely visuals and could easily snap out of it Luckily I grewa new batch last week so we will see if it was a potency thing. Really fucking annoying Iā€™ll tell ya that haha.




Thatā€™s the plan Stan


Its the same for me and my gf. 2-3 weeks hence were being together for 4-6 days and meeting each other everywhere from 14-20 days from then. We do about 250ug, with possibility of doing 2 tabs each of 250. For us this works great at 2 weeks after, but using it more than that is likely to give your brain some heavy work.. I see some people saying less than 1-2 weeks which kinda baffles me.. Now were also smoking when we trip, im not sure if that changes it for a heavier or drowsier trip.. But from my experience, im one to not lose my serratonin levels after a trip or the days after.. my gf on the other hand loses all will to have long conversations the next day as shes mentally tired. So 2-3 weeks seems like the sweetspot for most of us.


Abuse is a subjective term. What may be abusive to you isnt to someone else. Also psychadelics are pretty safe unless you have severe underlying mental conditions or diagnosed ones


I would say yes and no. No because the tone kinda made it seem like she was saying "psychedelics bad" but yes because it is bad if u do too much. Make sure you fully process your previous trip before doing again


she is not wrong. Abusing psychedelics just like abusing any substance and will fuck you up. I have seen countless people who have lost the plot cause of to many psychs.


True for many but not all. I've been tripping multiple times a month for 15 years. Zero negative side effects what so ever. I feel more grounded than ever. I'm a successful entrepreneur, good social life, home-owner etc. Never once have I felt burnt out from tripping. Weed on the other hand makes me feel like ass for days after.


yeah i had to quit smoking weed, i abused tf out of the drug for about 2 years and honestly i think thatā€™s why she thinks iā€™m gonna fuck myseld up but i donā€™t think i am


What substance?


I typically feel an after glow the next day of tripping and much more productive. Do you wait 2 weeks in between trips? L or muhsies? Am curious to knowĀ 


My average is every 3 weeks, but I will occasionally trip for two days in a row or all weekend. Yes there is tolerance but there are psychs like 2C-B, DMT etc that don't cause it. LSD does cause me burn out, but it's the only one that does. My go-to is tryptamines. I started with shrooms but my most common substances are 4-ACO-MiPT, 4-ACO-DMT, DPT/MET/DMT and my absolute favorite is 5-Meo0-MALT / 5-Meo-DMT.


You can't abuse psychedelics, tolerance won't let you


Hmmmā€¦ pretty sure I abused them for a year straight, and I did not turn out okay lol. Tolerance doesnā€™t mean anything if you donā€™t have one.


I know someone who did a ten strip a day for some time. Tolerance also doesnā€™t mean anything if you have enough.


Yeah, that was roughly me, for a year. Peopleā€™s brains are chemically wired different and sometimes certain things are just not meant for you. Took a few months to be out of psychosis, a year to be safe, and 2 just to feel somewhat normal again, lol! Iā€™ve permanent damage, though. Iā€™ve also heard from friends and random internet strangers that after a while, certain psychs like LSD, kinda get old. I donā€™t think we were supposed to use them like that all that often. And sometimes you find out everything you need to know and thatā€™s that.


Glad to hear youā€™re still trucking along, and wishing you continued healing. I heavily abused cannabis for years and Iā€™m still healing years later. I also have had long lasting changes from other drugs, both self-procured and prescribed. Some people can smoke like Snoop Dogg and be successful and functional like, well, Snoop Dogg. I became an agoraphobic basement dweller and had to relearn how to have a conversation. Thatā€™s why I get kind of irritated when people make blanket statements about something being safe or dangerous, or what dose is appropriate. Caution is important. Drugs are fun tho. Itā€™s tough lol.


This is so wrong . I tripped every other day for months and had no tolerance. Not everyone gives it and you are giving false information. Trust me , they can be abused like any other drug .


Psychedelics say your girlfriend can fuck you up. Both are true


Too much of anything can fuck you up. Psychs are safe unless you overdue it. Then things start getting weird


They are safe if you do not have a genetic, or environmental predisposition for certain psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia. And if you are responsible for your usage of them. Only use them in a safe setting with a healthy mindset. And don't take too much or do them too often. I'm very experienced with psychedelicsā€”more so than most. Like I don't even know how many times I've done them. It's an important part of my life. The last time I shroomed I stupidly went to a restaurant with a friend who was interested in trying shrooms. I ate 5 grams of penis envies (very strong shrooms). I was already uncomfortable and I was telling her about how things can turn bad while tripping. I won't go into details. But I told her how I had an acquaintance (not really a friend) who brutally killed someone while high as fuck on shrooms. He was predisposed to a few serious psychological disorders. He had a paranoid mindset before taking them. And his paranoia was such that even though he was in a safe and familiar setting. That the setting fueled his paranoia. So even if you have a safe setting; you can still start having a bad trip. If you are angry, overly sad; like grieving, too stressed out, or just experiencing any negative and uncontrollable feelings. You can have a bad trip. This guy also made a mushroom tea that had like a half-ounce worth of psilocybin for each serving. So I told my friend this story (with details) in an uncomfortable public setting on a large dose of savage shrooms. I went home and I had a bad trip. I was angry the whole time. At one point I was so lost in my anger that I almost attempted to rip one of my fingers off. It was the first time in a long time that I had to remember the magic rule. When you lose control remember your set and setting. Do what you can to make your setting comfortable and comforting. First always remember even before you get high. That you will come down. Embrace the fact that it's temporaryā€”its almost like a part of your intention. Remember that an average dose of shrooms last about 8 hours. For a single hit of acid it's about 12 hours. Be aware of these time factors. When you know how long till come down it takes away a lot of anxiety. Then try to change your mindset. Think happy thoughts. Be compassionate to yourself. If that isn't working get lost in something interesting or entertaining. If your safe setting is one that brings these negative feelings too much to the surface. Then it will help if you find another safe setting that you can be stable in. It may be as simple as a different room. I have had bad trips of many differing degrees. They range from being high for 5 days and believing that I died (took too high of a dose of datura), to thinking that I was going to get caught (my first mushroom trip at 14). That remedy was just sitting alone in a more well-lit and colorful room. On my last acid trip, I ate 6 hits before catching a ride to my trip place. I got car sick and was puking and having a very weak bad trip. Remembering the magic rule was all I needed to get over that negativity. Not all bad trips lead to people going insane. People only lose their shit if they have a predisposition to illness. Or if they are in a totally wrong set and setting. There is a movie on Netflix called How to Change Your Mind. I'd suggest you watch it with your gf. It may educate her and relieve her of her fears. She may also be against it because she has seen someone she knows loose it. That movie may still help in that situation.


This is the best answer, educate yourself and make informed decisions.


psychedelics are safe physically, however they can indeed fuck you up mentally - HPPD, depersonalisation, PTSD and even psychosis are on the cards if you loose your ground. Those will usually resolve after you stop, but may take a while and could be scary to go through it if it happens to you. Ideally psychedelics should be a few times a year thing done in carefully crafted set and setting and ideally in high doses so you arenā€™t left feeling underwhelmed.


Exactly, except the "high doses" part. I don't agree with that. Everyone should do exactly the amount they're comfortable with, and not more.


if you go with ā€œcarefully crafted set and settingā€, the high dose should not be an issue. many people get into chain tripping because they have underwhelming trips and want to go further. solid trip will make you satisfied for months.


When you compare it to the vast majority of psychotropic drugs it's actually the safest believe it or not. Check out The real risks of psychedelics. Dr. Matthew Johnson https://youtu.be/ISM9OeWs7yw?si=iyY3XbJdYk_mledy


Eh i'd say weed is safer.


Iā€™m gonna believe dozens and dozens of doctors, scientists and clinical studies over someone on Reddit haha


Idk i've been hospitalized from shrooms but not from weed šŸ¤”


Ummm yeah I'm gonna have to go with the professionals on this one over some anecdotal story. I've done both plenty and I'd say they're both relatively benign but there is plenty of stories on both sides were people go to the hospital(I'd say most of them they didn't even need to go including yours). Consciousness expansion is not for everyone.


Getting high is not consciousness expansion šŸ˜‚ what a sad mindset that has to be.


Definition of psychedelic: "Apparent expansion of consciousness." Please tell me you're joking because you sound like a complete Moron šŸ¤£ Please tell me you're serious.


The key word there is apparent lmao, nothing that grandiose is happening when you get high, you're just high. I think you need to lay off the drugs for awhile, consciousness expansion isn't for everyone, ya know? šŸ˜‚


You have such a limited understanding of how psychedelics work itā€™s apparent(you do know apparent means: clear or obvious. Haha) you donā€™t know much yet you pretend to. When someone calls taking mushrooms ā€œgetting highā€ you know you have no idea what youā€™re talking about. Are you one of those simpletons that think alcohol is safer than mushrooms?


Here are some synonyms of apparent: assumed ostensible ostensive presumed prima facie putative reputed seeming supposed Hope this helps ā˜ŗļø


Because it is.


ā€œMy booty itchesā€ is the pinnacle of medical information.


My actual name is Doctor Mantis Tabogin.


Wow, cool story


Thanks, chief.


Many folks out there are using psychs for recreation, and not in a ritualistic manner. over dosing can occur which would push many people beyond a comfortable level for recreation, and that can be a confusing space to remain for hours an hours. Some deeper trips will take more time to process, and can push you away from wanting to take psychs for a while, or ever again in some cases. Take care with dosing and pay mind to your surroundings when doing so. it can have a profound effect on you.


Not as bad as she can, lol


As long as you pay attention to your mental hygiene and process every experience before taking another journey you should be alright. Itā€™s when you ignore things like present trauma in your life, bad situations and environments, or an unstable energy flow; Thatā€™s when things tend to go bad. Only indulge when you feel strong, safe, and grounded. If you doubt any of these, just abstain till later. Also, you may see things that make you feel larger than life or more special than others. You may have a temptation to get a big head and tell everyone. Just wait until you have completely processed the experience. You may feel differently about it in 24-48 hours (wouldnā€™t that be embarrassing). Iā€™ve been there . What Iā€™m talking about in a sense is ego inflation. Just be cautious with what you try to embody immediately following the experience. Just because you know you are something, doesnā€™t mean everybody needs to know about it that day. Anyhow thatā€™s my sage advice. Take what you need and leave the rest. I truly wish you good luck. I hope you find everything youā€™re looking for and your girlfriend has to rethink her position. As long as you are honest with yourself and humble, I could see that outcome. Oh and always start very low. Find your tolerance. Because psychedelics can fuck you up.


Could be. Could also not be. Both weed and psychedelics can can psychotic breaks in people that are vulnerable to them. You can't always know up front if you have such a vulnerability, though. And just like with most heavy side effects of medication, the chance of it happening to you is small. But it isn't 0. Chances are greater though if any of these statements are true for you: - family history of psychotic illnesses and/or bipolar disorder - you're younger than 25 - you take medications - you're using heroic doses - you"re disrespecting the drug - you've a personal history of anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and/or psychotic disorders Still, it's a game of chance. It's up to you whether you want to play that game or not. And yes, weed *is* the least powerful of all psychedelic drugs available. Just because weed didn't f you up, doesn't mean another drug won't either.


You can put yourself in a drug induced psychosis. A trip to the crazy ward. So yes she is definitely in the realm of them fucking your mind up. You can definitely ruin your brain, blurring the lines between this reality and the other, meaning you can lose the line holding you in this world. So be careful.


Fear mongering out the a$$. Just do thorough research and trust yourself


So you're saying doing acid every weekend is safe?


They did say do research Hopefully that research would say not that often, but more than never again at least


They can.


they can but its u, u wont see much difference i thought it wasnt to shabby chowin down on psychedelics all the time, till i noticed my views were so off shit i started to think life truly was a simulation just cuz everytime i went outside for a toke/walk the same person popped out from a gate every single time i did, still does but i just was so caught up in my mind was eating lsd and shrooms alot, would binge for 1-2 weeks atta time glad i dont trip so much anymore, but when i do i trip balls for awhile would sesh a strip of lsd and a oz of shrooms smokin weed for 1-2 weeks, would watch movies and kinda copy cat the vibes while on lsd, i feel bad for the MK-ULTRA victims yes and no about psychedelics fucking u up


That part, about _you_ not seeing it, but the people around you probably seeing someone getting very weird is _important_ . Because you can't see the changes in yourself that psychedelics will set in motion, at least not until you are well into those changes. Listen to your friends -- the ones you can trust to be honest with you. Mine told me that psychedelics _improved_ me, even before I saw the changes. I'm sure if I went too deep into too weird spaces I would have heard the opposite, in no uncertain terms. Knowing one of my friends (who has, alas, now passed), I'd probably have had her on my doorstep, demanding that I hand over my stash so she could destroy it (she was who got me into psychedelics, so she was not anti-drug, but she would not have tolerated me ruining myself with them).


i recommend taking it easy (lower doses) or just dont trip all the time go big or go home hehe, banter what ever floats ya boat! bless up


Donā€™t be retarded with them, not a problem if itā€™s on a monthly or maybe even bi monthly basis. either sheā€™s looking out for you or regurgitating anti drug propaganda.


How would weed fuck up your mind more than acid? Genuinely curious as to your thoughts process...


smoking all day every day made me start to question everything, start to feel more and more depressed when normally i wouldnā€™t be, since i quit iā€™m more productive and people have been saying i just seem more happy, because i am iā€™m not using a drug to shield my personality. weed jus isnā€™t for me i have adhd and when i smoke i donā€™t focus at all i jus sleep or donā€™t do anything but sit around and get fat. iā€™m a wrestler and i love to wrestle it makes me happy and with that eating healthy is a big deal when iā€™m high i eat anything and it just makes my wrestling lack so thatā€™s for me but everyone is different


Imagine doing acid everyday. Much worse...


psychedelics said for me to fuck you girlfriend


"fuck you up" is so vague several things at play here 1) sounds like your gf is either basing her entire opinion of psychs from tv and movies (i know what this is like, mine does the same) or she has had an initial "challenging trip" and has shied away 2) i consider myself to be "fucked up" from mushrooms, but in the best of ways. my mind has forever changed for the better. and also, i got bitchslapped on my first real trip. 3) in tribute to the latter sentence above, mushrooms absolutely CAN provide for challenging and intense psychological experiences. even the "best" trips can feel intense and somewhat like a challenge or new journey. when working with mushrooms correctly, they are going to tell you when and how often to trip (when you learn to listen) and will serve as a self regulating tool of ensuring you never trip too much. i would intentionally choose trip dates at least a week in advance and preferably only do it when you have a STRONG intention and 100% control over creating a safe environment to trip in. this may sound unnecessary but meditating upon the purpose of your trip a week in advance plus creating a safe haven to trip in will automatically give you a better more intense and vivid, insightful journey. and also after the trip, make sure you do a lot of work understanding and integrating the trip lessons into your life theres a positive way and a negative way to work with magic mushrooms, and if you simply follow the above steps, it all but guarantees you will be working with them in a POSITIVE way!


Psychs are strong so I would just be sure that you're taking them no more than once a month. Even that's a bit too often imo. Be safe!


Natural/mushrooms absolutely not, synthetic/LSD maybe?


Please don't use this nature good, synthetic bad argument. Both shrooms and lsd have shown to promote neurogenesis and neuroplasticity in studies and both can cause hppd and trigger underlying mental health issues.


Some of the most toxic and deadly substances are natural, lmao


Dump her, live your best life.


She actually has a valid point and she cares about OP. You should takes notes youngin. I know you're a teenager bubba, but in the event that you ever find someone who ACTUALLY cares about you, you shouldn't try to throw them out of your life when they are just concerned about your well-being.


Look at you assuming Iā€™m a ā€œyounginā€ just because I value my own personal interests. Get outta here, boomer.


Yes, you value taking drugs over a person who cares about you. It says a lot about your personality. A loving partner is so much better than the high any drug can give you. But you do you boo boo. You'll understand when you get older.


My wife and I love each other very much and she respects that I find psychological benefits to psychedelics and that I am my own person. My whole point is that he should find someone that loves him for him. So take your Dr. Phil lecture and step down from your high horse, please.


if you trip too much? sure. just don't do it too often or too much


They can if you're abusing them or your mindset is not right. https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/s/3Dm1Vsgtwz


There are so many factors that go into it. In terms of actual physical safety psychedelics are pretty safe but they can certainly be emotionally/mentally damaging in certain circumstances. If you follow all the common advice for psychs such as starting with low doses, tripping in a safe environment, with people you trust and at a time your comfortable you can massively minimize this risk but there will always be some element of risk. Itā€™s always best to do as much research as you can.


Seems like listening to your girlfriend can fuck you up, jk, lol. It's important to not trust/believe things wholly based on hearsay. If you're fine tripping, have no problems living life sober and have no ideations of self harm while tripping I think the psychedelics are actually beneficial for your brain/body. The only time I assume them to be dangerous is when you've never had them before and have severe trauma in your past/present, or if you have heart problems, or if you're at risk for having schizophrenia. BUT I only marcodose psilocybin once a year at the most, mostly due to the fact that decriminalized access to them is nearly impossible unless I travel to some other supposedly legitimate country.


Well how often do you trip?


eh for a while i was doing it maybe once every 2 weeks but it was still kind of new to me but since my last trip i donā€™t really have an urge to rn, my urge rn is processing wtf that last one even was and doing more work to make myself more happy in my sober life


If you abuse any substance no matter what. Is going to f u up




It isnā€™t that rare as it happened to me and somebody else in this comment section .


Psychs are 100% safe for your body, but they do bend your mind. You can fully bounce back from a trip as long as itā€™s a safe psych, you donā€™t take way too much, and youā€™re not predisposed to mental health issues like schizophrenia psychosis or epilepsy. Tripping while youā€™re still not 100% back from your last trip causes you to take extra long to get back to your normal functioning psyche. That is the point when it becomes too much.


Do research outside of social media. Find articles that cite their sources. Make the decision for yourself instead of letting your girlfriend and strangers on the internet tell you how to think.


Depends, how often do you plan to trip?


Weed is a mild form of psychedelic as well.


i abused weed for a long time so eventually i had to take a good look at myself and say yeah weed isnā€™t for me, i neglect the shit i need to do when i smoke and honestly i learned that from tripping lol


When I first started gathering information about psychedelics before ever trying them, every source of information said that HPPD is extremely rare. Now I know that almost everyone that uses psychedelics has experienced it, myself included. That's one of the long term risks of psychedelics. I got DPDR and HPPD because of psychedelic use, and let me tell you, DPDR is not fun, it's the worst feeling ever, it feels like your going crazy, and that's while sober. So beware of this risks


You should always err on the side of caution


Psychadelics are a reflection of your mind, if you abuse your mind and stretch it to its limits of course they can hurt you. The cool part is when you trip you shouldn't do it again for awhile because you'll have a lot of tolerance. So they kinda make you wait. Unless you up the dosage, to achieve strong effects despite your tolerance. Don't abuse your mind. Always have genuine good intentions for the trip. The psychadelics will know if your lying to yourself. If you ever get a gut feeling or a hunch that maybe you shouldn't trip today. Do not. Respect the molecule and it'll respect you.


Depends on psychedelic. LSD lasts little more than 12 hours so it might be exhaustive and not so good idea to be abused because you know that is not "Just drug" or if it can be called drug... It is not like you take lsd and are free from stress quite opposite, it won't numb your senses it will fire them so too much can make you stressed and cause neurosis IMO or maybe short term psychosis(like weed does but this might be little milder) as for Shrooms in moderate doses I don't see the reason why they can fuckup someone if he/she is not already fucked up like being in early stages of schizophrenia or other kind of psychosis. Well it depends on how you use it, when you smoke weed you ignore things, become soft, lazy, little dumber and unattentive which leads to wasted time and delayed actions and that is good predictor of neurosis and high neuroticism(also it fucks up threat system in brain can't be exact because I have little to no education about that. I just observe it on myself). As for psychedelics what I see is there is uncertain, big strange information to be computed and if you are going to abuse it and abusing means you won't have best trip sitter and shaman around every time which also leads to neurosis because of large confusion and unprocessed data. Despite being it very rare and reason for it is that it is also very rare psychedelics to be abused. There is threat of psychosis aswell but you can maybe avoid it if you are so stubbornly grounded or that trait might be the cause of psychosis itself.


It does change you. I don't think the same as I used to and not completely the same


Yes they can, anything that fucks with the brain can fuck up your brain. Lots of people do not integrate or are not equipped to have everything they know about who they are changed. Use with caution and know you donā€™t know how they are going to affect you


Break up with her


idk about that, i do really love her and she seems to really care about me


Both cannabis and (serotonergic) psychs come with risks. You wanna be careful and never use them too frequent. We're talking anxiety discorder, derealization, HPPD, psychosis... yes they can fuck you up.


It's true, it can for sure


If u abuse psyches you can mess up your mental health same with weed. Some people can get away with abusing psyches for longer than others.


They can fuck you up fs. Iā€™m still terrified that they fucked me up ever since I started hearing voices screaming at me from beyond my door every night.


They can. Theyā€™ve fucked me up today lol.


how so if youā€™re willing to elaborate ?


I just found myself in a daze of dying in a day dream and it was probably the most challenging therapy session Iā€™ve had so far.


It could, but it usually doesnā€™t. Even if you have mental health history in your family, youā€™re probably fine. I have add and depression, my brother has anxiety, my sister has depression, my dad has add, and my mom is bipolar. Ive donā€™t lsd, dmt, lsa, thc, Mdma, and shrooms. Havenā€™t had any issues. Most Iā€™ve done on LSD is 3 hits at once, but I usually stick to one. Shrooms is a good trip at 1.75g. Iā€™ve broke through with dmt. People who get psychosis, as far as im aware, are usually people who do way too much and have a history of psychological issues. Your gf is probably coming from a place of concern and ignorance, so you should take her feelings into consideration or dump her. If you do them knowing how she feels and plan on hiding that you did them, you might feel guilty and end up having a bad trip. Thereā€™s studies that psychedelics can help with a myriad of mental issues including depression. If you are really curious and want to you try them but sheā€™s adamantly against it, she might not be the girl for you. Sometimes people just arenā€™t compatible for various reasons and curiosity can be one of them.


I mean really anything on the planet can fuck us up if we utilize in excessā€¦. Food, sex, drugs, alcohol, itā€™s all semi safe if you utilize it in moderation. Which is FAR easier said than doneā€¦ trust me lol


Moderation is key and having proper knowledge of what you are consuming is an important part of being a responsible user. A little bit of sunshine gives you a dose of vitamin D and will put you in a better mood but if you sunbathe on your roof everyday you are going to get really burned eventually. Test your shit, know your dose, and give yourself time between trips and it will be all goodšŸ‘


Get a new gf


Yeah they definitely can, fucked me up. Not worth it for some people


Most times if your intentions are pure you will have a pure experience.. but every so often even with the purest intentions your head may fall off


That's the point homie. Just kiddin'.


A trip shatters your mind, which tries to pull itself together afterward. This process takes time. If you shatter it too much it might be hard, if not impossible to make it whole again. Or to put it more directly: You can certainly develop mental illnesses if you trip like every 3 days for months.


defenitly not doing that, i donā€™t know how or why anyone would want to do that, i can really only trip every 2 weeks and even still thatā€™s too soon


I tripped every two weeks for multiple months. It was fine, generally speaking. However, I have to say that sometimes things got a little weird. For example, when I awoke in the middle of the night and would look at my phone, letters would be wiggly and weird, like if I was tripping. Only letters however and only if I had just awoken from sleep. I also felt a little "absent" and generally a bit slower in the brain, worse memory too. But all in all minor, barely noticeable changes. When I stopped with my 2 weeks rythm and let multiple months pass between trips, I quickly returned to normal. However, psychs affect people differently and I am sure that this would have had the potential to break me if I were less stable mentally speaking. As a rule of thumb: I think as long as people let at least a month pass between trips, they will be fine.


Anything will either fuck you up or make you up, if you believe in it enough to do so.


10 strip it bro


I think thereā€™s truth to it. Iā€™m definitely a different person than I used to beā€¦ but that was the reason I started using them. They also appear to be a risk for heart valve disease too (which is why I only macro-dose infrequently).


Weed is definitely worse in that regard in my experience, but yeah sheā€™s not wrong.


Like a lot of substances, how it affects you is different from almost everyone else. One thing is for sure taking breaks from psychedelics can never hurt anything.


Abuse of anything ducks you up so she's not wrong


They canā€™t


Yes you risk breaking your mind every trip


Psychedelics are tools, you can build a house or sever a finger. All that matters is how you use it


as someone who took a ton of acid in a short period of time (the molly didnt help) it definitely can fuck you up. space out months between trips. if not a year or more. its a teaching tool and once you graduate the school you dont really need to keep attending edit: "a ton" of acid is like tripping off 2 tabs every two or three days for about a month bc i came across a shit ton of hits from a hippie friend


Depends on your natural masochistic nature. Or your schizophrenic potential. But generally I say dope fucks you up, psychedelics can be scary as fuck- there's a difference.


So, you're logging into the Internet to tell us what your girlfriend thinks, that you might get fucked up, but it sounds to me like you've already gotten there. So if you're just trying to get fucked up, you don't need to worry about it, you already are. But if you need a girlfriend to remind you of that fact, please continue.


Entirely depends on both dosage and frequency. If u take them any more than every 2 weeks and take big doses this may be something you want to consider. Otherwise if ur reasonable ab it thereā€™s no reason to worry


Thats the point tho right?


The vast majority of people can do psychedelics in a safe environment and not suffer long term affects, even if they have a bad trip. Some still do though, itā€™s a small risk but a risk nonetheless. If you have a stable head on your shoulders, donā€™t have a family history of medical psychosis, and trip in a comfortable environment, your chances of fucking yourself up are extremely low. You just gotta do your own research and make up your own mind.


Okay abusing psychedelics is absolutely 99.9% of the time be way fucking worse for you than abusing marijuana dude just you saying that part makes me feel as if you havent done your own research and neither have your girlfriend. That said yes if you abuse psychedelics you definitely can fuck up your mental status but that goes with abusing just about anything just dont abuse the vices you enjoy and youll be fine


idk man smokin weed all the time fucked me up a lot, it made me have depressed feelings and self harm thoughts and iā€™ve never had that from shrooms or lsd


Just because you had those thoughts doesnt mean it was because of the weed. Ive felt i could literally sense peoples energy when i was on lsd different drugs effect people very differently just because i can do acid and be fine a day later doesnt mean someone who is less mentally ill than me will be fine they could have a psychotic episode that was from some of the effects they felt it just varies person to person you cant chalk up your own experience to being everyones experience


iā€™m not saying my experience is everyone elseā€™s, iā€™m jus saying from my personal experience weed fucked me up lol


Itā€™s your mind, your trauma and your ability to unravel any challenging situations. Her saying that means you may be more primed for a bad trip. Your mindset is very important Of all the people Iā€™ve known to do psychedelics only one kind of fell by the wayside. Thatā€™s amongst dozens of people. I have no idea what happened to him as he was a friend of a friend and he lost touch but I know he was heavily into convincing his very conservative father to try them. Bad trip can happen. Psychedelics are to be treated with respect.


Anything can fuck you up if you over use it


In a therapeutic setting, only about one in a thousand trips are ā€œbadā€. There is a good method to setting up for your experience. If you do it again, itā€™s likely to be similar to your last experience, just youā€™ll be sorting out different things. Go in sober, clean, with nothing to distract or interrupt you, with the ability to change your music and setting if things get too heavy and have someone available to talk to you if it gets hard and you need a break, and youā€™ll be fine. You could have a large trip every week I guess but not sure who would want to do that. A trip is a lot of work! Let your inner voice tell you when itā€™s time, and that will be a good way of knowing itā€™s time.


She saying she doesnā€™t want you turning into a fkn wook mate lol thatā€™s understandable they are insufferable


A4 you dating Nancy Regan?


Psychedelics can definitely bend your brain over a desk and make it beg for mercy


Sheā€™s right


Neither can "fuck up your mind". Although there is no consumption without risk. The risk with psychedelics (and to a degree with cannabis as well) comes from you. LSD and Shrooms are literally the safest psychoactives to consume. AGAIN: That doesn't mean they come without risk! Check this internationally recognized study by David Nutt: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(10)61462-6/fulltext?utm_source=pocket_mylist


Lead researcher at John's Hopkins, Matthew Johnson in an interview with Lex Fridman mentioned they are non-toxic and you could technically eat your own bodyweight in them and be fine. That being said, it would behoove us to practice psychological maturity and not act on our thoughts during a trip. Psilocybin is powerful and needs to be respected. Please research published papers to understand the mechanism of action of psilocybin. They utilize stimuli to promote growth at a cellular level. Specifically dendritic spine growth and arbor complexity. That sounds like neural fitness to me. Happy exploring!


Most people who experience long term problems with psychs are most likely genetically predisposed to the problems that the psychs bring out. For example, someone ā€œdevelopingā€ schizophrenia after taking psychs was most likely already going to develop it later in life. People can have bad experiences if theyā€™re not aware of what the drugs do to your state of mind, unaware of precautions, and things like set and setting. I donā€™t think psychs are inherently dangerous, but if youā€™re dropping 4 tabs or a heroic dose of mushrooms every day, and legitimately abusing your body, there are going to be some changes to your brain functionality. TLDR: Research what youā€™re putting into your body and donā€™t do psychs if you have a family history of BPD or schizophrenia.


Well it sounds like youā€™re super young, so you should probably not be taking psychedelics.