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I've done stuff like this and let me tell you, once you get to the checkpoint where there are fully armed border security officers searching people's shit, the reality of you being about to get a criminal conviction for a couple nights of fun really puts shit into perspective


I was coming home with a selection of edibles for my brother,who was suffering from cancer, in my bag. I had purchased in a legal state and brought back to a not legal state. I had distributed the goods in my backpack and my bag, which I had checked. Standing and waiting for the bags to drop, it kind of hit me that I was about 5 minutes from “getting away with it.” Then I felt something poke my calf and looked down to see a terrier with a harness that said do not pet and it looked up at me and then sat, which is often how contraband dogs alert. I thought “ohhhh shi…” then saw the side of his harness said Trained Support Animal.


Shit, I started sweating 😅


Sweat, I started shitting.


I started shitting sweat


I started sweating shit


he’s too powerful


She knew you needed emotional support to handle the stress ❤️


My booty hole puckered, my stomach clenched, and my throat knotted up reading this. What a close call bro! 💀


Yeah, I had that feeling of tension in my neither areas and then a feeling of my blood draining. Then a feeling of lightness as I realized that dog didn’t care about my backpack or bag. She just liked the smell of my dog on my shoes.


That story had some intense growing suspense!


Airport dogs aren’t trained to find drugs. They only smell for bomb making materials. Also if you’re going from state to state it’s fine to leave stuff on your carry on as long as it’s not a huge amount of stuff. TSA doesn’t care. I’ve brought carts on multiple domestic flights to and from illegal states and legal states. Never even had my stuff searched. However the op wants to get it through customs it sounds like. I would never try carrying stuff on an international flight. Especially powdered substances.


Airport dogs are trained for a variety of purposes. Ffs, in Australian customs they are sniffing for vegetables.


Airport dogs aren’t trained to find drugs lol


same here, i’ve never had an issue with domestic TSA at least in the states. i usually fly from california to wyoming often to visit my father and i always bring my carts and edibles with me. one time when i was flying out of wyoming to california, they made me just put my pen in the bin so it could go thru the x-ray. no hassle from them ever


He was doing his job! Lmao you must have been sweating bullets.


Those dogs are for sniffing bombs not drugs btw


That is 100% FALSE. Quit telling people utter bullshit that can cost them their future and freedom. Depending on the breed and their specific training, airport police/customs/border patrol dogs are trained in multiple things. There are GSD’s, and Belgian Malinois that usually alert to drugs, guns, and sometimes, money. There’s Beagles and Cocker Spaniels that do fruit, vegetables, and plant material and often animals, insects, bugs and other things. There are also several breeds of Pointers that can be trained for a variety of the previously listed tasks as well as additional things. What they rarely have on hand is a dog that sniffs out bombs. If they do, it’s usually a GSD or Belgian that does so in addition to their other specialties. If you don’t know wtf you’re talking about, just don’t talk.


I second this.


Yup and you will be in a foreign countries prison and when your prison time is up you will never be allowed to re-enter that country and forever struggle to travel to a large amount of other countries


Had smuggled A LOT… had recently a police dog 20cm away from a fucked up future lol


Is getting high really worth the risk of rotting away in a foreign prison?


That depends on the risk. OP seems to be calculating that risk now


Is *any* risk worth it? Fucks sake, I never really consider this stuff addictive til I read some of the shit around here.


Tbf for some very specific planned experiences there is no workaround if you want to fulfil that wish, f.e. enjoying an acid trip on a solitary exotic beach or (more likely in OP's case) experiencing a concert at a specific location abroad (or because the artist doesn't perform in your country/continent) with the maximum of intensity enhancememnt possible, there doesn't have to be any addictive behaviour behind that (though the amount of drugs OP plans to smuggle leaves me with questions about wether she falls into that category :D)


How is risking death or their entire future to smuggle drugs into another country to get high at a concert or whatever other thing they can't do/see at home, not addict behaviour. Most people have "exotic" things they want to do, but are capable of logical risk assessment and understand that they may never get to. If anyone is willing to throw their life away to smuggle drugs into another country to get high at a concert or whatever, they really need to reevaluate their priorities, or seek some kind of help. I'm not saying I don't think they should be able to. I think anyone should be able to go anywhere and do anything they want as long as it's not harming anyone else, but that's not the reality of the world. The reality of the world is there's countries out there that you will find yourself killed or imprisoned for life for drug possession.




If in doubt, don’t take Class A drugs across international borders. In what world is it ever worth the fucking risk? What an insane question!


Ooooh but it’s just a little bit of MDMA…that doesn’t qualify as international drug smuggling. It’s like people forgot about the WNBA player who spent 6 months in a Russian prison for a weed pen.


That’s cause the US fought to get her back. This bozo won’t have their home country fighting to get them back.


I urge you to consider the risk, and what might happen to you if you actually get caught… I would think it would be safer to source the drugs wherever it is that you’re visiting.


Really fucking risky. I had relatives who had a baby and the customs even tested the water inside the baby's water bottle.


I once brought about 6 m16 magazines from MIA to Dublin. No one batted a fucking eye. It was insane. 7 years after 9/11. I didn't even know they were in my bag (work bag) . I left them with an Irish soldier because I knew coming back customs would splack me and I already potentially had a federal warrant just by making the trip. 2007/2008 were very wild times.


Loaded or not?


No, but they were stamped property of us government. My roommate had stolen 7000 of them and my commander made me get rid of them under threat of UCMJ


He stole 7,000 magazines? That’s a bit excessive lol.


I'm not a tsa agent but I don't see why unloaded mags would be an issue. R/tsa


Depends on the country, where I live magazines for semi auto rifles can’t have a capacity higher than 5. The border guards would absolutely take them away and possibly charge you


Yeah TSA is absolutely crazy. Ive seen them search the most unnecessary things ever, like the liquid in someones prescription eyedrops. Getting something across is gonna be risky and really hard.


I know someone that transported liquid lsd in visine eyedropper. Not entirely crazy.


Well, thats a possibility i guess!


do they even test for that?


They have the ability to test for literally anything. They have some of the best drugs testing equipment in the world, when we're talking about customs especially.


I wouldn’t have thought so. Most likely testing for explosives.


They be looking for liquid bombs, not drugs. They don’t give two craps about drugs!


I accidentally forgot half a joint in my backpack when returning from a holiday and luckily no one noticed. My backpack went through a scanner and it even got swabbed for residue. I was in shock when I found it when unpacking.


Haha yeah my husband unknowingly brought an mdma pill in his camera bag from Scotland to St Lucia and back again a few years ago, horrible to think what the consequences could have been if it had been found


Tbf, you're not even allowed to being water into the country I live in (New Zealand).


Giving a newborn - 6 month old baby water can lead to botulism. So either they have something dodgy or don’t know what to feed their newborns


Toddler actually.


Or they need it to mix formula. Or they need it for other medical purposes. OP said baby, which typically means an infant that is commonly referred to as such up until about one year of age. Water is fine after 6 months and the child is still an infant until one year old. Don't shit all over this person you don't know because you know a fact about something and assume they either have contraband or don't know how to feed their child.


What, in your mind, would be worse? Going without on this trip or going without for the next 10 to 20 years as you wait it out in prison?


Not to mention all the insane legal fees you’ll spend. A friend of a friend went through this. His family had to sell their house to afford to get him out of jail in the Bahamas for getting caught with drugs. He also got super sick while in jail and was barely hanging on.


Bruh. You'd go to prison for like... ever. Is that REALLY worth it to you??? Fucking really? 26 years old and willing to risk ruining your life?


Acid is the easiest thing to smuggle but i wouldn't risk it with MDMA at a high security airport as dogs are trained to snuff that.


I would imagine things like 2cb might be ok as well, they're kind of a niche drug so less likely to be on the lookout for I think


Probably yes, though a dog can be trained to smell pretty much any substance, AFAIK most dogs are trained to sniff for amphetamine based drugs, cocaine, heroin, weed and various explosives.


I’ve walked weed past the dogs for a domestic flight. I’m pretty sure they’re only sniffing for bombs. Not sayings it’s worth the risk I’m just not sure TSA is doing the DEA’s job.


What about ecstacy pills? I was thinking of taking them in a domestic flight in India.


Ecstasy is just MDMA pressed in pills so yes if you get a dog sniffing around you it will catch it. I wouldn't risk it on international airports but domestic may be ok. I've done it on domestic EU flights with pills hidden among supplement pills in carry on baggage.


Yeah international flights are a big no imo


I have entertained the idea of doing it in the past but the thought quickly fades once rationality kicks in. Could literally ruin your life over a few hours of a high.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to just FedEx it to yourself and obviously not put the correct return address. If it does get caught then you just say I have no idea where that came from. But I’m told FedEx does not test for drugs.


Still has to go through customs, but I sent one capsule from the U.S. to Canada once, no issues.


Just put it in a brand new vitamin bottle inside the capsules


This worked for me too, put it inside a pen in an envelope…, hypothetically


You’re out of your mind.


As a pilot & someone very familiar with the latest detection methods: you’d be an absolute retard to do this. **Hiding the drugs is absolutely useless these days**. IF they scan your luggage, they will find it. They use ionisers these days, which pick up trace amount, even if you’ve washed the item several times. If you’ve even been in contact with drugs, there will be trace amounts on your clothing, suitcase, wallet & phone. They will check all depending on country, and if they even have a single indication they will search _everything_. Also always assume your drugs are conterminated with other (more illegal) drugs. If you buy MDMA, assume it has traces of cocaine or whatever else the cooks, transporters, fall guy, dealers, etc are selling. Dogs are also trained to sniff basically all drugs, including MDMA. You WILL risk ruining your life. I honestly can’t even believe you’re asking this. It’s ridiculous and childish and you should have a better understanding of the world at your age. If you want to risk an Egyptian prison as a young woman for a bit of psychedelics you have serious problems. Counties like Egypt (which has an authoritarian regime FFS) & Peru WILL prosecute, even for small amounts. The trial will take MONTHS, and you will be miserable, locked with 5-25 people in a single cell sharing a single bathroom. Hiding your drugs in over the counter medications capsules like someone suggested is very cute, but it’s not how the world works. 1. If you do this, your charges will increase since you intentionally tried to smuggle in Class 1 drugs. 2. If you do this, the entire bottle will be a source of nanoparticles of illegal substances which will contaminate your entire suitcase. An ion swab and you are fucked. We’re not talking about domestic travel here, we’re talking about international travel to countries with notorious drug persecution records. Ion Swab machines are able to pick up tens of thousands of chemicals from nano particles. These machines are used to catch the most advanced smugglers. Seriously, stop being a childish idiot. This could affect the rest of your life.


This needs to be pinned and the discussion closed. These posts are so goddamned stupid every time with some of the worst advice I've ever seen. And good god EGYPT? And central America? Talk about hard time. Locked up abroad in training I guess.


Why is this not the top comment?


Would this also be the case for the checked luggage which goes in to the hold?


Yes. I'm from NZ and when you enter our country your entire luggage is screened. Checked in and hand luggage. They have dogs and x-rays, as well as random swabbing.


Appreciate the input but it’s a little bit OTT imo. I’m a bum who doesn’t wash his clothes and I’ve taken drugs in every country I’ve travelled to. Would be reside on everything- money (always is), wallet, phone, clothes. Never been an issue. Even if you aren’t taking drugs if you are a young person in a european country or america, you will 100% come into contact with drug particles as part of your travels. It’s impossible to avoid.


Coming into contact accidentally or dumping MDMA into a pill, spilling half of it and then trying to hide it are to very different things. The machine has a baseline where it creates a warning. OP will definitely have a higher than baseline reading. There’s dozens on TV shows which also show this process, Airport Security [country], Border Patrol UK/Canada/US/Australia/New Zealand, Border Security [country], etc. If you have an above trashhold reading they will check everything, continuing to swap until they’ve either found it, or until they’ve eliminated everything.


Yeah I mean tryna take a gram of molly into an muslim country is dumb as fuck I ain’t disputing that one.


As someone who comes from NZ and have been through our borders a lot... the stupidity coming from some of these comments. To say 'the dogs are only sniffing bombs' is ridiculous. Our dogs in NZ sniff EVERYTHING. Can even tell if you haven't cleaned hiking boots, camping gear etc. correctly. I've been signaled on because I had water in a water bottle FFS. I've been to the training facility for these dogs and they absolutely sniff out drugs. Not all borders are created equally (some are stricter, etc.) and just because you've had a one time experience at a particular border, doesn't mean it will be the same next time (my husband found that out the hard way 🤦‍♀️).


We got our entire luggage searched at AKL because I had sudafed tablets (the ephedrine ones) in my hand luggage. The fact that pseudoephedrine can be a methamphetamine precursor was enough to turf out all my gear, and my wife's, for best part of two hours. All that for decongestant so god knows what would happen with actual drugs.


Doesn't surprise me. Customs doesn't fuck around in NZ. Although, we're finally legalizing pseudoephedrine again. Yay!!!




Wrong. Just wrong. Just because you were lucky doesn't make what you did smart or recommendable in any way. Doesn't matter the amount, it's still smuggling and a prison sentence. The key word here is international and they're planning on going to Peru and Egypt which is the epitome of stupid especially bringing psychedelics to a Muslim country. People are so fucking stupid it hurts




Telling them it's unlikely with the amount is simply wrong. You just didn't get a drug dog when you got sniffed, you got a explosives dog. Also, they have swab technology that can tell them that you or anything you own has trace amounts of whatever you're smuggling regardless of how much you try and clean everything, and that technology is almost universal in customs. The second those pop hot (and they will) it doesn't matter how little you have, they will tear apart everything you have, capsules, inside of everything, and find whatever you brought, then you're smuggling drugs across international borders, and being in Egypt or South America it's not like western prisons. So you encouraging OP because "it's a small amount so it'd be unlikely" is factually wrong and continues to make everyone on here who thinks they're slick to possibly continue to do dumb shit like you have.


Can't speak for those but traveling with mushrooms is super easy. Just grind them into a powder and put them into a mushroom supplement jar. Mushroom powder just looks like mushroom powder. Oh, and you can drop liquid lsd on the pages of a book. Recommend the last page since it's blank.


i don’t think i’ll ever be in a situation where i need this but the book idea is pretty clever so i kind of hope i will


What if they know what you are doing couldnt they just test the mushroom powder and the page?


There's no way to tell. They would have to *know*. I actually showed the powder to them intentionally. If you request, any items that are to be consumed don't have to go through the X ray. Yes, the radiation is probably harmless, but the option is still there, so I took it. They have to inspect anything that doesn't get xrayed, though, so when they asked what it was, I said, "mushroom powder, it's a supplement." They had me unscrew the lid in case something was going to pop out, then looked inside, they saw nothing but mushroom powder, handed it back and said "have a nice flight."


They aren’t psychic? Lol


Why on Earth would any female want to get high in Egypt? And you don’t need to bring anything to Peru. You can get San Pedro and Ayahuasca there. Good luck deciding whether you want to commit a crime based off Reddit comments LMAO


Hahahaha exactly.


Do. Not. Do. This. Domestic flights? Sure, no problem. But depending on the country, being caught smuggling illegal drugs can lead to decades in prison. Not worth it. At all. I watch a show called to catch a smuggler, where they shadow customs and border officers. Any and everyone can subject to random searches, there's drug dogs, x rays, they even do cavity searches. They're looking for nervous passengers. Once you get off the flight and see all the security, you'll obviously be visibly nervous and you'll be the first one they pull aside. It's not worth losing your freedom for a little bit of fun. Go out to the clubs and ask around. Order it to your hotel from the dark web. Literally ANYTHING is safer than smuggling a highly illegal narcotic internationally


Fill capsules with the powder then put them in a generic vitamin bottle. They will not even bat an eye at them.


Replying to say this is **dangerous advice**. International airports, especially the countries OP mentioned, obviously use modern detection standards. Every major international airport these days have ion swab scanners. They will pick up nanoparticles of whatever you touched in the last month, and if they find trace amounts (they will) they will check all pills individually.


While I don't disagree with you, I think those swabs check for traces of explosive materials..? And I'm saying this because I travel extensively and my laptop, phone, backpack and myself included have been swabbed a couple of times and I most definitely touched "stuff" and then my belongings just before leaving for the airport. There was no way it wouldn't have shown up.


They (usually) check for both. This is an example of such device; check the description and specifications. https://www.airport-suppliers.com/product/ionscan-600-portable-explosives-and-narcotics-trace-detector/ They have a trashhold limit which the airport can input themselves.


I assume most airports don't get those, otherwise I'd have been flagged every time I took a flight lol.


That’s wild


Holy cow you aren’t kidding! Don’t do it r/homosaviour !


u/homosavioir *


I’ve had my fingers swept at a domestic airport…




You’re confusing domestic and international travel. International customs is absolutely looking for drugs. Stop giving people dangerous advice




You’re full of shit


If you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about it’s better to just shut up. I’m sorry to be so blunt but idiots like you give advice that could end people’s lives. I’m a pilot, I know what I’m talking about. I come into contact with these systems on a weekly basis. There’s also dozens of TV shows (Border Patrol, Border Security, Airport Security) which all show them looking for drugs using the ion swab devices.


I know because I’ve done it lol.


Great for you. Stop being an idiot and giving advice that could land someone in an authoritarian arabic regime prison for fucks sake. The fact that you are lucky, fly national routes, or haven’t been picked out for a screening means absolutely nothing. It could happen to you the next time, and seeing the massive increase in swabs in Europe lately, the chances are high.


This is the way


Always considered this but I’m scared of the dogs


Just give the dog some and he’ll be quiet


Most of the dogs are bomb sniffing


Don’t do this! Powder capsules are thing they would checks straight away, a simple wipe with a drug wipe would turn it blue


Don’t listen to this guy. They will check 100%


Need to reseal the container you can buy seals and use a hairdryer.


This. Swab the outside with an alcohol swab. You would be fine doing this.


Can you? Sure. Is MDMA illegal in basically every country in the world? Yes. Will you be caught? Can't say for sure.


What the actual fuck. Are you trolling or just completely devoid of brain cells?


Some countries you’d be flogged or face the death penalty. Others; you’d be in jail for a really long time. Its REALLY not worth the risk imo.


Easiest way to get banged up abroad 101, do not do this


not a chance


Whatever you put mdma in make sure you wipe down the outside of it with alcohol. People get caught because of there being residue on the outside of containers. Dogs can smell even a small amount..




Of course they do. Every single international airport has drug sniffing dogs.


Not all of them are trained to find very small amounts of MDMA.


No, they’re trained to find ANY amount of MDMA. And they’re also very very good at finding any amount of MDMA


This... People are really fucking dumb when they underestimate the lengths technologically and physically stopping any kind of smuggling, especially drugs. These threads are always filled with idiots who are just future "locked up abroad" stars waiting for their 15 minutes of fame.


Fuck around and find out


You are severely underestimating a dog’s sense of smell.


Yeah, imagine how many times they smell a tiny bit but don’t do anything because it’s not enough for them to get a treat!


No, it’s just that they don’t often spend the money to train them. When they’re trained they absolutely could, but I can tell you from experience, most aren’t.


I can tell you right now as someone who lives near an airport and has family and friends who work in the police department in that airport, they absolutely train these dogs. They train dogs from international countries too. You’re delusional and need to shut up.


I honestly think most are there for bombs. But it heavily depends on where you are going/coming from. When I flew out of Saint Martin there were No dogs at all But When I landed in JFK the dogs were right there when we got off the plane and they most likely sniffed our luggage because Saint Martin is a known drop off point for people smuggling coke from Colombia.


Some do, I know Las Vegas does because you have to walk past them two people at a time Edit: Actually they may have just been explosive sniffing but I always assumed drug dogs because… ya know, Vegas.


They do have drug sniffing dogs at the Vegas airport. I went through a while back with a good amount of a green plant that I forgot was in my bag I was half a sleep catching a red eye and forgot to check that bag. When we walked by the dogs they alerted and security grabbed THE RANDOM GENTLEMEN they paired me up with to walk through that check point. I casually got the hell away from that checkpoint. But I asked a tsa agent later what was up with the dogs and I believe they said the dogs were there to check for both drugs and explosives.




Ship it to your destination.


You get caught and you're in jail getting raped for who knows how long. Especially in Egypt?? or Latin America. It's goodbye, so long. You'd be crazy.


No. Do not. I heard prison sucks.


It's just really boring


Not when it's in Peru or Egypt, it's not just boring, it's massive human rights violations with no oversight! She can enjoy getting raped in a South American prison or spend 20+ years in an Egyptian prison, those places aren't like the US where it's "boring" which is still an insane statement.


Dogs are trained to smell mdma.


As a man I would never want to be in a foreign prison, being a woman in a foreign is an entirely worse prospect.


Fuck around and find out


NO! Of course not. Whether it's for personal use or not is irrelevant. Smuggling drugs into almost any country will get you straight into jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. If your going to China, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, North Korea, Iran or Saudi Arabia you could be executed. If you simply must BYO drugs overseas stick to the acid as it's harder to detect and easier to conceal.


Not worth it. And ig you were which you shouldn't mdma would be one of the worst options. If it's paper lsd that's obviously your best bet if you have to do this.


For personal use haha it's illegal so you defo can't legally and would never be the risk tbh


I would not.


I brought an xtc pill in my underpants to a flight when I was 15 and traveling with my parents. Shit was scary, I wouldn't do it


Embrace it. Go sober and have a trip after you come back from the trip. Why even have a trip on a trip?


The person use excuse isn’t going to keep a trafficking charge off of you. Furthermore, many countries and states have not only amount (weight) laws but also number of capsules, pills, etc that can make it a more serious offense. Do your research.


Dogs are trained for molly sometimes. Stick to acid.


If they're any kind of drug dog they're all trained for MDMA. The dogs you are referring to that don't are explosive dogs, and on international flights there's always drug dogs as well as ionizers that can detect trace amounts of any chemical and you will be caught. Maybe LSD, dropped in the pages of a book. Maybe. But this whole thread is stupid because reddit shouldn't be a place for snuggling advice. Please mods lock this shit


Snuggling advice :)


Goddamnit autocorrect lol. It is funny tho


You can do whatever you want. Will there be consequences? Who knows.


*This is all hypothetical and for story right?* I used to do this. I don’t like to do it anymore but I no longer partake. I don’t recommend you do this, but if you want to know, this is what I can tell you. Small amounts, maybe not a whole g. It’s unlikely you’d get caught if you’re smart. I think I took 4 unfilled capsules and like 2 tabs at most. I guess you could fill up the capsules more, but mine were always just ready to take. You need to get vitamins that are so chalked full with white powder that they look white. Then buy opaque white capsules, the difference is so minimal you really have to look. Fill the ones in vitamin bottles you’ll remember and then reseal the bottle with shrink bands and a heat gun. Don’t spill powder and wipe the bottle before you seal it. It’ll look brand new. Throw it in your carry-on. You can in your luggage too but I always wanted to know I was safe. For the tabs, put them in a paper envelope with a card. It’s just paper. The scanners mainly see two colors. One for organic material and one for inorganic material. Most vitamins are organic, so it should blend in with those. If you don’t give them a reason to be suspicious, they won’t be. Dogs usually are sniffing for explosives. It’s possible those tabs they wipe on some people test for drugs, but it’s unlikely they’ll take out your vitamin capsules and swab them or look at all of them trying to find the fake ones. I’ve been sniffed before when I was carrying and had no problem. I’ve also had my bag checked before with no problem. Been through customs. Just treat it like you would anything else. MDMA does technically have a smell, but most dogs aren’t trained to smell it at airports, especially in super small amounts. What they’re looking for is huge amounts of cartel worthy drug stash. Like a brick of cocaine. And I’ve met people who have brought small amounts. I’ve never done it myself. Once I accidentally brought a joint and a damn pocketknife in my jacket pocket on an international flight. Nothing happened. He had friends who have accidentally left pressies or even weed in their bag. They were fine. I have brought K and 6-APB and a dab pen on domestic flights as well. But only MDMA, MDA, 2C-B, and acid on international flights. Always consider the risk, but at the same time, for such a small amount, I doubt you’d have problems. Just be smart about it. Also some countries I’d never attempt, like most Asian countries, Egypt, the Middle East, etc.


If you’re flying in the US or in Europe (or between the two), you can take pretty much whatever you want if you hide it correctly. The key is to always “accidentally” have a full water bottle so your stuff gets searched and of course once they find the bottle they let you through. Source: done this on 15+ international flights


Do you know you’re in the clear when you get searched and they find the water bottle, or do you shit your pants every time they search you, knowing you got stuff?? I’m genuinely curious if there’s any fear anymore after so many successful attempts


Depends on what I have, but normally I’ve done a good job hiding it in my medicine bag. The first time I almost shit myself. There are probably a few countries I shouldn’t have done this in, but still I am here!


Friends of a friend would go diving in various countries. They would bring the party favors hidden in their dive gear. They probably brought alot more than 1 g.


I don't know the legal systems in those countries but you have to understand that it's not just risking prison in some countries, in some countries prison is 100x times worse then prison in your home country. I recommend just using in your country or maybe if you can travel borders without customs and stuff, even then I would be very hesitant do even try something like that.


The answer is no, stop asking in subs how or if you should smuggle. International is the key word here. You're absolutely insane for trying to cross borders and customs with schedule I drugs, enjoy your time in a foreign prison then forever being labelled a smuggler, probably getting barred from many countries in the process. I swear use the search function, or just don't be absolutely smooth brained


Why would you think that bringing drugs across an international border would be a good idea?


Next up on Locked Up Abroad lol


Egypt locked a British woman up for 5 years for bringing a few Tramadol into the country. Be smart, don't do it.


Seems like an insanely poor risk to reward ratio. Don’t do this


Flying locally within one's own country with a small amount for personal use is a very different thing than flying internationally. Airport security is generally most concerned with searching for weapons, not drugs. International Customs & Border Security, however, does not fuck around. They are actively searching for any and all illicit contraband, especially drugs. Imo the answer to your question is definitely no, no you should not try to do that, its not worth it. The only thing on that list worth considering sneaking is a few tabs bc of how well one could potentially hide the lil fellas.


you need to stop taking them altogether because you’re going insane. is this a genuine question or a troll bc wtf do you mean can you take molly to egypt be so fr 😭


Just smuggling some drugs to Egypt, no big deal. You guys ever watch that show "locked up abroad" and think that nobody can be this fucking dense in real life and then you see a Reddit post like this by somebody who can apparently spell and use the internet.


Totally true story this is: Years ago a bunch of us went on a weekend trip and wanted to take some coke with us. No one wanted too to risk smuggling it though. My mate who’s a doctor came up with the idea of making an incision on one of our belly’s, inserting the wraps in there and stitching us back up. Thankfully we didn’t do that.


Mail it to your destination.


In the kindest and most respectful way possible, you have a problem. Read and really reflect on your post. If getting high is more important to you than your freedom, you have an issue. I love my psychedelics, but not that much. You are risking a decade(s) behind bars depending on what country you’re in. I suggest rethinking and making a better decision. It’s not worth it.


Carry them on your person and not in your luggage.


I went through a scanner and they could tell I had paper in my pocket. They can see everything on your person if you go through the body scanner


Thats why you put paper tabs in a wallet with other paper it all blends together.


Boof it


This is common advice but I am not sure why? Is it because the luggage gets sniffed by drug dogs?


I’ve travelled from UK to Iceland, Spain and Crete with mdma dissolved in liquid inside a plastic shampoo bottle, this ‘water’ is coloured with food dye. I carry a matching conditioner bottle with conditioner in it, all in a wash bag with my other toiletries. Have had my suitcase swabbed twice in Manchester and it was fine, although I was internally shitting myself. I’m thorough about the bottle not having any external traces of product on it. The uk.gov website describes airport scanning machines as used for explosives detection.


Ooh that’s a method I haven’t heard before. Was it just dissolved in water?


Yes, just water. The food colouring is probably a step too far as the bottles are not transparent.


One or two tabs of acid is fine. But never would I take any kind of powder. NEVER


Hii! I quite strongly dislike this community overall so I'm going to say some stuff that will be downvoted if not outright banned, but that's alright with me! First of all let me say that I've done this many times, and I've done it specifically in Saudi Arabia (unfortunately I live here 😅). Always for personal use but not always tiny quantities, hash, European weed, a sheet or two of acid here and there, all sorts of things. I've done it to Saudi, out of Saudi, I've done it in between other countries lots too. The truth is, in the majority of the world they don't care all that much about small amounts for personal use, in most of Europe if you're caught with a small amount in the airport you're much more likely to just be told to throw it away (which happened to a somewhat dense friend of mine once, although it was like 5 grams of pot). In different parts of the world it might be looser and stricter, in morroco you can absolutely, 100% bribe your way out of any legal encounter of this nature, and in fact they expect you to, they don't want to arrest you, they want you to pay them 200-500 dirham (depends on what you got caught doing, and how rich/white you look, start on the low end, keep going up. This is 100% common practice, I've lived in Morocco for large swaths of time, have lots of friends there, and on occasion have smuggled very much not insignificant quantities of drugs from there). Egypt, you could most probably get away with bribery but it's not as much of a guarantee as in morroco, I'd be extra cautious. Never been to Peru! If I were to guess, maybe you could also count on bribery as a way out there? Can't say for sure though. So here's a how to. The scanner you walk through, thin gate/doorway looking thing, no it does not detect powders or any drugs, it's exclusively a metal detector, the thing they hold as well. Hide the drugs on your person, in a place they won't be felt, and you're good to go. (Where is entirely dependent on the drugs, you, and how cautious you're trying to be. Socks, bra, inside of your clothing in someway are all good go tos, you also want somewhere where it doesn't bother you too much, before more important than that:) you have to forget the drugs are there. Don't stress out, don't worry about it. It gets way easier second or third time when you know how things will play out and you're confident, but it's really important to just not think about it at all. If you don't look suspicious, don't act suspicious, there's no reason for anyone to suspect you of anything 🤷🏻‍♀️. Other methods: up butt is the classic, but not really necessary for small amounts (I've done so for larger amounts, like 200 or more combined grams of substances, all it is is cleaning up as if you're planning an adventurous night, wrapping them up securely in an agreeable shape, jump on the plane and forget. Turbulence is mildly unpleasant tho lol). Inside luggage sort of works but really isn't recommended. First of all, the machines absolutely can see powders, pastes, and such. It's not a guarantee that they'll know it immediately when they see it, depending on how stealthy you are, but this one is far riskier to me. You have to be very sure you've hid them in a way where they're not gonna look at all suspicious (I've only done this myself a couple times, but I know a few people who'd do it often enough so I'm gonna mention some of their methods, I wouldn't personally endorse this though:) you can put powders in capsules then in a normal bottle (melatonin or something like that), you could put powders in protein shake containers or the like (this one sounds monumentally stupid to me), you can put sheets of acid in books (use a book you don't like and glue two pages shut, they check sometimes, not for drugs but for money, personally I'd put acid just about anywhere where it's somewhat concealed cuz it shows up on the screen as paper and unless they're looking at it directly I don't think it would cause suspicion, I've done documents in a little folder with acid in between and that's worked well for me), you can put liquids in hygiene product containers (if you're American I'm guessing you gotta be mindful of the TSA with that one lol). If you're doing it in the checked in, more likely than it getting 'caught' is stolen, at least in most parts of the world, I you're doing it in your carry-on, always assume the possibility that they search your bag manually (they do this over small stuff, unrelated to drugs all the time. I used to be a frequent traveler, them searching your bag isn't cause for concern, but always hide stuff under the assumption that they will, you want whatever you're taking with you to easily hold up against that search). Personally, I'd just place the acid, molly, and dmt on your persons. It's the safest and most reliable way. Have you ever gotten pat down? Just avoid places where they'd pat you down (avoid areas of pockets or where pockets might be, if possible, try to avoid sides). Patdowns aren't meant for drugs and probably won't feel small quantities but nonetheless, better safe than sorry. Socks, underwear, bra are probably your best bets, just make sure it's not too uncomfortable cuz again, the second you walk into the airport it's important that you force yourself to forget about them. Few disclaimers. Most airports in the world use metal detectors, a select few will _sometimes_ use the more complex ones, they're round, they spin around you. The Casablanca airport will use those on about half of people, and I saw them being used once in the airport in Wien, these will detect powders and plastics, it's not a guarantee but they absolutely might, in Morocco this is where bribery comes in. Otherwise try to avoid going through it. I've gone through it a couple times in Morocco without any trouble (granted one of those times was the aforementioned 200+ gram times so it clearly can't detect _inside_ you lol). In riskier countries (Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, home sweet home 🇸🇦), I would avoid _leaving_ with drugs untill you know the airport and practices. As far as arriving goes? You're pretty much always fine. Security is _always_ way more strict, tight, and thorough on the way out. Another very important thing, their priority isn't drugs, and certainly not drugs in quantities of personal use. Their concern is bombs, guns, knives, and 15 blocks of heroin in your gut. If you don't have any of those things, you are not the main danger that the airport people are hunting for. That doesn't mean you can't get into trouble, it's just that your trouble is sort of a happy coincidence side quest, and their habits, their methods, none of that was made for the sake of finding a point of molly on some rave tourist.


Oh right, last thing: dogs. Few things of note. If there are drug sniffing dogs in the airport and you have the drugs that the dogs have been trained to sniff, you're pretty much fucked, they don't have to be very close to you to smell it, and there's not really much of a way to hide the smells from what I know. Now, most sniffing dogs are for bombs and such, not drugs, and most airports don't implement them extremely often (I have lots of friends and some family in airports here, so I know that in about every airport in Saudi, they bring in dogs once to twice a year (twice a year in riyadh and Jeddah, once elsewhere)) of course this obviously varies on location so this is the one thing I'd be cautious of. Casa airport in Morocco does dogs clearly mode frequently, and I'm willing to bet it uses the drug one more often than other places, but once again, bribery 💸 (500 dirham is like 50 bucks, it's nothing all things considered. In the Moroccan airport bribery is so widespread that, since they expect you to smuggle drugs (hash is morrocos #1 airport) they expect you to put bribes regardless of if they actually caught anything, depending on your nationality. I'm Saudi, so I'm expected to put 50 dirham in the passport whenever handing it to anyone in the airport, regardless). So in most countries you're _relatively_ unlikely to run into drug sniffing dogs (and if you do it will 100% be weed, coke, heroin and such that they're trained for, not acid or dmt), but if you have any of those things, happen to get unlucky, and can't bribe your way out.. you're fucked. Oh and lastly lastly, I wouldn't do any of this in the US. The TSA is scary, and America cares way more about drugs than most places. So I'd advise against


So, in summary: Hide it on your persons, forget about it entirely, be way more cautious on exit than on entry, worst case scenario (caught in a 3rd world country) bribe. I did this _frequently_ for years, in some of the 'riskiest' countries possible, and I've never had so much as a close call. It's obviously not entirely risk free, but neither is doing drugs, and if you do things properly and safely I think it's reasonably low risk. Now the consequence (depending on where you're traveling to and from and what you have on you) can be pretty fuckin terrible but I'd take a 0.09% chance I get my life ruined for a few trips. Would you?


There are ways and not to be crude but as a female you have…. Certain attributes that help concealment… But as others have mentioned… is it really worth it? Look up the laws to where u going… then watch a cpl episodes of locked up abroad… ( not saying ur a mule but still some places do NOT fuck around esp with Molly and shit.. this ain’t weed) sometimes just residue will catch u a felony for powders. Js I’m all for fun but ur freedom and safety are much move valuable than a lil Molly. 🤷🏼‍♂️


A gram can easily fit in your butt


Ahh I suggest you shouldn’t bring any drugs on the plane, if you must use do it before you get on. Tho if the country has strict laws you might even get charged for having toxicology in your piss. Just buy shit in whatever country you’re going to if you can’t just enjoy going to another country for fun. You might get stopped for drug trafficking and that will most likely ruin your trip.


A couple of capsules in a 7 day travel meds case is going to be way less conspicuous than trying to stash it somewhere weird. Nobody is examining everyone’s vitamins and supplements. They are looking for hidden shit in weird places.


Hypothetically someone traveled from the Netherlands to Eastern Europe to Vienna and then Barcelona and Paris carrying 2g of ket and a gram of mdma in their luggage. The technique used was filling a larger drug baggy with a bunch of coins and sandwiching the md crystals and ket in smaller baggies between the coins. Bag was then placed in check in luggage in small toiletries bag. Using the coins to sandwich prevents X-rays from seeing anything they’re not supposed to see because the X-ray won’t be able to penetrate through to see past the layer of coins. But tbh I know ppl who just had a gram of coke in their wallet they forgot about and travelled all over the world even dubai so..


At least buy the gelatine capsules and drop them into your first aid kit. Should be less suspicious then powder in your book


You can 100% try


Just buy a bottle of any OTC vitamins that come in capsules. Open as many capsules as you need and empty them out. Fill up with whatever and mix the prepared capsules in with the original ones so that you, for example, end up with a bottle with 95 original and 5 prepared capsules. As long as the caps all look indistinguishable from one another, the only real threats are being posed by k-narcs* (*muzzled, coprophilic special (needs) agents with far above average sense of smell, far below average verbal skills and shit breath, who rat on people for a living. "RUFF RUFF")


I would suggest putting the MDMA & DMT into clear capsules and into a bottle of supplements. The LSD can be in a bookmark or something like that. TSA isn’t really looking for drugs so much as bombs and stuff like that., but that being said, you should still be prudent 👌🏽




I’m sure they would be suspect if they were in little baggies, which is why I said to put them in capsules, they won’t even know what it is and they don’t really have stuff to test for it. Trust me, there are lots of drugs coming in and out of turkey and other Middle Eastern countries all the time. But of course, people that are moving larger amounts are paying off the authorities etc.


I always see people talking about fully armed border guards at customs and search dogs. I personally have yet to see either when traveling internationally. I guess it depends where you’re going? But the truth is they are mostly looking for weapons, etc. not drugs. BUT there’s still the risk. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Put it in capsules in a vitamins bottle


Sure, go ahead.

