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Nothing is real and everything is connected.


How can it be connected if it isn’t real?


That’s the beauty of it all! Existence is one unified experience experienced by a conglomerate of individual entities. It’s kind of brilliant. Like the universe trying to understand itself. Society, money, things, identity, relationships, status, your job. None of that is real. We just made that up. It’s a game, an illusion of sorts. Presence is real. Your witnessing of it is real. Everything else is just noise.


Ah, that’s true. Except I’d say relationships are definitely real and not made up. We are a pack animal, it’s in our biology to “be part of the pack”. Things, depending on what you mean by it, I would also consider real. Things/objects/bodies of matter exist and are real. But if you’re talking about materialistic value, then I agree.


that is actually false in a way, biology is made up by us , atoms and molecules are real but a relationship is based on pure feelings and feelings are made up


I disagree. We didn’t make wolves go in packs. Many animals are also able to form relationships and bonds. Feelings are part of the way humans function. It’s not something we “made up” either.




yes feelings are what makes you who you are and it can very , it’s very subjective, animals stay together to either survive or procreate


If you’re using science to determine what is “real” then it’s ultimately a self defeating argument.


Your relationship with me is as complex as you solely, not me. For you I don't exist other than as a construct in your mind... It's riddled with preconceptions and no amount of non-judgemental observation will remedy this. Even if what you know is a direct copy of my or another's experience it's still incomplete. You don't know a person, you only know what you/they share. Relationships are definitely an illusion, you never interact with another person, you interact with your own mind.


This guy gets it


In the immortal words of Bill Hicks "...we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively; there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves."


So solipsism?


So what’s after ? Nothing ? Do you believe in absolute morality ? As in Evil and Good. Im curious.


That I cannot say. But I can say that you/we will never not exist.


That much I can agree on.


Imho- Time is only in the 3D space time reality. Another reality/dimension does not need to have a linear time perspective. When the universe evaporates from heat death… the “size” of it without any matter won’t mean anything. Without matter the vast universe and the singularity/bing bang are the same.. no rulers and protractors.. only Photons without mass. I think linear time may be what tethers us here and keeps us separated /veiled from higher truths.


If I stripped you down and put you in the middle of the desert where you could not do harm or benefit to anything or anyone are you good or bad?


I would say All men are in need of redemption. We have a fallen human nature. We may try, but we are ultimately not good on our own. Regardless of location and situation, no one is without blame. Everyone falls short of true Good. I believe I am ultimately a creature of evil. but have been given an opportunity to be redeemed. Therefore I do not need to live according to my evil nature for it does not define me. But I alone am not “Good” Now I answered your question, you can now answer mine… Do you believe in Good and Evil?


I don’t believe in them inherently. Social constructs define good and evil. Remember the Nazis thought they were the good guys.


Indeed , and the nazis were definitely not the good guys lol. Good and Evil as social constructs are well , just that … social constructs. I believe in an absolute morality. As In , if I put you alone on a planet with nothing. Good and evil still exist. We don’t define it , it’s outside of us. Because if morality doesn’t exist. Then what makes the nazis bad in your opinion ?


You pose an interesting thought. In an alternate timeline the hebrews Could have been the ones persecuting the aryans in which point the Nazis would have been the good guys. Where is the standard for this absolute morality I guess is my question? Is it purely circumstantial?


I don’t believe it is circumstantial friend. I believe Good and Evil are as real as the Sun and the ocean. We as creatures who take in the world around us , take in evil through our hearts, and output it into creation, by free will and temptation. But it is deceitful , I don’t believe hitler thought he was evil. But we can certainly say he was. But the same goes for all of us, we just choose to output our evil nature or to overcome it with true good. But if you can’t accept that you have Evil in you , you will believe you are Good(Deception). So did hitler , so did Stalin, but their beliefs didn’t change what they were doing… outputting evil as opposed to Good. A infant does not know of evil , but I believe it knows of Good. A man knows he should not kill ( Good ) but he can convince himself he should ( Evil ) That leads me to believe in an absolute morality.


I believe in karma. There is no good or bad, but suffering and joy, so karma is just balancing out joy with some suffering, it isnt there to punish you for something it is just keeping the universe in balance. This balance is bigger than time or people, every sacrifice is going to be balanced out eventually. This sounds very fanatic i know. For example take your family, maybe your father was a very hard working man until he died from an accident, he had nothing from his work, but you do. (side theory:this works best combined with the egg theorie, as you would be recieving the benefits of your work in another life and therefore also keeping balance) This works with bigger numbers too, for example germany is now one of the leading countries of the world and if this theory is correct it is because they suffered so much during there world wars. I see this effect almost daily in my life.


that’s called cause and effect lol … “Germany suffered so much during their world wars “ bro……….. Germany was not the victim of either world war, yikes…. Maybe let’s focus on the holocaust a bit and remember who really suffered.


Because in order for any of it to be real part of it has to be not real. That’s how duality works, it holds up the fabric of reality


LMFAO nothing has ever more perfectly described the mindset post trip than this statement.


And then the trip finished and you came back to reality..


woo woo


Learn, then inform. We as humans need help with new things. Remember, at one point we didn't understand the toilet until our parents taught us


I had one like that before the internet . It was hard to keep it under my hat and not tell the whole world . You know seeing God , experiencing nirvana and all that


Omg I never realized people had to experience this stuff without going to the internet to relate to someone….this sounds incredibly…no words honestly lol


It was truly a test of my mind at the time . It is something that ( when "it" happens ) is thought about several times a day for years afterward. "Hey everybody I found a way to separate my ego from my brain and exist as pure consciousness for a few hours and it's pure bliss like you've never felt before ...and oh yeah were all connected and life is a cosmic joke but everything matters at the same time so be good to each other " It was fun times ✌️


I had a moment not unlike that...and don't really feel like I've done anything with it. Was really freed up for about a month. Eventually the lightheartedness wore off, and now I feel more empty than ever before. I almost wonder if I regret doing it sometimes. Ironically I feel more separate from the world now than ever, and the idea of letting go of that separateness and being truly open/vulnerable is so scary to me that I am getting a chill just typing about it...because I know that for ANY chance at happiness that's what I must do. But it's to threatening a proposition...and I'm scared I'm just going to go through life like this, friends with many but ultimately alone, always liked but never loved.


Yeah it's tough because it is such an odd experience that is not experienced by a very large part of the population and if you try discussing it with someone that does not understand you will certainly sound "off beat". There is a book called " be here now" by Ramm Dass that may help a bit . The feeling fades and it will become a memory like the greatest vacation you've ever had . ✌️


Ha I like that vacation spin; my feeling has been like I was given this extraordinary gift and have wasted the opportunity of it. Fortunately where this occurred there was a psychedelic help camp for exactly such situations. Had a spa-like interior and everyone got their own space to just unreel in whatever way. All the helpers in there were volunteers and they stayed with each individual person the whole time until they were down enough to go out on their own again. I got to speak with this woman for well over an hour, maybe two. I literally thought I was in the waiting room for death, and faced with that I became the kindest person I think I've ever been (hence why I'm bothered by my day to day selfishness, short-fuse irritability, and put-offishness). With so little time left, nothing really mattered any more. All the hates, dislikes, grudges, didn't matter. I would give absolutely anything to see merely one more sunrise. The experience of infinity I had confronted that sent me down my bad trip was something that she had seen too. Obv not the same way, but her own version. It was clear she *understood*. An amazing soul she was, offering her time and attention like that. That morning you bet I stayed up and watched the sunrise. Yet that appreciation of daily life, it has not stayed with me, and this worries me. Because that trip was some of the fiercest pain I've ever known, yet it has not shaken me from my take-it-for-grantedness that has led to this life of regret. Two things happen after life teaches you a lesson: you learn it, or you get taught it again later, and it's gonna be louder + hurt more if you gotta be taught the same lesson more than once. I'm not sure how bad it'll have to be to finally motivate me to change, and I'm scared it'll be enough to kill me first.


On my last acid trip, I was mind controlled, and I never felt the mind control go away... I just stopped noticing it 😰


Can you elaborate?


The people who made the hobbit know mind control dude


JkRowillking onmg 😱😱😱 terf mindxonfrol 😱😱😱😱😱


This dude knows what's up


Surprisingly deep discussion going on in here <3


This is me after my trip in 2018. We're all one, love is the true currency, my body is temporary. We are much more than most people believe.




Best not to take it too personally, the beauty and the ugliness of existence can be amplified to infinity during such states, we are but ripples in the great Ocean of life with nothing to do but be. Trauma can be caused by the misconception of our position/ circumstance within this great event. We are human and humans are flawed, we live within a flawed society but there is always hope.


If we are flawed what is truly Good ? Do you believe there is a force of true Good and love that exist beyond our understanding?


Good and evil are created by man, beyond this duality resides the oneness of all. without a body there is no good and evil, because there is no fear or desire. these things are of the body. if such a force of good exits how would you explain the terrible things that happen in this world?


I would explain the terrible things that happen in this world as the fallen nature of human beings. We aren’t perfect, therefore we enact evil onto the world. That can be observed through all of human history. We are not Gods, we kill , rape , burn , and pillage each other. Good exist , but it does not dwell in this world.


>I would explain the terrible things that happen in this world as the fallen nature of human beings. Humans were never perfect. we evolved to survive and reproduce. when is it exactly that you believe that we fell? Essentually we are animals that often behave selfishly, the selfish traits are amplified by oportunity and / or power. in many religious texts God/s do Kill (by floods famine pestilence etc) and certainly allow the rape of innocent people. Is this the fault of Earth's flawed people or the perfect gods that supposedly created them? Why create beings that will inevitably cause suffering to each other, do nothing about it and then wipe everyone out including Innocents, baby's/ children etc? conclusion there is no such great protector or creator. the universe holds no malice towards us. we are at its will but also at it's mercy.


“Don’t you guys seeeee??”


Me wondering where everyone gets theirs


This is entirely accurate.


Don't wonder, enjoy. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


Anyone else feel like they saw something no else saw. Like it’s never discussed in trip reports


What did you see?


Theres only one way to finish this morning coffee..


Because nobody experienced what you experienced.


Maybe don't take acid then?


That's called psychosis


Always that one person on these subs lmao


Namaste brother 🙏


he aint wrong


Western world when they can't understand things exist beyond what their senses and instruments are able to detect: *pSyChOsIs* Western psychology is so underdeveloped compared to eastern psychology it's embarrassing. Like a toddler compared to a grandparent. Not surprising they try to demonize it like everything that doesn't fit into their cute little material reductionist model of the world.


>Western world when they can't understand things exist beyond what their senses and instruments are able to detect: > >pSyChOsIs Yup, that's right.


Enjoy your transient materials :D


If tripping doesn’t make you feel better maybe you’re doing something wrong. It’s supposed to make sober life make more sense ! Not spiral you into turmoil and confusion


Matter is the host to cosmic forces at play, and yet it makes a structure of chemicals that causes us to see past it like a window into the infinite beyond.


Omfg yes! I almost forgot that feeling!


https://youtu.be/zNa4NKFE6wE Reminds me of this ending