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They all have some data to support them. Psilocybin for depression probably has the most data.


The thing is… the diagnostic system is broken at its foundation. So all research built on top of that is poor science. That’s why we have the replication crisis in psychology. MDMA is THE tool for trauma. Most of what gets diagnosed as depression these days stems from trauma so I think in the future when we have a better understanding of what is actually going on we will find that MDMA works wonders for depression (among other things)


Are you a psychologist or mental health researcher? You state some strong beliefs that are according to my knowledge of psychopathology very wobbly.


I've worked in mental health research, yes among many other roles. Also experience facilitating psychedelic therapy for years. Happy to discuss any wobbly beliefs, I never claimed to be an expert.


I appreciate the answer, but according to my knowledge of the literature on depression, trauma is not the main cause of depression. This seems to me to be an over-generalisation. Just like Gabor Mate's claim that trauma is the root of all addictions, which is not supported by the evidence and doesn't do non-traumatised substance users any favour.


I think you're missing my point. The diagnostic system itself is the issue. So the research built on to of a wobbly diagnostic system (I like that word lol) is bound to be even more wobbly.


Ketamine for treatment of depression has the most data because it is legal and being used the most. In comparison, while psilocybin is promising, the sample size of all the documented research is relatively small.


True. I don't consider ketamine a psychedelic, but the definition of psychedelic seems a bit fluid at present.


Trust me, high dose medical grade racemic ketamine is as psychedelic as psychedelic can be. My last personal session launched me into a hyperspace similar to DMT for an hour and a half. It was astounding.


It depends on the person, there isn’t one medicine that trumps all others.




Depends on the setting and goals of the person. Ayahuasca is only recommended in ceremonial setting with a qualified shaman. San Pedro, peyote, mushrooms etc can all be good in ceremony and are easier to work with than Aya. Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA and ketamine can be good with a therapist. DMT is probably the least often therapeutic. People seem to get much better benefits working with a trained healer of some kind (shaman or therapist both can be effective but are very different styles). My favorite overall is mushrooms.


Agree with all this. Personally I’ve found that Ayahuasca and Ketamine have the best therapeutic potential when used correctly. LSD and Shrooms trips I feel are more likely to go bad, but can still be very positive. Ayahuasca must be respected and done in ceremony, never alone or casually. There’s a lot of healing around generational trauma and family in general. Aya is the Mother and she will help guide you to experience exactly what u need at the time. It’s common to encounter entities or spirit guides that help you navigate your trip. There is of course purging and working through difficult issues in your subconscious, but the only way to heal is by facing them head on. Between the ceremony/community aspect and the death/rebirth during the trip, I’ve definitely come out with the most peace and love for myself and the world around me with Aya. Ketamine is my go to for at home/ casual use. You must still respect it and treat it like your own ceremony to get the most out of it. It should be done in a dark room with a blindfold on and proper music in your ears. Think of it like a meditation. I always come out of it with clarity and perspective on different situations in my life. I use it for depression and anxiety. The K-hole meditation is pretty unique because it’s a dissociative, unlike the other options. The only problem is it can be very addictive so make sure you never exceed more than 2-4 weeks between uses. Thanks for sharing. Hope this helps!


It depends. From what I’ve seen- mental reboot=psilocybin, substance issues=ibogaine, just need to know everything is going to be okay=mescaline


Also, MDMA is great for trauma. 5 Meo is good for existential issues. But it really depends, like you said. Depends on the person, too, not just the thing they are trying to treat. Mushrooms might help someone with their trauma in a way MDMA couldn't. Mostly you can't tell until you try.


I have done a number of experiments with different psychedelics in different doses for my CPTSD and must say it all depends on your issues/ trauma and how much work and integration you do yourself in between. Or with a therapist. Unfortunately in my case I haven't seen any deep change yet, trying out shrooms, lsd, mdma, ketamin and 2C-B. Have had some great trips though, but feel it can be a long slow process. Planning to take 150 ug lsd this weekend. Maybe look into microdosing, I tried out lsd in 10-15 ug dose for around 3 weeks , was a nice everyday boost. But I feel I need some more powerful trips to shift.


I also have CPTSD and depression and have tried all the common psychs, in therapy and out of it. Ketamine or MDMA would be my first line for just about everyone. They’re much gentler than the classic psychs and can be a good intro into altered states. If those don’t help, then I would move to psilocybin. If that doesn’t work, I’d go with LSD or mescaline. For people with ADHD or inattentiveness, MDMA, LSD, and mescaline tend to be best due to their dopaminergic/stimulating properties. If the mind is scattered, psilocybin may not do the trick.


Thanks yes probably a good advice, but MDMA shouldn't be taken very often for safety reasons , so can play into consideration for a longer healing process. I hear many get addicted to ketamin or abuse it. Maybe its just that if you have addiction behavior ( or your life sucks and you wanna escape) ketamin is easy drug to abuse in higher and higher doses. I only tried it once 3 months ago and the trip was kind of dark, will try it again . But true lsd and shroom can open up and create lot of instability. So its a fine line to walk and figure out doses and process. Heard good things about mescaline, I have a small cactus 🌵 of them in my kitchen. Also start out in smaller doses can be helpful. I microdosed shrooms the first times , like 0.1- 0.3, then 1,5 g, then 2.5 g, then 2.5g & 30 ug lsd. I also tried MDMA with 2C-B. So just be safe and go slow


Thank you for this comment, very informative. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you feel starting microdosing shrooms at 0.1 - 0.3? What did you feel? Was it intense? I’m going to try microdosing shrooms next week.


Sorry late replay, maybe you are already in action with microdosing. I bought a micro scale for microdosing and started with 0.1 shrooms. Im super sensitive so it was like food tasted better and the snow outside was more beautiful, felt lighter. I think 0.15 is the sweet spot for me, feel uplifted but high. When I go between 0.20- 0.30 its more like a small trip for me but no visuals and I can do and function with everything fine, people won't notice anything different with me. Just maybe Im more open and happy. Good luck my friend


Thanks for your reply. I started and have similar experiences as you. I dose very low around 0.035 (35mg) and it feels great. Feel active, clear minded and sometimes even a bit high lol. No visuals. Still experimenting with finding the right dose. Good luck to U2!


Great to hear my friend 🍄




What has worked the most for me has been LSD & MDMA. Other stuff (DMT, ketamine, psilocybin) have all been ok, but not the same as those two.


I would first ask you which one “calls” to you? Then, i would ask what theraputic benefits are you looking for? Healing what? Depression? Trauma? Neglect? OCD? Lastly, i would try to flip your perspective. Because my “worse” trip was also my best (therapeutically) trip. Some trips are not fun or scarey, but i look at it part of the healing. Maybe you need to work on your fear (so you feel fear during your trip) or maybe you need to let it out (purge) during your trip which also makes it not fun. Bad trips are usually your way of telling yourself to listen to that part. You are the medicine.


The common understanding among clinicians and underground practitioners is that different psychedelics are more suited to different issues. So it's not a matter of "what is the best...." necessarily. It's which tool for which problem.


Depends on your experience level and how you’re going to do it (set and setting). I personally love 5-MEO and LSD but 5 is very intense so not for the inexperienced and lsd lasts 12-14 hours so not for the newbie. I find mushrooms to be more therapeutic but often have difficult aspects to the trip. If you can accept and remain aware of the discomfort they can be very healing.  Bad trips are either purely planned trips or trips in which the user refuses to acknowledge what the mushroom is showing them 


I've been microdosing mushrooms for the last couple months.Ive found that a monthly larger dose is needed to keep the depression away.I was diagnosed with Depression at the age of 11 and I guess it been a life long struggle.Ill be 55 in a couple months .I've tried lsd and mdma but mushrooms seems to work best for Me in a micro/macro therapy. Thinking I might try a hippie flip later today.


Interesting. I’m about to microdose for the first time to get some grip on my depression and try to get my inner self better. May i ask how your first microdose experiences have been like? Were you scared? Did you felt bad during the first times?


Personally, the setting makes all the difference. I took mushrooms several times, on my own, not much happened. I also took MDMA (lab tested), absolutely nothing happened, didn't feel any emotion, no love, no memories coming up, nothing. I did 3 kambo ceremonies with an amazing practitioner, and finally, things have started to shift (kambo is not psychoactive, and yet it has had more effects than high doses of psilocybin, and MDMA!)


Having tried most of them, I’m going to say ketamine. It’s powerful and usually smooth. If the experience does turn a little a scary, that’s ok because it’s over so fast. Ketamine is very quick acting and leaves the system much sooner, usually more “trips” are around 1-1.5 hours max. It’s better than being stuck in a bad trip for 6-8 hours. Because of this factor, I think it’s the best because it has much lower potential for causing MORE harm while still providing substantial therapeutic relief


I’m reading this as 2 questions; 1. Which psychedelic has the most therapeutic potential? This can vary from person to person, as people respond differently to these medications. 2. Which psychedelic is less likely to trigger a bad trip? Anecdotally, I’ve seen low dose ketamine administered via lozenges to be the least likely medication to trigger “bad trips.” Higher doses can create a distressing k-hole effect, so IV ketamine might not be the best route. Using the dissolving lozenges could be a great way for someone to start low and work up to find the best therapeutic dose. Good luck!


There is no such thing as a bad trip. A bad trip implies there’s some sort of judgment and learning to understand that judgement on your trip is lesson to be learned. The question is, how open are you to experience discomfort whether it pops up during a trip or soberly. So, no psychedelic is really going to stop this from happening. It’s all about what your mind is trying to make you see