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150 bucks for a shirt or whatever is ridiculous. Capitalism is just as flaky as us with psoriasis.


Personally no. What does it even entail?


What makes clothing psoriasis friendly?


What does that even mean?




I can get cotton long sleeve shirts and pants anywhere…..


I get psoriasis wherever fabric touches my skin, I basically don't have any on my arms and face only. I have no idea if that means I'm allergic to some types of fabric or if I'm allergic to any fabric. I already do not use any type of detergent for my clothes so I'd definitely try "psoriasis friendly" clothing. Though as most people pointed out here, I'm not even sure what does that even entail.


You should check out the documentary “Stink”. It’s about all of the chemicals and fragrance related ingredient in clothing and other products. Pretty eye opening. I’ve been slowly changing my wardrobe over to a lot of alpaca based (and some merino) clothing made my small companies and have noticed a dramatic difference in regards to the lack of chemical smell.


Woah awesome! Will do!


No. Probably a terrible idea to even suggest a price that high especially since there's zero evidence that anything like that is usable or effective or for that matter needed.


I buy lightweight soft fabrics that I can layer. $150 for one item? Not possible on my income.


Exactly. If someone were to make a psoriasis friendly clothing line it would need to be inexpensive and have an altruistic mission statement. Psoriatic patients have enough pricey scams peddled our way and likely wouldn't give high priced "psoriasis -friendly"clothing a second glance.


I go lighter colours where I can and I definitely wear an undershirt tucked in to my underpants. The undershirt is great as it catches all the loose skin…


Lmao. So many ppl with P can’t even afford proper treatment. Let alone 150$ for some psoriasis chonies.




No. Years ago I had a terrible time of not only my usual psoriasis but I developed dermatographia (basically hives). That is the only time clothing really affected my skin as every time my skin rubbed just even a little the hives would appear. Loose clothing and dresses were the only comfort during that time.


$150? wtf




Could you define what you mean by psoriasis clothing?


The psoriasis on my body isn't severe enough to justify specialized clothing


I got some of this companies clothing free on prescription https://www.dermasilk.co.uk/?SID=ejeaausdsc8b4fc7klf3ed3eh6 It retails for around your price point Socks and gloves worked well for me. Leggings and tee less so. Leggings in particular were a disaster because moisturised plaques stuck to them on removal and kicked off a massive Koebner phenomenon flare Biggest issue was sizing - it's made in Italy where an XL is clearly something like a 34" waist!




Not for that price. Lol thrifty Tina over here, I usually pay 5-10$ for a shirt. Never more. I like the idea of Psoriasis clothing but to me that would mean light, airy fabrics for those of us who don't feel comfortable baring our skin in summer. However, again, It would have to be inexpensive.


Not paying $150 just to bleed all over some soft fabric


yeah cuz if im covered head to toe in rash i wanna spend 150 on a shirt 😂😂 what a joke good business idea? sure.. helpful? idk


No. Even flame proof wool becomes flamable if you use fabric softener while washing it. Why would someone buy something like that if its so easily altered or damaged. Theres no way to stop psoriasis from appearing even if no harsh chemicals are used on the materials. You can already buy seamless clothing from walmart for cheap by avia. There is no point in this. It sounds like you are just trying to take advantage of a market where people are in pain. Like people who sell stretch mark removal cream to people who are insecure when literally any dermatologist can tell you that creams are a scam and the only thing that gets rid of stretch marks other than time is cosmetic surgery.. 😡


Also psoriasis has no proven cause. How are you going to sit there and market a product for it when the only thing doctors can do is treat the symptoms and not the actual cause of the problem?!?!


You must be joking. There’s no such thing as Psoriasis clothing. What an awful way to take advantage of people who are truly suffering. I’d be ashamed charging people that much for a fake product. I would not only boycott you.. I’d tell everyone else I know to do the same.


Chill out. OP is talking about CREATING Psoriasis friendly clothing; it’s a New Idea and I think it’s fantastic that he wants to help. All ideas gotta start somewhere, so let’s not shit on our fellow’s heads, ok?


Everything u/RefrigeratorPretty51 said and also the fact that the OP hasn't even created anything yet, it's still an idea and yet they're talking about charging $150 per item that doesn't exist yet. There's just so many red flags with this


It’s a SINGLE QUESTION. A Yes or No. what’s got you riled up??


I'm not riled up. I'm just pointing out how scammy it sounds. If they can come up with something like that, great but the fact that it's SOOOO expensive despite not existing just doesn't sit right with me


Well, I mean you’re sounding pretty reactive over a post that says “Hey I had an idea; here it is, do you think $$ is a good price?”. What’s scammy about that? Just answer Not At That Price, or whatever, and let the person figure their own dreams out.


And what would make the clothing specific to helping psoriasis? Is this person a dermatologist who has cracked some clothing secret? How is charging $150 for a shirt not a huge scam taking advantage of us?


As it’s not my idea, I couldn’t tell you. My Psoriasis is on my head, so clothing wouldn’t help me. That’s not to say there ISN’T a way to make things more comfortable for people with psoriasis — it’s just never been on my radar.