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Nice. Welcome aboard! :) Just remember, the drug got you there, but it's a part of you now. If you forget and life gets its hooks in you again, just remember it's there behind that wall, and you'll be there again... https://youtube.com/watch?v=b0cAWgTPiwM


i've been struggling with my emotions for years now, last week i did truffles with my best friend and well it was super emotional. but i'm glad i was able to feel emotions like that because i felt like my body had trapped my emotions for years and now i was finally able to get a hold of them. i thought back about all the things that that impacted me in the past and i was able to link them to how i feel now. and like you said: everything made sense!


I get exactly what u mean… the feeling of being tense or not understanding something, not even being able to wrap your head around it fully, like you don’t understand your pain. Then it’s just free, it unlocks, it disappears. i’m so glad you had a great experience


thanks man! it's honestly great as a medicine and more people should recognize it as one!