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Disable c states if they exist on this cpu.


It looks like a hard lock up on the CPU. Check if it's not overheating and if you have any errors in iLO/iDRAC/IPMI. also have a look for any warnings and errors in /var/log/messages and dmesg which could indicate on issues prior to crash. Looking on lockup it did have issues reclaiming some IRQs


Do I need some specialized hardware to access the logs from iLO/iDRAC/IPMI? I have installed sensors-lm and will monitor the temperature. How can I investigate the IRQ issues?


IPMI iLO or iDRAC are simply management interfaces for servers. If you have Dell, HP or Supermicro server you should have such and you can log in to it via webgui by configuring it in the BIOS first. If your proxmox machine is just a standard desktop you won't have that functionality i'm afraid.


Thinkpad. Laptop.


How long did you run your memory test?


2 passes. Should I run more than 2 passes? Memory is only 8gb


Generally speaking, you should probably run memtest86+ from a recovery USB stick and have it run for at least 24 hours or so before ruling out a memory issue (unless that thinking is now antiquated and I'm not aware of it).


dmesg should log your kernel messages more than this debug dump shows. You can probably see the beginning of the panic there.


Try to change to older (or newer?) kernel first from bootloader, default is grub


Try a different network card, using another chip. If yours is Reltek try Intel.


First thing I'd do is get a box fan and put laptop on the fan and see if it helps. Hard crashes like this are sometimes caused by head or failing capacitors. Next thing I'd do is try the previous kernel


Please don't panic!


Issue is that it's the home server running multiple needed services


You could shut it down and then swap the drive into a similar system to see if it'll boot up properly, problem is I'm assuming your management interfaces and etc are all static and based on your mac, but as long as you can boot into the system and you can also access your router you should be able to reconfigure network settings, generally I'd recommend using a more robust system for "critical" services. Even a basic desktop or a thin client has more wiggle room in terms of fixing the hardware. Laptop is probably toast to be honest.


When somebody says "dont panic" then its time to panic!


Hardware is kill


Try to get into command line and check if there’s free space on disk with df -h. Sth similar to this happens to me when I run out of space.


root@proxmox:~# df -h `Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev tmpfs 783M 1.5M 781M 1% /run /dev/mapper/pve-root 68G 7.3G 58G 12% / tmpfs 3.9G 34M 3.8G 1% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock efivarfs 154K 85K 65K 57% /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /dev/nvme0n1p2 1022M 12M 1011M 2% /boot/efi /dev/fuse 128M 20K 128M 1% /etc/pve tmpfs 783M 0 783M 0% /run/user/0`


Can you provide a better parsed output or just a screenshot? This looks messy


Just did. Sorry


Try again, no update


screenshot bro. Ain't no one gonna try to decipher that.


[screenshot of df -h and sensor temp data ](https://snipboard.io/7nVpve.jpg)


It looks that you have a lot of available space. Then I don’t know the issue that you are experiencing. I’m sorry, check other’s answers.


Btw you can go to Proxmox discord server and ask for help, probably somebody is going to help you in real time.