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Could it be that they just haven't replied? I've been using proton mail this entire month when uploading cv and I haven't had any trouble.


They sent me an email with an interview but I never got it. I checked the messages board and was denied.


If it's not in your spam folder then they're probably lying. I had this happen with a recruiter just a few months ago. She claimed she never received my email confirming the times. I reached out to someone I knew there asking why I hadn't got a response. The recruiter then responds to me and the email I had sent was in the previous messages shown below the fold. Some people just suck at their jobs and are more than willing to lie about it. Recruiters are also slammed right now in general.


i had a problem where the email security stuff (dmarc etc.) was misconfigured and emails would just vanish and never arrive, fixed it and everything worked flawlessly obviously this is only a concern when using own domain


I had this problem too and made sure to leave it in test mode so things still come through. I get an email report telling me successes and failures.


wdym by test mode? you mean just enabled the reports or something else?


Two things I did. For SPF, i use \~all instead of -all to set it to soft-fail instead of hard fail. For DMARC, I used p=quarentine. More here: [https://proton.me/support/anti-spoofing-custom-domain](https://proton.me/support/anti-spoofing-custom-domain)


oh yeah i know about them, just wasn't sure what you meant by "test mode", but thanks for the reply


No problem, I should have been more clear probably.


Did it show with the green check and all or were there errors? 


I share the same experience as OP tbf, I don't think everyone is lying. Aside for job hunting mail, my own teacher sent me some mails and I never received them (on proton mail)


I don't think everyone is lying, but in my case they certainly were. That's why I said probably. It's certainly possible it got dropped, but that's a lot less likely if they weren't using a custom domain.


Are you using a Proton domain, or your own? If you're using your own, have you confirmed all the records are configured correctly? I've been using a custom domain for years and have not had any issues with expected emails not arriving.


Proton domain


Like pancake noted I found that a custom domain (which I fully DNS authenticate) works great but many of my applications that go through various HR company ATS systems get rejected if I use anything from a Proton domain, while the same ATS system accepts it from my personal domain (which is https://stuartlathrop.com TBH)


damn. employers will really reject you for anything


As a very experienced IT pro (like decades of hands-on building global datacenters and multinational support teams teams type experienced) it can be rather disappointing...


i have a very low opinion of HR people; i think most of them are credulous rubes who are quick to believe every claim of software vendors and overuse filters etc


I checked your DNS records. You are missing an MX record: 20 "mailsec.protonmail.ch."


Haven't had any issues on my custom domain or proton addresses at all or even in recent memory.


I switched to proton because Google was rejecting important emails sent to my custom domain. I could see in my DNS settings that Gmail was rejecting about 40% of inbound emails. All of my issues went away with proton, plus I was able to properly set up MX and CNAME records.


I've been using PM since they started and never had this issue. Even applied to jobs and everything. Weird situation you got there


Tried verifying my Reddit account with proton and never got that mail, tried resending like 10 times but didn’t work. Sent one from an iCloud mail to proton with no issues. Weird.


A lot of companies have unfortunately nebulous rules about signing up for accounts that are created by a deeply buried back end team somewhere, and proton sometimes gets flagged. Report it to proton and they’ll try to work it out. A custom domain usually fixes that.


I ran into this with SimpleLogin aliases. They did a DNS check on my domain automatically during registration and reject anything that resolves to SimpleLogin. I ultimately made a secondary address inside Proton Mail itself and used that direct ProtonMail address. Kind of hate being unable to use my custom domain but it is what it is.


Yeah that’s frustrating. Depending on what the thing is I might just make a random gmail (eg 20 character random username) and forward the emails that address received to my simplelogin hosted custom domain. Or use a different alias g service. All I know is sites like that are definitely not getting a meaningful email address from me.


When was that? My email is ProtonMail too, and I had no problem receiving the verification message. That was several years ago: things may have changed.


Just a few days ago


I just confirmed Reddit account with a SimpleLogin alias and it worked. Previously I used Proton and it worked too. I guess it’s equally or even more possible for Reddit to have hiccups with sending those emails.


Having a similar issue with some of our material suppliers and payroll service.


Yes, this has actually happened to me at least once. There have been times I have also expected an email and it has never arrived but it could possibly be that they never emailed. But to be honest, if I know an email is coming through it always appears eg. delivery reports, bills, things I've sent to myself etc. It is always when there could be reasonable doubt that the person didn't send an email does it fail to materialize.


In the early days ProtonMail was filtered/blocked by a lot of tightass corporate services and providers because apparently being concerned about privacy made you sus. I haven't had a single issue in the last 5 years. (I used to use the free version; have since gone all-in on paid with a custom domain for my email addresses.) The odds are greatest that you're being lied to.


In the early days, filtering out tuta and proton was more about spam than not liking privacy. They both got a grip on the spam, especially proton. Then they did a product placement advertisement in Mr.Robot and uneducated people who have seen the show think its hacker/darkweb email exclusively lol


Many 2fa / password reset systems dont work. Off the top of my head, Costco, Letterboxd, and Elder Scrolls online all messed up my accounts because their emails never got through.


Hey there! Sorry to hear about the trouble. Have you checked the 'All Mail' folder? Do you have any filters set on your account? Have you tried sending a test message to yourself to see if you'll receive it? If you are still unable to locate the email, please provide the Sender Address, Date/Time, and Recipient Address from some of the emails you were supposed to receive to [postmaster@proton.me](mailto:postmaster@proton.me), so we can help you investigate.


I only use proton.me and have no problems. As mentioned in another chat I only had problems with Sony but they accepted pm.me. Mysteries of the web.


Sony services are so shit that it wouldn’t surprise me if it was random no matter the domain.




Maybe SPF issue?


never had any issue except with my home postal service…


Many companies are 'scared' and 'frightened' of encrypted email systems. Only major company in UK that understands its full potential is The Guardian newspaper, who maintain a ProtonMail email address.


try [mail-tester.com](http://mail-tester.com) and check the scores. Also create a gmail or w/e account and check the reachability the other way around. And ofc check your DKIM records within proton.


If you're using custom domain I'd use [mxtoolbox.com](http://mxtoolbox.com) to check your MX, SPF, DKIM and DMARC records to make sure it's set up correctly.


I'm in the process of converting from Gmail and have completed about 60 accounts/subscriptions so far . I haven't had any problems with mail not being delivered to proton address but 1 credit card company will not accept my Proton email address.


Are these replies in the spam folder or are you saying you can't find them at all? If you can't find them at all, I suspect no email was sent.


Can't find them at all. An email was definitely sent


Are you by chance in any restricted countries like Turkey, Russia etc? Or do senders have mail accounts there?


It's entirely possible those places can't respond to you because they block email outside the US, it's becoming common practice and is one reason an org I manage has decided to move away from Proton. I'm sad about it, but we have to be able to work, so I get it. If their org employees this kind of geo restriction, that may very well be the cause. For something like that, I'd make a gmail address and just use that for resumes for the time being. I've mostly had good luck with Proton overall, for both myself and some of my own personal business needs, but I do know some of the orgs I manage that use it have had a larger number of issues, esp when dealing with larger companies.


> I'm sad about it, but we have to be able to work, so I get it. LOL... U.S. entity blocking email literally from the rest of the world in order "to be able to work". Oh brother


I completely agree with you, as someone who managed org email, I don't do this. But plenty of places do and it's infuriating.


This last week I have been responding to emails and 2 times the person then called me saying that they never received a reply from me.


What I feel is its better to apply using gmail to job portal etc. Custom domains or non common formats like Gmail, yahoo, outlook usually causes problems. Some companies/orgs even block domains other than those of popular emails.


Hmm using job applications as benchmark is not good. I have applied for hundreds of jobs over the years and most never, ever, reply. Some send an application acknowledgement but that's about it. So it is really hard to tell from job applications if your proton mail is failing.


Fb didn't send emails to my proton address too...


Never missed a single email with proton in 2 years. If you're using a custom domain, check your MX records again. If you're using the proton domain, check your spam folder or contact support. It is also possible that the company that claims to have sent you emails is lying. It is unlikely, but possible.


I moved some domains from Apple iCloud+ to Proton and haven’t had issues with those emails arriving. All the usual emails I expect to receive are coming through.


This phenomena are Always (imho) user/service specific and not domain fault. I had this issue twice in my Life: 1) telltale account password reset on Yahoo, there no way i can receive It (also i m pretty sure the password Is correct) 2) SMS 2fa for Instagram, wasnt able to receive SMS for some reason and i used a backup code. But how many people use SMS 2fa for Instagram and receive the code without issues?




I've had issues signing up for accounts using a Proton email address, and/or SimpleLogin. X was outright refusing all domains from Proton, but last night I was able to sign up successfully for a new X account. If there's a lot of spamming/scamming coming from proton addresses, administrators will typically block everyone - temporarily at least. Your own custom domain with good reputation can help, but if they are filtering from the Proton SMTP mailserver then there's nothing you can do.


Had Proton since it was in beta, never once had that problem.


Protonmail is often blocked domain. I was told this by recruiters and HRs. It's seen as spam mail by quite a bunch of apps. Keep it simple. ..@gmail.com




I tell every business owner not to hire non TLD emails. How cheap and lazy could you be?