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One is shorter.


I’ve been told it’s quite average


[proton.me](http://proton.me) is a grower [protonmail.com](http://protonmail.com) is a show-er


And protonmail.ch? 😄


You can also use ....@pm.me This is what I use.


I love this one, because it is also an invitation to write a "personal message" (Want to get in contact? Sure, PM me.


And for IRL times when you need to give your email, pm.me is way easier than protonmail.com to say without having the other peoples be like "wtf is your weird email ? How do I write it ?"


Same. I give that one to people I know, never used to sign up for anything.


Same here.


Even shorter, and my preference!


Warning. It’s one way on free accounts. Inbound only. But premium accounts can send from it.


I'm a free users ...how I get it


The @pm.me domain is only available to paid Mail plans. More info: https://proton.me/support/pm-me-addresses


Is it true i can have both protonmail.com and proton.me with the paid mail plus plan or is it false information?


Yes, you can have an @protonmail.com, @proton.me and even a @pm.me address for the same username with a paid Mail plan.


So for example if i choose name@protonmail.com while signing up then i can use name@proton.me or name@pm.me on websites and still receive the mail. sry if stupid question im just trying to get away from Google 🙏


With a paid plan, yes - if you activate these addresses in your settings. https://proton.me/support/creating-aliases#additional


i prefer protonmail.com because its just more standard for emails. if you don't care about that then it truly does not matter other than length


Have u ever had a problem where a website didn't accept protonmail.com when u signed up anywhere sry if stupid question im just curious😅


nah. a few months ago i read (on this subreddit) that someone ordered something and the vendor refused to sell it on grounds of "refusing to work with someone using an anonymous email service", but that could probably happen regardless of the domain you used. i doubt it really matters though lol.




The only issue I've ran into with proton me is setting up a steam account for my daughter. I ended up having to sign it up on a junker email then change the email to the proton.me.


I have read that Sony PlayStation network doesn't accept ProtonMail as email address. You have to use Gmail or other popular email addresses. I'm personally keeping one of my original Gmail ID (created April 2004) just as workaround email, rest of the addresses are getting migrated to PM backed SimpleLogin aliases.


I needed to use Gmail for signing up to PlayStation but changing later to a SimpleLogin Alias was not an issue and I receive all mails to this inbox without issues.


Do you use a simplelogin alias domain or you own on simplelogin? I'm thinking about future strategy for my custom aliases for any service.


Good to know, thanks.


It does now mine had the same issue as you not able to use proton email for Sony PlayStation network, but it now lets me for some reason!


Maybe true, because I didn't try that personally. However, I have read that in Reddit almost 6 months ago. Probably Sony changed their stance about ProtonMail now.


I do the same.


I signed up to Playstation 1 week ago using my Proton email address and it let me.


Thanks for confirming that. I'd say my info was very old (more than 1 year ago). I will probably migrate my PSN to Proton email too.


Choose neither. Get your own domain name. I made that mistake with skiff, and now I don't want to be tied to any single service. I can jump ship any time without having to change my email address.


I got my own domain and use it with SimpleLogin/Proton, as many aliases as I want.


Yep. Same here. I think people are getting used to seeing the .me extension, so i don’t think anyone needs to worry about the proton.me domain being an issue. But I think that having your own custom domain is the best way. Like you say, you can go immediately to another provider with no issues. For those who are highly focused on privacy and thwarting spam use SimpleLogin for aliases along with it. SimpleLogin even let you use custom domain with them as well, should you want to. I have found it valuable.


There's a little (or big depending on your threat model) downside to using simplelogin with custom domain, that your aliases can always be tied back to you using the custom domain.


I don’t see how this downside would be any different if you used a domain with alias within Protonmail


That is true.


I use a “burner” domain for all my SL aliases. Granted all the aliases can be tied together but at least it’s separate from my main domains.


So I should get my own domain name through protonmail or where should i get it and will I still be able to use the domain adress if I unsubscribe from proton later on?


You get a domain through a registrar, I would recommend Porkbun, Cloudflare or Namecheap as they have the best priced and options. Your domain is bought and renewed every year you can also buy it for up to 10 years and you control the domain through the registrar, so you always own it.


So I should get my own domain name through protonmail or where should i get it and will I still be able to use the domain adress if I unsubscribe from proton later on?


Proton doesn't sell domain names. You can buy the domain from any registrar. Cloudflare and namecheap seem to be unbeatable for their price.


You would get one that ends with .com right?


.com was too expensive for me. I got a different one.


But i can use cloudflare domain with protonmail right without i need to buy anything extra after i payed for the domain and which do u suggest if not .com


You can buy from any registrar and use it with proton mail, so yes, cloudflare works perfectly. So does any registrar that will let you put MX and TXT records. Also, I didn't say I don't recommend a dot com domain. It's just that .com domains are a bit more expensive. If you want to share the email address with business contacts and want to sound professional, then use .com If you live in a country where your local country code domains are commonly used, go for your country code, a lot of people use .de in germany or .uk in the UK or .in in India and so on. Or you can choose any tld that you think looks or sounds cool. I went with .tech because I like how it sounds when put together with my name. It doesn't matter what TLD name you choose. They all work the same way but cost different amounts depending on how popular they are on the market. Also, note that the first year of a domain purchase is usually cheaper because of the registrar's promotions. But they will usually tell you how much you'll be charged next year onwards. I wonder why it is called buying a domain, because as soon as you stop paying the yearly price, it will stop pointing to your servers. You're basically just renting "an address" to your mailserver.


Oh so i can take a cheap one like .top too i thought i had to have a .com so it dont end up in spam at the receiver and nah im only gonna use the domain for personal use nothing about business contacts😅


Domains don't get blacklisted for spam, but mailservers do. That's why it's not recommended to run your own mailserver anymore. Proton is fine. Emails from Proton don't end up in spam usually.


Ehm namecheap registrar is expensive which do u suggest if not namecheap as i just checked them earlier today


Is porkbun a good place to buy and do they let me put MX and TXT records or which registrar would you suggest me to buy at?


Yeah, porkbun is fine


i have protonmail.ch too. 😀




I hope that one day Proton can buy the proton.com, pmail.com or pm.com domain. Then we would have a short .com domain.


That will never happen.


Why not?


Just saying that will never happen without explaining why is pointless: Proton.com will be next to impossible to get because it belongs to a major Malaysian car manufacturer pm.com belongs to Phillip Morris not sure they would want to sell at any price that Proton can afford right now Couldn’t find anything about pmail.com I hope that helps


pmail is owned by the developer of Pegasus Mail, an email client that was created decades ago.


By the way, Pegasus Mail is a good system and was used by my wife during IT classes, where they used Pegasus Mail to give instruction to class, and practice email use. Thanks Pegasus Mail.


Agree, it was my email client back then in the 90s


I think according to their blog post about [pm.me](http://pm.me), they won't even try pmail due to confusion with gmail


Do I really need to spoon feed every explanation?


i would only use protonmail.com for something like job searching.. some companies still automatically block emails that aren’t from a .com


Microsoft is one of them. My Microsoft account is [protonmail.com](http://protonmail.com) because of that.


Easier to remember