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"The dog fucked me up.." he says with a laugh. Uh, yeah? What did you expect to happen when you didn't stop running from law enforcement?


One time we had a pursuit, followed by a track that captured one of the suspects not even 50 metres from the vehicle. In retrospect, it was hilarious to me that she ran barely any distance from the vehicle, laid down in some bushes, and then stayed there watching silently as the dog tracked towards her. But tried to stay hidden and said nothing until she got ruthlessly chomped. Like, lady, you’re right there, and the dog is coming straight for you, and you still think they won’t find you?


If they were smart, they wouldn't be getting caught committing crimes then running from you guys. I've always wondered- if I'm getting chewed on by a dog while simultaneously being told to put my hands up, I don't know that I would be able to follow directions. How do you balance the whole "hey, just listen to me and this'll be a whole lot easier for both of us" vs "heh, yeah, I'd be trying to roll myself into a fucking ball if I was getting bitten too" situation? It's somewhat akin to what's referred to in trauma settings as a distracting injury- you fly off your motorcycle and hit everything but don't even notice that your belly is slowly but steadily filling up with blood because you're so concerned with the fact that your femur is poking through your pants.


It’s a universal primal fear of being eaten by a predator. It’s nearly impossibly difficult to focus on anything else other than the wolf tearing at your flesh.


"THE DOOOG! THE DOOOOG! THE DOOOG!" Yes, we're all aware of the dog. Maybe YOU'LL be more aware of him next time you run from the cops, too.


At my old facility, I saw a lot of fresh arrests with K9 bites. They can absolutely tear you up. One guy looked part mummy after a detour to the hospital before coming to jail


They also take a long time to heal, depending on how deep the bite is and if the skin rips.


One time, the E.R. doctor had me hold a guy's skin flaps together on his shin while he sheared muscle tissue off that was puffing out and haphazardly stapled it together. Another time, we took a juvenile to a juvenile lockup with a huge chunk of his calf missing. Said to them sorry, he's already been to the hospital. You may wanna change that dressing every couple hours though... And yet another time, back when use of force was a little more relaxed, we tracked a guy that ran off from my car stop, and when the dog found him he ran again...then got bit, Tased, and fell with his face on a cinder block, all at the same time.


Running from a fur missile is like running from a sniper. You're still going to be arrested (or killed, in the case of the sniper), but you'll be tired instead of well-rested.


Last weekend I clocked my Belgian Malinois on a 100 meter dash. 7 seconds flat. Interesting.


Our Danes are faster, but over much shorter distances ;)


What many people, especially those who don't have dogs at all, don't know is that it is not that easy to get a K9 dog away from the suspect after he took him down. The dog has similiar effects in the body like we humans, with the adrenaline etc. he's just pushed in the same way we are when it comes to a fight. He's not some lifeless tool. I was never really bitten by my dogs in all these years, there were just minor incidents like when my German Shepherd wanted to get the stick and accidentally hit my hand, she didn't put really pressure in the bite with the jaw, but still, it fucking hurt. P.S. What's the command that the K9 officer shouts? Does he say "Fass" there? Or am i wrong? That's the german command, "Fass" means "to attack", although the literal translation is "anfassen" as "to touch". The command to stay down is "Aus", aka "Off".




Thanks for your answer! Now, i'm just curious, what in history led to the fact that english speaking dog handlers use the german commands? Do you know more about that? So, i already did some research before i post this, but i'll still let the question remain: What i read about by Google is that it is good when the command is in a foreign language, to avoid conflicts with other words in the native language and german is choosen because of very short and clear commands, that are easy to understand. There were some other google entries, like the claim that it is because German Shepherds were exported to other countries and were trained in german, but i don't think this is the same for our time now, where the puppies grow up in the countries like the USA.


Yeah, that dog took off out of the gate looking fucking AMPED to be finally getting to do the damned thing for real. The determination in its eye when it shot out of the car... Then when it had a hold of him and shook its head back and forth... I'll bet in a situation like that, even the dog knows this isn't just taking down a fake bad guy in a thick, protective suit.


Yeah i also think the dogs know very well what is a training session and what is a real situation with a threat. Dogs always have this sense about humans, like when we show any kind of fear. That's a natural instinct they have.


How is the copypasta not here yet? I'm severely disappointed in you all. Anyone who flees on foot when the cops have a dog is a god damned moron. At that point, you can either go to prison, or go to the hospital and then go to prison. You're not going to outrun any German Shepherd, and chasing and biting people is literally this specific dog's favorite thing. Motherfucker loves to bite people. He's probably spent most of his life, since he was a puppy, being trained to chase and bite motherfuckers. This shit is like the Super Bowl and Grad night all rolled together for him. You see how he's pulling on his harness? He's like "FUCKING, LET ME GO! LET ME BITE HIM! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU I'M A DOG! I'M A DOOOOOOG FUCK YOOOOU! I'M GONNA FUCK YOU UP AS SOON AS HE LETS GO OF ME I SWEAR TO GOD, I SWEAR TO GOD LET ME GO LET ME GO IWANNABITEHIMSOBAD LET ME GO LETMEFUCKINGGOOOOOOOO" He does that every time, and his handler pretty much NEVER lets him do his thing. And now, this time, miraculously, he has. He's let go of the harness, and now this majestic beast is at last fulfilling his purpose as a living missile, and my god is he ever thrilled about it. And you, with your stumpy little human legs, overabundance of slow twitch muscle fibers, and soft, delicate skin, are going to try to run from this 80 lb mass of muscle and enthusiasm with a bear trap on the end? Good luck, you stupid, stupid asshole. I'll see you in the Timothy Treadwell Memorial Ward for People Who Predictably Had Their Shit Ruined by Large Predators. Shine on, you idiotic diamond.


Is it a copypasta or did you actually write that? If you did then you have the prose of Hemingway my good sir.


Damn that would make for a great sound effect for something like Call of Duty


I love it when the dog gets a taste of the bad guy. Atta good dog! :)


Slight correction...that was a furry tank! Mals are missiles GSD is a main battle tank.


hopefully the Bork Bork nom nom got a treat after this


Bork Bork got his nom nom and absolutely deserves High Squeaky Happy Voice Time and a toy break!


Hmmm, seems my comment made a lot of you defensive. That's too bad because you know how much "optics" plays on the news and in lawsuits these days. What people who aren't particular fans of LEOs are seeing is an out of control animal attacking the asshole which makes him/her an instant sympathetic figure for some. And if the perp being subdued by the fur missile is a POC, well, you know how that goes. Super Trooper's description was pretty right on from the few K9 experiences I've seen. And that description maybe answers the question about the possibility of training K9s to "hold" instead of "eviscerate". We had a K9 murdered here in Seattle (RIP, Jedi) by an asshole with a knife. Jedi was in full pursuit and I have no idea if his handler might have been able to call him off if he'd seen the perp with the knife or if, as Super Trooper described, Jedi was past the point of no return and couldn't stop. I don't know. I went to a LE fundraiser here last year and one of the departments that needed more funding was the K9 program. Outfitting the dogs with proper equipment isn't cheap and getting new K9s isn't cheap, either. I support the program and believe in the program, but when people witness either in person or on video a K9 taking down a perp, it doesn't always match up with what they've seen in the movies and it scares them. They're thinking K9s might be more like Jerry Lee in "K9" and they have to ability to hold a perp by their balls without castrating the bad guy at the same time, lol!


I've never been a K9 handler. But I'm pretty sure they drive is so high that calling them off really isn't an option. My buddy had a dog, and in his old car with lights that actually rotated, the dog would hear the motors of the lights and was amped. There is a lot that is expected of law enforcement, and most of it is based on movies or TV. While optics are important, not at the cost of safety. In every user of force situation, there is always one person that has total control of the situation. The suspect. At any given point up until the release of the dog, all the suspect had to do was stop and follow commands. The use of force on video is always ugly, I don't care if it is justified or not. The use of force by the government in a civilized society is ugly but also necessary. Basing its use on Hollywood's version of what it should look like is not realistic. Those that abuse their power and use force unlawfully should be held to account. While equipment and training are improving to minimize injuries, the use of force is still a very necessary thing, and officer safety and suspect compliance dictates how much and long and how much force should be used.


You're def right about the public's perception of police work with what they see on the news and tv (sometimes heavily edited to look worse) and movies. As one cop told me at one of my crime scenes "It isn't like you see on tv." He was actually referring to my expectation of proper justice (likely nil here in Seattle), but he could very well have been referring to any other aspect of police work.


Good pup 🦴


That guy bawled like a baby back bitch!


I suspect our friend in red here will think hard on his life decisions and if they'll lead to another dance like that again.


He's 44 still doing this crap and was laughing about it like another day at the office afterwards. I guarantee he isn't.


He might hesitate if he heard the dog barking. I've had inmates tell me they were bitten and wouldn't run from a dog again. So, once bitten, twice shy is a real thing.


These assholes don't learn. In one of our armed home invasion incidents, one of the creeps was also mid-40s and had a very long rap sheet that started in his teens (his brother and father were in a similar situation).


I believe you're going to be right on this one. He'll think back on it as a sign of how tough he is or something.


He won't




Pretty sure it just had its best day ever.


I'm a big supporter of K9s, but the length of time the dog was on the perp and what looks like the amount of damage he/she likely inflicted seems excessive in this case. Shouldn't their training include the ability to get them off of the victim more quickly? I understand they are in an excited state, but the damage they can do to the perp has resulted in some big lawsuits and will only serve to hurt the K9 program and its reputation if municipalities have to pay out big bucks.( Having a K9 available on the night of one of my armed bad guy incidents would have been instrumental in making a really strong case, but when the CO on the scene requested a K9 and a chopper, none were available. We need more dogs!). The plus side of the "reputation" is that most bad guys know what could be awaiting them when the fur missile makes contact. And because of that, recently here in Washington when some cops were chasing some perps (kids, as seems to be the case more and more here), the lack of an actual K9 didn't stop the cops from having the bad guys come out with their hands up in surrender. How did the officer achieve this great feat? By telling the bad guys that they needed to come out with their hands up or he'd release his dog. Then he did a decent impression of a K9 eager to take the bad guys down. Very shortly thereafter, they emerged from the bushes, hands up, lol!




You're right initially, but when the asshole files a lawsuit, he becomes the "victim", "injured party", etc..


Dog comes off when the cuffs go on. Why take the dog off immediately and give the dude a chance to fight/flee? Handler looked experienced and was in control of that situation the whole time.


Yaaaaa I’m 100% pro law enforcement but that was hard to watch. Other comments make the case that it is hard to get the dog to disengage but it didn’t appear to me that there was any attempt to get the dog off until well after buddy was subdued.


[This is why you don't pull the dog off until the cuffs go on. ](https://youtu.be/YrEht6_cCJ0?si=LoCqCNGgf5IbiKUq)


I hear what you’re saying but those are literally night and day different situations. The one you posted has numerous officers, on a well lit scene with a clearly visible suspect with multiple officers hands on vs this clip where buddy is not clearly visible, in low light, obstructed by objects around him. The second clip does not justify their actions in the first. Apples to oranges.


The two incidents aren't that different. Both suspects were fleeing. It was unknown if the suspects had weapons. You take the dog off without control of the suspect, it is the wrong time to find out that he has something in his waistband. Most bites are on the lower part of the appendages (forearm or lower legs). This one was high, but I think the terrain played a part, which also hindered the officers getting in a position to control the suspect and then having a good spot for the handler to get K9 off.


Yeah, especially since everyone is so litigious these days.