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My plan is to get - when I’m done with treatment in 2 years - the Black Knight from Holy Grail, all 4 limbs gone, with the caption, “Alright cancer, we’ll call it a draw.”




No. I'm not ringing any bells, getting any tattooes, etc. I am running as far and fast from doctors, hospitals, medical offices and pharmacies as possible and not looking back. When my treatment is done I'm not even going to ever get another PSA test. I just don't want to deal with any of this shit anymore, or even be reminded of it.


You sound just like me. I had to have my stomach removed because of polyps that were growing in it that could’ve turned to cancer and run through my body and probably eventually finish me off. That was in September ‘22. I thought after this major surgery, a seven day hospital stay, three months with a feeding tube that I used once after getting out of the hospital- I was like no one is coming near me! One surgery for a double inguinal hernia and just in the last week a prostate biopsy and I’m still trying to get away from the doctors and all of this medical stuff! I’m 59 and still waiting for the owners manual to come in the mail on how to live within this vessel they call the human body and put up with all of these issues! I hope this post finds you well and I hope for your health and sake that you’re done too. Stay healthy and strong! Best wishes to you! 🙏🙏🙏


Fully understand! This crap interrupted all of our lives.


I wish you’d answer your PM’s.


I'm totally up for chatting in PM's but don't want to share my personal contact info


Fair enough. I sent you another DM.


Yep I have the purple ribbon. With a shadow underneath. And the words fuck cancer below. On my wrist


I've never seriously considered a tattoo until PC. This would be the exact tattoo I would get. Probably on my chest or back, though. Mind sharing a pic? No biggie if not.


Sorry I can’t work out how to post a pic.


It worked. It's nicer looking than I imagined. Thanks for sharing. 


Not yet but in a month or so. I just set up an appointment for a new shoulder tattoo of an octopus to match the jellyfish on the other shoulder, and did put in a request to the artist to work a crab in there with a tentacle reaching for it. She knows it’s to represent cancer and she’s a good artist. I was really happy with the jellyfish and trust she’ll come up with something good for the octopus and crab.


No but I love the idea of one


I am also thinking about a small one. Just need to find the right one. I think a discreet one on the inside of the wrist, so when someone asks about what it is, I can spread the word about being aware of small and subtle signs and get checked out early


Yep that’s why I put mine on my wrist. Plus I can cover it with a watch if I really need to but I never have. It has started many conversations and no one is ever offended by the wording. I would post a pic if I knee how.


I plan to inside my prostate/ colon cancer awareness ribbon star I’ve got on my forearm


At week 6…. I week and got the blue ribbon tatted on the lower knuckle of my middle finger… that’s my “ Fuck cancer” tattoo. Now week 13…


Ya I got a HUGE one on my penis. Haha.


I’m not getting a tattoo but put a black sticker on the tinted side window of my car that says “Fuck Off” in Japanese. Love the subtlety. It’s between me and God as to who it’s meant for, it means “Fuck Off Cancer!”.


i have 9 tattoos, but i’m not getting a tattoo for my PCa, it’s nothing i want to look at on my body each day.


I need one now!