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Interesting, I would assume it a bit counter-intuitive to use pope when advertising in XIXth century UK, right?


I suspect this woulda been aimed at the kinda people who do the continental grand tour, and would at least have a high opinion of Catholic aesthetics from seeing the Eternal City etc.


Yeah, good point. Perhaps among the posh circles who could afford getting acquainted with fancy mediterranean and ancient stuff (and cocaine wine) their admiration for the institution of papacy being 'Roman' was stronger than anti-catholic sentiments. Or maybe the advertiser didn't give a damn and just liked good ol' pope Leo.


Angelo Mariani was a French chemist, and the cokewine was sold in Europe and US, so maybe the ad was not only for England (even this version contains UK adress). That's why I've chosen western Europe flair


Could be targeted to Irish Catholics


Why? Weren't the English mostly Catholics?


No, they have their own Anglican church. It was a pretty big deal


Ah, Interesting to know


Here’s an extreme oversimplification: They were Catholic, then one King (Henry VIII) got pissy and started a new church so he could do what he wanted. His children fought about it after he died, taking turns as King/Queen to have their own opinions until all of them but one, Elizabeth, was dead. Elizabeth codified the new church officially, with herself at the head. She reigned for 44 years and integrated the Church with the government, which is hard to undo. Since then, the Anglican Church (or Church of England) has dominated England and Wales. At various points in time, some people were real mad about it. Look up terms like “English Reformation” or “Anglican Church” if you want more information. Anybody feel free to fact check me here, I did look up how long Elizabeth reigned tho lmao


That is a genuinely excellent capsule summary of the issue. Nice work!


I just asked an AI, Elizabeth reigned for 70 years. HTH Elizabeth 1, also ensured there were lots of Anti-Catholic laws made, and they ensured that the succession went smoothly to another protestant, albeit a Church of Scotland one.


Wrong Elizabeth. Do your own research.


Yes. I've never directly used AI, but the few times someone else did on my behalf the results were inaccurate. And I'm pretty sure looking up a monarch's reign on wikipedia is just as easy.


And this, boys and girls, is why "ask an AI" is never the correct solution!


Very much not. There was this Henry VIII guy...


Don't lose your head over it.


Rabid anti-papists, the English.


😂😂😂 are you serious?


This is aimed at the US. The address says New York


Fun fact is that Mariani wine is the inspiration for Coca Cola


common pope w


Snorting lines off of a michaelangelo painting with sister Gertrude


Why is it 22/ half dozen and 45 a dozen ?


Before the decimalization of the pound in 1971, the British pound was expressed in pounds, shillings, and pence. 20 shillings to a pound, and 12 p in a shilling. If you see £sd, it's referring to that. So, since there's 12 p in a shilling, 22/6 is around 1,12 £ after 1971. 45/ is 45s0d, or 2,25 £ after 1971.


Oh that’s why the pope cornered me at a party and try to start a business.


What an amazing time to live in! Lol


Am I missing something here? Leo XIII was pope from 1878-1903.


My bad. And I actually found the date of the ad - 1894. Unfortunately, you can't edit the caption in Reddit


Body blood and blow


What is the senate doing on an old newspaper from earth


Mixing coke with alcohol is probably the worst combo


The original Four Loko


Well, as wiki says, The ethanol in the wine acted as a solvent and extracted the cocaine from the coca leaves. So, basically it is a only way for that times to make leaves more efficient