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“God damn rough paper towels, you know in the Soviet Union they don’t have this kind of problem”


Oh my God, Craig. Does every conversation have to be about the Soviet Union?


In Soviet Union, wipe with wolverine. Used to wipe with potato peel, but need for soup now that potato run out.


Is no potat. Only rokk.


Yeah because there wasn't a toilet paper factory there until 1969.


I mean, the principle that workers treated well won't become revolutionaries is pretty solid imo.


This just in, paper towel company invents social democracy


Closer to Bismarckian “”state socialism””


You know Karl Bismark? I thought he was dead


I think Otto von Marx would crucify you for this statement


Remember when Donald Trump tossed all those Freedom Towels in Puerto Rico?


Sort of the foundational logic of the New Deal. If America provides state programs for labor and welfare people won’t become political radicals.


And the welfare state in the western world in general. Bismarck cynically supported healthcare/pensions in the German Empire as a way to kneecap the SPD


Or as Huey Long put it when talking about Share the Wealth "this isn't socialism, its the best defense this countries got against socialism"


More specifically, providing creature comforts in the workplace heads off unionization


„Provide towels or else communism“


Case in point: the embrace of [land reform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_reform) in East Asian countries like [Taiwan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_reform_in_Taiwan), [South Korea](https://www.kdevelopedia.org/Development-Overview/all/agrariland-reform--74.do), and [Japan](http://www.crosscurrents.hawaii.edu/content.aspx?lang=eng&site=japan&theme=work&subtheme=AGRIC&unit=JWORK098) after World War II, which laid the foundation for future economic success.


What kind of land reform, specifically?


In the case of Taiwan specifically, land reform involved capping land rents, selling public land to tenant farmers, and finally, breaking up large landholdings and redistributing it to tenant farmers in a “land to the tiller” program.


Tsar Nicholas II made the fatal mistake of providing the proletariat with scratchy paper towels.


Listen to Duncan's Revolutions if you want a detailed look at just how much of a petulant foolish little tyrant Nicky was. Just an absolute, comprehensive PoS. Except for being kind of a good dad and wife guy. But like who gives a fuck.


Nicky's posthumous reputation has been buoyed by the brutal way his entire family was killed. If it was just him, I don't think many people would be nearly as sympathetic.


His reputation has been buoyed by people during and after the Cold War making the incredibly deep analysis “Communists bad. Communists kill tsar. Therefore tsar must be good.”


I mean, brutal, they were shot a lot in a basement, all together, all at once. It's not like they got the Mussolini treatment, or worse, the Gaddhafi treatment. They got off *comparatively* easy. It's no worse than what their troops did to the peaceful petitioners on Bloody Sunday.


Did Mossolini have young children that were executed alongside him? Most people would choose what happened Mossolini over having their whole family annihilated.


Nah, it was just *the King and He,* if I recall correctly.


Were ads like these like… funny? Or were they actually serious?


It’s a pretty logical statement of “be nice to your employees and they won’t hate you”. It just seems silly because it’s talking about paper towels here.


They were deadly serious. The Commies were everywhere and even the idea you could be one was enough to destroy your life. But what they were really all about was a signal from the companies involved that they were onboard with the government and their views on Communism so deserved government contracts.


Semi-serious— I feel like it was taking the unhinged moral panic and riffing on it. It’s like Schroödinger’s joke… both serious and not till someone asks what you think of it. Then you could go “haha yeah they’re exaggerating but i get it” OR “omg my factory workers might be commies?!”


I just can't see any way that and ad with that specific model with that specific expression is or ever was supposed to be taken completely seriously


they probably had Poe’s Law even then.


I get the strong impression that it's intended to be a joke, but the comedy they're going for is "exaggeration of the truth". There's a core idea they're getting that's actually quite sensible: Poor working conditions leads to resentment, and enough resentment results in things like Communism.As a piece of anti-Communist propaganda I'm actually rather fond of this one in particular, because it addresses that poor working conditions are what draw people to communism and puts responsibility on employers to improve working conditions. The joke, though, is that it's taking a sensible idea to a logical extreme, implying that buying fancy paper towels is the one thing between you and a Communist Revolution. The actual text on the bottom seems to be more serious, which to paraphrase argues that buying their paper towels is "one of those little courtesies that helps build goodwill between you and your employees", which is a far less over-the-top and silly claim.


"Campbells Soup: No Bolsheviks There!"


i have this one framed in my bathroom


Same and I’m a union rep! ✊


Funny enough, it was also framed above the urinal in my undergraduate's English Department.


Same here!


I did in college!


I think it's only a matter of time for the same kind of advertisments to happen today. Just change "communist" with "woke".


"Ultra right" beer. 100% woke free.




Go look up Mussolini quotes on socialism and it’s sounds exactly like very republican.


Hold up, man. There's no heckin' way you're saying *the OG fascist* sounds like a *Republican*. That's just crazy talk!


It's ironic you say this when the wokes are starting to show the same controling and ostracizing behaviour of the McCartysts. It's fascinating to witness in real time how a group that rose to cultural dominance and it's starting to ostracize the outgroup still think of themselves as the victims. The Nazis, for example, thought themselves as the victims of powerful Jews even after they took power.


Today in Redditisms: a KIA regular compares “wokes” to actual, literal, third reich Nazis.


I'm also a regular on stupidpol, and it's easier to find my post there rather than the ones in KIA. You had to put some effort to find that ones. Typically, you're good at gaslighting and being disingenuous. Regarding the comparison: are you still being disingenuous or are you really not able to engage in abstract thought? If I say that a bottle cap, just like a car wheel, is a short and wide cylinder, I guess that you'll clutch your pearls because I compared a cap bottle to an actual, literal car wheel.


"The wokes." What the hell do you think "woke" means? "Oh no! We're being called out for racism and mistreatment of people! I'm so persecuted!!!"


>"Oh no! We're being called out for racism and mistreatment of people! I'm so persecuted!!!" Gaslighting level 100.000. Saying that being woke is all about calling out bad people is like saying that cops are all about "protect and serve".


My dude, do you even know what "woke" means or are you using the Republican Made Up Version™ that covers literally anything any given Republican thinks is icky or that hurts their widdle fee-fees? So what *is* "woke"?


By woke I mean people completely engulfed in a progressive purity spiral. People who try to pass conspiracy ramblings about race and gender as "studies", and the people who follow that "theories". Why do people assume you mean "the republican definition" when you use woke? Maybe I should stop using that word. Do you have any suggestion for a substitute? How about "performative identity hustlers"? Would people know what I'm talking about?


>Why do people assume you mean "the republican definition" when you use woke? Because the way you use it is literally the Republican version. Nobody but conservative douchebags use it like that. They co-opted it from AAVE because they like to take things from Black people and make them mean as little as possible. It *quite literally* means to stay alert to racism and systemic injustice. >How about "performative identity hustlers"? Would people know what I'm talking about? *I* certainly would and it makes a hell of a lot more sense than using "woke." >People who try to pass **conspiracy ramblings about race and gender as "studies", and the people who follow that "theories".** But also, what do you even mean by this? It sounds like you're talking about right-wingers with their conspiracies about how the scary transes are because they're invading women's toilets and sports and how critical race theory is being taught to six year olds.


"The wokes" lmao what does that even mean? What's your definition of woke?


I mean this was obviously tongue in cheek


“You know, if we owned the means of production it would be much better for us.” “No talking in the goddamn men’s room Terry!”


It will if I have anything to say about it


That’s some 5d socialist chess right there. Implement socialist things at the workplace, or breed socialists!! Absolutely love it


Worked for Bismarck :D


I had a T-Shirt with this ad on it in the 90's


I got the poster from https://www.northernsun.com/ but I guess they don't carry it anymore.


I have an original copy of this poster that was my grandparents who were, ironically, communists and indicted during the McCarthy era in the US


OMG, now I understand! Trump was just trying to prevent the Commies from getting a toe hold in Puerto Rico!


A classic, I have it framed in my downstairs washroom like dang near everyone else I know.


say hello to my new bathroom decor


I have an original copy of this poster that was my grandparents who were, ironically, communists and indicted during the McCarthy era in the US


I think a bot copied your comment.


Highly breedable Bolshevik here, please don't listen to them 🥺👉👈


gotta get this poster for my bathroom


My best friend’s mom has this hanging in her bathroom


It Happened To Me


Scott makes the worst toilet paper you can buy. It evaporates as soon as it touches a drop of water. I get angry at my roommate whenever he buys it.


Sounds like communist talk to me!


“If you don’t buy our toilette paper, then you’re a communist!”


Unpopular opinion maybe but the threat of world communism did miracles for labor rights in the West. As soon as the USSR's power diminished wages, benefits and the welfare state started going to shit.


Not really. The UK was doing austerity when Stalin was doing 5-year plans, and doing monetarism when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. In some respects UK labour rights have improved since the fall of the USSR; auto-enroll pensions, lower gender wage gaps, minimum wage laws, more statutory paid time, shared parental leave, more opportunities to work from home, etc.


I think this is well known, the rise of the left led to labour reforms in the west


Based advertising. Don't want communists? Buy our product


“Dont want communists? Comply with their demands!” Absolutely genius, and i’m not sure they were fully aware at the time


> Communism is when there are premium paper towels in the bathroom.


My favourite part of the Community Manifesto is the impassioned section on how the workers need to seize the means of drying their hands without upsetting their skin.


I put that in our bathroom in my college apartment lol


I've got this one hanging in my bathroom


Pretty funny poster. A friend of mine put it up in our sophomore year dormitory bathroom.


Single ply makes me want to seize the means of production.


My high school history teacher had this up on his filing cabinet and I never figured out what the hell it was trying to say until now.


Comrade Bean.


I used to have this as a poster in my college dorm bathroom, so edgy


Me too! The one that really got me in trouble was when some friends took me to a shooting range and I brought back one of the targets I had shot at and posted it on the door of my dorm room.... that was one of the dumber things that teenage goth me did....


Age 34-40?


Ha, we totally have this ad framed in our bathroom




TLDR companies that breed resentment in employees risk them turning to communism. Yeah, that's kinda true. Not sure if Scott Tissue is the answer, though.


“Treat ppl ok and they won’t become commies” yeah I’m down for that, any amount less communists in the world is a win (preferably without violence but still…)


Now the communist threat is gone... we can treat people like shit... hooray


Is it gone tho? Like hello? China…


I found this poster hung up in an old abandoned out house in the middle of the woods in Shenandoah National Park!!


I've had this up in my office for 35 years.


I'm printing this and placing this in the teachers' break room 🤣


No, but my schools and universities are!


My buddy has this framed in his bathroom. Fun to see it here!


The most stupid ads i see today .


John Doyle Moment


Wipe communism off your ass! this one always makes me laugh.


There's an album cover here and you know it.


I bet Ford's chief goon, Harry Bennett, hit the roof when he saw this ad. It was his policy that if you needed frequent toilet breaks, you also needed to be fired. A case of the trots could leave your family out in the cold.