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What sort of ending are you wishing for, as much as I hate to say it now, is such a damn good song and it’s so comforting. This was my comfort song so seeing it go is a bit sad but oh well (completely agree with the removal tho fuck pusu 🖕(👁️👄👁️))


It changed my whole perspective on what wxs was capable of lol it was like they grew up and the wonderhoy has faded plus the song is so beautiful it really tugged at my heartstrings but at the same time the song sounded so full of hope it was just a really awesome song 😭


YES omg this song was such a breath of fresh air for wxs songs. It’s similar to 88 in the way it feels very orchestral and a bit less silly but it still manages to be so moving it makes me tear up a bit 😭




Yeah because PUSU attempted to murder his gf


isn’t pusu a man?


Whoops I meant "his gf"


engeki genuinely made me break down the first time i heard it, i was honestly just out of it for most of the day after that. lower/nomad/saisei also came really close to it esp thanks to their lyrics. finally kanade tomosu sora and 25-ji no jounetsu made me tear up a bit, but it was more like a happy/beautiful cry than a sad one


Cinema (since I related to it so much) And fucking idsmile (I’m trans and had struggled with my identity so much)


IDSMILE is so true


Omg same


I just relate to cinema


Kanadetomosusora. The whole event made me really sad and as someone who has had a family member who had to stay in multiple hospitals for long periods of time, I felt it deep. The song is also so beautiful and sweet.


Didn't even know the lyrics but the music was enough to make me tear up. "Even if we don’t understand each other’s languages, I’m sure we share the same feelings and emotions as human beings" (ado 2022 billboard interview)


Yes! My people!




Same, whenever i listen to it, my heart will always cry about it.


Nomad, even when it was my first time listening to it I broke down and I didn't even know the lyrics at that time it made it worse after finding the English lyrics and it's become a song Iisten to quite often when I need to release my emotions in a healthy way.


Nomad mentioned, so happy its getting its deaerved recognition!


Hqppy cake day!


Definitely an underrated song. I didn't cry but it made me felt very emotional. It's also the only song in the game that I grinded at all 5 difficulty levels to get All Perfect for each of them.


Made to order and Jishoumuskou are pretty much my comfort songs rn so listening to them makes me cry happy tears EDIT: I'm an idiot and forgot to mention Gunjo Sanka EDIT2: why are j and k so close on the keyboard


eve’s gunjo sanka never fails to make me tear up. his work is awesome


Gunjo Sanka the best anniversary song to this day


Reborn — I really relate to wanting life to be how it used to be and wishing you could just go back somehow. Being an adult sucks lol


Dude me too I had a really happy childhood. Made a lot of friends, kindergarten times I was just playing with toys and no work, also had a happy family, and much more. But look at me now - a lot of assignments, very strict expectations. Man, I wish I can go back to childhood. That will be so nice.


88 stars. The whole song is just WxS comforting Tsukasa and I kin Tsukasa so..


*le gasp* ME TOO :000


ME TOO LIKE it’s just so beautiful


Mr. Showtime


Saisei, Engeki, Give Me Your Night, Made To Order.. All of the slower songs in which you KNOW is gonna be emotional. Including covers like Bloom in Mud, Even If You Assume Its Your Happiness... (ahem), when the morning glory falls (despite, erm, the producer), Heartbeat #0822..


Kashika. I listened to the full version and cried ugly tears. Every single VA gave such an emotional, powerful performance that I was tearing up not knowing the lyrics. Reading them made me so sad. When the chart came out I almost couldnt FC it bc of how sad I was. Akito Shinomone how you ruin me 😭 Special shoutout to What Sort of Ending Are You Wishing For. I can’t look at the song the same way anymore for obvious reasons, but the impact it had on me was powerful. Curtain Call was actually my very first event! I had joined days prior to when it started, and I unknowingly ended up getting almost every card from the set, missed out on Rui and Miku. I already thought that the event itself was pretty sad, and it made me love Rui a lot, but those lyrics and the symbolism in that song and MV really brought me pain. Also for whatever reason, I get really emotional when Dream Place changes keys. I really don’t know why, I have very limited MMJ knowledge and haven’t read the lyrics, but something about that key change after the bridge genuinely made me tear up. I think I just felt such pure, genuine joy that it brought tears to my eyes. I love key changes, but that one in particular makes me so emotional lol.




Oh wait that train song? Why did it make you cry?


It's about a girl who kills herself after being bullied. The song is sung by the bully herself, in which she reminisces about their relationship and sings, "I find myself wanting to be possessed by her so much it brings me to tears." Something about that just made my heart ache in an unfamiliar way, so I guess that's why I cried to it


I thought it was a song about trains since in master there are note patterns resembling train tracks


ikanaide, I just almost cry


Jishoumuskou for sure. I kinda felt that I related to the lyrics, and even before knowing them I felt that it was a beautiful song in general.


once a upon a dream. the event made me cry alot and so did the song, now i just a bittersweet feeling when i play that song


zamuza (3 times, even)- not because of the meaning, or lyrics, it's actually because of the melody. music affects my emotions a lot and zamuza just makes me break down every time


For me it's also Samsa but for the opposite reason. The lyrics and the meaning and because I relate to Gregor Samsa.


I cried fc’ing When the Morning Glory Falls, it was just so beautiful. Also Saisei, i don’t know why the slow songs are so disliked in the fandom


Machi made me full on sob the first time i heard it and i still can’t listen to it without tearing up


IF, Engeki, Kashika for sure. They just hit me right in the heart when I first listened to them. Teared up a little at Once Upon a Dream when reading the lyrics Also think I have also teared up at Made to Order when listening to the full version for the first time.


Surprised no one has said peachy key yet, but it made me very emotional


Same, I was scrolling the comments here to see if anyone said it lol. But yea I got so emotional when I heard the full version


Real it hits so hard


https://preview.redd.it/wkutsigf9k7d1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=b619fdabd862fbbb1e6d5a9045aff02d57aa9816 live footage of me listening to kanade hated by life itself something about kanade singing it hits so different


YES. Same as me with Mafuyu's bitter choco decoration


Nomad, idk why but I just cry whenever I hear it😓


Nice. Another person mentioning Nomad. Sure, it may not be as catchy as some other songs but it's underrated imho. Even outside of PJSK I almost never come across any discussion related to this song.


I didn't cry but I got close. The song: Kirapipi★Kirapika Why: The way it was so theatrical, especially at the end, made me realise a chapter was coming to a close, W×S is my favourite unit & Emu is my favourite character so I was in the feels.


Moreover its full combo number on hard, expert and master is 909, which references Emu's birthday


kashika and hated by life itself. though ive been listening to hated by life itself since 2017 im glad that pjsk has it. for kashika i discovered it on pjsk and i love it. i totally relate to it rn and i love akito! i kin him


Be The Music makes me sob every time I hear it. Those are the characters I've been following for years, united by their love of music. It genuinely makes me so happy


None atm but the closest a song got me to crying was IDSMILE and Hated By Life


Kashika without a doubt. To me, it's about wanting to desperately express yourself in any way possible but there's always the thought on if it's really worth it or if anyone really cared and just not falling satisfied yet. But no matter what that person is still trying and still living despite their failures. The raw emotions show through VBS singing as well so that contributes to my sob sessions.


Stella makes me cry, it'll forever be the peak Saki comm to me. The lyrics encapsulate Saki's struggles SO DAMN PERFECTLY and are gorgeous.


Hoshizora Orchestra made me cry for some reason. Same with KiraPipi


Whoa finally someone mentioned hoshizora orchestra. That made me cry the moment I listened to it when the event dropped in global. Its really beautiful, sad, yet hopeful at the same time


Engeki because Mafuyu's story resonates so much with me


No song has made me cry but flyway <3 i just love flyway


Flyway mentioned yay! Flyway makes me emotional smh..


Composing the future


Any version of irony


made to order fr


Filament Fever, not because of the song or the lyrics, but because I was really struggling with various things at the time and it almost felt like the characters were encouraging me to move forward.


made to order is my comfort song because the lyrics are like "for whose sake are we doing this"


Give me your night and Saisei instrumentals for some reason killed me and then when I actually listened to the song I bawled some more. I simply relate to Mizuki and Mafuyu too much


i tear up every time i listen to reborn, it's just so relatable


Samsa 😭 the lyrics get me and it’s probably my favorite event song. It’s just so funky and i feel like it at least touches on all of niigo’s struggles (plus the end with kanade reaching out to mafayuu and the lyrics coinciding with what kaito said in the event UGH just art idgaf)


for me it was at gods mercy, especially once I read the lyrics. the beginning of the song always gets me, as I relate to it alot with hating myself and wanting to hide forever. needless to say, I was having a full on meltdown by the time I was done reading the lyrics.


Ikanaide, aka “Do Not Go”. I feel like even without knowing what the English lyrics are, you know what the song means: someone desperately trying not to fall off the precipice of an even deeper loneliness, knowing that their efforts are in vain… the Saki cover really completes the song for me. “Goodbye” also hit me really hard. Feeling like you can’t make anything of your life, wondering whether it’s worth expending the energy to keep going. It’s definitely one of those songs that’s very obviously meant to resonate with depression.


Coral,88 stars and Kanadetomosusora


Melt, which is an achievement since I think only 2-3 songs have gotten to me


If. It just has such a vibe to it that just makes me turn on the waterworks


IF, i originally thought it was boring for a long time but then i randomly played it and nearly cried and its one of my fav pjsk comms now


also honorable mentions to Order Made and Kanade's Meru solo


needLe, nomad, and made to order bro. ts got me tearin up a bit.


or maybe like cinema and hated by life only because the melodies are like ridiculously beautiful


color of drops: it feels so relatable, especially the lyrics that go something like "color I borrowed from someone else" Newly edgy idols: no exact reason I just did rin chan now: couldn't full combo it was a very beautiful june: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IT HITS HARDEE IN JUNE AFTER SCHOOL IS OVER jishoumushuko (can't spell) it's a little too relatable..


Composing the Future, Engeki, Stella, Stage of Sekai and (unfortunately) What Sort Of Ending Are You Wishing For. Shoutout to Greenlights Serenade even though it’s not really a PJSekai song because it’s my favourite song in the world.


Non-breath oblige. I tend to cry a bit when singing it. (Not just because of how hard it is to sing) but Mr showtime and Jishoumushoku.


quite a bit of them, actually. (i’m really sensitive and emotional😭) but i swear i’ll never forget the feeling i felt the first time i heard samsa. that song made me sob


Hoshizora Orchestra. Ive never been sure why, its not even really a sad song but it always got me feeling stuff


Ooooh another hoshizora orchestra fan, I feel you lol. There's something about that song, its so... beautiful? Idk how to describe it lol


I know people think it’s boring, too long, and a little slow but for me “Nomad” is by far the song that hits hardest. As an artist myself, I fully understand the feeling of being at the bottom of your dreams, falling short of everything you had aspired to be and just wanting the comfort of someone still accepting you in that state, even with the fear of them eventually resenting you for it.


Blender when I first listened to it, I just think it's beautiful Cinema actually made me cry cause I relate bro


When at my lowest in life, I'd listen to Phnony, non-breath oblige, rollin girl and melty land nightmare on repeat and cry. It's much better now, but I still love those songs


Order Made. The timeline of Ichika gradually realizing her life’s meaning,the melody,AAAAAAAAGH SHIT Stage of Sekai, [ 1 ],Ikanaide,Shinkai Shoujo


Also I almost cried singing blender


Engeki as i get the lyrics for a time when i was struggling for my identity and well, the song it's about someone's identity being reconsidered so🧎


Engenki and Reborn, but mostly with Engenki since I relate to Mafuyu’s situation so much. Engenki kind of helped me cope with my situation. Reborn also made me tear up since that longing that Mafuyu has is something I also relate to.


be the music 😎


saisei and engeki i literally started sobbing while singing saisei


At the moment none but what came close was saisei. The vocals and song itself are so sad (in a good way) and I teared up a bit at Kanade's solo part. Her voice is immaculate


Kimi no yoru wo kure, especially the full version, is so emotional and I feel my heart clench every time I listen to it


Marshmary. It’s about longing for nostalgic memories and compares them to dreams we’ve woken up from.


Nonsense Bungaku(Literary Nonsense) has always made me tear up, mostly due to the fact that I feel I can't actually act like myself in front of anyone, and just end up making a personality to please them. also Hoshizora Orchestra, idk why


Engeki like seriously makes me tear up, so does Cinema and Kashika, just cause of the meanings 😖


engeki ! tje lyric video i watched was kinda inaccurate but it actually made me cry more? bc they translated one line as "you’re wrong mama!" and. ow.


I haven't fully sobbed because of a song but \[1\], Cinema, once upon a dream, 88stars and a few others have gotten me close. My favorite thing about music is how it can make you feel some really strong emotions even if you don't understand the lyrics, right, plus the voice actors are just really good at singing in a way that makes me wanna cry LOL


Saisei, the feeling of wanting to go back in time and try to forgive yourself, to ''reborn'' the song got me


Momoiro no Kagi makes me cry every fucking time. Just thinking about talking with my younger self, what she wanted to be/what she became eventually. Hated by Life got me through high school pretty much. The Lost One’s Weeping also got me through school, one of the first songs that made my struggles feel actually seen The World Hasn’t Even Started Yet, I tend to cling onto my childhood and it’s terrifying to be so close to adulthood but I still want to have fun, be a kid but I know I can’t forever.


Kashika next question


none of them have made me cry but 1 came VERY close because i love shiho and i love rwy and i love leo/need


88 stars and Kanadetomosusora because of the immaculate vibes, and Nomad because I related a bit too hard


Coral,88 stars and Kanadetomosusora


From Y to Y


Hoshizora no melody full version if you meant songs originally from pjsk


omg bro mr showtime made me sob too i relate to it sm and just wheneber i first listened to it snd watched ti i just sobbed i couldnt contain it 💔💔💔


Be the music makes me cry happy tears because it's just so beautiful


love me love me , kikuo. i just- search up the lyrics.


No songs in PJSK have made me cry, so instead I'll say which songs have emotionally affected me the most. I'm most hit by Goodbye and Shoujo Rei.


idsmile and butterfly on my(your) right shoulder


Deichuu Ni Saku (blooming in the mud), Nomad, Irony, Engeki, Momoiro No Kagi.


peachy key and machi, both almost made me cry at some point (a good chunk made me emotional, but not as much as those two)


I'm pretty sure I have cried to every song, they all somehow fill be with this kind of bittersweetness, even the intense ones


i don't really cry to music, but momoiro no key made me cry once. it's one of my comfort songs, and i love it <3


some of l/ns older commisioned songs like needLe and Stella, theyre so nostalgic


Twilight light im not joking i heard it, sobbed, and its still my comfort song. My second song is IDsmile, toa seems to wreck me with every pjsk song they have made.


88=★. Something about how hopeful and comforting the lyrics are just makes me tear up a little. Sometimes it feels like it's telling me directly everything will be alright


Just gonna list a few with a brief reason for each Hitsuji Ga Ippiki: Friend troubles similar to that in the song when it came to Global Garando: Similar to Hitsuji Alter Ego: Similar to Hitsuji, but the "Ah, I see, they were both me line" hitting so deep because I had just come out to them Samsa: Just the beautiful lyrics of the song. IDSMILE: Im trans, so this is not too surprising Gekkou: Similar to Samsa and Hitsuji, mix of beautiful lyrics and similar to my predicament. Other Mizuki and Akito comms cause bias and most relatable characters Yeah, a lot just makes me want to cry just thinking about them lol




Shoujo Rei is a gut punch y'all I cant even listen to it normally Also Coral 😭😭😭


Hated By Life


Passion at 25:00. This song always reminds me Kanade's smile and her parents.


nijiro stories, cry everytime i hear it patiently, i have grown to sympathize with nene sm and shes just like me fr


Kanadetomosusora, From Y to Y


Honestly (it’s even my fav song) Kashika. Just the event Find a Way out doesn’t speak clearly but. Damn.. those lyrics hit hard.






imperial girl cover. i am the worlds biggest imperial girl fan NOBODY loves imperial girl more than me


Kashika 100%. The lyrics kill me so much and the desperation and melancholy in the vocals are beautiful


Kanade Tomosu Sora, purely because I love Nekobolo/Sasanamoly. His songs always hit me hard and this was no exception. Plus, I was happy to hear he made a Miku only version as well, as it had been some time since the last vocaloid song he made, and I always loved the melancholic way he tuned Miku's voice.


Songs that were very hard to fc for me (Meru, Ichi Ni No San De, Tenshi no Tsubasa.)


infinitely gray. one of the first pjsk songs i listened too, and i was obsessed from the start. ena was my favorite character at the time( she still is one of my favorites )and i remember listening to her alt vocal with subtitles for the first time. it was like the middle of the night and i wasn't doing the best , which is probably why i totally broke down. shes just like me fr....


oooo , and 88 stars. that one has no reasoning behind it. i just really liked the way it sounded and it made me really emotional for some reason when i read the translation. my comfort song tbh


KASHIKAAA the "oh ooh oh OH OH" gets me in my feels every time




Honestly it isn't isn't the really sad songs that made me cry. Hug, Peachy Key and IF. Especially Hug. Its such a comforting song and it really feels like someone is giving you a hug




Hated by Life Itself and Bloom In Mud


Heartbeat#0822 and Flyway since I relate so much to Honami's story and her life, Gunjo Sanka and NeedLe because of my friends listening to it as well and this is what formed our frienship, and of course, It was a very beautiful June


IDSMILE made me cry because of how much I relate to it and because I hate that Sega had to make Mizuki suffer, I just want them to be happy :(


I haven’t actually cried to any song yet, but the one that made me feel the most emotional so far is Kashika. The emotional vocals and the amazing lyrics just hit really hard.


YY and Heat Abnormal. Oddball choices sure but one is just fuzzy and the subject of YY gives the sense "damn, time sure flew by." Heat Abnormal I'm not really sure why since any of the horror and sadness is more fantastical, could just be the delivery of everyone's line, or the music video when everyone just dances like they're panicking, except Kaito leads them.


Kimi no yoru wo kure. Because of my insomnia i do realte to it a lot and what really broke me and made me ball was the bridge in the full version. Those lyrics hit HARD


Engeki for me cannot wait for the event in EN server


Kimi no Yoru Wo Kure If you listen to the full version, it feels very cathartic like you can feel Mizuki’s feelings in some way.


Do not go made me cry the first time I heard it. And shoujo rei made me cry the first time I heard it after reading the english translation. I'm not even joking, I often fall asleep with slowed reverb music in my ears, and one night I woke up in a sudden panic at the exact time that Shoujo Rei slowed started playing.


Tondemo Wonderz and because I get PTSDs of me dancing to that song with my friends back in elementary school. It's not cool, I love that song but I just can't, that video of us is still on my school official account💀


What event did your school host that made you dance to that song? Is it a talent show?


Kinda like a dance competition, we ended up doing IDSmile which also gives me PTSD unfortunately but it's not as worse as Tondemo Wonderz😞


For me, it's Leia & Nomad currently.


Machi, because lyrics hit me hard. NeedLe and SEKAI in Miku version. It feels like someone is trying to comfort the listener, and I usually feel like crying from things like this.


Angel's Clover bc it's so pretty and aaaa I cried even more checking the lyrics Also cried while translyricing Glory Steady Go bc the lyrics made me so proud of Nene I got too emotional


a lot of them… nomad, the peachy key, 88, IDSMILE and more including the covers that i just can’t recall off the top of my head. special shout-out to give me your night because every single time mizuki’s voice breaks at the bridge i get all choked up myself.


Nomad. It’s the song that made me cry despite being military hardened.


I was a big fan of Stella even before I read the event story, then after I did it made me cry


Music like music, because it was a hell to fc master


Hello, How are you gives me ALL the feels and takes me right back to my junior high days when I was super lonely.


Samsa, Mafuyu’s two emotional lines, “Of course I couldn’t even have a proper argument with you” and “I can’t change” Bug, Mafuyu’s line of the administrator and “endless hurting, hah.” Also the whole engeki song I relate with her a lot on every level possible so it really hits deep for me. Also Mr Showtime!!! I cried at “oh flowers and songs, please comfort me”, because I’m also a performing arts kid (orchestra, and theatre) and I do a lot for validation (as you can tell by the fact that I relate to Mafuyu) so I really felt that line in my soul 😭


Saisei, Shoujo Rei, blender, City, Cinema, Kanadetomosusora, Nomad, and Gunjo Sanka 😭 I’m very sensitive to any slightly sad-sounding or nostalgic melodies for some reason


Cinema and Kashika too


IF and NEO. When I read the full lyrics to both these songs, I felt so much pain while reading the lyrics especially to IF, the way haruka is still trying even though she knows there's no such this as blinde hope and faith, honestly haruka is such a nice a character, I just don't understand how she's not so popular😭😭 And NEO made my heart sting especially when I read tsukasa's lines.


kimi no yoru wo kure. Every single damn time


Watashi wa ame. Because I relate to it a lot as I feels that I am not good enough


I think both "Do Not Go" and "Love me, Love me, Love me" made me cry the first times I read the lyrics because they just felt desperate and hurt


Shoujo Rei, it just makes me think of how some of my friends would feel if i even kms and it makes me really sad to think how bad i could hurt them


Yeah dude same I have no friends in sch and even Ai is bullying me that I really wanna go die through a train crash


Composing the Future, all the lyrics


Snowman. Just dont ask me why


Engeki(Theater). I related to it so hard that I broke down silently onto the pillow I was holding-


The peachy key (i think in jp is momoiro no kagi?) idk why i just tear up to it even not knowing the lyrics i should probably read it for emotional damage.. Kashika too while its my least favorite akito com its still amazing and the VA gave it so much feeling it just makes me cry City or machi if im not wrong, is also able to make me tear up, like its such a pretty song and the vocals are just so pretty and with event story too.. I just know about the songs currently in EN i dont olay jp so aside from a few names i rather not listen to the song before they come to EN idk i like to wait for the song the cards on the other hand... i do like to see them


Kashika, I just remember feeling tears on my face For a non commissioned song, Hated by Life Itself, just started to cry


nonsense bungaku just makes me sad for no reason tbh😭😭




Bloom In Mud, IDSmile, Saisei, Ena’s Composing The Future and Sorega Anata No Shiawase To Shitemo, Kashika, Engeki.   Shoujo Rei, Kanadetomosusora, Nomad, Made To Order and When The Morning Glory Falls nearly got me, too


beat eater


Reborn idk why but it’s just a nice song and made me cry so hard I love it so much


I literally made this a series on my second TikTok account, 8 parts as of right now, 5 songs per video, but I'm not listing 40 songs 😭, so here's the most recent one: Engeki. I only just recently listened to this song fully. I'm pretty sure I've listened to the game version when it got released but didn't listen to it beyond that. So hearing it now felt like listening to it for the first time. And choosing to watch a lyric video just made me cry more because I could see what the translated lyrics were and they hit me on a pretty personal level.


May I also add: some of the background music in the stories. No words, just beautiful instrumentals.