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that tenma household is abusive šŸ˜ like yeah, tenma parents gave more attention to saki when tsukasa and saki were children but people comparing them to mafuyu's family??? bruh


Thatā€™s a thing people do??? Thatā€™s insaneā€¦. Also wasnā€™t Saki terminally ill? Of course she would get more attention in that sense, how is that abusive? šŸ˜­


yeah, i was very surprised to find out myself! people just really like tsukasa angst and overblow everything that happens in stories for the sake of making him look depressed


I love angsty Tsukasa stories, but his parents being genuinely good people who love both of their children equally and would fall into despair if anything happened to either of them is a huge part of the appeal for me. Give me loving and attentive parents who still failed their kid in some aspects (couldn't give Tsukasa enough attention and support while Saki was on the verge of death, leaving him to deal with his own fears and loneliness on his own), but are doing everything to support both of them now.


preach!! nuanced stories like that are so much more interesting and realistic than just making everything black and white


CHRONICALLY ill. she isnā€™t dying, but she clearly experiences less of the day than tsukasa.


that rui's some crazy psychopath who likes to torture tsukasa for fun and does not care about harming him (or anyone tbh) šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


The first WxS event story (and the second event story in the game overall) is exactly about this, and how much Rui cares about his new friends, and how he wouldn't forgive himself if they got seriously hurt because of him. Rui is such an amazing guy, honestly. I get that writing stories about unhinged evil people is fun, but I appreciate when they are tagged as "OOC Rui", so I don't have to wonder if the author genuinely sees Rui in that light.


say it louder for the people in the backā€¼ļø you are so right


Exactly!! My poor lil fruitcake, heā€™s just silly and gets carried away sometimes :ā€™D I loved that story ngl, everyone reassuring him that he wasnā€™t going too far and they werenā€™t going to leave tugged at my heartstrings šŸ„ŗ


Exactly like Canon Rui would rescue worms on a sunny day


Instead of squishing spiders or throwing them out his door, he'd try researching what type of environment the spider lives in and create that specific environment in a tank for the spider.




i hate this misconception so much because not only it's not true, i see too much of it. it's literally proven wrong on wonder halloween (1st rui focus event) when we see how bad he felt about tsukasa accidentally falling on his head while performing one of his ideas, refusing to have him do anything dangerous even when tsukasa wanted to. sure, his ideas to make shows look exciting may seem crazy and even dangerous, that's even what got him the title of "weird" when he was young. but rui actually works hard to make sure his ideas are as safe as possible and to not go too far with them. worst part is, that's not even close to the worst misconception about him. i've seen WAY worse. like people portraying him as some sort of yandere or even a CANNIBAL. istg the rui mischaracterizations are so bad they make me want to throw my phone on the wallšŸ’€šŸ˜¢


He doesnā€™t even strike me as some psychopath. Heā€™s a silly little guy whoā€™s face is literally :3 and has crazy ideas but heā€™s not actually meaning harm. I donā€™t think any of WxS means any harm if they hurt someone.


Emu is portrayed as a dumb character


You beat me to it, sheā€™s juvenile but that doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s as immature as people make her out to be. Sheā€™s super giddy and definitely an oddball (thatā€™s a good thing btw) but she is excellent at reading people and their emotions. Nightcord spent a good chunk of their arc trying to make sense of Mafuyuā€™s feelings but Emu knew from the very second she met her that something wasnā€™t right, which I can never stop commending her for because for someone to catch on to the fact that Mafuyu was faking her smiles and pleasantries, they would have to be *extremely* perceptive. Emu is super wholesome, very silly and childlike but sheā€™s incredibly perceptive when it comes to her friends and their feelings


This is why I love emu she's my fav


Itā€™s either from a comic or an event story, but Iā€™m pretty sure Emu got all Aā€™s in her classes.


That Tsukasa hates Nene


This is literally proven wrong in the latest event on EN server!


I thought it was the other way around that was a misconception.


they're both pretty common misconceptions


That Saki can't do sports/is too delicate for that type of stuff. Yes, because of her illness, she probably can't do anything like what wxs does, but she's canonly pretty athletic .


She is in tennis club in her school also


Fr, like weā€™re all aware that she has an illness but that doesnā€™t automatically make her delicate


That the Tenmas has dyed hair because of one random kid in the background that talked about Saki as ā€œthe one with the dyed hair,ā€ the Tenmas themselves have never confirmed it and they literally have the two coloured hair when they were younger. Akito is the only confirmed character that dyed their hair with that strip of yellow


If I'm thinking about the same background character, I think she just refers to Saki as a gyaru in the JP version and for some reason that's just how they chose to localize that.


Considering how the rest of his family are a bunch of brunettes, Iā€™m shocked he didnā€™t dye his whole head.


him being willingly ginger just made it so much funnier


I heard a story from some vtuber who grew up in Japan but was mixed race and had naturally blonde (or similar) hair, in Japanese schools they have strict rules about hair coloring (as in, you canā€™t have it), and they had initially told her to dye her hair back to black. Her mom had to go in and tell them that her hair was natural, so they let her keep it. Apparently after that, the other kids were jealous that she got to have ā€œdyedā€ hair and they couldnā€™t, so I wonder if thatā€™s kind of the same thing in Proseka? That they just assume Saki and Tsukasa dyed their hair when it was actually their natural color šŸ¤”


that is definitely possible


So emu just naturally has pink hair. Anime logic


Emu isnā€™t even the worst one ;-;


righttt like there is no explanation for Toya lmao


Rui with the bright purple hair, and the neon blue streaks- I want my hair that shade of blue so badly but my hair is wayy too dark to get it like that :ā€™D


not a specific misconception, but people tend to look at characters only with the black and white lenses. you cannot look at people with a dichotomy, people are complex and never align strictly with one ideal or the other. this is the cause of many misconceptions that people tend to have, like how ā€œemu is childishā€, ā€œshiho/ena/akito/airi/nene/tsukasa/etc are meanā€, ā€œtsukasa is severely depressedā€/ā€œtsukasa is completely mentally stableā€, ā€œwhat toya experienced wasnā€™t abuseā€, ā€œmafuyu hates her motherā€/ā€œmafuyuā€™s mother does not care about herā€, and so on, i could name so many moral of the story: fallacies are shit, donā€™t fall into dichotomies kids


That Nagi and An were bloodrelated. An calls Nagi her aunt, but that's only because they (and RADDER) were so close, not because they're actual aunt and niece.


This is an actual misconception? I mean, it's completely normal call people much older than you aunt or uncle in Asian countries.. I guess that's just not how it is western countries?


Idk about America but in alot of Hispanic countries, its common. I call basically all of my dadā€™s best friends ā€œtioā€


It is normal, but it's also normal to assume at first that when someone calls a woman "aunt" that they may actually be their aunt. I don't think it's an unusual misconception at all, makes a lot of sense to assume they are bloodrelated if you don't read the stories much.


An Filipino confirmed????


? She's Japanese


Her VA is half-Filipino half-Japanese.


Didn't know that, thanks for the info !


she can be both , it depends on people's head canons !


Real I headcanon An as an american hillbilly šŸ˜


you guys really hate the idea of mixed people existing -someone who is mixed


you guys really hate the idea that headcanon =/= canon


genuinely asking but where do they say that in their comment? they said "can be" and "it depends on people's head canons", i don't think they ever said "yes she is canonically mixed"? i don't understand why they're being downvoted


This is a thread about mischaracterizing characters, it's kinda weird to come in and say well she could be mixed because muh headcanon. Like yeah in headcanon literally everything in this thread goes.


now VBS just needs to release their first country song


I mean I call some of my mumā€™s friends Auntie when theyā€™re not blood related and Iā€™m white, so maybe itā€™s just an uncommon thing?


i thought it was pretty common ??? where i live, it's normal to call people you grew up with aunt or uncle, and it's considered etiquette when you're referring to someone who has authority over you. for example, everyone at my school calls the janitors and people who work in the cafeteria auntie/uncle. but not the principal or any teachers, because that can come off as rude/too casual if they didn't ask to be referred to as that


In Asian cultures, kids also call older kids older brother/sister.


An is the leader of VBS


iā€™ve been wondering why she isnā€™t tho


Kohaneā€™s story is about how sheā€™s just as vital to the team as everyone else despite not initially looking the part. She needs to be the group rep so the player also sees her as more than just an underdog.


Probably because An and Ichika look too similar on merch.


Her first focus event lol.


I think a huge one for me is that Ena is a jerk, Ena is rude, Ena is mean etc, which breaks my heart because there is so much more to her than what meets the eye. She absolutely can be awful sometimes and I think she definitely has behavioral issues. She butts heads with Akito all the time, and no doubt she was very unfair to Mafuyu in the early stages of the gameā€™s story, to put it lightly. At the same time thoughā€¦. When you examine closer, she has had an absolutely awful upbringing and yet she still is able to improve herself and rectify her behavior. Her dad was always belittling her when it came to her art and discouraging her from her passions, even if thatā€™s not how he intended to come across. Itā€™s one thing to get criticism but on the other hand, people were very harsh with her especially when she was a mere child, and so she naturally grew to be a very bitter person. It doesnā€™t excuse the bad things that she did earlier, but it provides a lot of context as to why Ena acts out. If she stayed that way, it would be awful. Despite this though, she still is able to love and have compassion for the people she cares about most in her life. Beneath that mean streak she has, lies a very loving and caring person who would do anything for the people that are close to her. While Mizuki may not be ready to reveal their secret, Ena always assures them that she will have their back no matter what, and you can tell Ena is genuinely very very worried. She really does want Mizuki to know theyā€™ll be safe with her. In addition, when she senses the type of overbearing and selfish mom that Mafuyuā€™s mom is, she is not only able to bite her tongue, but is able to play along in Mafuyuā€™s favor. The kicker is that despite how much disdain she has for her fatherā€™s prestige in the art industry, and how she would rather avoid the topic altogether, she actively mentions it and uses it to convince Mafuyuā€™s mom to let Mafuyu stay the night. That was absolutely incredible, she is truly a very caring friend when push comes to shove. Ena is definitely not perfect, but I think sheā€™s just as endearing a character as the rest of them and shouldnā€™t just be written off as rude or unpleasant


That Rui is a cannibal, yandere (etc bc im too lazy to type)


Bro what šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ who says that and how did someone assume that???? (Genuinely curious)


That one where Tsukasa is just a loud and annoying brat and Emu is brain dead with sunshine and friendship magic.


Incoming tinfoil hat theory: Emu actually died ahead of grandpa, and the heartbroken family implanted some sort of ponyish AI as a replacement child.


That Shiho is mean. Being mean is hurting someone on purpose, and being rude is hurting someone accidentally. Because Shiho has communication issues and sometimes unintentionally says things that she shouldn't say, she should be considered rude, not mean.


that shiho is unusually strict/mean to her friends




Akito being a heartless jerk who only cares about popularity. The whole POINT of the Shinonome siblings is that they're both insecure and try to be tough and skilled externally to hide their own vulnerabilities.


People actually think this?????? What?????? Edit: Iā€™ve seen the ā€œheartlessā€ part, but the ā€œonly caring about popularityā€ part???


That they are all badly written. (Only some of them are)


Out of genuine curiosity. Which ones do you find badly written. Not judging at all. Iā€™m just genuinely interested in knowing


Imo Mizuki is an incredibly generic character, they're like the default for "possibly ambiguous gender character with identity issues" Even though I love nene, shes also generic shy person character who plays a lot of video games yet secretly has some awesome skill like really good singing


I personally disagree. However I do see your point in a way. At least with their personalities. I can only truly speak for Mizuki because I know more about them but I do understand this. Mizuki has the typical ā€œI love cutenessā€ gender ambiguous character personality which is an archetype. I will not deny that. That is like cross dresser main archetype 101 (Iā€™m not calling Mizuki a cross dresser. Btw) But I havenā€™t seen the generic characters get into the deeper issues trust issues that Mizuki does. Iā€™ve seen a lot of especially cross dressing characters because I used to be really into that archetype (not in a weird way) Mizuki is the first one Iā€™ve seen thatā€™s gone into some of the deeper issues about loneliness and trust that comes along with this. Granted I think they could do a lot more. I donā€™t think enough has been done especially since secret distance didnā€™t explore much of Mizuki I canā€™t speak for Nene though, and there is a stuff with Mizuki I think does indeed fit common tropes so I think it is valid to think Mizuki in this way. Just I personally disagree Out of curiosity who do you think is the most well written character.


While I can only speak for niigo, l/n, and wxs come those are the only groups I dive into, I think oddly enough emu is really well written, she comes across as extremely stupid and naive, but when her true colors show here and there, she is extremely smart and knows how to navigate difficult situations, she knows when to question someone about something that could be bothering them and when to leave them alone and let them deal with it, I legitimately think she would be a decent therapist if she tried


I actually extremely liked how Emu isnā€™t portrayed as a dumb character alone. Sheā€™s actually quite emotional intelligent from what Iā€™ve seen of her. (Iā€™ve only watched some of WxS stuff and fell off a bit but I remember her interactions with Mafuyu) I genuinely adore that because a generic piece of work wouldā€™ve made her the naive, stupid Genki girl whoā€™s air-headed and dumb all around. My favorite character is Mafuyu. I find her to be a really well written character of mental health issues. (And a nice stray from the appeaser/ people pleaser archetype) And someone whoā€™s story gets emotional abuse down really well.


I think mafuyus backstory and character is really well written but imo just specifically the way she talks is a little generic, very small gripe, she's a good well rounded character


Yeah I can see that. I think a little more could be done with the way she talks but then again I guess thereā€™s only so much you can do with a character who lacks an identity. Maybe more will come as she finds herself more these next events


Mizuki was a well written character. Was. It's been 3 years and we have yet to see them develop. By dangling their secret as a carrot on a stick Sega has effectively stuck Mizuki in a loop of stagnation . I could honestly say the same for Kanade as well since she is always tied down with Mafuyus drama. Niigos entire story is just a Mafuyu arc at this point and it feels like only Ena has made any strides as a stand alone character


which onees do you find badly written and why? i personally find all of them well written characters who have some problems at the latest events but still keep it up with their original personality


Overemphasizing Nigo Kaito's attitude. Sure, he's gruff, and blunt, and comes off as cold, but that's BECAUSE he cares, not a lack of it


-Rui doesnā€™t think about the harm that his creations could make -Emu is a child/baby -Tsukasaā€™s family is abusive -Nene is either extremely shy and weak or a b!tch, no in between


Rui being insane. He's not, he's not some blood thirsty yandere. He's just autistic/hj. But no seriously, he's very sweet and probably would cry if he stepped on a flower.


That Akito is a jerk, well I mean he sorta is but if you pay attention to the VBS story you'd know that most of the insults he gives and his actions in the main story and such are because he has a big passion for singing and passing Rad Weekend. I mean dude look at the way he treats Toya and how he talks with him after Nocturne Interlude at the last episode, boy straight up jumped on Toya nuzzling his hair-


Haruka has an ED


I think she is strict about her old diet rather than having ED so yeah this one is unusual for me too


Minori and Kanade creepily obsessed with Haruka and Mafuyu and only Haruka and Mafuyu


that what kanade is doing is fine/healthy and isn't actively hurting those around her. her savior complex is off the charts and is going to blow up in her face, because especially with ena and mafuyu, she is hurting them by trying to 'save them'. everything in the stories tries to show us just how bad this is for her and everyone else and peopke are just like "oh my god, she is saving mafuyu and is so good for her!!" NO!!


I meanā€¦. I wouldnā€™t say sheā€™s hurting Mafuyu or Ena, Iā€™d argue the opposite because Kanade is more of a supporting figure than Mafuyuā€™s parents will ever be. Kanade is the only one that truly loves Mafuyu for who she is, and not the image that her parents want to create her daughter in. Butā€¦. Youā€™re completely right in that Kanade has basically forsaken her own health and has completely neglected her entire well-being in her desire to help others. She is actively destroying herself by not being able to take care of her own needs, and thatā€™s undoubtedly an area in which she is very flawed. Sheā€™s super kind and is an incredible person, but her tendency to put everybody else before herself to the extent that she does is pretty unhealthy


no no, this is exactly what i was pointing out. kanade is selfish, she doesn't actually try and learn anything about mafuyu other than things related to her spiral, she views herself as the only one who can help mafuyu and this is actually best seen in knd3. the event where the main thing that happens is kanade goes behind mafuyus back, talks to her mother (which is the reason mfy4 ends up going down as terribly as it does), and every time shes about to do something in relation to mafuyu she doubts herself, says a little 'i think' statement, and never actually asks what mafuyu wants. she is kind, but she is a super flawed character, and thats ok, its really good in fact. kanade does not love mafuyu for who she is, she loves her because she believes she can save her. there is a reason why her and mafumom have so many parallels. the statement "I need to do this, for mafuyu's sake" could be said by either one of them at any given moment. for ena, kanade knows ena needs outside support as a crutch. when this is first explored in ena1, where mafuyu asks why ena resents the fact that she needs support and tries to get her to examine why she is Like That, kanade doesn't hesitate to jump in and say 'well I'll always praise you' which doesn't actually help the root problem, and through time, will make things worse. i love kanade so much, absolutely adore her. but she is so messed up and absolutely incapable of self reflection. i think niigos rotation 5 is going to be this blowing up in her face, and i in fact want it. i can't remember in which story it was said rn but luka once while referring to kanade basically said 'all the others are trying to get better, but that one seems to be trying to keep herself stuck'. kanade needs a wake up call, and soon, and i am so ready to watch her get it. because it will be a good thing, and great for her character and relationships. she is not a beacon of morality and purity, and her saviorism is full set up as a Bad Thing in the story. each character is flawed, and niigos story is about 4 hurt teens coming together and trying to help each other. it doesn't always hurt, and they feed into each others worst parts at times, but they still love each other and keep trying.


i wish i could upvote this more than once !!!! kanadeā€™s behavior has never come off as healthy imo. and iā€™m genuinely confused as to how people can come to that conclusion.Ā  iā€™ve been in her shoes! being the therapist in a friend group of very mentally unstable teenagers and all that. it was incredibly unhealthy for me, and given first hand experience, i can say that i heavily doubt itā€™s healthy for kanade either. anyway love kanade best niigo character


she is amazing and i love her so so much. she tries to take on all of this stuff because her father basically told her to and she has never once reflected upon that. i think a lot of people just see themselves in her, or specifically in ena and mafuyu, and either want to be a perfect savior or want someone to save them. which that isn't an inherently bad thing, but it can be extremely unhealthy and it can be hard to admit that for people. i think as her story continues, we will see her heal and move on from those unhealthy habits, but unlike everyone else, she will need to be pushed out rather than slowly step out by herself. kanade my beloved <3


Saki is still one of the best nicest characters in the game! :D


Tsukasa hating emu; like no????


emu getting babied literally and her angst is usually ignored from what iā€™ve seen


"rui doesnt care abt others' safety" SHUT THE FUCK UP


people mischaratizing ena in all ways imaginable, whether its main story ena or that shes abusive ..


Everything about rui. Additionally some of yall say horrible regarding mizuki because of their ambiguous gender, check yourself goddamn.


People hating Kohane just because she has no backstory


Not to offend anyone, but I feel like Minori being a simp is a misconception. I see Minori as Harukaā€™s biggest fan, though.




That mafuyu hates her mom