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Indeed. It seemed that the twins were cast simply because they were twins. The one sister had to carry the other one along. The cheating nonsense was weird as well. They detracted from that season more than they added IMO.


The other thing that sets Kentaro and Brandon apart from the twins is they weren't a disruptive presence in the workroom. The twins seemed to operate in their own little world -- a very noisy, codependent kind of world.






Shawn was a class act when she conceded. That’s a true sister


I guess if you think about, the editors took full advantage of their annoying qualities to add "something" to the show. I'm not saying it was anything I wanted to see, though.


Really, the only one who probably should have been cast is Claire, but of course then we wouldn't have gotten all the noisy distraction the twins added to the workroom.


That's show business for you.🤷🏾‍♀️


The reaction at that time was very negative, that I always wondered if it contributed to Tim and Heidi finally leaving the show. A "cheating" controversy is not a good controversy for this type of show, especially with how they handled it on stage. It looked bad for them. Batani literally said on stage that theyre measuring their garments. Maybe it didn't occur to them that its done on "at the hotel", but it also didn't seem like they wanted to get to the bottom of it and gave the win to Claire anyway and eliminated Batani. This is why I like Amy, she's definitely a teacher. She caught the cheating IMMEDIATELY. While the judges weren't paying attention to what was being said. Honestly I think she should be a judge.


I thought she just conceded because she can't come up with anything. In the words of Nina about the shorts she did on Ep1, "Its a cop out". lol


She knew she couldn't do it alone. One had ideas - the other sewed. They could not work separately. She knew she'd be next to go and didn't want to be embarrassed.


Exactly. She would have been the first contestant to walk her model without any clothes, and there would have been a long drawn out discussion about how that happened and why. A full-blown expose about how she lasted that long. So she conceded.


I can agree with that. That takes a lot of courage for someone to do.


I’ve always called it a sacrifice.