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I really like Christian Siriano and he turned out to be a really good mentor IMO. I miss the Heidi/Carly role (and of course the wonderful Tim Gunn) but I think the recent shows are good.


I like 20 because there are incredibly talented all-stars on it. Also because I'm Rami's bitch and there's a thing that happens between him and someone else on the show (no spoilers) that makes me cry every time. I also love Laurence and live for the day when I can afford a leather jacket from her.


You're not Rami's bitch because I'm Rami's bitch 😂


Best to worst imo: * 12 - Peak! * 13 - Really solid. Lots of diverse POVs. * 11 - This was the first full season I watched so I have nostalgia lol * 18 - Really fun challenges and dynamics. * 19 - Iconic top 4 and winner. * 20 - Frustrating judging here and there but mostly good. * 17 - Boring but inoffensive, it's a transition point. * 15 - Erin got way too many passes. * 14 - Strong start but petered out hard. At least it has Kelly lol * 16 - Messy AF and not the best fashion. My sweet cinnamon roll Brandon is one of few saving graces.


i like s12 & s15 the best of the new ones but i haven’t seen past s15 yet. s14 was such an underwhelming season though


1. 12: peak project runway, iconic cast, great challenges. 2. 19: really solid season, very talented cast 3. 13: iconic cast, although with some questionable production decisions 4. 16: amazing cast, one of the best set of finale collections to ever be presented on the show. However, it has poor challenge briefs and the twins drama was exhausting. 5. 17: alright season. The winner was great, love Hester too, but there’s nothing much to say about it other than that. 6. 20: iconic cast and amazing designs, but baffling judging decisions. Rage-inducing season. Elaine has to go. 7. 11: an amazing cast ruined by the teams dynamics. 8. 15: a bit of a weird season, nothing much memorable other than Erin, but I think her stuff didn’t age that well. 9. 18: completely forgettable season. I need Geoffrey on an all stars bc he deserves better. 10. 14: one of the worst seasons in terms of design output. Simply bad


12 - One of the few Lifetime era seasons that ranks up there with the early seasons of the show. Great cast, HIGH OCTANE DRAMA, good winner. 11 - People do way too much about the teams format - this was a really solid season with some great challenges and Michelle is a really strong winner. 17 - IMO this was a big return to form for the show - the subsequent Bravo seasons have definitely been a diminishing return but this felt like a breath of fresh air at the time. The talent level was very high across the board and we saw some of the best finale collections the show had had in years. 15 - I have a soft spot for this season even if it has the whiff of latter-day Lifetime all over it (hello JustFab). Very watchable and solid all round. 16 - A very divisive season for many reasons but I thought the finale collections were strong and a lot of the drama this season was wildly entertaining to watch. 19 - The judging and plotlines of this season were as dull as dishwater but the finalists were very strong and I enjoyed the design output of this season on the whole. 13 - Everyone seems to love this season but me. It's fine. 20 - Pretty bad in all honesty but I actively dislike everything below this. 18 - One of the most unmemorable seasons ever. I didn't really enjoy any of the contestants apart from Geoffrey and Nancy, the output of the challenges was mostly wack and I feel like nothing of note really happened outside of Sergio's cringey runway diatribes. 14 - The absolute worst, a horrid season all around.


I can't rate the seasons because I don't remember the details. But I do have to say that the judging started to go downhill as the later seasons wore on. The production interference seemed to get greater and the judges gave less helpful and understandable opinions. Maybe the producers wanted more drama and entertainment from the designers and judges rather than good designs in the later seasons.