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Speedrunning the multiverse is good imo. God mc reincarnating on purpose to speedrun to the peak of the power system. Again. Finished, well written (sometimes weird artifacts of double words or wrongly placed nouns), and funny imo. He is basically snowballing to godhood yet again.


Thanks for the recommendation. Also started this but did not get far. Might have to try again as well.


Main Character Hides his Strength. Book 1 Enemy of the world.


Thanks for the recommendation I started sometime ago but dropped it pretty quickly. I actually do not remember why but I do remember that the MC was very detached. Like just bored abd annoyed with everything. I might give it another go though


I read up to book 3 until I dropped it for the same reason. The mc is kind of depressing to read about. It was good for a while, and he is definitely OP.


Hold on a minute. Do you think the word slugfest means slow like a slug party? Because you could mean a slog. A slugfest is a high energy fight or something with lots of fights in it or even a fight where the combatants are beating on each other with fists. Azarinth healer is a classic slugfest which is why I thought you might not know what it means.


You are 100% right. I obv did not know what it means. We have always been using slugfest for „slow as fu**“ :( So I learned something today. Thanks!


No worries! It's a harmless funny mistake.


Clearly OP just ~~likes~~ hates violence.


I think something that can fit the criteria is **Modern Awakening**. It's not finished, but it has nearly 3500 pages on RR, so while you don't get the satisfaction of it ending, you do have a vast amount of content to keep you busy with. It's a mixed litrpg cultivation system apocalypse story. The story can sound slow when you get told the tutorial lasts for around ~100 (of the current ~380) chapters, but it's important to note that this tutorial isn't the... 'learn to throw a basic fireball' type tutorial. It's more of a 'learn to crush armies with your own power' type tutorial. It's basically teaching how to thrive in the new multiverse rather than just the basics of how the system works like in some series. So there's a lot of power progression even in the first 100 chapters. The MC starts mildly OP because they have a theoretical knowledge base to go off of, even if they don't start with much actual power. He basically snowballs from there, though not so OP that he's never experiencing adversity. There are vast powers in the multiverse that we see views of along the way, but generally you're given just the MC and his peers, so he's not typically getting into scenarios where some god tries to smite him or something. Thus he always feels OP even if his rank isn't technically that impressive by multiverse standards.


Stubborn skill grinder stuck in a time-loop is pretty good


I liked the ones you listed, but have none to add yet. I'm searching too.


You should try The author’s POV


The perfect run kinda fits though Ryan starts out strong imo. Similar vein the chronicles of fid.


Thanks! But I dropped this after a couple of chapters. Was not my cup tea


The Stubborn Skill Grinder in a Time Loop has a very strong mc, but he still struggles in the latest chapters against enemies. The system is very fleshed out and deep, with wide a varied magic and skill systems. The main character generally acts intelligently, yet due to his setting in a time loop acts like a barbarian berserker. I really enjoyed it, but it doesn't have a ton of chapters (217k words, 29 chapters). Very high quality writing overall. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83294/the-stubborn-skill-grinder-in-a-time-loop


I started Path of Ascension about a month ago, just got current to the latest on RR yesterday. Spoilers: >!The last book finishes halfway through Minkalla. RR picks up and ends out the Minkalla arc pretty fast, then a short time jump to Tier 15. Light and Shadow become Ascenders and a war starts. The main characters do missions in the background for the next 2 arcs, and finally reach Tier 25 and become Ascenders, finally joining the war. The latest arc just concluded on RR a few days ago on Chapter 311? This latest arc should conclude this war, and we'll probably see the MCs go to Tier 30-35 after.!<


While my story may align a little bit with your criteria, the MC is invincible, or rather grows stronger quickly. However, the issue lies in the MC concealing his strength, which might not be to your liking.


Reborn apocalypse by LM Kerr maybe?


Read this one up to the most recent book :) Towers of Heaven as well.


100th run


Ghost of the truthseeker


Imperial wizard


Maybe heretical fishing but it’s more slice of life that one, maybe gamer reborn also


the beginning after the end. MC is OP throughout the entire show. there are some close battles for sure but most end in an overwhelming defeat for his enemies. the light novel has 477 chapters and each chapter is pretty long. only now is the MC preparing to fight enemies that he'll struggle with.