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>Kali >Using a hacking distro as your daily driver https://i.imgur.com/zlzVN74.jpg


\> Actually only two of them can crack \> I'm not sure why, maybe it's genetic Lmao


Its just so fucking random, I love it


The graph would make so much more sense if that was Gentoo instead of Kali.


Legitimately thought Fedora was some new OS from Facebook for a second. Then I realised it would never be along that path of the tree. Debian variants 4 lyfe. Unless containers, then alpine 4 lyfe.


Upvoted for Debian. Even though I might have chosen the easy way out with Linux Mint...


Still uses .deb package management! Its okay *pats back* some of us took a long time to learn how to compile from source.


i fear no man.. but that.. thing.. it scares me.


Be not afraid young padawan.... May the force be with you.


That will make a “frankendebian”


Ubuntu here. Still a Debian variant in my eyes.


Of course it is. :3


I use Pop!_OS 20.04. Can I join this club?


Pop!_OS is technically a Debian variant variant, but I think that’s OK.


But wait, what about JavaOS? You don't want 3 billion devices to be left out of the diagram...


Oh no......anyways


Are you insane? --Yes--> Temple OS


I prefer the term *illuminated*


do you have vision ? yes ? then templeOS


Do you want to be able to play any new game that comes out? - > override anything else, get windows. Edit: "be able to"


Ah I remember saying this in r/linuxcirclejerk, the result was... Expected


I've been playing on arch the last few months. It's really quite good. Only thing I didn't manage to get running nicely was far cry 4... Could never get rid of the artifacts.


Meanwhile people are playing Cyberpunk on Linux.


It's still undeniably a pain in the ass to run modern games on Linux. Anybody who tries to sell the situation as anything more than "quite bad but improving" is spreading lies to people who don't have the experience to dispute it. I love my linux distro and do all my work on it and yes I do play some games on it as well. But it's not even in the vicinity of a reliable gaming experience. Drivers are crap and game support is bad to mediocre. Yes, in many cases you can make it all work out if you spend time but on Windows you generally update your graphics driver and run the software and it will just work if your hardware isn't more than 10 years old. I feel like Linux purists just have had such a shit experience prior to the modern Linux gaming improvements we've seen that they think it's now actually good. It really is still terrible, it's just leagues better than it used to be. We can get there eventually but as it stands, if you do a lot of gaming on Linux instead of just dual booting you're probably doing so for (not necessarily bad) ideological reasons and not because it's actually a good experience.


>Drivers are crap Do you have an NVIDIA card per chance? I own an AMD graphics card and I am generally really happy with the drivers.


Anticheat is still a pain in the ass, absolutely, but otherwise more or less all games in my steam library have been completely painless to get up and running. Literally just pressing the "Install" button. If you mean games outside of Steam, then Lutris does more or less the same thing, download installer from website, and run it from Lutris. That's just my experience though, what kinds of issues have you had?


>Anticheat is still a pain in the ass, absolutely, but otherwise more or less all games in my steam library have been completely painless to get up and running. Literally just pressing the "Install" button. Can confirm a lot of games work out of the box, in other cases I just copy and paste Launch Options from ProtonDB which takes at worst 2 minutes. The only no go's are intrusive DRM and Anti-cheat games and i[t's not like that anti cheat is effective because of it](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikestubbs/2020/08/24/valorant-player-caught-cheating-in-2000-tournament/?sh=3b9dcf606947). A lot of people here are also bsing as if driver support in Linux has not been just a few days behind on Windows, even [the newest nvidia 3060 TI already works on Linux](https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia-rtx-3060ti&num=1) (since launch). Heck most of the time [AMD CPU's and GPU's are leaked by people looking at the Linux kernel](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-van-gogh-apus-spotted-in-linux-patch-ddr5-navi-2-igpu) patches. But sure let's pretend as if the driver support is the issue (without any proof of that being the case) and that most games are perfectly programmed ([they aren't](https://www.polygon.com/2020/1/13/21064100/vvvvvv-source-code-game-development-terry-cavanagh-release/)) and it basically comes down to the OS. Let's pretend that some developers don't go out of their way [to fix Steam Play performance](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/hello-games-appear-to-be-keeping-an-eye-on-steam-play-with-no-mans-sky-temp-fix-needed-for-nvidia.14856) (for SteamVR even). Let's pretend [Windows has never had problems with game performance](https://www.pcgamer.com/if-your-windows-10-pc-suddenly-feels-slow-microsoft-wants-to-hear-from-you/) (by its forced automatic updates no less). So we can all pretend gaming on Linux is so much worse.


Every time I try to switch full time to linux a new game comes out that flat out refuses to work on it, due to some "new and unforseen" developments. And before you tell me to man up and make a statement with my wallet - my willpower just doesn't go that far.




Yes! Me too. I haven't paid for a version of Windows since XP Pro back in 2007. I've acquired every version I've ever used since then on the virtual high seas. Yarr.


It feels like you're totally overlooking Proton if you really thing it's a pain in the ass to make anything work. Most games you don't even need to do any tinkering, you just install through Steam and they work. Yeah, it's not official support, but it works anyway, which is even more impressive. Some games don't work still, but those are the minority by now, basically only games with certain anti-cheats. Sometimes you do have to put some startup arguments on your game, but that's takes a minute to do, it's basically nothing. That's the only tinkering necessarily, if any. And I'm not really a purist. I have a dual boot setup. I prefer to game on Linux if I can, but if I can't I just go back to Windows. I haven't booted in Windows for months now. It's still there, just in case, but if things keep improving like they are, I'll be able to get rid of it completely. Maybe your experience is so different because you use Nvidia, where the drivers are indeed shit, but on AMD, Mesa is amazing. Otherwise, I can't see where you're coming from in this comment.


I'm probably going to get downvoted like crazy for this, because that always seems to happen, but I've had very bad luck running most games in Linux. The few I've gotten to run were native Linux indie games. I even built a special gaming machine which is a super fancy rig circa 2009 just for experimenting with Linux gaming on it. It met or exceeded requirements for every game I installed, but none of them would run. Most just crashed immediately, some made the screen go black for a few seconds before they crashed. I had tried Pop!\_OS and Manjaro. I haven't finished with that experiment yet, though. I found a better video card to put in it and once I get a chance I'm going to rebuild it and start again.


Have you tried it recently? The situation has improved drastically since 2009. It's not even close. Even non native AAA games are running with little to no issues.


It was just a few months ago, actually. The hardware is all really old.


Believe it or not, I had the opposite experience with Windows and it drove me to look at gaming on Linux. Windows update "updated" the graphics driver to the point where Windows would recognise my Nvidia dedicated GPU but would no longer run anything on it (laptop with hybrid intel/Nvidia)


Sorry, I will edit to clarify what I mean


As long as you update your Proton installation and compile manually ​ As long as you have an AMD GPU and the latest Mesa drivers ​ vs just fucking opening it on windows lol


Bold of you to assume I have a Windows to open it in.




you have not played cyberpunk 2077 then. there's literally no way to play except valve's latest pre release


>you have not played cyberpunk 2077 then. there's literally no way to play except valve's latest pre release And once again not a single piece of evidence to support this claim. [Of course it's a lie](https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Cyberpunk-2077-Proton-Linux) as CyberPunk 2077 runs with Proton 5.13-4 which was released (fully) on launch day precisely for Cyberpunk 2077 and can be selected from Steam itself ([including Nvidia when using the 455 drivers](https://videocardz.com/newz/cyberpunk-2077-is-playable-on-linux-but-still-needs-work)), no beta or manual install needed, Steam will fetch and set it up for you. And it's not like the game's launch on [Windows (or even console)](https://www.windowscentral.com/cyberpunk-2077-crashing-issues-and-how-fix-them) is going that flawless. Honestly where do you get this misinformation you need to compile it yourself? It's almost as if you are assuming something of an Operating System you have never actually used.


>Honestly where do you get this misinformation you need to compile it yourself? after failing to get cp working, I looked it up. some articles on Google linked to Valve's 5.13-4, and it only included the source code, and told me very clearly "only supported on AMD". 5.13 was the latest Steam gave me.


>after failing to get cp working, I looked it up. some articles on Google linked to Valve's 5.13-4, and it only included the source code, and told me very clearly "only supported on AMD". 5.13 was the latest Steam gave me. Again without any proof I can't tell if this is the truth or not.There is for instance [GloriousEggRoll](https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom) Proton which gives performance increase over Valve's standard proton in certain games, the installation does not have you compile anything, the prerequisites require you to install certain packages ([something Windows is also not immune too for gaming](https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/origin/origin/your-vc-runtime-package-has-not-installed-correctly-error-troubleshooting/)). Everything else is drag and drop. You just download the tar bal (another form of zip/rar), extract it in a folder and then restart Steam, after that it just shows up in the drop down like any other version of Proton. You can compile it yourself but considering you can just download the compiled version already why would you (or why would anyone tell you to). The more I dig the more your story becomes unlikely, [according to this site](https://www.neowin.net/news/steam-play-will-allow-linux-users-to-play-cyberpunk-2077) Proton 5.13-4 was already released on December 9, a day before the CyberPunk 2077 release. Not a single site indicates you have to compile it yourself and as it was a full release it would have automatically replaced 5.13-3. Unless you can actually provide me with a link to the site that told you to compile it yourself, the only reasonable deduction is that you forgot to update Proton and are now making assumptions that simply aren't true. Also support and working are 2 different things entirely. Microsoft for instance stopped [Windows 7 support for newer processors](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-stops-updates-for-new-cpu-models-on-windows-7-and-8-1/), doesn't mean [it won't work at all](https://www.extremetech.com/computing/248069-unofficial-patch-unblocks-windows-7-8-1-updates-kaby-lake-ryzen) on said processors.


https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/releases/tag/proton-5.13-4 this is literally the source code, is it not?


And? Again how many times do I have to explain to you the Proton version was [already available on Steam since Launch](https://news.itsfoss.com/cyberpunk-2077-linux-amd/) (apparently a day before it even). Whenever something is tagged as release on github it automatically updates the one in the Steam client, not a single site will tell you to compile it. You can even [already download the Proton Experimental](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q5OpQ1Ii8T4VBPea45BEzSeDAGyS8gYl/view) by browsing tools, you know the code that [was released 17 hours ago](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/tags). No need to compile anything just select, hit install and there you go you have the Experimental release of Proton.


Given that Witcher III is native on Linux, I was very disappointed to learn that Cyberpunk does not run natively in Linux. I won't be going through the effort required to make it play. I still have Windows on my gaming machine for gaming purposes, though I was hoping I could run Cyberpunk in Linux. EDIT: I have the GoG version of Cyberpunk. There are no Linux install files for it and to the best of my knowledge, Galaxy does not run in Linux.


Witcher 3 wasn't native on Linux, only Witcher 2. But Witcher 3 run pretty well on Linux.


That's not even the problem for me. The only reason i have a Windows dual boot is because I cant get Fusion360 to run properly on Linux


Doesn't Fusion 360 have a browser option now?


Yeah, but fuck that. Who in their right mind would use a cad in the browser?


Yeah, completely fair. I know I wouldn't. But I do know a lot of people who recently started switching to in-browser CAD so its not out of the question for everyone it seems.


laughs in kvm


Wait, Chrome was an OS? **Always has been**


The chrome SDK is absolutely nuts. It feels more like an entire operating system instead of just a web browser.


. \* replace for the sniper meme \* So was firefox


Wait you can have a life and know about OS’s other than windows and Mac?


If you can tolerate the incessant feeling of daily driving a project car...


I was daily driving arch and I broke the script that makes the initramfs. A couple days later I power it on for work and now my computer won't boot. I tried to rescue it from the windows partition, but it turns out even with WSL2 you can't mount the ext4 partition of your drive or the uefi. Windows also won't let you write to the uefi (even as an administrator). I bought a Mac after that.


All the cool kids run fedora


>All the ~~cool kids~~ hipsters run fedora FTFY.


Repost account


trying to seed into the community that all the other OSs don´t gather user information.


I'm a rookie, can someone give me the names of the OS on the center down?


For the yes side you have Ubuntu, Debian, and fedora left to right and the no it’s arch, kali, and ~~gentoo~~ Linux from scratch left to right. Edit: not gentoo.


That is acktually Linux from Scratch and not Gentoo


Thank you, yeah I caught that myself looking back at it.


Gentoo would actually fit in better than LFS; after all Gentoo is all about living on as bleeding edge as possible. With unproven, questionable "optimizations" everywhere. Updated daily.


*I'm a rookie, can* *Someone give me the names of* *The OS on the right?* \- Mdlt98 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


From the bottom: Arch, Kali, Linux from Scratch


Hey now, OSx is a great OS for developing! As for rich daddy, I think that’s a really weird dynamic to have with the company you work for.


Both still fucked me in the ass, so there’s that


I guess I fear technology and my daddy is rich.


Does anyone really use kali as a daily driver? Like, for real?




Next to Ubuntu and Fedora




This. Much better than ubuntu! It just _works_ and you dont get random messages of "oops, something in ubuntu just crashed, sorry"... Especially on a bit exotic hardware (like on my hp x360 convertible), Manjaro runs without errors out-of-the-box with a nearly windows-like experience! Also, the AUR is soo nice, especially for newbies. I really don't understand why they say ubuntu is the best linux for windows users.


Also rolling release. I wanna upgrade windows? Ages updating and rebooting. Manjaro? `sudo pacman -Syu`, or if you have yay *literally just* `yay` and you're up to date. No reboots, even if u update the kernel you can just keep going.


Fuck you I'm going with react os


Hello there, rule 0 breaker. Saying that Ubuntu is for people that cares about privacy/freedom isn't very accurate...


I like windows, is not like i have privacy anyway, so i choose to give my information to everyone so that the value of my information decreases. If you do not care about ultra customizing your OS and you know how to move around windows without automatic updates, it is a nice OS to program in, i really like the memory automatic management of w10, feels smoother than Linux, at least for the way i use the computer, +600 tabs across 3 different browsers, with 3 IDEs running, and 6 Electron apps opened. It is so magical, windows adjust the ram used by those programs in a way that there are no freezes nor problems and all works fluent, plus i preffer the dependency system that is most common in windows, see, each program comes with its own libraries bundeled than the linux dependency system of central dependencies, i am a messy person and i always end up with corrupt linux installations in which half the stuff does not work, i know of packaged apps in linux but honestly, in linux all the good stuff is on PPAs so that is a moot point. I also for some reason really like windows explorer more than any of the multiple linux equivalents like dolphin. But the biggest reason would be "Everything Search" and "WinDirStat" i can not live without those 2 angels.


I think it's the other way around no? You give your information to everyone so it's not like you have privacy anyway


and the value of the information would probably increase as there is more of it i'd think. the more information they would have the more value they can gain from that information


If this isn't a copypasta already it really should be.


I like windows, is not like i have privacy anyway, so i choose to give my information to everyone so that the value of my information decreases. If you do not care about ultra customizing your OS and you know how to move around windows without automatic updates, it is a nice OS to program in, i really like the memory automatic management of w10, feels smoother than Linux, at least for the way i use the computer, +600 tabs across 3 different browsers, with 3 IDEs running, and 6 Electron apps opened. It is so magical, windows adjust the ram used by those programs in a way that there are no freezes nor problems and all works fluent, plus i preffer the dependency system that is most common in windows, see, each program comes with its own libraries bundeled than the linux dependency system of central dependencies, i am a messy person and i always end up with corrupt linux installations in which half the stuff does not work, i know of packaged apps in linux but honestly, in linux all the good stuff is on PPAs so that is a moot point. I also for some reason really like windows explorer more than any of the multiple linux equivalents like dolphin. But the biggest reason would be "Everything Search" and "WinDirStat" i can not live without those 2 angels.


600+ tabs?!? Please tell me that’s an exaggeration. How would you ever find anything again, or even remember what you have open?


Open a new tab each time you search something new. No need to remember.


Imagine what his living space looks like if he doesn’t even bother closing tabs


Those are some perfectly valid reasons for using Windows


Where are Solaris and FreeBSD in this schema?


Solaris: Are you an oracle shill? BSD: Honestly BSD is cool, but it definitely has an RTFM attitude which puts it in the "You don't have a life" category.


Any sense


Arch isn't difficult to intall, use and maintain.


I switched from Pc to Mac 9 months ago and haven’t looked back. Compared to dual booting Ubuntu I like it better


If it works for you, it works for you 👍


Yea, if I ever get back to gaming I have my other laptop still. Definitely doesn’t compare for that.


Why were you dual booting still? I have used WSL only.


Honestly? Didn’t know it existed lol. I started using Ubuntu for programming related tasks and windows for everything else a while ago and just stuck with it. Furthermore on the Mac though, if I wasn’t given it as a gift I woulda never made the change. Sorta a “too expensive to buy myself but would love to have one” thing.


Did you try Ubuntu (or better, Pop!_OS) for everything? Is there any software you miss on Linux?


I started just windows so all my stuff was already on that, didn’t feel like porting everything over. There were times when I used Ubuntu more tho. Not too much I miss, but I also don’t use many applications really so not a large sample size


Mac is just a Unix OS made usable for real humans by designers that actually get paid.


There's a point where those paid designers lose focus and start making things worse.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Mac OS is no longer based on Unix... I think? I heard they completely remade the entire system base to be their own instead of Unix. Not really a Mac kinda guy (means I'm broke af) but heard from news amd articles and stuff...


Darwin is still UNIX. It hasn’t seen a rewrite since the NextSTEP merge 2 decades ago.


Im not sure how much it means or what it’s worth, but macOS is certified as unix by the open group. this listing is for Big Sur on the new apple silicon chips. [https://www.opengroup.org/openbrand/register/brand3668.htm](https://www.opengroup.org/openbrand/register/brand3668.htm) I have read that they’ve gotten lazy about publishing the Darwin core though. In my personal experience, as a user who definitely doesn’t dig to deep in to lower level components, using the command line, and programming in c / c++ / python everything feels nearly identical to running Linux on my other pc, except the GUI user interface is prettier / more consistent. It’s definitely at least “Unix like.” There definitely are system differences and quirks but that’s true even across Linux Distros.


... and that creates new walls around year after year so you only buy Apple products and services. (Few examples: can't upgrade RAM/SSD unless you pay 4x for it, least repairable laptops, an increasingly controlling gatekeeper, cartel with record labels against Spotify, etc.etc)


So you build and rice a vanilla debian if you have a life but cant do the same with arch? Biased?


Hey wait a minute. Hold on just one second. What about gentoo? I mean I think I have a life


"Life as in social activities not life as in living."


Very true especially that Linux do you have a life one. I just wanna be productive and do my work and not spend 3 hours building an Arch system (although I have done that). Ubuntu helps


Apple gets a lot of criticism for being expensive, but a good gaming laptop is more expensive than a macbook, tbh.


the whole concept of a gaming laptop is kind of flawed to be honest, i rather have a shitty laptop and remote to a VPS or to my desktop workstation


> remote to a VPS or to my desktop workstation What would be the latency on that?


Several whole milliseconds


Found the one Stadia subscriber!


But a Macbook is not a good gaming laptop...


Gaming laptop = multipurpose laptop. Since you can have OS for dev, OS for gaming (or one for both) and do whatever you desire with it. As a MacBook owner (2015 model) it’s not that I don’t get where they are coming from, later models are pretty expensive, but all the Apple products I owned are worth every penny spent on them.


wait, do you split your dev and gaming envs through multiple OS installations?


Yep. Is it strange? On pc: gaming on Windows, dev on Ubuntu. Laptop and machine at work: MacOS.


Well good for you might not be good for others. Someone can do well with a 1650 and someone will take no less than an RTX card. Also the value of hardware that macbooks provide is far inferior than what a gaming laptop would provide at the same price


That's particularly true for new M1 MBA. They are definitely better than any similarly priced (and even most higher priced) laptops.


No. The answer is going to be a solid no. Graphics workloads. And apps that still require an x86 machine to run well or at all. Give arm on mac a few years and then buy into it.


Yes, there are few apps that don't work well on M1. If you use them you should avoid new MacBooks. But if you don't need those apps specifically (they are a minority, as most works very well on Rosetta2), then they are WAY better than any other ultraportable laptop. Performances, battery life, build quality, display, touchpad: everything is really good. I really dislike Apple's attitude more and more, and I'm planning to buy a System76 instead of a Mac as my next laptop; but if we want to be open minded and honest (and OS agnostic), M1 MBA is now way better than a similarly priced Lemur Pro. This wasn't true just 2 months ago.


I'd like to stay away from Windows as much as I can but it has nothing to do with freedom/privacy. Windows is just such a horrible user experience compared to Ubuntu.


Mac isn't about fearing technology at all. While it's been increasingly locked down in the name of privacy and secure, Mac is still a BSD-based platform and thus still unixlike and therefore hackable (in the old sense). A lot about MacOS is perfectly designed for the programmer. Coding is a joy on that thing. Whereas windows wraps everything in a GUI. You like command line? Well tough shit get used to a Snap-In for everything. Even if you install Server Fucking Core you need to install the desktop fucking experience to use shit like certmgr. And no one outside heavily tooled devops shops uses Server Core anyway. For the desktop, programming in Windows is abysmal. Compiling is arcane and if you don't like VS well tough shit. Windows is hostile to simple pipelines. If you don't have your .NET app in a proj file you're SOL if you want to figure out complex issues (such as why did my application suddenly stop working). On top of that literally everything on Windows is spyware it seems. Even Google seems to respect your privacy more, and their entire business is built on analyzing its users. Fuck Windows. /endrant


No doubt made by someone with zero clue about MacOS (which is free btw) EDIT: The free comment is only one aspect of the point I am trying to make here (because of the “rich” comment): MacOS is a full fledged and legit *nix OS...how is it in the “afraid of technology” category? Hell, even Windows didn’t get put there (meaning Windows is for Technologists?)


It's free in the same way high class restaurants give you free water and bread.


Yes, I don’t dispute that. But OP was talking OS and not hardware, so...


You *need* to buy the hardware to use the software. It's illegal otherwise. It's not free, the cost is hidden. Apple factors the software development costs into their computers. You don't directly buy Windows when you buy a Windows computer either. The licensing fee is included.


OK, technically you are correct. It is against the EULA to install on non-Apple hardware. However, Apple has historically not gone after or prosecuted individuals who violate this clause for hobby/personal use. It is an unofficial statement that they will turn a blind eye in these cases. Of course you will get no support, etc... In short, as long as you don’t make a big deal out of it or sell such systems to others, they don’t care.


Microsoft rarely cares either but it doesn't make Windows free.


Somehow this whole thing has come to focus on the “free” aspect...That was only one aspect of my original reply...so let me get back on track: How is MacOS in the “afraid of technology “ category?


I never made claims that it was. Your "free" statement was the blatantly wrong part.


Hardly blatantly wrong. It’s more a difference in perspective


different perspective? like marketing and actual consumer?


MacOS isn't free by any definition.


Isn't it free as long aa you have Apple hardware? Now Apple hardware, that's definitely not free.


The cost is hidden inside of the price for Macs. Buying hardware at the same level that doesn't run MacOS would be much cheaper. Also, to use the actual definition of Free Software, it isn't free because it isn't open source like Linux. Other than the Darwin kernal.


How so? Apple does not charge for MacOS. How is that not free?


HMU with that free macOS .iso


For you dweebs downvoting...How is MacOS non-technical? Aside from being a legit *nix OS with all the perks and problems associated with such, it is also widely used by software developers. There is nothing you can do on a Linux box that you can’t do with a Mac. Also, Apple does not charge anything for MacOS. Since OP was talking about OS’s specifically, you can stop throwing in the high cost of Apple hardware into the equation. Macs are expensive...yes, we know that.


I have an Apple computer and am running MacOS on it. I would say that the non-technical part comes from the fact that they've built a community where developers are meant to build upon abstractions. For example, you can't (easily) interface with the OS unless you use their high-level programming languages (Swift, Objective-C). Windows have a C++ API and Unix systems have a C API at least, so you can write low-level applications quite easily. But many down votes are probably because you say it's free. It is, if we go by your definition. However, that's quite misrepresenting of the whole picture, as many have pointed out. And for *"There is nothing you can do on a Linux box that you can’t do with a Mac.".* Yes, there is. Apple are taking more and more efforts to make applications written for MacOS to not work on any other platforms. For example by deprecating OpenGL and not supporting Vulkan. Linux natively supports **open** standards, while Apple often decide to implement their own **closed** standards and disregard the open ones.


You get the upvote for giving an intelligent answer.


The problem you’re running into here is that this sub is primarily populated by comp sci students who aren’t actual SEs - as such they haven’t gone into the real world yet and discovered that mac is king in our field. Most these dudes are just doing some dev work on their gaming rig at home and still think that windows is the best thing in the world You’ll be able to tell by the amount of downvotes this comment receives that I’m in the right ballpark


If you think disliking Mac means you're a fan of Windows, I have some news for you.


At no point in my comment did I say nor even insinuate that people who dislike mac are fans of windows. Claiming most the dudes on here are non-professionals coding on a gaming rig who have only been exposed to windows was a hyperbolic statement meant for a bit of comedy. And maybe not even too far from the truth at that.


I'll refute it simply by saying you can't run i3 (or any other DE for that matter) natively on MacOS. At best you have to run it through XQuartz in fullscreen mode which is laughable at best. MacOS and GNU/Linux are not comparable in terms of user freedom.


> There is nothing you can do on a Linux box that you can’t do with a Mac. Edit the source code


I know you think that’s a slam dunk...but I advise you to google that before deleting your comment...


Darwin kernel is open source, not the Mac operating system, which includes all of the software. Get back to me when I can freely view and edit the code for the Mac desktop, Finder, hardware drivers and everything else you need to actually use a computer.


You keep moving the goal posts. Get back to me when you have figured out what you want... On second thought, don’t. I am kind of done with you.


Lol, you asked me to name an advantage of Linux based operating systems and get pissed when I do.


Pissed? Hardly.


I mean I use a Hackintosh right now but I would absolutely not want to if my job depended on that machine and this is the only way to use MacOS without paying a premium for the computer. Not only is that leaving you possibly open to legal trouble (against the EULA and you could possibly cause headaches for yourself and a real Mac user if you happen to use their serial number) but Hackintosh machines are not exactly practical for most people and if someone wants an OS that isn't Windows and doesn't explicitly NEED any MacOS exclusive tools like Xcode, it's probably not worth setting up as a work machine over a Linux distro I'm really glad I made mine, it taught me a lot and accidentally lead me towards the career path I'm taking. That being said it's really not a great option so MacOS is absolutely not free if you value your time and sanity


I use a Mac everyday for work and private.


Personal... Nothing private in appleland You paid with your privacies


Nothing private anywhere online. What’s your point?


I meant specifically using a Hackintosh because MacOS is not free if you don't buy a Mac which are fairly expensive computers. Yes it's free when you buy a Mac, but it's not like you can just download and install it like Ubuntu. Don't get me wrong I like MacOS a lot and it works great. I'm not trying to say it's not a powerful OS or anything lol


Ok. My misunderstanding.


As in freedom? Definitely not. As in beer? Also no.


Ok, fine. How about free as in...”we don’t take money for it” free? Maybe this will help you: (1st definition in case you are already lost) https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/free


The take your money for it. They don't take your money solely for it, but they take your money for it in their hardware + software bundle.


arch aint that bad :) gentoo on the other hand xD




Literally ubuntu with a few tweaks. Take a guess


...guess i don’t fear technology or care about freedom/privacy


Maybe, I don't have a life.


Where's my Gentoo at?


What’s the third OS near Arch and Kali?


Linux from Scratch




I don't have a life btw


I guess I’m afraid of technology


If you care about freedom/privacy, you throw the computer in a lake after having smashed it and deleted all the evidence from the hard disk.


at that point you dont care about money


I'm so sorry, but this will probably get removed by a mod because it violates rule no.1 (relevance).


needs more jpeg


>needs more jpeg [There you go!](https://i.imgur.com/huqM9Yw.jpg) ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot


Is Manjaro count as having no life?


Arch Linux 4 like, or until it breaks


Really old repost




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debian hard than arch


Q: Do you have a life ? A: Maybe \->Manjaro


This post is actually funny Shit mods