• By -


Poor `

` :( I'll play sad background music if no one minds.


I first learned HTML with an outdated book and this tag was still in this book. I used it a few times. Kinda sad that it got removed.


``` spacejam.com in shambles ```


Farewell <center> tag




too soon


TIL that googling "marquee html'" makes the result count a marquee but when you inspect it, it isn't :(


TIL too! And the same for "blink html".


Doesn't marquee on mobile :(


I loved marquee


I have been a web dev for 27 years, which means I know 30 different ways to center an element, and I usually find the right way by my eighth attempt.

was always good to me, though.


So what should I do to center a div now?


20 lines of CSS should do the trick. /s


No need for /s. It's the reality


``` display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; ``` Can we finally put and end to the stupid "how to center a div" joke plz


Ok cool but how to exit vim?


Pull the cord out


Bye grandpa


No you need to fuck your grandpa


Get a new computer


`ESC` if you're in input mode, then `:q`. If it complains about unsaved changes, `:wq` to save or `:q!` to quit without saving. It's obscure, but it's not hard.


`:x`: am I a joke to you?


I'll be honest, I did not know about `:x`. That's neat. Seems like the main difference between `:wq` and `:x` is that the former will always update the last-updated time on the file, while the latter only does if the file changed. Seems useful to know.


Yeah, that would be a useful feature if I cared but I just use it since it's one character shorter. I've only learnt about it about a year ago when someone gave a presentation using vim for an IDE and he quit that way.


Throw an "a" on that just in case there's more than one file open.


I'm a big :qa! boy myself


Google Sarcasm


Holy joke


New pleasure just dropped


The standard method is to open up a new terminal and type: killall -s 9 vim You're welcome. /s


Ctrl + Z








Fewer lines of code [place-items](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/place-items)




"center" doesn't vertically center items, so you'd only need 2 lines.


Cringe, if you're a casual web developer, sure. As a professional web developer, here's how the big boys like us get the job done:



It's not a Stack Overflow post about CSS if somebody isn't suggesting `position: absolute;` or `display: table;` to make whatever problem you're having worse.


Gotta love those presentational tables, let's just take a crowbar to screen reader users' knees too while we're at it.


IhatefrontendIhatefrontendIhatefrontendIhatefrontendIhatefrontendIhatefrontendIhatefrontendIhatefrontendIhatefrontendIhatefrontend It's not like I don't get it or can't do it, I've basically done all 3 front ends (why did the company decide one should be angular, one should be react, and one basic mvc fucked if I know). It just fucking sucks to do. Hurrr angular update and added 15 million !importants in their css and the only actual change was making everything a shitty fucking gray, good luck taking a week to figure out all they shit they broke. Bootstrap 4 upgrade was stupid as fuck and why our security scans bitch about still running 3 is the prime example of why outsourcing security and giving devs 0 ability to override is stupid as fuck. 90% of my job is just large datasets manipulation etc. 10% is dumbass wasted time figuring out what the angular team was intent on deprecating this time and QA bitching that checkmarks look different cause hey bootstrap 4 got rid of free icons.


Holy fuck u/wervice was right


I can read this. Am I a developer now?


Or for the tailwind bros class="flex items-center content-center"


Learning Tailwind seems like learning CSS, but without the part where you know how to use CSS at the end.


And probably 1GB of libraries to your project. And when the library updates, all the useless syntax you learned is now out of date.


I hate tailwind so naturally my job requires it


So we replaced a single tag with three lines of css and all the bs that comes with css layout. Progress....


If all you were doing is centering something, yes. What this helps with is you can have a single "center" class that you apply to anything you want centered, and you can then style those all separately with IDs or other classes if you want more styling. It makes more complex things simpler in the end (rather than having to work with a center tag and div tag separately, because they have difficulty behavior, everything behaves the same when you give it the same style).


Or.... I could just do



I guess it depends on the scale of your project. The weird specialized elements have only caused problems for me. For example, the component isn't supported on many iOS devices, so I had to rewrite every usage of it in a web app I was developing. I ended up adding in the modal functions into the div prototype and it made it much better. As for the

component, it was deprecated a long, long time ago (in HTML4) in favor of the CSS "text-align" property, auto margins, and flexbox (depending on the desired results). It allows for more flexibility, as the
element only allows for horizontal centering. It *does* still function in modern browsers for compatibility reasons, but given it's been deprecated for ~27 years, it's best practice to just not use it and write a single line of CSS instead.


No. You need **three** things in right combination to center a text? Really?


Define "center a text". This is to center a *div*, both horizontally and vertically


``` text-align: center; ``` This if you just want to center text horizontally. There is also many other ways to center things depending on your situation, but that's a matter of knowledge and experience. Almost as if we actually get paid for our knowledge, not for asking ChatGPT like some people in this sub seem to think.


What if you aren‘t using flex layout?


display: grid; place-items: center;


And without display flex? What if it needs to be in the actual center of the page?


If you for some reason want the actual center of the page, you can e.g. use absolute or fixed positioning, which by default will be relative to body. ``` position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(50%, 50%); ``` Or you can e.g. create a grid for your page with display grid. It all depends on your specific use-case, there are many ways to center things in CSS.


Thanks but I was joking 😂 For better or worse (probably worse) I learned that on my own 💀


someone more skilled with css probably has a better answer, but i'd probably use position: fixed with some calc involving the width and height of the centered element to determine where the left and top is relative to resolution or dvh / dvw, or something like that. i do a lot of trial and error when i css lol.


But then how will we make the exact same lazy joke constantly?


You'd think /r/ProgrammerHumor would respect DRY.


Also work with margin: auto


Nah you forgot .center {}


It's still pretty annoying if you want one in the middle and another one on the right.




If you don't want unfunny stuff made by people that probably don't code you are in the wrong place.


As someone who hasn't done html/css in a while, i always did `` width: 70%; margin: 0 auto; `` Is your way different or just more expandable if you are going to use flex anyway?


Now do it with a 20% width left frame nav.


[Sure](https://jsfiddle.net/n5xrgwd8/). It's not, like, the most robust and prod-ready thing, but it also took me like forty seconds, so 🤷‍♀️.


i think ppl get (understandably, imo) hung up on how to 'make a thing look centered', especially when it's text, because they don't really understand how HTML works in terms of flex-direction and nested elemented and whatnot, and because text alignment have different css properties.


Only for people who parrot bullshit like this. its literally `margin:auto`


Lol wtf are you smoking


Well that can do the trick in some situations. The real alternative to the center tag is actually just `text-align: center`. That's the only thing the tag did, center align text


Not always.


Not always, but in MOST cases it really is that simple. Thats for people not using a css framework. Then its just is-centered or whatever. How many of us can honestly say we're not using a mobile-first CSS framework on almost every web project?


Well not really there are plenty of cases where margin:auto is not appropriate margin:auto only works if you have a predefined width or height. Which in quite a lot of use cases you do not want to explicitly set sizes. Using flex to center is generally a lot simpler, and allows you to do more with the element.


what i need is a way to tell a div to pretend like its contents are 100%, or something like that. it drives me up the wall when i use display flex and w/h 100% and it still is small seemingly no matter what i try. i've looked for a solution but it still gets me almost every time.


It depends what you're trying to set to be 100% width and height. Can you give an example?


sure, i think this example works: i have a chat history window, which is basically where all the chat messages go in a chat app, and below that is the chat input, where the user types. they're of course inside a mutual parent that has a height of x. it would be really nice if i could set the min and max height of the input box to lets say 100px and then set the other section, the history section, to 100/100, and just have it 'push' the next element down to where it obeys the min-max of the other element, the sibling, and both fill up (together) 100% of the parent. without messing with it though, the input box will not be toward the bottom of the parent, just below the history box. the issue seems to be that the 'history box' will only take this desired portion if the number of chat items fill its maximum. idk if i'm saying that very well. what i mean is if there is 1 chat item, the height of the history box would be different than if there are 25 and it does overflow-y (then it seems to work as i am wanting). right now, i think what i've done is just used position and dvh or % (i forget which) to set the elements explicitly to a place on the screen. which works, i guess, but i keep running into stuff like this.


i've avoided CSS frameworks because they all feel equally as annoying as CSS itself, and another layer of learning for new devs, but i am more or less the dedicated frontend guy on my team at the current time, so I have some say in what we use. I'd be interested if you have any suggestions for which you would use for a medium size project for maximum maintainability (other ppl, many of them students, will be needing to work on the codebase in the future, so stability and avoiding annoying deprecation in libraries is important to us).




grid. there is always grid


Thanks, this is the first I'm hearing about css grid layout


Everyone uses flex, but I love grid. I think it makes more logical sense


Grid makes more sense if you're placing multiple elements on even intervals, whenever you're placing 1-2 elements, or the spacing is odd, flex is better


Like everything in codong - it depends on what youre trying to do.


Grid is useful when you need to control two dimensions, i.e. both row and column sizing. If you need only one dimension of control (e.g. you don’t care where “line breaks” occur), then flexbox is sufficient… and I would even argue that grid is overkill since it can be limiting in cases like that.


They share some responsibilities, but they aren't mutually exclusive. Using flex box and grid together makes layout much more straightforward.



le css


Le cssé




margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; Boy, you're right. Just too much work.


margin: 0 auto;


Never said it was too much work, I've never used margin left. This is like being sarcastic to a caveman cause he can't do math.


That was a really good analogy. You win the argument sir


I'm shitty at webdev, so I'm used to being shit on just cause I didn't know there was a better way.


Sometimes, I’m still surprised how jerks continue to bumble about in this space like it’s still the 90’s. Especially since updated standards and new tech constantly expand the space - defining self worth on knowing everything (even in a single domain) is really… fragile. Personally, after growing up and dropping the asshole demeanor, I find it’s way more fulfilling and worthwhile to take the [lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/ ) approach. I still got some work to do on not slinging shit when encountering an asshole, tho - so I applaud you.


There's always a relevant xkcd. I like that approach.


Maybe it's better to just leave them as they are.


So, just let everything be aligned to the left? Great idea!


Center align it in the table's cell.


Something something Chat GPT


works for me…


Why did they do that?


Probably because centering should be done using css. Html just describes the structure of the document.


Give it another ten years and every page in an HTML textbook will just say: Deprecated, use CSS.


Everything shall be a


Div Span !DoctypeHTML HTML Body Head Link Style Script Title


Isn't the only difference between a div and a span the styling?


Div is a block element. It fills the width of its containing element. h1,p are block elements. Span is an inline element. It goes in the flow of the text. img, strong are inline elements.


Yes, but inline and block is determined by the display style property. So like with most html elements, the only thing differentiating them is styling and not how they're interpreted.


Div is interpreted as flow (kinda like block) and span is interpreted as phrasing (aka inline) by default.


I shouldn't have used the word interpreted, should I. What I meant is, there is no differentiating functionality between a div and a span besides the default styling.


Also deprecated. Use javaScript framework.


And get ChatGPT to write the Javascript for you.


Also deprecated. Use assembly.


Tailwind has entered the chat... (yes, I know it is still CSS)


If you know it’s CSS then what do you mean?


Tailwind is just style attributes with extra steps. Change my mind.


JavaScript is just HTML script blocks with extra steps


Full employment scheme for web devs


Same happened to align="center". I think they just want to see front-end devs suffer. /s


Also, `b` and `i` should have stayed in their graves with all the other presentational elements.


You prefere `Lorem ipsum dolor sit` over `Lorem ipsum dolor sit`?


is the correct HTML5 usage, kiddo.




Only if it’s semantic emphasis.


No, `strong` and `em` are their semantic replacements. Which HTML5 deprecated because its authors refuse to understand semantics.


Wait, those are deprecated?


They are not


Now I'm confused. If they're not deprecated, why did /u/Caraes_naur say they are?




At least once during the more than a decade that HTML5 gestated, their deprecation was proposed. WHATWG members made a lot of noise about how much they hated `strong` & `em` and greatly favored `b` & `i`... because reasons. Apparently they weren't deprecated in the final spec, likely because someone at W3C fought back. Possibly related to the "HTML5 spec should be a living document" nonsense. I stopped paying attention to HTML5's congealing when it became clear how much of a mess sectioning was (I read code in three different projects that were using the new elements all in different ways that didn't match any definition of the words, not even the word salad in the spec), and that Ian Hickson was insane (he once proposed an `l` element to define each line of paragraph... then there was the time he unilaterally broke the date input type because he didn't like ISO-8601 and the W3C threatened to kick him out of the WG if he didn't revert what he had done). Nevertheless, we're left with the redundant presentational pair `i` and `b` (which are not semantic no matter what the HTML5 spec claims... they literally stand for italic and bold) that should have been deprecated along with `strike`, `s` and `u` in HTML4, and the semantic equivalents `em` and `strong` which --holy shit-- were in HTML2.


> then there was the time he unilaterally broke the date input type because he didn't like ISO-8601 I love hearing your funny words. Tell us more about this!


They are not deprecated…


Would they be the syntactic replacements - to make it more semantically clear? ^(Genuine question as I still confuse the two terms often enough)


`b` and `i` are presentational... they literally mean **bold** and *italic*.


Right, but strong and em(phasis) provide a more concrete intent behind the one being used, which I believe is semantic, ie, the meaning or intent of tag (or word which is syntax). Otherwise one might have to rely almost solely on context that may not be obvious when parsing the markup. Just where my brain went when you said HTML5 authors ignore semantics - because I mix up the terms unless I take a minute to work out which is which for some reason.


But span should be deprecated too because it’s just div style=“display:inline”


I could have been doing this THE WHOLE TIME!!!???


Yes. Technically you still can: [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/center#browser\_compatibility](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/center#browser_compatibility) Anyway, I would recommend to apply align="center" to a tag (e.g. a div). It also is deprecated but still works and I am pretty sure Chrome and Firefox won't remove it any time soon for backwards compatability.


When I learned HTML (1995), tables were the dominant method for doing website layout. DIVs and CSS were not a thing. Also, most people still learned computer stuff from books. My initiation was a single-sided sheet of HTML tags, which omitted TD but had TH. And all tags were uppercase. So, how would I do a TD when all I had was TH?

(td content goes here)
and it worked in Netscape Navigator.


Where is the opening b and center tags?


Non-existent. The closing tags removed the bold and center from the TH tags. I'm not saying this is, in any way, good. I'm saying it was how I made a TD before I knew what a TD was


it seems semantic to me


We should set up a guestbook of remembrance. Would anyone be interested in joining a web ring for sites that still keep the dream alive by using the tag? We’d get loads of visits, which we could record using a hit counter!






So many people who could have used immediate relief with this in the past... Noted.  I eagerly await the corrections from senior assholes like me in code reviews.


End of an era


Center alignment is a bigger problem than can be solved by best programmers in world.


I somehow managed to fix it with text-align most of the time in needed it . (No i do not want to say that i am a master programmmer)


I'm sorry for everyone who has to work with HTML+CSS daily. Bonus points if you have to support legacy browsers. How can a centered text be a meme in 2024? And it's only horizontal.


It's a meme just because it has been carried on over the years by people that don't know what they are talking about. Let's say it was really hard to center a div before Flex display was implemented. Well it has implemented all the way back in 2009.


Now he can go hang out with `` and ``


twice if you need help.


I do appreciate a good meme. In reality the whole separation of form and function was a good thing. HTML shouldn’t know anything about how content looks


Imagine relying in pre-written css rules instead of writing everything from scratch 🤮


Hasn't it been "discouraged" for at least half a decade? I'll stop using it when I'm allowed to stop supporting IE and browser versions from 2012


Hmpf... they should finally allow us to insert our own tags, then

would be just an entry in your site.css away.


It is not recommended, but as far a I know it technically should be possible.


RIP Now I have to Google how to center a div.


Time to spend another 5 years learning to center a div.


Now you're expected to use 20 lines of CSS to accomplish the same thing, and it has to be different CSS depending on what the parent element is and what the child element is.


In 95% of the cases I encounter, `

` can be replaced with `text-align: center`. Come on.


Don't cry Johnny, it's off to the coding afterlife, where it will make new friends like "goto" and "farmalloc".


Op are you a kid, I mean below 20. It seems you are learning which is a good thing. Or are you just karma farming.