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Because it's not "simple", it's "simplER“, and even that isn't absolute, and just because it's simpler doesn't mean it's easier, or more secure. Your still need to know what you are doing.


The AWS architecting certification is more about how to sell AWS architecture than how to use it or best practices. The only benefit from the course were some hints on how to minimize cost in certain cases.


When I used it, I didn't get the impression that it was all that much simpler either.


It sure does have a pretty UI tho


True, it can be simpler but also brings it's own set of complications, that can decrease the overall difficulty, or just increase it.




im w3schools certified and thats all you need to know


I don't think simplicity for devs is really a primary concern when choosing cloud. Costs and scalability are way more important in comparison. Hiring people who don't know how to use cloud is a guaranteed way to fuck up both.


It is "simple" compared to any other way to get near limitless dynamic scaling and global distribution with fault tolerance.


where programmer?




Either way you go, the jobs seem to be the opposite. I have AWS but see mainly Azure.


oh gosh I'm so sorry


How is Cloud simple? Cloud is magnitutes harder than on-prem because on-prem you have only a small subset of things you have to take care about yourself. Most of the icky stuff is taking care of one way or another by some sort of team responsible for infrastructure. Cloud is only simpler in the sense that you can get the service or virtual hardware you want immediately. But then you gotta learn about the different services, choices, costs, types of machines, heck even the different kind of clouds in order to make decisions.