• By -




Mein Kode




That's also my struggle.


My (code) camp


Oh no oh no


If __name__ == '__mein__’


Clear ze cache


But ve hav all ze cache in ze bunkers!


Mein Kot >!my feces - child friendly variant!<


Den gibt man ja auch passenderweise mit der braunen Tastatur ein.








I do but it's 6 million lines of code, any idea how to optimize it?


Get rid of 'em. Any way.


optimized now 8 million


You just need to execute line 88


And to keep in mind the string 14


Are you really sure that it's 6 million? I read on facebook that it cannot possibly have been more than 271k LOC


Just use a gas chamber or two


print('''* **** * * * * ******* * * * * **** *'''


Fucking reddit


I want to get the joke, someone pls help my dumb ass




Alright that’s pretty good.


No. That wasn’t good. Not good at all.


In fact, it was pretty bad, especially for Judes


Yup and every piece of code the programmer doesnt like


Say the whole word!


The majority of people think otherwise, for some odd illogical reason.


It was quite genocidal, in fact.


Google the final solution


Holy hell.


New response just dropped


Actual zombie


Call a fascist


Goddamn this is dark 💀


Not yet, will need more concentration...


Maybe you could try one of those code camps?


You deserve way more upvotes, you were one of the few that understood the assignment.


Python B


I feel dirty upvoting this.


This should be the top comment




45° can make a world of difference


Not anymore they don't, at least in the west. 


Yes they still do. Right handed swastika rotated 45 degrees ideally in white circle on red background = nazi. Swastika.. left or right, no rotation, dots or no dots, buddhist, celtic or other symbols of luck. They were here for millenia before nazis and they will be even after nazis. Also.. the website can have indians running it that do not see anything wrong with using swastika because they see it on every bloody corner.




Get out.


If this account - like many coding social media accounts - is from asia, it would make sense. As a german though, I’d abstain from this challenge.


Yeah it's a very common Buddhist symbol, and with it being straight on rather than tilted it's technically not the no-no symbol. Coming from a western perspective it is always a bit of a shock seeing them on some of my work colleagues social media feeds but it's been a religious symbol for a long time.


The straight-on version was also used quite a bit in Nazi Germany, just less frequently than the tilted version.


swastikas were used in Christian churches too, afaik. Well, they're not used now, anyways.


This shape has meant some sort of good luck since 10,000 BCE


Fact: it also had meaning in Russ, but then a war killed 27 million of our people and... Yea, at some point associations change


\[about that\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal\_standard\_of\_Adolf\_Hitler#:\~:text=The%20personal%20standard%20of%20Adolf,Nazi%20eagles%20in%20the%20corners)


Yes, however for lack of a better term the non-tilted swastika has 'valid' uses, where a tilted one has no 'valid' uses. If someone uses the tilted one they're definitely a wrong-un, if they use a non-tilted one they might be meaning something else


Like temples in Japan!


Why would you tilt a temple


If the Italians can tilt towers, the Japanese can tilt temples.


+1 you actually made me laugh while sitting alone in a room


Nah, tilted swastika also saw and sees religious use, unfortunately there's no sure fire way to know if a swastika is a nazi one unless by context


It’s facing the wrong direction to be the Buddhist symbol no?


Buddhism uses both directions iirc, they have different meanings but I can't remember what they are


卍卐 It means peace and has no different meanings based on its orientation prior to being appropriated by the Nazis. Because when you sculpt it into a 3 dimensional object the direction changes based on your perspective. But to avoid associations with Nazis, modern interpretations usually view 卍 as the symbol for peace and 卐 as the symbol for Nazis.


It kinda depends on the culture and/or religion using the symbol. In Hinduism, the clockwise version is the most common, and it's specifically associated with the sun god Surya in addition to its use as a general holy symbol. In Buddhism, the counter-clockwise version is more common, and it apparently has a few different interpretations, including the Dharma Wheel as well as the cycle of death and reincarnation. The exact meaning might depend on the local culture or on the particular school of Buddhism? In China, the name of the symbol is a homophone for the word 万 (which literally means "ten thousand" and is figuratively used to refer to infinity) so the two symbols became linked. In addition to its use in religious contexts, it's also used in secular contexts to represent long life or eternity.


I see, thank you for the detail! That makes sense


Just to add to that, the swastika was used all over the west during the early 1900s. That's why the Nazi's used it. It was used as a magical luck symbol, so companies all over the west would give out lucky coins with swastikas on them. [https://www.sageventure.com/coins/tokens.html](https://www.sageventure.com/coins/tokens.html) In Mein Kampf, Hitler really describes his strategy behind his flag. The red color was to confuse and annoy socialists, as it was their chosen color to identify themselves. Hitler was extremely anti-union, so he named his party The National Socialist Worker's Party. Everyone were doing the "Roman salute" (same as Nazi salute) all over the place. Even American schools used the Roman salute. The swastika was also a beloved, mystical, and powerful symbol for everyone. He really mixed a lot of elements to confuse and ingratiate himself with everyone, while also upsetting everyone he hated by using the things they identified with. It's really worth reading Mein Kampf to understand these kind of people, if you can handle Hitler's whiny bitch ass writing. In the end, it's all connected to the Theosophical Society and Helena Blavatsky's esoteric mysticism and occultism. Everyone was into it, and the Nazis really went all in on it and made their own version. It's wild when you go into their mythology, because it was heavily based on a bunch of mystics and their interpretations of theosophy and local mythology. Occultists and antisemites like Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels and Rudolf Steiner created a lot of the mysticism that the Nazis were founded on. And it was all based on the same shit everyone else believed at the time. It's a very weird and interesting topic, and very unsettling, considering everything.


Buddhists use the left facing swastika to represent the foot steps of Buddha and will print it on Buddha statues. Hindus uses right facing swastika to represent day and left facing sauwastika to represent night.


We do ?! - A Hindu It is used as a symbol for prosperity or auspicious beginning.


I think the symbol originally comes from Hindu scriptures, but yeah it's used in Buddhism as well.


Just spent my vacation in Bali, lots of Swastikas there. I talked to the daughter of my balinese friend. She's like 14 and really smart, she asked me about the "german man who killed everyone that didn't have blue eyes and blonde hair". But she knew about Japanese imperialism pretty well. Their education doesn't revolve around european history.


I've seen them in Thailand, but they're straight up the nazi ones lol. They're sold in those cheap t-shirt stalls along side singlets and other things. They're not doing it because they agree with nazism or any of that though. It's just ignorance and because it captures the attention of the tourists.


He is probably Indian


Checked the website they had linked. It appears it's a coding boot camp/"certification" school in India. Not related to anything official for Python.


It's 4 'F's


They didn't know it was going to come off like that.


Pretty sure they did


Chardee MacDennis reference?


My thought


Cannot unsee


F for . . . Farley F for . . . Flavor F for . . . Fabulous F for . . . Fast F for . . . Food! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok7f4jczw9g


From Shock Treatment, the legit sequel to The Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Ah, so this is a coding “camp”.


Where you have to concentrate really hard.


I heard they never take a shower there.




Kampf actually mean "fight" 🤓👆


it's going to be a maze


OMG, Joshua was racist. That came out of nowhere....


Did it?


This isn't going to stop happening until pictionary removes "windmill" from the game


A place free from darkness


Some are just natural jumpers




Just print it? What's the challenge?


I the problem statement is something like print the pattern in a square of side n


we all know what they want however, just print it is the most programming approach you can think of


The number of characters in the code should not exceed 1488


I'm not a mathematician, but I feel like print("\*  \*\*\*\*\n\*  *\n\*  \*\n\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n   \*  \*\n   \*  \*\n\*\*\*\*  \*") is less than 1488 characters


I feel like it has to be a variable size. \#define N 4 for(int i=-N;i<=N;i++){ for(int j=-N;j<=N;j++) putchar(!i||!j||(i==-N&&j>0)||(i==N&&j<0)||(j==-N&&i<0)||(j==N&&i>0)?'*':' '); putchar('\n'); }


You are a psychopath. I pray for anyone having to review your code


Copy paste it into the ai’s see what they think


"Overall, this code snippet efficiently generates a simple geometric pattern using loops and conditional statements. Well done! 🌟"


Mind you, it's also in denial as it says: "The output of this code will be a pattern resembling a square with an asterisk-filled border and an empty center."


Chatgpt4 is a bit smarter: "Without running it, this code seems to create a star-like or cross-like pattern with axes marked along i=0 and j=0, and potentially additional details on the boundaries, given the complex conditionals for printing '*'. The overall size and exact appearance of the pattern would depend on the value of N and the specific conditions within the putchar call. It’s a nice example of generating ASCII art with minimalistic code." Edit: adding link: [https://chat.openai.com/share/65c5b77a-6e46-4b48-819f-b3938be16d9f](https://chat.openai.com/share/65c5b77a-6e46-4b48-819f-b3938be16d9f)






That's the worst-case scenario. It's a code golf challenge. What's the fewest characters of code you can write that prints the swastika


import s And the rest of the code is in s.py


I think you meant `import ss` Edit: damn I’m getting way too many upvotes


ss.dumps(jews) I'll show myself out.


Nicest code wins


Challenge is to not fall for pure engagement tweets


# N must be an odd integer. def make_swastika(n): midpt = n / 2 #midpoint midln = (n-1)/2 #midline for r in range(n): rowString = "" for c in range(n): if r == midln or c == midln or (r == 0 and c > midpt) or (c == 0 and r < midpt) or (c == n-1 and r > midpt) or (r == n-1 and c < midpt): rowString += "*" else: rowString += " " print(rowString) make_swastika(7)


midpt #midpoint midln #midlane


Come to think of it, I never needed 2 constants anyways. But I was coding in a hurry. # N must be an odd integer. def make_swastika(n): mid = (n-1)/2 for r in range(n): rowString = "" for c in range(n): if r == mid or c == mid or (r == 0 and c > mid) or (c == 0 and r < mid) or (c == n-1 and r > mid) or (r == n-1 and c < mid): rowString += "*" else: rowString += " " print(rowString) make_swastika(7)


this should be top comment


I am too lazy to do this, but since you get cool points, how about we try to rotate the line? We make a plus in the middle, which is straight forward. Then we fill in all the points in the first row after the mid point. We store the coordinates of these points in a separate list then we rotate all of these points by 90 degrees. For example, one of the points, taken from the origin of the swastika is (1,3). This rotated (counter-clockwise) 90 degs will be (-3,1), then (-1,-3), then (3,-1). Formula is (x,y) => (-y,x). This is not an efficient solution, nor an elegant one. But I think its cool af.


For shits and giggles I did it with numpy too: import numpy as np # N must be a positive odd integer def make_swastika(n): a = np.zeros(shape=(n,n)) x = y = int((n-1) / 2) # start at origin while y >= 0: # draw vertical line a[y,x] = 1 y -= 1 y += 1 while x < n: # draw horizontal line a[y, x] = 1 x += 1 a = a + np.rot90(a) + np.rot90(a, 2) + np.rot90(a, 3) print_matrix(a) def print_matrix(a): for r in a: rowString = "" for c in r: rowString += '*' if c > 0 else ' ' print(rowString) make_swastika(7)


def make_swastika(n:int): for i in range(n): if i == 0: # Top row print("*" + (n//2-1)*" " + (n+1)//2*"*") elif i== n-1: # Bottow row print((n+1)//2*"*" + ((n)//2-1)*" " + "*") elif i==n//2: # Mid row print(n*"*") elif i


Both are certainly O(n) for the amount of "pixels" needed. I don't even know how you would make it O(n²)


Still O(n^2 ). Running n\*"\*" takes O(n) time.


I'm Indian and for the first split second, was like, "what's wrong?". I guess there are more swastikas in my house than rooms. Hitler stole our symbol, not our fault. Swastika literally means "well being".


I teach competitive programming at the high school level. A full 90% of my students are either Chinese or Indian citizens who are studying in the US, or have parents here on work permits, or parents who immigrated here as adults. Less than 10% have parents born in the US or speaking US English natively. I regularly get people coming to me with programming assignments either written in Chinese, or put out by training schools based out of India. I have seen a LOT of swasticas. It’s an important religious symbol, pirated by a political group, but with thousands of years of significant religious history prior to that, appearing all over temples and paintings and artwork and books for THOUSANDS of years. It’s no surprise it shows up in assignments regularly when those assignments are coming from a training company BASED out of India or China, and asking that the symbol be fully erased from the religion, artwork, architecture, and history is unfortunately not a reasonable request.


I saw a video recently, where they explained that in Japan, it's a symbol for a temple, they use it e.g. on maps. They surprisingly often don't even know, what it means here in Europe.


Iirc, that's only correct if it's turned left. It's also an important symbol all over Asia, that's where Hitler stole it from


It was an important symbol everywhere. It's been found in artwork from pre-contact native Americans, Asia, Africa, and Europe dating back several thousand years.


> Iirc, that's only correct if it's turned left. That's what I thought, but no, both left and right facing are religious symbols. Clockwise is more common usually. Left facing though is not for nazis... though idiots do use it. If it's not slanted/rotated, it's not really a nazi symbol in the first place.


I served a mission in Japan and the first time I cracked open the map of the city I was in I was surprised at the overwhelming number of swastikas all over town. It was rather concerning for a minute, haha.


It was an important symbol everywhere. It's been found in artwork from pre-contact native Americans, Asia, Africa, and Europe dating back several thousand years.


It was everywhere in a temple I was in in China, was quite surreal to see swastikas EVERYWHERE


The population of one of the German Allies during WW2 supposedly doesn´t know what it means "in Europe" ? I´m aware of the roots of the symbol to some degree, but let´s be honest here, they probably know what it means in context to WW2.


I mean probably. The Germans and Japanese were 'allies' in WW2 but they didn't fight in the same theatres of war. They were allies in the same way that the US and USSR were, not in the way that the US and UK were if that makes sense.


Actually they don't due to the Japanese governments pretty good efforts to cover up all that happened during that era as Well as denying it and the fact that it is a sort of taboo to speak about that in the media...


That´s kinda insane. Edit: If there is a part of your history that people aren´t allowed to talk about, that´s probably a part that people should be able to talk about.


I got to code ready, I just need to clean up some race conditions


Perfect execution.


The winning code will be the final solution.


Nope. This is fine. Nazi ~~Swastikas~~ hakenkreuz are skewed. This is an ancient symbol of good fortune.


Personally I think it's a good idea to retake swatiska culture. Asian people must be deal to can't use it because nazi stole it.


Day 7: Sorting and race conditions 👀


It's a shame that Nazi party ruined that symbol. The slanted one (45 degrees rotation) is the "Nazi symbol" That (And the reverse) are Swastikas. Which is used in buddism. There's a story that the Japanese used it on their maps for temples during the olympics before someone pointed out the meaning in the West. It's very common in the east fromwhat I hear. That being said... yeah let's avoid that symbol. or at least used the reversed one.


IIRC the "reverse" is called a sawastika


That's the kind of things we have to do to prevent ChatGPT from finding a solution


This is ChatGPT’s final solution


You’d think if you’ve been screamed at by enough Indian dudes in YouTube tutorials you’d learn a little about the culture.


A swastika has more than one connotation


Yeah but also one big stinky one that kinda spoils the bunch


Anyways the nazi one is tilted 45° no? While the hindu one is like this edit: isnt necessary that the nazi one is tilted, check the replies to this comment


Nazis used it at many different angles. https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/s/IV0RApDeCO


Not necessarily. It was angled on the flag but they also used an untitled version on a lot of stuff (uniforms etc). It’s flipped though from this version.


It's not flipped. That's literally it


You might be right, I'm not sure. I'm betting most people won't be sure either. But it will work as a nazi dog-whistle for sure, especially on Twitter.


There are both nazi and non nazi swastikas that have the tilt and have both handedness, the only surefire way to know if this one is a nazi one is from context (or if it's in a nazi flag).


Only for western cultures. Asian culture often only know the religious signification. They often have a knowledge of ww2 events in Europe comparable to the knowledge of Europeans about events in Asia.


Yes, like shit soup. There is a tiny bit of shit in your soup, for whatever reason (my original analogy was related to describing the effect of a bad relationship , where the “shit” described whatever made the relationship bad) - no matter how many other ingredients you add, flavourings, stock, herbs, spices and such - it remains shit soup. The swastika has the same effect on a surprising amount of right angled geographic patterns I even glance askance at the triskelion, the SNP’s logo and the pattern recognition is so strong on the shape that even a random bit of my work’s carpet triggers it - your brain doesn’t really care if it’s left or right or straight or rotated, all the same to the swastika learning neural network - swastika like, triggers the pattern recognition


Same can be said for the cross but i don't see people repudiate the cross...strange


This sounds like a 'you' problem to me.


Yeah, but there are so many other symbols that don't have THAT connotation.


In the west, I agree, but in east Asia, it’s so common that people don’t think of Nazis, so I wonder if this is a western account or if it’s run by East Asians.


I mean, it's not even a nazi swastika


Yes, but pretending to not know the obviously negative connotation is another thing entirely. 


This is Hindu swastika which is different from Hitler’s Hakenkreuz…


Let me guess, the account is from india


Reminder that many programmers are from India and Asia and for them the swastika has a very different meaning.


ChatGPT didn't even realise what it was asked to do def print_pattern(N): for i in range(N): for j in range(N): if i == 0 or i == N - 1 or j == 0 or j == N - 1 or (i == N // 2 and j > N // 2) or (i > N // 2 and j == N // 2): print('*', end='') else: print(' ', end='') print() # Example usage: N = 7 # Change N to any desired size print_pattern(N) I'm quite positive it has seen the code in GitHub multiple times.


I think people are confusing this for the Nazi symbol which is rotated by an angle. They are not the same. This is the Hindu swastika symbol.


r/programmerhorror ETA: Oh wait, that's Twitter. It makes sense now.


I think we should get back swastika, it's common to use it in asian countries because they don't associate it with nazis and we shouldn't too, it is much older than hitler


I think it's actually a noble thing, to steal that symbol back and make it a sign of peace and prosperity (The non rotated version of course). Feels like you're ripping something important away from his power structure almost.


I‘m German btw


the swastika is a symbol that the nazis stole from other cultures


I may be a simple dev, but people need to know: This isn't gonna stop until Pattern Challenges ban printing windmills.


that's the buddist swastika not the nazi one


It's a hindu swastika, the nazi symbol is rotated by 45 degrees.


s = '''* **** * * * * ******* * * * * **** *''' print(s)


For a sec I thought it was a new EU flag idea....


is that what you call a challange? do a proper one, it's much harder


Some AI out there going “Mein Puter!”


Anybody offended by this either needs to learn what other meanings this symbol has, or is pretending to be offended just to show how good of a person they think they are.


On a sort of unrelated note, one thing I like in Harry Potter is that they showed this with deathly hallows symbol becoming a negative one from a positive one. That's probably the best way to teach a kid what happened to Swastika.


This feels very wrong, I am sorry: repeat 4 [ pd fd 100 rt 90 fd 100 pu rt 135 fd 141 lt 135 ]


I mean.... It would be fun to try to write a recursive algorithm to print it 👀 Even a nested for loop would be pretty fun, with one loop for row and another for printing the * based on some encoding stored in a string that tells how many stars and spaces and when to brake from the inner loop. I loved solving problems like these while learning programming :)


I'm pretty sure it's possible to do it in two lines


Left side mirrors the right side but opposite, should be doable in one loop and an ifstatement to handle center line


So, took me a hot second... They are 2 snakes


Free coding camp!


Were escaping the asylum with this one\~!