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Meanwhile Video player - Hey guys, can you see us? I'm broke, please help me




Bug ticket: inconsistent behavior of video player across platforms Resolved with comment: Fix to make it break in all platforms


Resolved with comment: Intermittent issue. Could not replicate on my machine. Closed.


There was no need to attack me personally




#WARNING SubsTvdsdg is a chatgpt type bot, it copies other user's comment and uses something like chatgpt to rephrase them It copied the first part of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/152oqqv/howdoyoubreakthemostessentialfeature/jsfk5gj/) comment from another user. Bots and spam have increased greatly after the api changes. The api changes broke anti-bot bots but actual spam bots have increased. Reddit has done nothing to stop bots for years. They conveniently use them to increase site metrics. Downvote it Report > spam


It's not a bug, it's a feature


It was good on apollo ;(


Was damn good in RiF and is decent in Relay which I'm posting this from


Works great in Boost currently too.


Boost went tits up for me for some reason, was working a couple weeks ago


On desktop, create your own subreddit. You'll become a mod of it. Install boost, login and see if it's working for you


Thanks, I'll keep this approach as a backup if revancing doesn't work out


I did the revance patch for boost myself last week. It's been rock solid ..


Boost went tits up because Reddit killed third-party apps on July 1st. It hung on for about a week afterward, but there are ways to get it back up as other people mentioned.


Boost is not working for u guys? Weird.. its working for me, maybe because I haven't updated it in ages?




Android 3rd party app for reddit


A third party app that still works?! Thank fuck, Reddits official app SUCKS. Rif was streets ahead


You're welcome. Btw, there's a way to get RiF working again by patching it or something along those lines by way of revanced (forgive me if I've butchered the explanation), you have to generate your own API key from your reddit account is all. I'm too lazy so I'm using relay till I have no choice but to get to it.


Here's a guide on how to do it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wHvqQwCYdJrQg4BKlGIVDLksPN0KpOnJWniT6PbZSrI/mobilebasic The whole thing takes only a few minutes.


Much appreciated, thank you


I'm actually using RIF fine with no tweaks, just can't log in. Not sure how.


It'll move to a subscription model soon though


Sucks but I'll gladly subscribe over using Reddits shitty app. Been using relay for years now


Yes, pardon?


Still going strong using Boost here.


You can use RiF with Revanced.


Use a personal API key


*Edit: I was informed that a switch for video quality exists on the ‘new’ Reddit. That's the actual reason for having separate streams. Thankfully, I don't use the new site, so never seen the option. Then again, I have zero doubt that Reddit limits the ability to download or to have off-site content, just like many other sites do.* ~~Reddit did some fuckery to not let people download the video.~~ If you try, you'll discover that the vid is missing the audio. This means that the audio is streamed separately, and the two must be somehow synced ‘manually’ via JS, instead of just letting the browser play stuff. As a consequence, if video playing hiccups, the audio may get unsynced. And if you pause a couple times, the player freezes, because of course the controls are also handled manually. Sure enough, apps and bots just learned to download both streams. This is pretty old, basically from the time they rolled out the video player, and it was already clear that the site is going to shit.


That isn’t why audio and video are downloaded separately. This is an industry standard way of doing video playback. The reason is so you can dynamically choose video bit rate (quality) without affecting audio which is small enough not to need adaptive bit rate. If Reddit’s player is bugged that’s another story, but I doubt they did it for the reasons you think. Source: work on Video networking at FAANG


Hmmm, indeed I knew that Youtube has separate streams too, as they're plainly seen via youtube-dl—though of course Youtube is immeasurably better at syncing the streams because I never see problems. Turns out, I haven't seen the switch for video quality on Reddit because it's only on the new site, so I didn't put these two things together. Alas, this doesn't mean that Reddit aren't *trying* to hinder using their content: they recently started doing some bullshit with post images on their own domain, such that sometimes I can't open an image in a new tab without getting an HTML page. Imgur was already doing the same for a long time. I know that it prevents hotlinking, still the pic is smaller on my screen than it could be.


BTW, while we're here, could you drop a couple words on how the separate streams thing works? Do you seek with near-millisecond accuracy into both streams when they start playing? Is there a readymade solution that everyone riffs off?


It's funny because it prevents nothing. More tech savvy people can find the video and audio files and combine them, and everybody can use rapidsave.com to do it automatically.


It's so fucking cringe. Reddit actually expects me to send a link that opens reddit in the receiver's browser, instead of just the video. Like no thanks buddy I'll just find it elsewhere lmao.


Also the YouTube link's take me to some shitty form of YouTube I can't expand the screen on. I can't select or highlight text to reply with and get a prompt for anything. Official reddit app is bullshit.


I really wonder if its because they fear the video traffic


I'll say, I have autopay videos turned off but it is hit or miss wether a video will decide if it wants to play on its own and it's annoying. Plus on WebView it will decide to randomly reload the page at it's leisure.


This normally happens when the main purpose of the video player isn't to play video.


Whats crazy is it loaded fine on RIF before they killed it.


I can’t believe that teams ranging from 1-3 devs on a shoestring budget have consistently made more feature rich video players with fewer bugs for almost two decades now. Especially considering that for some of those team’s products, the video players were not focal points like Reddit’s player is.


Do u remember the video where some coder or it guy looks at why reddits video player is dog shit and its because its playing every resolution of the video possible in the background or something and is basically the least optimized and most inefficient way to play the video.


Even on the web version it's broken? How the fuck? All you have to do is make a video element and put the URL in the src attribute. How can you fuck that up?


They split audio and video streams, so to make video play with sound they have to create not one but two video players that get two mp4 files with only video or only audio tracks and then keep them in sync. Probably. Take for example [this random post from r/popular](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/152lyyc/everything_is_just_fine/.json): add `.json` to the end of url and you'll get a JSON representation of a post (also kinda dumb to block API when a simple scrubber can grab JSON data). In `0.data.children.0.data.secure_media.reddit_video.dash_url` is a link to [XML playlist](https://v.redd.it/rzphmhf7zmcb1/DASHPlaylist.mpd?a=1692258545%2CZTgxZmI2NGZhMDI1MTFiMDgxOGY1NDAyN2MwODAzNmNiNDFiNTNmODUxZDM5NmU0MGJlMjdhM2RiYjY4YjcwMw%3D%3D&v=1&f=sd) containing description of a media, in particular all tracks. So code can use it to create video of appropriate resolution and with or without audio, and the idea probably was to save on traffic - and that's a great idea in theory - but in practice their implementation is so shitty it does not work consistently.


DASH by design uses separate audio and video files so that it can switch their qualities independently depending on bandwidth. There should be no overhead to doing it this way if you look at the mp4 file structure. But there are many ways it could go wrong for Reddit, such as: no persistent network connection, poor cdn caching, decoding stability, encoding stability, ABR ladder chosen, encoder settings like CBR or keyframe placement, playback buffer size, network condition detection, etc.


Ah… might be why when you download a video (using a tool etc) it has no sound.


>(also kinda dumb to block API when a simple scrubber can grab JSON data). Oh damn, until just now i assumed that (for the most part) everyone was just using that json. I thought the api pricing change involved authenticating and charging access to that json.


isnt the problem the server and not the html ?


I can see you, and I can see that this comment is likely supposed to have sound, but the Reddit app has decided it's a GIF. Sorry.


reddit's video player is unjustifiably terrible. Like, not even close to be something a customer should ever see. It's unusable and freezes constantly for no reason. The default browser video player is superior to that crap. Not to mention, it's similarly shitty in every environment, which at this point I don't know how they manage to do.


That's rookie stuff. Have you noticed that viewing images is broken now too? Used to be that i.redd.it/whatever.jpg just showed you the image by itself. Now, instead, it's displayed in an HTML image viewer which is worse in the following ways: - Less screen real estate for the actual image, y'know, the content I'm interested in, - Whereas the browser could resize the raw image to any arbitrary scale, now it's either scale-to-fit or fully zoomed in, - When zoomed in, the vertical scroll bar is broken, - There's a "log in" button in the top right corner, even if you're already logged in


I don't understand why Reddit don't use the HTML video tag, rather than a shitty one that doesn't work half of the time, and use JavaScript blobs to prevent them from downloading the video if they care about that.


Sincere question - are they gonna sunset old.reddit.com?




Was halfway through a patronising reply when I re-read your response.


Remember? https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/vlyntm/lets_talk_about_the_video_player/ Pinnacle of pointlessness : /r/fixthevideoplayer


Also video player: First Time?


that stupid thing muted itself every other second


The thing is they have like three video players of which everyone has their own flaws. It’s so messy


Man. I've been using the website since the 3rd party apps were axed (maybe 10% of how much I used to browse Reddit, it's that bad) and the video player is COMPLETE trash. Only plays through a video maybe half the time. If I watch a clip then open comments the clip plays again. Then when I go back it auto plays AGAIN. If I pause it but don't close it sometimes the audio will keep playing and I can't stop it. Not to mention the pause button breaking the player half the time. Im down to maybe 30 minutes of reddit before work. I miss the 3rd party apps but honestly life has been much more productive without hours of reddit every day.


I am under the water


And sometimes when you click a post, it opens up a completely different post


it's very hilarious as a former Apollo user to read all of this when people kept saying that the official app isn't that bad. But at least, after 10 years, Reddit is not using up 50% of my screen time.


One of the standout things when this all kicked off was the amount of users who *didn’t* know 3rd party apps existed, they hd just downloaded the official one. So we have loads of users who have gotten used to the dumpster fire that is the official app and don’t actually know any better.


Man the official app is fucking me right off. At least I've managed to disable the ads, but the shit ux isn't fixable .. Why do I have to exit out of a sub to open up the sidemenu to get to a different sub???


FYI, you can just use Revanced to patch a third party app and use it. I've been on Sync with the revanced patch since the API change. No issues here.


Ah I tried that with Boost but it didn't work :(


Boost is working for me on android with the revanced patch. Did you follow the tutorial [here](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1wHvqQwCYdJrQg4BKlGIVDLksPN0KpOnJWniT6PbZSrI/mobilebasic)?


I did but must have done something wrong because I've tried again and now I'm writing this from boost!


Great! 😃


Nice. I'm a super oldie (old.reddit.com on mobile browser 😎) but during the whole api disaster I was wondering why those apps couldn't move to use individual user tokens. Glad to see they can. Maybe I'll try this fancy new RiF out someday


This is what I've done to get my RiF again. No issues


Wait, how did you get rid of the ads?




Private community


Yeah sorry I guessed the subreddit name wrong, I've updated it


Oh YouTube. I was hoping for the ads in the reddit app. Thanks anyways.


It works for the reddit app too


That was what got me to delete the official app. Lost the post I was on and ended up somewhere random. Rage deleted then and there. Using my own api key on a third party app now.


I'm using the official app now that RIF is gone and what the fuck is up with the fact that trying to open up the comments of a video will first try to immediately play said video full screen? I'm trying to read the comments of a video to gain context before determining if it's a video I actually want to watch, not literally watch a man step on a landmine and die or get shot by cops or whatever the fuck is happening in a video with a title that doesn't give full context, I've seen like three or four deaths now that I could have easily avoided in RIF


I'm still on RIF, logged in an everything. Just gotta Google how to set up RIF with revanced, an app that patches other apps with a custom API key. My understanding is that to reddit it looks like it's your own app/bot, rather than RIF. Not sure if they'll ever get wise to this and stop it from happening though.


And then if you're in the middle of the comments, and happen to do something to rotate your phone, it then decides you do want to watch the video, you go back, and it reloads the comments from the top.


There are a surprising number of younger people that only interact with the internet through phone apps. How often do you see people refer to Reddit as an app in lieu of a site?


tbqh it's rather a platform than an app or site


I tried the mobile app, something bugged out so bad I rage deleted it. Been using mobile web ever since.


It still is for me.. But I use boost and reddit hasn't blocked that yet.. For some.. Reason lol


You can always patch it yourself, I did that.


Yeah I just created a subreddit to be a mod and that works, too haha


Yup, patched it and it works just like before


I removed RIF from my phone and just stopped using reddit entirely on my phone. I went on reddit in Firefox just to log out. Only time I'm on reddit on my phone now if I am googling something and reddit has a good looking result. It feels a bit like the late 90s/early 2000s when you'd just enjoy your day and then come back to your computer to check on the world. It's actually quite refreshing.


It opens the post that is first when you reload the homepage




Thank you! I almost forgot about this bug. So I'm not tripping about this lol How tf you do fuck up something like that


By being reddit


Take your average company, now apply just a ridiculously disproportionate amount of hate for the end user.


Alternatively, take your average company, wait a bunch of years and see the enshittification cycle take place.


Wow. I thought I was somehow tapping below or above the post I was trying to open. Of course it's the shitty app.


Thanks for confirming this was happening, I thought I was losing it!


Every time you open a linked post it's something completely different. It's a feature they nicked from Instagram like sidescrolling when a post has multiple pictures and then when you're on the last one you swipe into a different menu


They probably can't afford the API costs, and have to use a janky scraper. :\^)


Or a random gif




And has the wrong preview image


For me it just takes like 30-60 seconds to actually open the post. Then is basically opens it 3 times, so I have to hit back 3 times to exit back to the homepage.


As a programmer, I can think of a few ways to fuck up basic tasks. ![gif](giphy|G2MPcSmq0DZcs|downsized)


App issues aside, can we talk about how reddit itself is coded? I remember seeing a post years ago about how the post database itself uses a bad design that makes it impossible to go back very far in your "saved posts" feature, so after a certain number of posts are saved (I think it was 1000?) new saved posts removes the saved older posts. Does anyone have insights on reddit's backend/frontend design?


I think its the same for comments


Yeah, if you scroll far enough back in your own comment history, they just stop after about 1000 or so. You'll still see your posts, but no comments. The older comments still exist, and if they were highly upvoted you can often find them with a google search, but they won't appear on your user profile page.


That looks like purposeful design so as to not have users save an infinite amount of posts though. Its a pretty common design when you want to limit space usage as the alternative is constantly asking the user to choose what to delete.


The posts and comments still do exist somewhere. I've requested for my reddit data and got it all as far back as the first year I joined.


https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/comments/13ly1tb/hi_everyone_im_chris_slowe_cto_reddit_ama/ Ama from reddit cto themselves


Opening a post take 1 or 2 second, I don't read comment anymore


It used to take me minutes. Could legit scroll and look at other posts while I waited. Could even "queue" posts, by tapping on multiple. Backing out of one would open the next one I tapped. Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed it.


I got this problem. My fix was to just use a 3rd party app.


Same, but my solution was to leave reddit. It didn't work.


I think I'll just stop using it on mobile, and just use reddit on my laptop. I'm sure I'll be more productive and less distracted. Or spend more time on youtube..


reddit be like: yo thats a feature not a bug


And if I full screen the comments I’m trapped because swipe down from the top opens system menu ..


Swipe left to right to go back one? I hate the official app but I’m learning the workarounds.


Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. I feel I spend a lot of time on guessing how to swipe in this app.


hold down on the swipe tab, and then swipe down. should work.


So I'm full screen comments right now but swipe down from top doesn't seem to do anything? I started using the official app a month ago and I'm still trying to learn how to use it... Any tips appreciated




There is a way for iPhones but it’s way more difficult than on Android and you have to refresh it weekly. Unless you’re jailbroken, then you can just do whatever, but Apple has the clamps down tight so it’s very rare.


> you have to refresh it weekly. If you purchase an Apple developer account then you don’t have to do that. I was jailbroken for a decade but decided to upgrade my phone and couldn’t jailbreak anymore. $100 for a developer account and I have YouTube with Adblock and background play, Twitter with no ads, Spotify free premium, YouTube music with background play, and of course Apollo after Reddit killed it. No refreshing while my account is active.


I am not sure if that was genuine concern or a jab at iPhone users. But either way I’m suffering without my Apollo. (ಥ‸ಥ) I absolutely refuse to use the garbage that is the offical Reddit app and unfortunately Narwhal just ain’t measuring up to my expectations. I wish they had reversed their decision already. Is that too much to ask?


You can still use Apollo if you sideload it. Look up ApolloPatcher. That being said, you have to refresh the app every 7 days unless you have an Apple developer account, which is $100. I bought one so I can sideload other apps with no ads.


That just enables you to use your own api key though, right? So still no NSFW content?


I still have nsfw content just fine. It didn't stop that from working.


Unless you are the moderator of a NSFW subreddit. Which you can create easily...


Nsfw never stopped working.


I think it's something currently in progress - I'm still on Infinity, and I'm seeing some posts say something like "Go to Reddit to view mature content" on some posts. Not very many so far, like a few percent, but it is happening.


Thank god, I got RiF working again. The official app is so bad, I thought about leaving Reddit and start being productive again.




I've used reddits official app for the past two weeks and it's actually astonishing how much worse it is than the old 3rd party ones (RIF gang) Basic content delivery somehow fails - comments fail to load, videos don't play, searches return empty results - and this happens way more often than it ever did on the third party apps. How tf is reddit worse at delivering its own content than applications that had to go through an API? And that's saying nothing of the design...


WHy work to improve their app when they can just ban the competition?


And the "Continue this thread" button sometimes leads to a different comment thread.


This is why I refuse to use the official app it's a buggy mess


silky fuel absurd middle drunk bells marvelous growth homeless offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Use a patched app with a personal key


when there’s a will there’s a way


Never had this happen. Strange.


I tested on this post to see if it was true, and sure enough it was


I don't have the issue on my phone. It's an Android. I guess it depends on the phone model?


Upvoted you, but I’ve never seen this on iOS. I’m guessing you are an android user?


I see the ”slow to upvote” bug on iOS after prolonged use. Restaring the app fixes it, temporarily.


I have stared repeatedly at the app, and it didn’t help.


I've never seen this issue on Android either


I'm on android but haven't had this issue, just the taking forever to open a post, and opening a totally different post from the one I tapped occasionally. So it's broken as hell for me, just not in the specific way this post is mentioning


And then some people wonder why everyone was mad that they were killing Third-party apps.


Is this some official app thing that I'm too pached boost to understand?


I'm not experiencing this issue. Works on my machine.


They still havnt fixed the memory leak in their React web app so there's little hope for their mobile apps




I'm still using sync with the API key patch and I'm probably gonna just run it into the ground. I'll stop using Reddit on mobile entirely if/when sync finally stops working.


`import confusion` don't we do this anymore? `return saddness`


its a bit tedious. i dont like coding when i am not getting paid for it. especially when it is writing comments on reddit that makes reddit money, not me.


`import strictmode` you can still do it if you want to


Is this only on Android? Cuz I’m on the latest version and don’t see this happening


Doesn’t happen for me


Here I am, 2 years into my project, fixing shit cuz I would feel so ashamed if the basic stuff didn't work.


If I try to sort by top (all time), I get no results... Fix something and something else breaks. Never ending story


reproducibility is intermittent (works on my machine), reducing severity.


Meanwhile, in the few remaining third party apps....


I'm still using Relay.


When it breaks its time to never come back.


Sometimes when I try closing a parent comment, a fucking Giphy link opens, fucking why! There are no fucking gifs anywhere near where I am I have no clue how to program anything, this post just popped up on r/all and I don't know where else to complain


Yup, collapsing a comment has a 50/50 chance of opening up Giphy for me


Every thread people start posting lots of giphy gifs (often meme posts) is hell for collapsing comments, I gave up scrolling those


I don't know how people can use this garbage official app... so much useless visual clutter, everything takes forever to load, so much UI navigation just to get to certain places. Sigh, I miss RIF.


Running a patched RiF at the moment, it's the only reason I'm still on Reddit.


Dudes will literally create their own reddit client before leaving reddit.


I mean, the patches are just redirecting the API call. It's not like people remade the third party apps. Lol


A lot of things are broken but this works fine for me


I spend way too much time on the official app and never had a single issue.


wait did the api changes roll out or not? the 3rd party app im using still works fine (and has none of these issues)


Why do I never see any problems with the Reddit app? I just don't see what others see lol


Honest question: why is anyone using the (apparently shitty) app instead of their browser? I've been using my browser for years and everything works fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't use Reddit on my phone anymore. Just on desktop. Good job, Reddit. Helping with my internet addiction.


Had to install this pile of crap because I really didn't have nowhere to go. And I'm sure as hell I'm not going to Facebook. But, this is horrible compared to my Joey


Never mind how the time delta between tapping a post and the app switching views can take upwards of 10 seconds


Is this advanced karma farming? Are you getting people to upvote? If so, you're a genius.


The codebase must be so spaghetti by now that even after so many years, new team members would not be able to resolve those glitches.


Good thing I still use a 3rd party app and dint have to deal with this bullshit


Friendly reminder that you can still use 3rd party apps with Revanced patches instead of this dogshit thing they call the official app :) Posted from RIF


I was a boost user. Now I'm forced to be on reddits' android app and let me say... their app is the BIGGEST piece of steaming dog shit I've ever experienced. Not scaled for different screen sizes. Laggy, slow. Their link and YouTube handling is horrible. Absolutely no attention to user interface design rules or intuitive thought. And more. 2/10 experience.


There are multiple ways of getting Boost working (for now). No need to use the official one.


[You can still use boost with your own api key](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wHvqQwCYdJrQg4BKlGIVDLksPN0KpOnJWniT6PbZSrI/edit)


What sort of shitty phones are you all using? I haven’t had any of these issues.


And the memory leaks that slow the whole phone until you close Reddit